Tan Li Dou assumed a beast fighting posture comparable to the Heisei Zongzi next door.

"I am invincible now! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha-"

While laughing wildly, Tanli Dou put his plan aside and faced the three incoming Kamen Riders from the front.


He looked very much like a child at this moment.

Seeing Tan Lidou take the initiative to come to the door, the two exaids and the eldest daughter of the Hua family were also unceremonious and poured all kinds of attacks and firepower on him.

But no matter how they attack, they can't produce an effective damage effect like [HIT].

You must know that in the previous battles, Baosheng Yongmeng and others suppressed Tan Lidou time and time again through their level, combat skills, and game abilities.

Now, these advantages are gone.

Probably just as Tan Lidou said, now he has completely surpassed lv.ten and gained the power of lv.X, so that even at the level of lv.50, his defense power is completely different from before.

Because of this, the Kamen Riders of [CR] cannot directly harm Tanlito before his transformation through repeated attacks like before.

"I am immortal now!"

After confirming that he had not been harmed at all, Tan Lidou immediately revealed his divine appearance that could be imagined even through a leather sheath.

"Now, let me return all the shame of my previous defeat to you!"

Seeing the opportunity, Tan Lidou took the initiative to distance himself from the three Kamen Riders, and pressed the switch on the [Faulty Drive] to activate the [Decisive Technique].

The next moment, a large number of [Dangerous Zombie Players] were generated out of thin air, and surrounded the two exaids, pressing forward step by step in a weird dance, and then...


Like living bombs, these [Dangerous Zombie Players] exploded on the spot, immediately transforming Baosheng Yongmeng.

Not only that, even Baosheng Yongmeng's [Player Drive] was corroded into darkness.


As if in a chain reaction, the [Dangerous Zombie Players] surrounding Nangong Qi and Jing Feicai in the distance also self-destructed on the spot.

Although the transformation state was released after being blown up, thanks to Nangong Qi's timely reaction and avoidance, the two of them were not like Baosheng Eternal Dream, which was blown up and the [Player Drive] was also scrapped on the spot.

"Damn it!"

The elder of the Hua family couldn't help but roar out.

The next moment, he pulled the handle of his [Player Driver], opened it, and activated the [Decisive Skill].

"Bang Bang Critical Fire!"

Along with the sound effects, energy accumulates in the muzzle of Huajiada's body.

In this case, it should be able to hurt Tan Li Dou!

Tan Li Dou was completely dismissive of this.

"Let me show you what real firepower is!"


With a snap of his fingers, five simulated warships of the same type as the Hua family's eldest self were seen sailing out, making the Hua family's eldest self under the mask couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"how can that be?"

"Your game was created by me, how is it impossible? Fire——"

Following Tan Lidou's order, the five simulated battleships, just like the Hua family, began to accumulate energy and prepare to release terrifying killing moves.

The next moment, thousands of cannons fired together.


Along with the explosion and fire, the Hua family's elder self was undoubtedly blown away and the transformation was released.

Seeing Tan Li Dou's victory, Ce smiled, and immediately turned into a data stream, quickly moved to Tan Li Dou's side, and asked:

"Master Kami, do you need me to recycle the cassette?"

"Recycle the cassette?"

Tan Lidou glanced at the four defeated generals with disdain, and couldn't help but make a "tsk" sound under his mask.

"It's not necessary at all. Even if they hold it, it's of no use!"



Amidst Tan Lidou's crazy laughter, one person and one bugster walked away like this.


The elder of the Hua family remained silent, staring at Tan Li Dou's retreating back with hatred in his eyes.

"Whirring whirring"

Jing Feicai gasped for air.

In the recent siege by [Dangerous Zombie Players], he had consumed a lot of energy, and his body was already on the verge of reaching its limit.

"Yongmeng, are you okay?"

Nangong Qi didn't care about the physical difference between himself and Jing Feicai, and rushed forward to help Baosheng Yongmeng up from the ground.

But unexpectedly, Baosheng Yongmeng was not as confused as he expected. On the contrary, his eyes were full of the emotion called enlightenment.

"Li Dou, I will definitely stop you, even if it means risking my life!"







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Chapter 1 Guiriya: Yongmeng, this is my last cassette!

Xiao Xingzuo, the developer of Fantasy Group, just got off work and returned to his home.

Just when he was about to close his door, a foot suddenly inserted into the crack of the door, and half of Nangong Qi's gloomy face, which was almost dripping with water, also appeared in the crack of the door.

"Mr. Zuo, [CR] needs your help now!"


Ten minutes later, Nangong Qi entered Xiao Xingzuo's home. It was as clean as an ordinary science and engineering man's room.

But well...

Nangong Qi was extremely adaptable. He randomly found a chair and sat down, as if he was the master of the house.

On the contrary, Xiao Xingzaku, a programmer with a dangerous hairline, was a little embarrassed.

After all, it would be too rude to call Nangong Qi a ghost or something like that when they meet.

Although Nangong Qi didn't take this to heart at all now, Xiao Xingzuo felt like he was afraid of society.

"Mr. Zuo, I'm not a person who likes to beat around the bush. So I'll get straight to the point."

"Ah? Ah. Ah! Okay, okay, I understand!"

"But before that, sit down!"

"Okay, okay!"

Seeing Xiao Xingzuo trembling, Nangong Qi suddenly felt embarrassed.

But well...

In order to prevent "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" from turning into "Kamen Rider Genm", Nangong Qi had to place his hopes on the programmer in front of him whose development ability was second only to Tan Lidou.

After all, this is the only programmer who can develop a [Tank Player] cartridge that specifically defeats [Zombie Chronicles].

"Mr. Zuo, the fate of thousands or even tens of thousands of people is now in your hands!"

"What? Tens of millions of people?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Xingzuo began to breathe heavily.

After all, before this, he was an honest programmer. When would he be able to take on the important task of saving the world?

"No, no, no, I can't, I can't do it! You'd better ask someone else to do it!"


Seeing Xiaoxing's excuse, Nangong Qi retorted with a serious tone that he could not refuse.

"Mr. Zuo, in this world, you are probably the only one who can do this!"

"No, I can't do it!"

"No, you have to be able to do it!"

In order to increase his coercion, Nangong Qi even banged Xiaoxing on the wall as a programmer.

"Please don't refuse!"

Nangong Qi's entire face was covered by shadow, and his malice was like a black energy constantly overflowing, just like the villain BOSS.

Xiao Xingzuo was frightened and never dared to refuse Nangong Qi again.

"Your Excellency, what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to help me develop a brand new cassette! A cassette that can defeat Tan Li Dou!"

"Huh? President Li Dou? No, I can't! I..."


Nangong Qi's eyes widened, and he successfully pushed back Xiao Xingzuo's defeatist words.

"Okay, I do, I do, I get it!"

"Very good! This is a smart man! It's a pleasure to cooperate, Mr. Zuo!"

"Hey, happy cooperation!"

Until now, Nangong Qizai had opened the distance between him and Xiao Xingzuo.

"But before that, let me pay the deposit first!"

As he spoke, Nangong Qi took out two piles of money from under his clothes and threw them into Xiao Xingzuo's hand, just like magic.

"I ask you, is this money enough?"


“It seems like it’s not enough, we need to add more!”

Nangong Qi threw two more piles of bills.

"Is this enough?"

"No, no, I..."

"Then it's still not enough, then some more!"

This time, Nangong Qi took out a small suitcase directly from under his clothes, poured a large amount of banknotes out of the suitcase, and poured it on Xiao Xingzuo as if he were dumping garbage.

"If that's not enough, then I will..."

"No, no, no, that's enough! That's enough!"

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