Finally, Baosheng Yongmeng's body reached its limit, his legs softened, and he collapsed on the beach.

"Huh" "Ha" "Huh" "Ha"

Baosheng Yongmeng turned over, opened his mouth, and gasped for air, very much like the Gyarados in the "Pokémon" next door.

"No! I can't run at all!"

"Huh? You can't run now?"

Nangong Qi noticed Baosheng Yongmeng's collapse, put down the [Combat Locust] on his shoulder, and turned back to Baosheng Yongmeng's side.

"Hey, Yong Meng, are you too weak? It's only ten kilometers, and you can't hold on!"

"Obviously, obviously, it's Brother Nangong's, his physical strength is too strong! And he has such a heavy load!"

Baosheng Yongmeng's body couldn't stop twitching on the beach, with a wry smile on his face.

After all, he had never seen anyone use a heavy modified motorcycle as a load-bearing vehicle.

"But if you can't bear it at this level, how will you perform surgery in the future? After all, you suffered from anemia during the surgery. Fortunately, I was also there, temporarily taking your place, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous! "

Yes, it was not a sudden thought for Nangong Qi to bring Baosheng Yongmeng to exercise.

It was because Baosheng Yongmeng, an intern doctor, actually suffered from anemia during surgery.

Considering that in the subsequent plot, the Hua family and Jing Feicai fought against Gurafat together for two days and one night, Nangong Qi thought that it was very appropriate to give Baosheng Eternal Dream a little training.

Carrying the [Fighting Locust] was simply not challenging for Nangong Qi.

"Hey, okay!"

With Nangong Qi's encouragement, Baosheng Yongmeng also struggled to cheer up and reluctantly climbed up from the beach.

"By the way, Brother Nangong, how much training do we still have today?"

"It's very simple. It's just a ten-kilometer long run, a hundred push-ups, a hundred sit-ups, and a hundred squats. You haven't even completed the first step of training yet!"

"There are so many more!?"

Suddenly, Baosheng Yongmeng's whole body seemed to be deflated and fell limply to the ground.

It seems that the first training should not be too intense and must be done step by step.

After all, not every Heisei knight can keep up with the extraordinary physical strength of a Showa reformer like Nangong Qi.

"In that case, today's physical training ends here!"

"Long live!"

Baosheng Yongmeng got up from the ground excitedly.

Nangong Qi patted him on the shoulder.

"Yongmeng, what do you like to eat? I'm treating you today!"

"I love burgers!"

"Hamburger? It's a bit far from the nearest fast food restaurant! But it doesn't bother me!"

With that said, Nangong Qi started the engine of the [Combat Locust], and a rumbling sound suddenly sounded on the beach.

"Brother Nangong, modified motorcycles cannot be used on the road! Also, this is a beach, can motorcycles really be driven?"

"Silly tape! Ever since the Bengyuan body attacked [CR] last time, the police department specially prepared a driver's license for me to modify my motorcycle for use on the road!"

Nangong Qi also handed his driver's license to Baosheng Yongmeng to see.

Of course, this is actually a modified motorcycle driver's license that Nangong Qi used money to buy.

"OK then!"

At Nangong Qi's repeated requests, Baosheng Yongmeng picked up the helmet, sat behind Nangong Qi, and hugged Nangong Qi's body from behind.

"Rumble rumble—"

At this moment, [Battle Locust] made the roar of its engine, as if it was extremely joyful.

"Next, let's take a wild lap!"

After Nangong Qi gave the order, [Battle Locust] immediately burst out with incredible speed and turned into a phantom.

Baosheng Yongmeng was so frightened that he could only close his eyes, not daring to look at the scenery on both sides that was like a mirror of ten thousand flowers.

Soon, Nangong Qi and Baosheng Yongmeng rode [Battle Locust] to the nearest fast food restaurant.

"Burger! I love it!"

After the Showa-style training, the exhausted Nagamu took the latest burger and finally smiled.

"good to eat!"

"Eat more if it's delicious!"

Nangong Qi looked at the waiter again and ordered:

"Ten more burgers, please!"

"Sir, no problem!"

Not long after, a plate full of burgers was served.

"Thank you, Brother Nangong!"

"What a joke... huh?"

Suddenly, Nangong Qi's smiling face froze.

With his visual capture ability, Nangong Qi could tell at a glance that there were only eight burgers on the plate, not the ten he ordered.

So, what's going on?

Nangong Qi fell into deep thought.

It is impossible for a fast food restaurant to destroy its own sign because of just two burgers.

Then there is probably only one truth to the matter!

"Someone is playing tricks!"

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Under Baosheng Yongmeng's puzzled gaze, Nangong Qi stood up and began to let go of his intuition to feel everything in the fast food restaurant.

found it!

Looks like a bugster!

Wait, bugster?

Nangong Qi woke up suddenly and immediately took out the [Player Driver] and [Knights Play Cassette].

"Baoshengyongmeng, there is a bugster watching us in the dark, ready to fight!"

"Huh? Bugster? Okay, um, um, I'm hungry!"

Baosheng Yongmeng quickly swallowed the burger in his mouth and took out his combat equipment.

Soon, the two people sneaked into the back kitchen of the fast food restaurant.

As expected, an accident did happen here.

I saw a strange-looking man with a huge hamburger hood on his head hiding in a blind corner. From time to time, he took the opportunity to take a burger from the kitchen and ate it.

This guy must have stolen the two burgers that belonged to Baosheng Yongmeng.

"He's actually a burger thief! And he stole my hamburger!? Damn it!"

Baosheng Yongmeng was immediately furious. Regardless of Nangong Qi's obstruction, he jumped out and started to transform.


However, what was unexpected was that the burger weirdo seemed to be startled. He immediately fell to the ground, rolled several times in a row, and then ran away.

This was the first time I saw such a cowardly Bugster. Not only did he not take the initiative to fight the Kamen Rider, he even chose to run away.

Not only Baosheng Yongmeng, but even Nangong Qi was stunned on the spot.

"Don't run! Burger thief!"

Picking up the [Gashacon Destroyer], Baosheng Yongmeng immediately started chasing him without looking back.

"Wait for me!"

Nangong Qi quickly transformed into a motorcycle and came to Baosheng Yongmeng.

"Brother Nangong, this..."

"Stop talking nonsense! There's no time to explain, get in the car!"



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Chapter 1 The kind-hearted Castle Kamuo

"No time to explain! Get in the car!"

"Okay, Brother Nangong!"

Under Nangong Qi's urging, Baosheng Yongmeng also did the air splits and sat on Nangong Qi's body without hesitation.

"Okay! bgm! Let's go!"

"Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up!"

"The shining light surrounds you

side! "

(bgm: "Kamen Rider Black RX")

"Rumble rumble—"

Accompanied by the music of Showa and the roar of the engine, Nangong Qi, who transformed into a "Rampage Motorcycle", immediately burst out at incredible speed, almost becoming an afterimage, tracking the burger weirdo just now.

"Wow wow wow, it's so scary! Run away!"

Unexpectedly, facing the murderous Baosheng Yongmeng and Nangong Qi, instead of having any intention of fighting, the Hamburger Monster directly jumped into various alleys, preventing Nangong Qi from unleashing his fastest energy. speed.

Immediately afterwards, the burger weirdo turned left and right, and finally came to the underground parking lot of Dongda Ma's ancestral home, and hid in a corner shivering.


Nangong Qi made a beautiful drift and stopped right in front of the burger weirdo.

"Yongmeng, use the cassette of [Dragon Knight Hunter Z]!"

"Okay! Big, big, big transformation!"

As the multiplayer mode of [Dragon Knight Hunter Z] started, a virtual cassette was inserted into Nangong Qi's drive.



With Aunt Dong's cheap special effects, Nangong Qi changed from a motorcycle to a humanoid.

The two Kamen Riders were also ready to fight, but the Hamburger Monster was still in the corner, holding his head in defense.

The battle is imminent!

At this moment, a middle-aged man with an extremely dangerous hairline rushed into the battlefield and stood between the two Kamen Riders and the Hamburg Monster.

"Please wait! Kamuo Kame, it's not a bad guy!"

"Clam?" ×2

Nangong Qi and Baosheng Yongmeng had big question marks on their heads.

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