"Anyway, I don't know!"

"Could it be under the ruins?"


Bugsters from different games expressed their opinions, chattering like a large group of sparrows.

Suddenly, the whole scene was so chaotic that Gurafat couldn't hear a word clearly.

Gurafat: (╬ ̄ Pan ̄)

"Pause! I can't stand it anymore! [Red Lotus Exploding Dragon Sword]!"

With his patience reaching its limit, Gurafat immediately activated his [Decisive Skill] as a senior cadre BOSS.

Along with the soaring fire dragon, all bugsters on the scene were blasted into data streams and returned to [Kamen Rider Chronicles].

After completing all this, Gurafat suddenly felt that his spirit was much refreshed.

"Parade, what do you think we should do?"

Parade played with the Rubik's Cube in his hand, looking nonchalant.

"Policy? (No concern)"

"You bastard!"

This attitude directly angered Gurafat, who slapped the Rubik's Cube away from Parad's hand with an angry slap.

"I'm talking to you, don't desert me!"

Parade's facial muscles twitched.

If it weren't for Gurafat's power of lv.99, and currently he couldn't break through the sky at lv.50, he would probably have punched Gurafat directly with his backhand.

There was no other way, so Parade had no choice but to be patient and explain to Gurafat.

"Don't panic. No matter what, Ce is a Collapse Body. He won't be crushed to death by mere ruins, right? Even if we leave him alone, it won't have any impact on our plan!"

"You, are you sure?"

"Not to mention, according to our authority in [Kamen Rider Chronicle], can you see the state of being in control?"

"He is still alive, but his blood tank cannot be seen? But what if he dies?"

"Then use our authority to extend his life!"

"What if his memory comes back after he dies and comes back to life?"

"Then beat him to death and then brainwash him until he is willing to obey us!"

"...Forget it, that's it!"

Gurafat is very disgusted with Parade, but for reasons of position, for now, it still has to continue to cooperate with Parade.

"In this case, [Kamen Rider Chronicle] can officially start promoting it, right?"


I don’t know when, Amazaki Ren suddenly appeared and bowed respectfully to Gurafat.

I saw this chubby guy with a smile on his face and his body shaking constantly, so that the fat on his cheeks jumped.

Although Amazaki Ren, Gurafat and Parade all belong to the same level of BOSS, because Amazaki Ren was killed by Nangong Qi twice in succession,

His hands were weak, so he had to lower his status and bow his head to Gurafat and Parade.

"lovrica, are the Fantasy Group ready?"

"It has been prepared for a long time! We have even prepared the promotional slogan. That is:

Although this is a game, it is no joke! "

At the same time, under the ruins, among countless reinforced concrete, Ce was swimming freely.

Now he is looking for something under the ruins, but so far, he has not met his target.

This finally broke his guard and cursed loudly.




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Chapter 133 is broken, we have become bugsters!

In [CR], Nangong Qi plays with a [Cassette Gear] that is half black and half white with a serious face.

This cassette was created by Ce when he lost control of his emotions and accidentally injected his own data about Nangong Qi's knight transformation system into [Kamen Rider JUDO].

This also resulted in Nangong Qi no longer being able to use the power he once had as a Showa Knight and a decadent senior, and turned into an ordinary bugster.

Of course, Nangong Qi didn't blame Ce. After all, he was his younger brother, and he was also in a state of emotional control at the time. No matter what happened, he could not predict accurately.

Since Ce was brought back to [CR] by Baosheng Yongmeng last time, this [Transfer Cassette Gear] also fell into the hands of [CR].

For this cassette, [CR] conducted a lot of tests, and even gave it to four Kamen Riders, Nangong Qi, Baosheng Yongmeng, Jing Feicai and Huajia Taiga, to try out the transformation.

It's meaningless, even Nangong Qi himself can't activate the power in it, as if it was an ordinary blank cassette.

"Perhaps, like Baosheng Yongmeng, I need to absorb Ce back into my body and combine the two powers into one before I can exert its power, right?"

While there was no one else around, Nangong Qi said something that could be called self-destruction, put away the cassette in his hand, picked up the remote control of the TV, and turned on the TV.

What was playing on the TV was the press conference of the Fantasy Group, a press conference about [Kamen Rider Chronicles].

"so boring!"

Although the release of [Kamen Rider Chronicles] by the Fantasy Group can be called a killing tool, Nangong Qi did not have the slightest waver in his heart.

Because as a [CR] doctor, it is absolutely impossible to do anything in broad daylight to Amazaki Ren, who is still an ordinary person without permission from the Ministry of Health.

It would be really bad if [CR]'s reputation was ruined.

The most terrible thing is that Neon's country's departments are all in the kind of fire that does not burn themselves, and their efficiency will be as low as the political system in "Warhammer 40K" next door.


Thinking of this, Nangong Qi couldn't help but sigh.

The country refused to stop this from happening, so what could he do?


The automatic door of [CR] was opened by brute force, and Baosheng Yongmeng and Jing Feicai crashed in together.

Due to excessive force, the two people were stacked on top of each other like oppas.

However, the two of them did not care about this, but anxiously said to Nangong Qi:

"Something is bad!"

"Brother Nangong, did you see the press conference of Fantasy Group this morning?"


Nangong Qi nodded and took a sip of black tea.

"Of course you saw it, the press conference of [Kamen Rider Chronicles], right? Bugsters like Amazaki Ren finally revealed their true intentions!"

"So Brother Nangong, what should we do now? What should we do?"

"Cold salad!"


They never expected that Nangong Qi would give such a cold answer, leaving both Baosheng Yongmeng and Jing Feicai stunned on the spot.


"It's easy!"

Nangong Qi pointed at the TV

Above, Ren Amasaki with a savage look on his face.

"He is now the CEO of Fantasy Group. We cannot initiate any action against him until the Ministry of Health approves it!"

"Is there nothing we can do? If we don't stop it, God knows whether the tragedy in the [Zero Day Incident] will happen again!"

"Yeah, there's nothing we can do!"

Very rarely, Nangong Qi showed a helpless expression.

"Rather, I want to ask you, what can we do now? Go and beat up Amazaki Ren?"

"We can go and reveal Amazaki Ren's identity!"

"You talk with empty teeth and no basis. Why can you fire the CEO of Fantasy Group with just one sentence?"

Nangong Qi glanced at Baosheng Yongmeng and Jing Feicai, and the two people who argued were almost speechless.

There is also the most important point that Nangong Qi hasn’t said yet.

That is, after officially opening [Kamen Rider Chronicle], Amazaki Ren can continue his life indefinitely.

Even if they smashed Amazaki Ren ten thousand times, Amazaki Ren could still be resurrected for the thousand and first time.

But once Baosheng Yongmeng and the others kill Amazaki Ren in public, they will be charged with being a murderer.

Even if they are cleared by the authorities afterwards, they will still be labeled as "murderers" forever, and even "CR" will be scolded accordingly.

It's not that Nangong Qi doesn't care about the ordinary people who are about to lose their lives because of [Kamen Rider Chronicles], but because of the current situation, there really is no good way to break it.

Even if you go to the limit and change one, you may not be able to replace the opponent. In the end, you will have a complete social death, and even affect other doctors in [CR].

Unless Nangong Qi is really like a lonely old man, with the consciousness of giving up his life completely, he goes to play with the bugsters and dies with the enemy.

"No, I have to stop their conspiracy!"

Although he had thought clearly about the cause and effect, Homu Nagamu still could not sit idly by and ignore the release of [Kamen Rider Chronicles] and immediately rushed out of [CR].

"I'm going to stop Yongmeng!"

Unexpectedly, Jing Feicai, who had always been calm, would rush out of [CR] recklessly.


Nangong Qi didn't know how many times this was his sigh.

Then, he put down the black tea in his hand, stood up, and began to communicate with Ce.

"Ce, have you found the zero-level cassette?"

"Brother, I'm very sorry. I've been looking for it for days and nights, but I still haven't found it!"

"Isn't it right? Tan Li Dou's stronghold is obviously so organized, how could it be possible that he couldn't find it for days and nights?"

"It's not all because of those bastard bugsters!"

Even though he is the same kind as bugster, Ce's tone is full of contempt and disdain.

"Thanks to their celebration, Camida's former stronghold was completely blown into ruins! Let alone looking for the secret room, I couldn't find it even if I looked to the southeast, northwest, and northwest!"

At this moment, Ce was swimming blindly among the reinforced concrete under countless ruins.

And his goal is the zero-level cassette.

Until now, he has been working under the ruins for an unknown amount of time, and his life has been on the verge of death several times.

Note: bugster will be exhausted!For example, Tan Li Dou lost more than ten lives after working hard all night.

Fortunately, Bugster didn't need to eat. After his physical strength was close to the limit, Ce only had to sleep under the ruins and wake up to continue working.

Even so, he still couldn't find the zero-level cassette.

This is how Nangong Qi breaks the situation.

Find the zero-level cassette, and then Tan Lidu will tell [CR] about the method of saving the dead, and then everyone will happily go to conquer [Kamen Rider Chronicle] together.

"Then go ahead and look for it!"

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