As long as there is a slight possibility of strengthening their own strength, they cannot let it go.

Even if he drinks poison to quench his thirst, he will not hesitate to do so.

"So do you know the strategy?"

"Of course!" Tan Zhengzong smiled bitterly, like a kind old man.

"Do you know how that guy Tan Lito defeated me even though [Kamen Rider JUDO] was banned by me? It's very simple. If I tell you, you probably won't believe it! This bastard beat me before I could transform. , which blocked my ability to transform!"

In an instant, the three bugsters present brightened up.

"That's right! As long as we prevent Tan Li Dou from transforming into the strongest form in advance, then [Invincible Player] will definitely be able to defeat Tan Li Dou! Just like the plot of "The Brave Fights the Demon King", we need to prevent Tan Li Dou from performing Do your best!”

"That's what you say, but how to do it? How to prevent Tanli Dou from transforming into his strongest form?"

As a doctor who doesn’t play games very much, it’s obvious that I am very lacking in knowledge in some aspects.

"This is simple!" A smile appeared on Baosheng Yongmeng's face for a long time, and he felt no longer sleepy after saying this.

"According to my observation, if Tan Lidou's [Black Hole Creator Player] wants to exert its strongest power, it needs to be integrated with Nangong... Yuce!"

To this day, Baosheng Yongmeng still refuses to call that Ce Nangong Qi.

His elder brother Nangong Qi will always live in his heart, and that policy is just an insect bearing Nangong Qi's name.

"Now that the rules of victory have been determined, a problem has arisen again!" The elder of the Hua family looked around and continued to talk about the problems that needed to be dealt with.

“How can we capture strategies alone?”

"Don't worry! Tan Li Dou will give us a chance!"

Baosheng Yongmeng also felt that there was little hope, and could only comfort everyone with these seemingly illusory words.

"Even if Tan Li Dou gives us a chance, Ce's [Black Hole Player] cannot be won in a short time. So do we have a stable way to attack [Black Hole Player]?"


As soon as the elder of the Hana family said this, Hosei Nagamu and Kujo Kiriya didn't know what to say at all.


The terrifying ability of [Black Hole Player] completely transcends the laws of physics.

A black hole can easily be created with just a thought.

Only [Invincible Players] can compete with him for bug abilities.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Suddenly, Tan Zhengzong coughed several times, attracting the attention of the three people.

"I have a way to defeat [Black Hole Player], but I can't tell you!"

"What?!" ×3

"If you don't mind, just let me, an old man, risk my life! After all, as an old man, how can I let young people die in front of me?"


After hesitating for a long time, Kujo Kiriya nodded in agreement.

The Hua Family Dawo and Baosheng Yongmeng said nothing, expressing their acquiescence.

"That's good, that's good!"

Tan Zhengzong showed an expression of relief.

I have committed an incomparable sin. If I use my own life to repay it, can I at least wash away my blood debt a little bit?

At this time, the elder of the Hua family raised his hand at an inappropriate time and asked a question that he really wanted to know:

"I have one last question. I have wanted to ask it from the beginning. Where is Feicai? He is in the game field like us, and he must have become a bugster. Is it because he cannot accept the fact that he has become a bugster? , and are you ashamed to see others?"


As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

After Kujo Kiriya and Tao Sheng Nagamu exchanged looks again, it was Tao Sheng Nagamu who finally stood up.

"Big Me, don't be angry after hearing what I'm going to say next!"

"Don't worry. I'm a doctor, how could I be angry with my comrades?"

"Then, I'll say it!"

Baosheng Yongmeng licked his lips and said cautiously: "In fact, Jing Feicai took her out of the game field and returned to the real world after successfully conquering Xiao Ji."

"So he didn't become a bugster, and he's still staying by Ji's side even now!"

The elder of the Hua family, my complexion darkened instantly.

As the saying goes: It’s not scary if you lose a team battle, but whoever is not there will be embarrassed.

Especially the comrade who had lived and died with him for such a long time, but he couldn't walk when he saw a girl, so he escaped from the battle and became a deserter.

The most important thing is that the Hua Family Dawo and Baosheng Yongmeng were both forcibly transformed into bugsters for this battle.

Just Jing Feicai became a deserter.


Such a sense of suffocation made the elder of the Hua family feel like a Mount Fuji was erupting in his heart at this moment.

He didn't blame Jing Feicai for running away from the battle.

But after you sent your girlfriend back to the hospital, you immediately returned to the battlefield to fight!

What does it mean to simply forget your comrades on the battlefield?

If it were people with good tempers like Homu Nagamu and Kujo Kiriya, they would probably just pretend that nothing happened.

But the Hua family is different from me.


"Big me! Calm down! You must calm down!"

"Feicai also has his own reasons, please understand!"


Tan Zhengzong just found a chair and sat down, like an old man taking care of his health.

"This is the vitality of young people!"

————————————————Jing Feicai is accompanying his girlfriend————————————————

In the city of Holy City, countless [zombie players] emerged from the ground and began to attack the innocent people around them.

Just like traditional zombie apocalypse movies, as long as you are attacked by these [zombie players], you will be infected with the virus and become a [zombie collapse body], a mindless walking corpse.

The natural choice for most people is to run away.

There are also a few people who have the courage to confront these evil knights who just look creepy.

There are some people who want to be the hero that people say saves all lives.

More often than not, it is because of the loss of relatives and friends, so even if they risk their lives, they still have to fight for a chance to resurrect the deceased.

It's just that facing [zombie players] who have no sense of pain and no fear, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the opponent with mere courage.

Although the rebels tried their best, there was still only one result.

That is failure, and then being infected by [Zombie Players] and becoming [Zombie Collapsing Body].

At this moment, two figures walked against the fleeing crowd and walked directly towards the [Zombie Players].

They are Poppy and Parade.

As bugsters, especially Parade, after being severely punished by Baosheng Yongmeng, they absolutely could not allow Tan Lidou to trample on his life like this.

What Parade took out was his own [Cassette Gear].

Poppy took out the [Faulty Driver 2.0] that Momose-chan had used before and tied it around her waist. She clicked the button and found the [Heartbeat Crisis] cassette from Tanli Dou's stronghold.

As a bugster, Poppy can use any cassette and [Faulty Drive 2.0].

"MAX transformation!"


"Toki meki Crisis!"

"Buggle Up! Dreaming Girl! Simulation girls in love always face Toki meki Crisis!"

In a girly sound effect comparable to that of "Pretty Cure" next door, Poppy transforms into a Kamen Rider.

The look is still very girly.

After feeling that her whole body was full of strength, Poppy couldn't help clenching her fists.

"Whether you are a genius or a tactic, I will teach you a lesson. I will make you understand that a girl in love must not be deceived or abandoned!"


It can be said that Poppy now hates Nangong Qi's extremely scumbag behavior to the extreme.

Part of the reason for fighting is related to Nangong Qi.


"Ah! Nangong Qi, I'm going to break your legs!"



Guess what Tan Zhengzong’s strategy is?




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Chapter 175: The ending of the game is up to us!

" alt='Lao Si

The whole street is already a mess!

There seems to be an almost endless number of [zombie players] attacking everyone on the street indiscriminately.

Whether it is a hospital, school, or police station, they will all be attacked fairly and indiscriminately.

These [zombie players] are like messengers sent by the gods to destroy mankind. No matter what your occupation, identity or gender, they will all attack you equally.

All those who are attacked will be infected with the Bugster virus and become [Zombie Collapse Body], joining the ranks of [Zombie Players] attacking the crowd.

Of course, when there is oppression, there is resistance.

In addition to those who want to resurrect their relatives and friends and bravely protect innocent lives, Poppy and Parade are the vanguard against the [zombie players] in this war.

It's a pity that these [Zombie Players] have recovered under the influence of Tan Li's God of War talent and once had no knight slots. Even if they suffer from the [Invincible Player]'s [Decisive Skill], they can still survive the terrifying existence.

Just like a real zombie.

Killing the enemy is not the purpose of Parade and Poppy, their real purpose is to save as many people as possible.

As early as Baosheng Yongmeng and the others failed in the battle with Tan Li Dou and returned from the game field, they learned about Tan Li Dou's second gamble.

As long as Tan Li Dou can be defeated before Tan Li Dou turns everyone in the Holy City into bugsters, everything can still be saved.

Since they don't have a way to defeat [Zombie Players] yet, they should try their best to delay time!

This is currently the greatest contribution they can make.

Fortunately, bugsters are born with stronger endurance than humans, so the two bugsters, Parade and Poppy, can fight for at least several days and nights.

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