"This is love, silly boy!"


For Baosheng Yongmeng, love is a very unfamiliar word.

Since he was a child, he has rarely experienced this kind of affection, so it is naturally difficult for him to understand the changes in the relationship between Sima Nicole and the Hua family's elder self.

"Hey! M (Yongmeng)!"

Seeing that Baoshengyongmeng was ignoring him, Parade immediately rushed over and shook Baoshengyongmeng.

"Why don't you want to play games with me? Aren't we companions?"

"Who is your companion? In the final analysis, you are just a group of monsters who despise human life and regard precious lives as playthings!"

Upon hearing this, Parade's facial expression immediately distorted.

"But, there will definitely be a fateful showdown between us!"

Baosheng Yongmeng continued to ignore Parade and walked towards Nangong Qi.

"Brother Nangong, what should we do next?"

Such an attitude of disregarding himself completely pissed off Parade.

In an instant, its eyes turned red.

Since you ignored me for that man, don't blame me for sending you to a good ship!

"M (Yongmeng), you are me!"

Seeing this scene, Nangong Qi couldn't help being shocked and shouted out quickly:

"Yongmeng, run!"


Baosheng Yongmeng has not yet reacted.

Parade immediately transformed into a bunch of particles composed of blue and red photon cubes, which were poured directly into Baosheng Yongmeng's body.

In an instant, [Kamen Rider ex-aid]'s eyes turned red.

"Yong, uh——"

Before Nangong Qi could finish speaking, [Kamen Rider ex-aid], who was possessed by Parade, immediately punched Nangong Qi in the abdomen, making Nangong Qi feel that his internal organs had been beaten into pieces. All the bones were broken.

Thanks to Nangong Qi himself being a bugster, if it had been anyone else, he would have been directly punched through by this fist, or even his lower body would have been directly blown to pieces.

Even so, Nangong Qi still felt uncomfortable, and the mixture of preserved egg, lean meat porridge, black tea and other drinks he drank for breakfast spit out.

"Nangong, M (Yong Meng) seems to value you very much! Let's play an unparalleled and exciting game!"

With that said, Parade pulled out the cassette, inserted it into the [Gashacon Keyboard Sword], and activated the [Decisive Technique].

"Maximum Mighty Critical Finish!"

Energy condensed on the sword, aiming directly at Nan Gongqi.

"Doctor Nangong, run!"

Jing Feicai felt bad and ran towards Nangong Qi quickly.

Not only him, but I, the elder of the Hua family, are also coming here.

But it's still too late.

The sword in Parade's hand swung out without hesitation, directly cutting Nangong Qi's neck.

It was chopped off on the spot, and the head flew out directly.

(Same style as Brother Cheng)

Immediately afterwards, Nangong Qi's body and head were directly dispersed by the wind for countless photon cube particles.

Seeing Nangong Qi die in front of him, the four people present were greatly shocked.


Ximanike was so frightened that she hid behind the eldest daughter of the Hua family.

Poppy had a look of shock on his face, as if he couldn't believe that something like this would happen.

The elder of the Hua family and Jing Feicai stopped. Although they were separated by a layer of masks, they could still see their shock at this moment.

I never expected that Baosheng Yongmeng would be so cruel to Nangong Qi.

"I won't be a doctor anymore!"

After saying these words, Parade immediately jumped up and left the scene.

After all, with absolute crushing in terms of level, it would be easy for Parade to get rid of a few people.

Within a moment, Parade controlled Baosheng Yongmeng's body and disappeared from the scene.

At the same time, Nangong Qi, who was pretending to be Cheng Ce in Tan Li Dou's stronghold, also changed.

Nangong Qi's eyes suddenly flashed red.

Then, his body seemed to be swinging, trembling crazily.

At the same time, two different colors of light, black and white, shined on his body.

This is because the [Ultimate Triathlon] cassette contains the power of [Reprogramming].

Although Parade's [Decisive Skill] destroyed one of Nangong Qi's clones, the broken clone still returned to Nangong Qi's body in Tanli Dou's stronghold in the form of data.

In other words, the power of [Reprogramming] also acts on Nangong Qi's body.


Seeing the abnormality on Nangong Qi's body, Tan Lidou rushed over and began to check Nangong Qi's body.



By the way, does the protagonist get stabbed by a yandere? (doge)




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Chapter 143 You are me!I am you!


Nangong Qi fell to the ground, wailing in pain.

Now, he finally knows how powerful [Reprogramming] is against a life form composed of pure data like Bugster.

Because Nangong Qi can clearly feel that every piece of data and every piece of code on his body is being [reprogrammed] broken down bit by bit, and then restored to its original appearance.

What did you look like at the beginning?

Nangong Qi doesn’t know.

At this moment, he was almost tortured by [Reprogramming] and was about to give up thinking.

During the painful process, Nangong Qi suddenly felt that time passed very slowly, very slowly.

It was so slow that Nangong Qi could even feel that the power of [Reprogramming] was taking away control of his body and transferring it to another personality in his body, Ce.

But think about it, Nangong Qi, the host of Ce, should have died completely after Bugster took away control of his body.

Maybe it’s because Ce Zhen caused a miracle just like Tan Li Dou resurrected Momose Xiaoji, and successfully resurrected Nangong Qi;

Maybe it's because the so-called resurrection is just a little bit of the remnants of Nangong Qi, the owner of Ce's body. Now Nangong Qi is just a second personality named [Nangong Qi] with complete memory and personality, Ce.

But no matter what, I can finally take a little rest.

In the real world, [reprogramming] works very quickly.

At least in Tan Lidou's eyes, Nangong Qi's body suddenly lit up with two colors of light, black and white, and he fell to the ground with a painful expression.

The whole person's eyes were widened and his mouth was opened wide, like a fish that had come to land but had not grown lungs.

But after a moment, Nangong Qi got up from the ground, and Tan Lidou finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The actual personality that controls this body now is Ce, and his face is extremely ugly.

Who would have thought that Ce would go to great lengths to make his master

Nangong Qi wanted to survive, and even committed suicide to give control of his body to Nangong Qi. However, he was beaten back to before liberation by a [reprogramming] move.

At this moment, two different voices were ringing alternately in his mind.

“It feels like this isn’t bad!”

Although the control of the body was transferred to Ce's hands, Nangong Qi actually felt relaxed and happy.

In this case, he wouldn't have to continue pretending to be a strategist in front of Tan Li Dou.

"Brother, don't move around yet, stay here for me! I'll try it and then try [Reprogramming] to see if I can give you back the control of your body!"

"Come on! We are not Heisei Igarashi sophomores. How can we switch personalities just once after suffering a [Decisive Technique]?"

"... Then brother, you shouldn't look like you're dying as before, right?"

Ce's voice sounded a little guilty.

"You wouldn't do that, would you?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Nangong Qi lay directly on the ground and waved his hand.

"I promised you that I would live well. How could I make such a cheap and irresponsible promise to my brother?"

"But brother, you made a promise to exaid and poppy! After I took away the control of your body, you couldn't fulfill your promise to them, and you still look like a mess. You The promise is really cheap!”

"You stinky brother, shut up! What I call acting, do you understand acting?"

"What about poppy?"


This time, Nangong Qi never refuted, but fell into an eerie silence.

In order to deal with Amazaki Lian, Nangong Qi had to form a relationship with Poppy.

I don’t know the specific mechanism of [Heartbeat Crisis], so that Nangong Qi really had true feelings for Poppy.

This is a fact that Nangong Qi cannot deny.

There is no way to deceive the policy.

Because the two people share the same body, Nangong Qi is even less capable of self-deception.

"She's free anyway! If she follows a guy like me, she won't be happy!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's obvious that you have just started, why should you end this relationship that hasn't even started yet?"

"...Since you care about her so much, please help me take care of her! After all, you are me, and I am you!"

"Stop fooling yourself!"

The sound like thunder shook Nangong Qi. At this moment, Ce seemed to have infinite power, directly suppressing Nangong Qi and forcing him to listen to his words.

"You are you and I am me! The two of us are completely different existences! Whether exaid or poppy, they are all living people, not objects! How can I help you? Is this a matter of help?"

"They are the people you care about. When everything is over, you have to apologize to them honestly! Do you understand?"

"...Let's wait until we have the opportunity to regain control of our body!"

"Huh! Go and reflect on it yourself!"

After the brainstorming time, Ce's thoughts returned to the real world.

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