Anyway, his Hua family is big. I am neither an official doctor nor a policeman, so I don’t need to care about those boring laws.



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Chapter 118 The most powerful and dangerous zombie after evolution

In [CR], Tan Li Dou slowly woke up from his coma.

As expected, he was lying on a familiar hospital bed.


"It's really a big scene! Do the neon police like to waste taxpayers' money so much?"

Looking at the densely packed riot police, all armed to the teeth and almost completely surrounding his hospital bed, Tan Lidou couldn't help but sneered.

"Hey, isn't this Officer Toru Hojo? What's wrong? Your wife must be enjoying the game very much, right?"

"It's a pity that it's not Toru Hojo!"

Unexpectedly, the leading riot policeman lifted his helmet, revealing a pair of eyes full of vicissitudes of life.

"My name is Makoto Hikawa! Mr. Tanlito, according to the requirements of the Ministry of Health and the Police Department, you have been arrested! Despite this, for humanitarian reasons, we have decided to keep you in [CR] Treat him, and then take him to the police station for slow interrogation!"

"Ha ha!"

Tan Lidou couldn't help but raise his hands.

At this moment, his hands were being cuffed by a pair of bright handcuffs.

"Is this the doctor's attitude? It's really amazing!"

"Yes, that's what I asked for!"

At this moment, Nangong Qi squeezed in from the police circle, making Tan Lidou's eyelids twitch wildly.

"After all, Mr. Tan Lito killed nearly a hundred innocent lives. Compared with Shoko Asahara, the danger to society is really even worse! It's okay to be a little safer!"

Shoko Asahara, leader of Aum Shinrikyo.


Now he has been sentenced to death and is waiting to be executed on July 2018, 7.

Because of the bugster virus spread by Tan Li Dou, more than 13 people lost their lives.

It is no lie to say that he is more dangerous than the cult leader.

Although it is said that Nangong Qi detonated the time bomb of Baosheng Qingchang in advance, allowing Tan Lidou to throw the blame on Baosheng Qingchang like Tan Zhengzong, it is estimated that Tan Lidou still cannot escape the death penalty.

"Huh, is that all?"

But, even so, Tan Lidou still had no intention of introspection, and even showed an extremely arrogant and healthy smile.

"So should I be happy because I'm going to be on the news tomorrow?"

"Arrogant guy! Parade has told us all about your plan. Your evil plan is impossible to succeed! At the risk of our doctors' dignity, we will definitely risk our lives to stop you!"

While quietly revealing the information about Parade's betrayal to Tan Lidou, Nangong Qi mocked Tan Lidou. He didn't know whether it was because of his sincerity, his acting skills, or both.

Hearing this, Tan Lidou couldn't help but curled his lips and began to think about how he would deal with Parade after the plan of "Kamen Rider Chronicles" was completed and the "Dangerous Zombie" evolved to its strongest form. The bastards who eat inside and outside.

For example, steaming;



Or something else.

"When your gaming disease is cured, you will be put in jail. Enjoy your last free time!"

Having said this, Nangong Qi turned around and left, while waving to a corner of the ward.

"Yongmeng, it's your turn! Whatever you want to ask, just ask!"

"OK, thanks!"

"Thank you for your hard work, police officers. Please leave a little private space for the two of them!"

"no problem!"

After Hikawa Cheng said hello to the other riot police, he followed Nangong Qi and left the ward.

These were all planned by Nangong Qi and Glacier City, not a unilateral trick by the police.

Just like many criminal investigation TV series, sometimes the suspect will only tell the truth in one-on-one situations.

When only Tan Lidou and Baosheng Yongmeng were left in the entire ward, the police began monitoring.

"Baosheng↘Yongmeng↘, what exactly do you want to know from me?"

"I want to know everything about my father, no, about that guy Kiyoncho!"

Baosheng Yongmeng's face was very calm, as if Baosheng Qingchang had no blood relationship with him, so much so that Tan Lidou himself was a little stunned.

In Tan Lidou's impression, Baosheng Yongmeng is not a character who likes to have a cold face.

So who did Baosheng Yongmeng learn from?

do not care!

Tan Lidou is not Baosheng Yongmeng's nanny, so there is no need to worry about such things for him.

Nangong Qi: Ah sneeze——

"I know a lot about Qingchang, but I just don't know. What do you want to know?"


Baosheng Yongmeng clasped his fingers on his chin, his eyes filled with coldness.

"I want to know everything, from when you met that guy Kiyoncho, to when you cooperated, to when you parted ways! I want to know everything!"

Ha ha!

Hearing this, Tan Lidou felt even more happy.

He actively infected the bugster virus with a plan and allowed himself to be sent into [CR].

As a person with plans, could he not have thought that his conversation with Baosheng Yongmeng would be monitored?

As a collaborator with the police, could Baosheng Yongmeng not know this?

Of course not!

Both Tan Lidou and Baosheng Yongmeng knew that their conversations would be monitored.

Now taking the initiative to discuss the matter of Baosheng Qingchang, not only can we learn the ins and outs of the bugster virus, but also make Baosheng Qingchang forever nailed to the pillar of shame in the medical world, and he will never be able to get out of it.

So will two people care about Baosheng Qingchang?

Of course it doesn't matter!

The bright and majestic figure like his father in Baosheng Yongmeng's heart has been completely replaced by Nangong Qi.

Tan Li Dou didn't have much favorable impressions of Baosheng Qingchang, a coward who would tell the whole story just by scaring him a few times.

A tacit agreement was reached.

Ever since, Tan Li Dou began to describe everything about Baosheng Qingchang.

The bugster virus was actually born because of Baosheng Qingchang.

The reason why the research on bugster viruses can reach the level of causing death today is inseparable from the almost fanatical dedication of Tan Zhengzong, Tan Lidou and his son, and the medical expert Baosheng Kiyonaga.

Of course, Tan Lidou didn't want to throw the blame on Tan Zhengzong and Baosheng Qingchang. After all, he was only a teenager when the bugster virus was born.

I believe the police would not believe that Tan Lidou was able to possess

With such an achievement, Hutan Zhengzong and Baosheng Qingchang became the targets of blame.

In this regard, Baosheng Yongmeng is also happy to see it.

"In this way, my father and I cooperated with Kiyonaga Hosei until the [Zero-Day Incident]. It was not until the [Zero-Day Incident] that Kiyonaga Hosei realized that we had deceived him and used him!"

"It's just that this weak guy was afraid that his cooperation with us would be exposed, so he didn't say a word. Instead, he hid his head under the sand like an ostrich! Hahahahahahahahaha!"

Tan Li Dou let out a healthy laugh.

Baosheng Yongmeng still didn't have much expression, but he was very happy in his heart.

Because the testimony given by Tan Lidou is almost exactly the same as what Baosheng Qingchang said, this means that Baosheng Qingchang will really be ruined and sent to prison.

However, under the influence of someone, he still habitually faced Tan Lidou with a cold face.

"So about Ce and Parade..."

Before Baosheng Yongmeng could finish speaking, his eyes immediately flashed with a fleeting crimson light.

This light came and went so quickly that Tan Li Dou didn't even notice that the aura of Baosheng Yongmeng's body had changed.


As the crimson light flashed away, Baosheng Yongmeng seemed to be a different person, showing a cheerful giggle.

"Parade is a bugster separated from your baby ↘Eternal Dream↘. As for making decisions..."

Tan Lidou paused for a moment, looking up to see Baosheng Yongmeng's expression.

However, he saw a silly face.

In an instant, Tan Lidou understood everything.

It's that bastard from Parade!

In addition to revealing all my plans, now there are actually things that are preventing me from exposing his background.

Along with the surge of anger and other emotions, the pressure on Tan Lidou gradually exploded, and the gaming sickness also began to attack.

Countless bright mosaic squares appeared on Tan Li Dou's body, and his body gradually began to change into an inhuman form.

"Ha ha!"

It is the Mortas Bengyuan body based on the game "Rampage Motorcycle".

"Baosheng↘Yongmeng↘, follow me for a run!"

"Haha! Let me clear the level in one life!"

——————————————Tan Lidou is finally about to be released from prison——————————————

The virus broke out in Tan Lidou's body and he transformed into a Bengyuan body.

Baosheng Yongmeng, who was possessed by Parad, did not hesitate and immediately activated the [Double Almighty Sports Player] to divide himself into two exaids.

The battle resumes!


As the wall of [Seido University Affiliated Hospital] was blown open like a bomb, a Bengyuan body and two Kamen Riders rushed out from the broken wall.

Although the two people started the game field, it was obvious that they forgot to select the scene and moved the battle venue from [Seido University Hospital] to a virtual scene.

The policemen and the director of the hospital, Jing Hui Ma, all had their eyelids twitching wildly.

These are all fucking money!

Of course, for these actions, Jing Feicai and the Hua family have already been prepared to fight.

Ever since, when a bugster and two people broke out of the wall, the two people also completed their transformations.

"Surgery level lv.5!"


"Transformation!" ×2

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