What is the situation now?

Baosheng Yongmeng looked at Nangong Qi, seeking Nangong Qi’s opinion.

Nangong Qi pulled out the cassette and took the initiative to cancel the transformation.

"Come and tell us what's going on!"

Soon, through negotiations, Nangong Qi and Baosheng Yongmeng learned that the middle-aged man with a dangerous hairline in front of them was a member of the development department of Fantasy Group, named Xiao Xingzuo.

The thing is like this!

Since Tan Lidou left the Huanmeng Group directly without explaining his funeral arrangements and became the hands-off shopkeeper, the entire Huanmeng Group fell into chaos, and even some departments could not even pay wages.

In desperation, Xiao Xingzuo, as a programmer in the development department, naturally had no choice but to study the data on the computer that Tan Li Dou had used, hoping to develop a good game.

If nothing else, accidents still happen.

Maybe Tan Lidou set a trap in his computer, causing Xiao Xingzuo, who was developing a new cassette, to be infected with the bugster virus.

And Bugster was born from his body.

I don’t know why, but Bugster doesn’t have the strong intrusiveness and hostility of other bugsters, nor does he have the idea of ​​​​persecuting his host to make himself complete.

Castle Kamuo is so kind, just like his host Xiao Xingsaku.

"Brother. What should we do?"

Although Facing the kind-hearted Bo Kemeng, Baosheng Yongmeng felt a vague sense of pity, but Nangong Qi was not only his nominal senior, but also the only being who could give him care. On the surface, The Big Brother on the Internet is actually a cheap father’s meal replacement.

Therefore, Baosheng Yongmeng did not dare to disobey Nangong Qi casually.

Nangong Qi touched his chin, looked like he was thinking, and said:

"Let's do this. Mr. Tsukuru, please, you and Kamuo Kamui, please follow us back to [CR] for inspection, okay?"

"Okay! Ok!"

The kind-hearted Xiao Xingsaku had no intention of refusing and agreed immediately.

Suddenly, another pair of uninvited guests broke into Dongda Ma's ancestral underground parking lot.

It's me and Simonique from the Hua family.

"Exaid, why don't you eliminate Bugster when he is right in front of you?"

The elder of the Hua family looks arrogant.

Before Baosheng Yongmeng could argue, Nangong Qi stood in front of Baosheng Yongmeng and fought back.

"Snipe, you have lost the power to transform now. Even if you come, you may not be able to help, right? What's more..."

Nangong Qi glanced at Bo Kemeng, and finally gave up the theory of innocence to convince the Hua family.

"What's more, Xiao Xingzuo is my patient. How should I treat my patient? It's not your turn, a guy who can't even transform, to dictate!"

"You bastard!"

The elder of the Hua family opened his eyes wide, looking very much like a certain giant cherry blossom next door.

Not only that, the eldest brother of the Hua family rushed forward and grabbed Nangong Qi's collar.

It's like a direct physical duel.

Baosheng Yongmeng rushed up and pulled away the hand of the Hua family leader and pushed him away.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

Nangong Qi didn't look at the Hua family's elder self, but turned to look at Xiao Xingzuo.

"Mr. Zuo, please ignore this legendary quack who is unlicensed and has a surgical mortality rate of [-]%! Come to [CR] with me!"

"Let me beat the shit out of you!"

As soon as these words came out, veins popped up on my head, and several large and bold crosses popped out.

The so-called operation with a mortality rate of [-]% is the operation that Hua family's elder me failed five years ago.

In that failure, the Hua family not only failed to save the life of his patient Momose Kohime, but even his friends disappeared before his eyes.

Nangong Qi's words simply stepped on all the bad points of the Hua family.

A model of murder and heart-crushing!

"No! snipe!"

Baosheng Yongmeng quickly grabbed Huajia Dawo to prevent him from actually hitting someone.

At this time, Ximanike came to Nangong Qi with an imposing look. She poked Nangong Qi's chest with her index finger and said:

"Give the attending physician a fair chance to challenge you! Bet your cassette!"

Obviously, Simanico wanted to use provocation to get Nangong Qi to hand over the [Rampage Motorcycle] cassette in his hand to the Hua family.

However, does the simple method of provoking generals really work on Nangong Qi?


A sneer appeared on Nangong Qi's face.

"I didn't expect that you, Big Me, would actually get better and better, and you would actually need a girl who is still studying to help you?"

"Get out of here! I don't need your help!"

My words, the elder of the Hua family, were directed at Ximanike.

Immediately, the young couple, the eldest daughter of the Hua family, me and Simaniko, got into a fight. They both started to quarrel immediately, and neither of them was willing to give in.

Baosheng always dreamed of this situation and didn't know how to dissuade the two people.

"Yongmeng, let's go first!"

"But snipe..."

"In a family dispute, it's all in vain to talk about principles and principles. Let's go first!"

"Huh? Family dispute?"


"Ok, I see!"

——————————————Tan Zhengzong is defending himself in court——————————————

In Tan Li Dou's stronghold, Ce reported to Tan Li Dou about Xiao Xing Zuo.


Tan Lidou was so surprised that he jumped up from his seat, and the calmness he had felt while sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai was gone.

"Ce, are you saying that someone successfully developed a new cassette without my permission?"

"Yes! Absolutely true!"


Suddenly, Parade, who was playing the game, laughed.

"If someone who can create games can become a god, then the man named Xiao Xingsaku can probably be considered a god! However, this so-called god is a bit too cheap!"


After being ridiculed by Parade, Tan Lidou immediately broke through his defense, roared and turned into a desktop cleaning master, throwing a pile of stationery and instruments on the table on the ground.

After completing all this, Tan Lidou calmed down a little, turned around and walked towards the door of the stronghold.

"Camida, what are you going to do?"

"Of course to deal with that illegal game that shouldn't exist in this world in the first place!"

After saying that, Tan Lidou left the stronghold.

Parade also put down the game console at this time, with a sly smile on his face, and came to Ce's side.

"Hey, Parade, what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, I just want to give some guidance to my own kind!"



Parade knelt down, hugged the body of Ce's five-year-old child, picked him up directly, and found an office chair to sit down, while Ce sat on his lap.

"Ce, don't you think this guy Tan Lidou is a narcissist?" [-]

"Are you narcissistic? Yes?"

"That guy who doesn't know what is called is there all day long, one card secret on the left and one card secret on the right. He's just a mere human being!"

Parade looked disdainful and contemptuous.

Ce Ze retorted seriously:

"Palad, let me ask you, do you know what God is? If you know, do you think God is great?"

"Haha, we bugsters are gods!"

"No! God can create the world and create life! And Lord Tanli Dou created us and gave us life and even power, just like the legendary gods. Could it be that such an existence cannot be called A god?"


Parade was speechless for a moment, and could only put down his plan angrily, stood up, and walked towards the door of the stronghold.

"I'll prove it to you, that

The so-called gods are just mere humans!You have no right to boss us around and make irresponsible remarks! "

Seeing that he had been bewitched and his countermeasures failed, Parade could only leave such harsh words and go to trouble Tan Li Dou.

At this moment, right here in [CR], Jing Feicai, Poppy and others also learned about Castle Kame.

Bugster is probably as kind-hearted as Poppy among all bugsters.

However, the current situation has become extremely embarrassing.

Even if Xiao Hoshisaku dies, he doesn't want Kame Kame to disappear, because Kame Kame is like a child to him.

Of course, the kind-hearted and simple Kamu Kamuo also doesn’t want his creator to disappear.

One person and one bugster encouraged each other so much that Xiao Xingzuo's pressure was greatly reduced, and his gaming sickness was suppressed for a while.

Even so, it is a reality that Hoshisaku is suffering from gaming disease.

If there is no way to solve Xiao Xingzuo's gaming disease, I'm afraid that sooner or later Xiao Xingzuo will suffer from gaming disease due to excessive pressure and never disappear.

Gaming disease is like an expired bomb that may explode at any time. Once detonated, it will cost lives.

As a doctor, even the kind-hearted Baosheng Yongmeng must not sit idly by.

Not only everyone in [CR], but Kamuo Kamu also understood this, and immediately declared himself a hostile bugster in front of everyone, and left.

"Bo Kemeng, don't do anything stupid!"

Xiao Xingzuo was shocked. Regardless of his physical condition, he rolled out of bed with difficulty and went out to look for Fort Kameng.

Baosheng Yongmeng was also hesitant, not knowing what to do, so he could only cast his help-seeking eyes on Nangong Qi.

In response, Nangong Qi just gave him a thumbs up and said with a smile:

"Yongmeng, go ahead! Do what you think is right!"

"Okay, okay, I understand! poppy!"


Poppy quickly lifted up Xiao Xingzuo on the ground and rushed out of [CR] behind Baosheng Yongmeng.

"Hey, are you crazy?"

Jing Feicai panicked and wanted to stop Baosheng Yongmeng and others.

Because he knows all too well the consequences of gaming sickness.

But Nangong Qi stood in front of Jing Feicai.

"Dr. Nangong, I didn't expect you to be such an irresponsible person for patients!"

Jing Feicai grabbed Nangong Qi's collar, just like the elder brother of the Hua family, and seemed to want to beat Nangong Qi.

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