Sensing something strange about Baosheng Yongmeng's body, Parade quickly jumped out of Baosheng Yongmeng's body.

"M (Yongmeng), it's all my fault, you're still too weak!"

"this is not your fault!"

Tan Lidou ignored the close relationship between the two, turned around, tore open the space, and walked into it.

"Basheng Eternal Dream, I have resurrected the Hana family and Kujo Kiriya in the form of bugsters. Next, I will follow our previous agreement to turn the whole world into a game! And the Holy City, It will be the first step in the transformation of the human world! Are you unwilling?"

As he spoke, Tan Lidou leaned back exaggeratedly.

"I am indeed very unwilling!"

Both Parade and Baosheng Yongmeng are unwilling to accept their defeat.

The most important thing is that Baosheng Yongmeng feels that he has a general understanding of what kind of person Tan Lidou is.

Facing such a person, you only need simple words to guide him.


As expected, Tan Li Dou burst out laughing maniacally.

Since Baosheng Yongmeng still wants to play with him, then let him continue playing with him!

"Okay, this is the Baosheng Yongmeng I know!"

Speaking of words of praise, Tan Li Dou kept leaning back and applauded.

"Next, I will start the first game after the transformation. I will call her [Angel of Peace]! There will be a huge curtain covering the entire city, and all humans in it will be transformed into bugsters! "





"As long as you can defeat me before everyone turns into bugster, then I will not only restore all those affected, but I will also give up the technology to reverse-transform bugsters back into humans!"

"The game starts from now, Baosheng Yongmeng, go and prepare with your friends! Use your brain to think about how to build the rules of victory! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

Amidst wild laughter, Tan Lidou walked into the door of space and disappeared.

Hosei Nagamu finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly began to check the bodies of Kujo Kiriya and Hana family Taiga.

Just as Tan Lidou said, the Hua family's self has been transformed into a bugster, and there are not many obstacles other than that.

Despite this, Baosheng Yongmeng's heart still did not relax at all.

Because of Tan Li Dou’s so-called [Angel of Peace] plan and the terrifying pressure brought by [Black Hole Creation Player], it was like mountains weighing on his heart.

And Brother Nangong!

Baosheng Yongmeng quickly threw that figure out of his mind.

How should Tan Lidou's plan be thwarted?

Baosheng Yongmeng did not doubt that Tan Lidou's game was impossible to pass.

Because Tan Lidou is not a Game Master who creates games that cannot be cleared.

Otherwise, he would have joined forces with Tan Zhengzong, let alone create an [Invincible Player] for Baosheng Yongmeng.

So what is the key to passing the level?

————————————————Tanli Dou Hand Rubbing is in the new game——————————————

It's a sunny morning.

Office workers are rushing back and forth to go to work, going about their simple and regular day.

However, today is an unusual day.

I saw a wave composed of photon cubes moving rapidly across the ground and sky.

This is a sign of the opening of the gaming field.

Without any knowledge, everyone in the entire Holy City was forcibly dragged into the game realm.

It's just that because the Holy City in the game is exactly the same as the Holy City in the real world, people didn't discover it immediately.

Suddenly, a huge shadow enveloped the sky, even making the sun disappear.

What the hell is going on?

Many people couldn't help but stop and look towards the sky.

It was a tower that completely ignored the laws of physics.

The body of the tower is extremely slender, but the top of the tower seems to be extremely huge.

It is huge enough to cover up the clouds and prevent the entire city from seeing the sun.

"When did such a tall tower suddenly appear in the city?"

No matter who it is, they can't help but be attracted by such a spectacle and stop to watch, and at the same time they are filled with doubts.

At this time, countless Tan Li Dou appeared in every corner of the city wearing neat suits.

"Everyone, please don't panic. I am the Game Master. Let me navigate the game for you next!" Just like Ce Zeng did before, all Tanli Dou saluted the humans in unison and said Same words.

"Now this city has been drawn into the game field, and what you are about to play is [Zombie Chronicles], a survival game in which you fight undead zombies, and it is an upgraded version of [Kamen Rider Chronicles] !”

"Each of you is qualified to become a player, and you can use any means to defeat the [Zombie Player] and [Kamen Rider Genm] who will be released next!"

"Every time a [Kamen Rider genm] is destroyed, you will receive a gift from God. This card will also immediately choose a person who lost his life due to the game disease and resurrect him in the form of a bugster!"

As soon as this statement came out, the crowd immediately exploded and talked a lot.

Due to the [Zero Day] incident and the promotion of [Kamen Rider Chronicles], many people in the Holy City have lost their relatives and friends due to gaming disease.

Among them, there will definitely be no shortage of people who are willing to risk their lives to resurrect their relatives and friends.

Encouraged by Tan Lidou, each of them was eager to give it a try.

"However, there is one thing you need to pay attention to!"

Tan Lidou began to issue warnings again, although to those who were eager to save people, such warnings were no different than not saying them.

"Once defeated in the game, the loser will be infected by the bugster virus and become a bugster, never to recover!"

"So it's up to you whether you risk your life to save it or become a zombie!"

"Next, the game begins!"

Tan Lidou's voice resounded throughout the city, and after saying these words, all Tan Lidou instructors disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of [Zombie Players] emerged from the ground and rushed towards the crowd.

The final game begins!




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Chapter 174 The law of victory has been established

open one's eyes.

"Familiar ceiling."

After sorting out his thoughts for a while, the eldest son of the Hua family subconsciously sat up from the bed and began to recall what he had experienced before he fell into coma.

"you're awake?"

Baobao Eternal Dream, Nima Nico and Kujo Kiriya are sitting in front of the bedside of the flower family.

"Huh! Isn't this okay? I was worried for nothing!"

It was obvious that she had stayed up all night and had dark circles under her eyes for the sake of being a member of the Shouhua family, but Simaniko would never speak softly, so she turned around and left the room.

Now, the elder of the Hua family has roughly recalled some of the things he did before he fell into coma.

"Yongmeng, did we lose the battle with Tan Lidou?"

After a moment, Baosheng Yongmeng nodded heavily.

"Due to our defeat, Tan Li Dou has transformed you and me into bugsters, and dragged the entire Holy City people into the game field, allowing them to carry out [zombie compilation] without more powerful cartridges. Chronicle]!"

After Baosheng Yongmeng’s explanation, the elder of the Hua family roughly understood the current situation.

"Uhhhhh! Damn it!"

The elder of the Hua family roared unwillingly.

Obviously he has been saying that the Kamen Rider only needs him alone, but facing Tan Lidou, he is still unable to resist.

"The only good news is probably that Tanlito has given us another agreement." Kujo Kiriya felt that if he only told us good news, the elder of the Hana family would probably have a nervous breakdown.

"Will there be any good news about that guy?" The elder of the Hua family didn't know whether he was mocking Tan Lidou or who he was mocking.

"It's better to come and listen. Something is better than nothing!"

"Tan Lidou said that if we can stop him before everyone in the city is transformed into bugsters, then he will restore the bugsters transformed in this game to humans, and will also hand over the reverse transformation technology. !”


As soon as these words came out, the Hua family was shocked.

But soon, he calmed down again, like a wounded beast, growling in a low voice:

"Defeat that guy? We are all people who have been killed by him once. Is it easier said than done?"

"There must be a way to defeat [Black Hole Creates Players]!" Baosheng Yongmeng's eyes were firm: "According to Tan Lidou's habit, every game he made has a correct strategy, and before saying goodbye, he said Let us find the law of victory!"

"and many more!"

Suddenly, a somewhat vicissitudes of voice sounded in the ward.

Immediately afterwards, Tan Zhengzong opened the door and shouted to Baosheng Yongmeng:

"Did you just say the [Law of Victory]?"


Seeing that Tan Zhengzong was no longer as violent as before, but had a lot more kindness in him, I felt for a moment that my eyes were dazzled.

Not only the big brother of the Hana family, but also Hosei Nagamu and Kujo Kiriya were shocked by such a sharp contrast between Tan Masamune before and after.

Originally, Tan Zhengzong was supposed to be burned to cokes by a supernova explosion in the game field, but Poppy took the old man back to the hospital out of the kindness of the doctor.

"Why are you here?"

"I-I'm here to pay for my sins!"

Regarding Tan Zhengzong's remarks, the three people present did not believe even a single punctuation mark.

"Now that things have come to this, can you still count your sins?"

"My biggest sin is to give birth to Tan Li Dou, a son who should not exist in the world! Therefore, today I am ending his life and completely ending him, the source of sin!"

Faced with the hostility of the three people, Tan Zhengzong not only didn't mind at all, but even smiled.

After separating from Black Parad, his consciousness has returned to that of a normal person, and he understands the hostility of the Kamen Riders, so he will never mind.

As for the fact that he was infected with Bugster, which caused a drastic change in his temperament, he didn't want to argue with it.

Because a mistake is a mistake and a sin is a sin.

It was him who actively infected the bugster virus, which caused what happened these years.

Rounding it all off, he is still the heaviest sinner.

Seeing what Tan Zhengzong said, the three people present made eye contact with each other and finally compromised.

There is no way, Tan Li Dou is too powerful now.

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