Chapter 132 Although this is a game, it is no joke


The three Kamen Riders couldn't say a word.

Because the scene in front of them shocked and suffocated them.

I saw firefighters and doctors coming and going, busy carrying away more injured people. Broken limbs and broken walls were everywhere.

The air was filled with smoke, the smell of blood, and even the smell of barbecue.

In order not to hinder the doctors from saving more people, a large number of corpses could only be hastily wrapped in white cloth and piled aside like a garbage dump, forming a white hill.

Just like a tombstone.

"Ugh vomit vomit vomit vomit vomit -"

Simaniko vomited it out immediately, her body was swaying, as if she would fall to the ground in the next second, and she looked extremely embarrassed.

After all, she is not an adult yet, and facing this hellish scene in front of her is simply not something she can bear.

Maybe I should do something!

Do what doctors should do!

After making up their mind, Baosheng Yongmeng, Jing Feicai and Huajiadawo also joined the ranks of rescuing the seriously injured at the scene.

As for Ximanike, after I, the elder of the Hua family, helped her onto a hospital bed, I didn't care about her anymore.

After working for several hours, it was getting dark, and the doctors could finally relax a little and take a rest.

In [CR], Baosheng Yongmeng, who had been busy all day, threw himself on the table, looking like he could not get up again.

There was a cake that had already been cut in front of Jing Feicai, but now his mind was filled with the tragedy that happened today, and he was not in the mood to eat the cake at all.

The elder of the Hua family went to take care of Simaniko.

Although I don't want to admit it, I still care about this little girlfriend very much as the elder of the Hua family.

Looking at the deathly silence in [CR] that was like a cemetery, Nangong Qi couldn't help but stepped forward and said with a gloomy face:

"Hey, Kamen Riders!"


Baosheng Yongmeng and Jing Feicai cast their eyes on Nangong Qi.

"I know that you are feeling very uncomfortable right now, but I still have to say, I have bad news and worse news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"It shouldn't be one good news and one bad news

? ”

Baosheng Yongmeng couldn't help but vomit.

Nangong Qi spread his hands helplessly.

"There is an old saying in China: Blessings never come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone. This is probably life!"

"Then slightly less bad news!"

Jing Feicai didn't bother to make jokes with the two of them, so he asked straight to the point.

"Okay, the slightly better bad news is that they killed 23 people and seriously injured 47 people in Parade today, and they are still being rescued in our hospital and other hospitals."

"It's really terrible!"

"It's hard to imagine any bad news that could be worse than this!"

Hearing this, Nangong Qi couldn't help but shook his head.

As expected, these two young men still know too little.

"Then the worse news is that the prisoner we captured, the bugster named Ce, was taken away when we were fighting those inhuman guys in Parad!"


Jing Feicai couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"I knew that guy was surrounded by Tan Li Dou and would never do anything good!"

"NO, NO, NO!"

Nangong Qi shook his right index finger.

"Feicai, you are still too impulsive! Don't even think about it. That guy Ce was Tan Li Dou's loyal subordinate, and Parade killed Tan Li Dou in front of Ce. Logically speaking, Ce should be How could the person who hates Parade the most in the world cooperate with Parade obediently?"

"Ah? This..."

Jing Feicai felt speechless for a moment.

Baosheng Yongmeng suddenly raised his right hand.

"Brother Nangong, I really don't understand why this bad news is worse than the previous bad news!"

"The reason is very simple, because Ce is the only intelligence source that can let us know all of Tan Lidou's plans. Presumably without this intelligence source, if someone uses Tan Lidou's plan in the future, we will also fall into an absolute trap. At a disadvantage!"

"That's it!"

Baosheng Yongmeng looked like he suddenly realized something.

Nangong Qi continued to explain:

"And this time, even if Parade launched such a large-scale raid, it was just to divert us away from [CR]. This means that strategy is very important to Parade's plan! This also means that, No matter what plan Parade will use Ce to complete next, we will fall into absolute passivity!"

"...Damn it!"

After thinking for a long time, Jing Feicai hit the table with his fist, and veins popped out on his forehead.

Finally realizing that something was wrong, Baosheng Yongmeng also asked quickly:

"So what should we do now?"

"What else can we do? Of course we should report Amazaki Ren's identity as a bugster to the Ministry of Health and wait for them to arrest him. Oh, no, it's better to arrest the bugster!"

"Can we just sit here and wait?"

"This is also impossible!"

Nangong Qi shook his head helplessly.

"After all, Amazaki Ren is still the CEO of Fantasy Group. It's impossible for us to go over there early tomorrow morning and smash Amazaki Ren to pieces, right? Without the Ministry of Health's endorsement, we might be misunderstood. Become a murderer!"


———————————— Tan Zhengzong is having a party in the detention center ————————————

In Tanli Dou's former secret stronghold, Parade and Gurafat looked at Ce with no highlights in his eyes and nodded with satisfaction.

"Sarah, let's start the game!"

Parade pressed a cassette of [Kamen Rider Chronicles].

"Kamen Rider Chronicle!"

The next moment, the activated cassette was inserted into Ce's chest.

Along with the green light and data flow, this cassette was directly integrated into Ce's body.


Ce's eyes widened, and a green light flashed past.

He could feel that as [Kamen Rider Chronicle] integrated into his body, his level had abruptly increased from the original lv.5 to lv.40.

Even so, Ce still pretended to have dull eyes.

Immediately afterwards, another cassette of [Kamen Rider Chronicles] in Parade's hand shone brightly.

This is the administrator's card, and it is also a card that can transform into [Kamen Rider Kronos].

"Finally, finally started!"

"Celebrate! Celebrate us! [Kamen Rider Chronicles] has been officially launched!"

“Pah, pah, pah, pah, pah —”×N

“Oh oh oh oh——”×N

Suddenly, the scene became a mess, and all the bugsters celebrated in their own way.

These actions include releasing missiles.


“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

Countless missiles were released.

Accompanied by continuous explosions and fire, the scene was immediately bombed into a mess.

To make matters worse, the load-bearing columns were also hit, causing the ceiling to teeter on the verge of falling.

"The ceiling is falling, run away!"

Suddenly, the originally festive scene turned into a great escape.

The bugsters turned into data streams and fled in all directions.

Ce Ze stayed where he was, letting the collapsed ceiling hit him.

Every bugster is digitizing himself, completely unaware that there is another compatriot in the same place.

After several minutes, the collapsing ceiling finally stopped.

The bugsters also came to the outskirts of the stronghold, looking like they were enjoying themselves.

After all, bugsters are a group of game NPCs, and most of them enjoy the game very much.

Whether they are abusing food or being abused in the game, it is a form of entertainment for them.

Therefore, the escape just now was also a game to them.

But there are exceptions.


Among the bugsters, Gurafat is probably the only one who worries about the future of his race.

He is extremely angry now.

After all, this Tanli Dou stronghold is the home of their bugsters!

"Everyone of you, please be quiet!"

Under the pressure of class crushing and class oppression, the bugsters who were originally as happy as celebrating the New Year suddenly fell silent.

Except for Parade.

"Gulafat, don't be so serious!"

Parade's playful smile made Gurafat feel that his blood pressure increased sharply, if Bugster also had blood pressure.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you about this for now!"

As he spoke, Gurafat looked around at the bugsters around him.

"Is there anyone who hasn't escaped?"


The surrounding bugsters answered happily.

Gurafat suddenly felt that the blood vessels on his forehead were about to burst.

"I must be crazy to ask you questions like this! Forget it, I'll just count the number of people myself!"

Suddenly, Gurafat's eyes lit up with a dark green light.

It is using its authority as the highest-ranking BOSS in [Kamen Rider Chronicle].

Soon, Gurafat noticed that someone had disappeared.

"Where's Ce? Where's that guy?"

"I do not know!"

"who knows!"

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