After saying these words, the eldest daughter of the Hua family threw Nangong Qi away, turned around, and chased after Ximanike in the direction where he ran away.

"Brother Nangong..."

Baosheng Yongmeng came to Nangong Qi at this time, with a complicated look on his face.

Although Nangong Qi has done so many things that can easily destroy his three outlooks that Baosheng Yongmeng feels that he is a little used to it, but today, Nangong Qi allowed the patient to fend for himself and forced the Hua family to The behavior of the higher self was still unacceptable to him.

"Yongmeng, I can guess what you want to say, so you don't need to say more. However, I still need to tell you some principles of life!"

"Yongmeng, everyone in this world is a patient, and everyone has more or less mental illness! You, me, the Hua family and Ximanike are all like this. of!"

"Huh? I don't quite understand!"

A question mark appeared on Baosheng Yongmeng's head.

Nangong Qi smiled.

"You will understand in the future, everyone wants a doctor who can save him! Simanico's doctor is Hua Jia Dame, and Hua Jia Dame's doctor is Sima Nicole!"

"Only each other can cure their illnesses! So letting go without intervening is the best medicine for these two!"



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Chapter 142 Jealous Demon Parade

His eyes came to Ximanike.

Just as Nangong Qi expected, in the game field, if you run around, you will really provoke existences such as big sharks.

For example, right now, Ximanike is escaping in a hurry.

And the bugster who is chasing her is none other than Parade.

In fact, ever since Amazaki Ren told all the bugsters that he would take action, all the bugsters have shrunk into the game field obediently, waiting to save those who lost their loved ones in the [Zero-Day] incident but were not strong enough. People come to die obediently.

Maybe Simani is a European emperor!

There were obviously so many intermediate and even low-level bugsters, but she accidentally entered Parade's field.

Regarding Parade, Simaniko naturally knew how tricky it was. Even if the Hua family came to me, it would take more than half of the knight gauge to barely defeat it.

Since it is so difficult for me, the elder of the Hua family, to deal with Parad, then of course it is even more difficult for Simanico, who is only in a novice outfit.

Even though Ximani looks arrogant on weekdays, she still knows how much she weighs.

Therefore, when Parad jumped out like a wild Pokemon in "Pokémon", she chose to run away without thinking.

Maybe it's other bugs instead

ter, will probably let Simaniko escape.

However, this is Parade!

This is Parade!

This is Parade!

Parade is playful and cruel by nature.

After finally waiting for someone to come to play with him in his own domain, how could he let her go so easily?

Ever since, Parade, who transformed into [Perfect Match], followed Simanico all the way, forcing her to transform.

You ask, why not just attack Simaniko who has not transformed?

Because Parade is playful!

It's simply not enough for ordinary people to play with.

So in order to have more fun, Parade decided to force Simanico to take the initiative to transform.

Just like now.......


With extremely strong strength, Parade directly carried a steamroller and smashed it towards Simaniko.


The terrifyingly heavy steamroller hit the ground hard, causing a wave of air made of cement dust that blew Simaniko away like a leaf.

"If you don't transform and fight, will you really die? If you don't fight, you won't survive!"

Standing on the steamroller, Parade put his hands on his hips and looked down at Simanico in a very DIO posture, his entire face shrouded in shadow.

At this moment, he seemed to have transformed into a man-eating evil ghost.


Simaniko screamed in panic and crawled behind her on her hands and feet.

"I don't want to fight a monster like you!"

"Attending physician, where have you been? Come here quickly and save me!"

"Attending physician? Are you talking about snipe again? It would be really great if he comes too!"

Hearing the familiar name, Parade became even more excited for a moment.

Just like those green-skinned orcs in "Warhammer 40K" next door who are waiting for a fight and can only be satisfied by fighting.

"It's decided! I'm going to attack you to force Snipe to play with me!"

After making up his mind, Parade immediately put the steamroller on his shoulders and threw it towards Simaniko again.

In an instant, a huge shadow enveloped Simaniko.

Although Parade had control to prevent the roller from hitting Simanico, how many people could remain calm in the face of a behemoth weighing more than [-] tons coming towards them like a mountain bearing down on them?


As expected, Simaniko screamed again.

But this one, an extremely tall being suddenly appeared in front of her, facing the steamroller instead of her.

It’s the big me of the Hua family!

"Bang Bang Critical Fire!"

With the activation of the [Decisive Skill], the cannons on the Hua family's body sprayed out extremely powerful energy bombs, directly hitting the steamroller.


With flames and explosions soaring into the sky, the roller was blown to pieces on the spot.


Despite this, there are still many fragments attacking Simaniko.

Without any hesitation, the elder of the Hua family immediately turned around, hugged Simaniko, and used his body to protect her from the incoming debris.

Soon, the incoming debris and air waves were over.

As the elder of the Hua family, I let go of Simaniko.

At this moment, Ximanike was already in tears.

"......Are you OK?"

After hesitating for a while, the elder of the Hua family, who had never been in love at all, suppressed his words.

"How can it be possible that nothing is wrong?"

Tears streamed down Simanico's cheeks.

She immediately hugged the tall body of the eldest daughter of the Hua family, her voice filled with tears and grievance.

"I'm so scared! Why did you come to me now, now?"

"You bastard! Ugh——"


Not knowing what to say, I finally pushed Simaniko away and faced Parade alone.

"This is not the place to talk now. You leave first and leave this place to me!"


Ximanike felt that she had heard something wrong and wanted to stand up but couldn't.

At this moment, her legs were still trembling and she couldn't even stand up.

Despite this, Shimanike still used the Hana Family Self as a crutch, forced her body to stand up, and pressed the button of [Kamen Rider Chronicle] to transform into a [Knight Player].

After regaining her strength, as if she had overcome her fear, Simaniko miraculously stood up and stood directly in front of the eldest daughter of the Hua family.

"I will not retreat, I will fight with you!"

"Don't be ridiculous! Although this is a game, your life is really on the line! This is not the fate you should bear!"


Ximanike looked like she wanted to slap her head in the face of the Hua family's eldest daughter.

"You are always like this, always shouldering the responsibility alone! You never understand anyone! Why are you always like this, rejecting me?



For a while, Sima Nicole and the eldest daughter of the Hua family were flirting and flirting.

Parade on the side was waiting very patiently.

Huajia Dawo is a rare opponent who can match him, and Parade is a bugster who enjoys games.

If he can't beat him head-on, one-on-one, Parade won't feel like he's winning the game.

What's more, it has plenty of time to wait slowly.


Parade took out his PS4, sat down on the ground, and started playing by himself.

After Ximanike and Hua Jia Dame confided in each other, confessed to each other, and understood each other, the two finally regained their strength and decided to go hand in hand with each other.

"To pass [Kamen Rider Chronicle], we only need the two of us!"

After noticing the changes between the two of them, Parade immediately put away his PS4, looking like he was gearing up.

"Are you two finally done? Then I'll do it!"

The excited Parade immediately jumped up from where he was and rushed towards the Hua family.

In its eyes, the Hua family's self is of a higher level, and as for Simaniko, it is completely dispensable.

As long as the Hua family's big self can be dealt with first, won't the rest just be left to its own devices?

However, things are never that simple.

"Maximum Critical Break!"

Accompanied by the sound effect of [Decisive Skill], Baosheng Yongmeng, wearing extreme armor, fell from the sky and kicked Parade right in the body.


The special effect of the effective attack appeared, and Parade flew backwards quickly.


Parade immediately released his transformation in mid-air, and his whole body rolled on the ground for several weeks.

"You are finally willing to play games with me! You are truly worthy of M (Yong Meng)!"

Although he looked a little embarrassed, Parade still looked like he was shaking his head, with a look of excitement on his face.

Baosheng Yongmeng ignored Parade who was lying on the ground and asked Nangong Qi not far away:

"What's going on with Big Me and Nicole? They obviously looked like they would never see each other until they die, so why do they seem to be fine now?"

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