Not just the two of them, but also Nangong Qi.

Since the battlefield broke out near [Seido University Hospital], he was naturally responsible.

"Five gears!"

After catching the virtual cassette produced by [Dragon Knight Hunter Z], Nangong Qi also completed the transformation and transformed into a fifth-level war god like Jing Feicai.

Of course, the enemy is just a bugster, but [CR] has five Kamen Riders here.

In just a few minutes, Bugster was successfully beaten to pieces by justice.

Tan Lidou, who was covered in scars, also regained his human form, took out his [Dangerous Zombie Cassette], and showed a very healthy smile.


"Finally, it's finally done!"


"This is the strongest [Dangerous Zombie Cassette] that has evolved after absorbing countless death data! With it, I will have the power to surpass lv.ten and achieve true lv.X!"

Seeing Tan Li Dou's Yan Yi taking care of himself, Nangong Qi, who is Tan Li Dou's top actor, also shouted out at the right time.

"Tan Li Dou, what on earth are you stirring up?"

Suddenly, Tan Lidou's laughter stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, Tan Lidou, who was covered in injuries, turned around and leaned back in an extremely resilient posture.

Let’s go have barbecue together today! .jpg

He is still smiling at this moment, a healthy smile.

"Thanks to you! Thanks to you! I was able to collect so much death data. Now, let me repay you!"


"As ordered!"

With Tan Lidou's call, the data flow surged, and a child who looked about five years old took shape in the data flow, holding a purple [Faulty Drive] and [Dangerous Zombie Cassette] in his hand.

After taking the cassette and drive from Ce, Tan Lidou inserted the [Dangerous Zombie Cassette] into his body like the Gaia memory next door.

The next moment, a large amount of death data exuding an ominous aura flowed into the [Dangerous Zombie Cassette], and at the same time a terrifying deep purple light burst out.

"Start now, collect all [Knights Play Cassettes]! Transform!"

"Dangerous Zombies!"

"Danger! Danger! Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie!"



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Chapter 119 Tan Li Dou: I am invincible now!

Tan Lidou licked his lips with a ferocious expression and pressed the button of [Dangerous Zombie Cassette].


"Dangerous Zombies!"

"Danger! Danger! Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie!"

Accompanied by creepy sound effects and a distorted transformation light screen, a Kamen Rider with strange movements and strange movements, covered in armor as pale as a skeleton, tore up the light screen and rushed out.

"[Kamen Rider genm], lv.X!"

Tan Lidou fully demonstrated his temperament as the big boss behind the scenes and directly revealed his level.

After collecting enough death data, Tan Li Dou's ability now exceeds lv.50, and he can even corrupt the [Player Drive] and share his immortality with other friendly units.

Ce Ze smiled, just like Zimli in "Kamen Rider Geats" next door, standing next to Tan Li Dou very obediently.


"What lv.

Nangong Qi made precise complaints about Aunt Dong's behavior of "the province is worth [-] million".


For a moment, the entire audience fell into an eerie silence, even Tan Lidou, who looked so arrogant just now.

"Haha! I didn't expect Doctor Nangong to be a layman. It's a taboo on the battlefield to judge the enemy's strength just by his appearance!"

In the end, Tan Li Dou suppressed his words to retaliate against Nangong Qi.

"Now I have surpassed humans and become a god who will change the entire world. You are just a mortal, how can you possibly understand my greatness?"

"I don't know whether you are great or not. What I know is that you killed many innocent people because of your selfishness! And now, you want to turn more people into victims. This This is absolutely unacceptable to us!”

As soon as Nangong Qi said these words, he successfully aroused the resonance of Baosheng Yongmeng, Jing Feicai and the elders of the Hua family.

They were not only the ones who were harmed because of Tan Li Dou, but also because of their responsibilities as doctors, they absolutely could not allow Tan Li Dou to continue to act so wantonly.


Although he knew that Nangong Qi was acting, Tan Lidou still felt a little uncomfortable after being rebuffed like this.

If I had known better, I wouldn't have sent him as an undercover [CR].

"Dr. Nangong, you did a good job and successfully angered me!"

"You, you deserve to be angry? Bah-"

Nangong Qi's neck flicked suddenly, as if he was spurning Tan Lidou.

"It would be better to say that we are truly angry now! Tan Lidou, you must be sent to the police station today! Next, follow me

Let’s go for a spin! "

Maybe this is Nangong Qi’s true feelings revealed!

His speech also completely aroused the fighting spirit of several Kamen Riders.

"Mission begins!"

"Start the surgery to remove genm now!"

"Watch us cooperate and pass the level together!"

The next moment, a total of five Kamen Riders headed by Nangong Qi rushed towards Tan Li Dou.

"Camida, they seem to have a numerical advantage!"

Although the words were words of worry, looking at the smile on Ce's face, he didn't seem to be worried at all.

"Strength in numbers? Stop joking!"

Tan Lidou sneered and gently pressed the button on the [Faulty Drive].

"It's obviously us who have the numerical advantage!"

"Critical Dead!"

Along with the dull electronic sound, a large amount of deep purple gas was released from Tan Lidou's body, and these gases formed [Dangerous Zombie Players] around him that were exactly the same as Tan Lidou.

The number of people was so huge that even the [Insect Alliance] form of [Kamen Rider Oz], the best clone in the history of Kamen Rider, could not help but be dwarfed by them.

At a glance, the number was definitely over a hundred.

The situation at the scene is very similar to the "Zombie Chronicles" in the Gaiden. Except that people cannot be resurrected by knocking down [Dangerous Zombie Players], they are almost the same.


Seeing this situation, the five Kamen Riders couldn't help but cursed in their hearts.

Despite this, everyone still had no intention of giving up, and still bravely rushed towards countless [Dangerous Zombie Players].

However, these [Dangerous Zombie Players] are all clones created by Tan Lidou. They are all pure data and have no pain at all. At the same time, they have also received the blessing of immortality from Tan Lidou.

Therefore, no matter how Nangong Qi and others attack, or even activate the decisive skill, hitting these [Dangerous Zombie Players] is as if they have never been hit.

"No! If this continues, we will be killed here! You all, come to my place to gather right now!"

Realizing that the battle situation was too unfavorable for his side, Nangong Qi couldn't help shouting. At the same time, several other Kamen Riders also ran towards Nangong Qi.

"Brother Nangong, what should we do?"


"Behead, behead?"

I never expected that the word beheading would pop out of a doctor's mouth.

"Obviously, Tan Li Dou is the manipulator behind the control of these [dangerous zombie players]. If we want to attack him, we must decapitate Tan Li Dou like in many games!"

"Okay, Brother Nangong! So what should we do now?"

"Now among us, the highest level ones are Yongmeng you and Dawo, and you are also the ones most likely to complete the beheading! So next, Feicai and I will open up a path for you! Feicai, you have no problem, right? ?”

"There's nothing I can't remove!"

"Big me, what about you?"

"I alone am enough!"

"Yongmeng, I believe in you. You can definitely defeat Tanli Dou and change your destiny!"

"Brother Nangong, let's see the two of us work together to clear the level!"


It seemed to be Parade's voice.

Forget it, I can't manage that much anymore!

"Then now, follow me and charge!"

"Drago Knight Critical Strike!"

Nangong Qi immediately activated the [Decisive Skill], [Dragon Knight Holy Sword] and [Dragon Knight Fire Cannon] were like two continuous rocket launchers that did not need to be loaded, releasing powerful light blades and energy bombs one after another. , blowing away the [Dangerous Zombie Player] blocking the front.

"It's now!"

Not only that, Nangong Qi activated the [Decisive Skill] again and continued to consolidate the path he had opened up.

However, the continuous activation of the [Decisive Skill] also burst out a large amount of electricity flowing through Nangong Qi's body, so much so that the acting Nangong Qi had to pretend to be overwhelmed and knelt down on one knee.

"Brother Nangong!"

"Doctor Nangong!"×2

"Leave me alone, don't stop!"

With a very difficult look on his face, Nangong Qi stood up from the ground, activated the [Decisive Skill] three times, and rushed to the front of the team like a bull, continuing to release light blades and energy bombs.

Seeing Nangong Qi working so hard, there was no need for any extra words. The Hua family elders and Baosheng Yongmeng also hurriedly followed the path opened by Nangong Qi.

Jing Feicai protected Nangong Qi's back so that he could continue his output.

After a while, the two exaids and the eldest daughter of the Hua family also successfully passed through the encirclement of the [Dangerous Zombie Players] and came to Tan Li Dou.

Jing Feicai and Nangong Qi were still surrounded and continued to be beaten by a group of [Dangerous Zombie Players] who acted strangely.

"Master Kami, do you want my help?"

Seeing the menacing three Kamen Riders, Ce couldn't help but ask.

"Need not!"

Tan Lidou waved his hand and twisted

It moves like a zombie in a dance that is difficult to describe in words.

"It just so happens that I also want to test how far the re-evolved [Dangerous Zombie Cassette] has evolved. Not to mention..."

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