There were a large number of people there, so there were two of them there.

As long as the crowd reaches a safe location, Parade and Poppy will choose to retreat without hesitation.

Because of the efforts of the two of them, the speed at which [Zombie Players] infect people and transform them into [Zombie Collapse Body] has been greatly reduced.


After completing the evacuation of the crowd again, Poppy and Parade hid in the underground parking lot of Dongda Ma's ancestral home and released the transformation.

Their faces were full of exhaustion, and their bodies were soaked with sweat, making them look as if they had just been fished out of the water.

Bright smiles also filled their faces, because they have saved countless lives and will continue to fight and save more lives.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a dangerous hairline appeared, and he could tell at a glance that he was a programmer.

"Mr. Hoshisaku?"

Poppy was a little surprised when she saw the person coming.

"That's right, it's me! I'm here to distribute new equipment to you!"

Xiao Xingsaku threw two cassettes at Parade and Poppy with an excited face, and then took out another cassette of [Kamen Rider Chronicles].

"What is this cassette used for?"

"It is a cassette specially designed to deal with [Zombie Players]. I call it [Doctor Player]! Through my research on [Zombie Players] and [Reprogramming] data, with these cassettes, I can defeat all [Zombie Players]" ]!"

Saying that, Xiao Xingsaku pressed the cassette of "Kamen Rider Chronicles".

"For the sake of Kameko, for everyone's smiles, and to create more games that make people smile, I will fight side by side with you!"

After hearing "Pokemon", Parade couldn't help but smile.

"Then let's fight together!"

"Transformation!" ×3

With the new cassette, Poppy and Parade will no longer be afraid of fighting.

"Genm, give life back to the innocent!"

With that said, Poppy inserted the [Doctor Player]'s cassette into the [Gashacon Holy Sword] that came from Kagami Aya, and aimed it at a passing [Zombie Player] and launched the decisive move.

"Doctor Critical Finish!"

The sword energy was released from the blade of the holy sword, directly dividing the [zombie player] in half from the middle.

"In this case, one person can survive, right?"

After completing all this, Poppy did not stop, immediately digitized, and began to search for more [zombie players] in the city.

In fact, Tan Li Dou did not disappoint.

As more and more people are resurrected in the form of bugsters, and because more and more [zombie players] are eliminated, the original streets begin to become empty.

especially when little

After Hoshizuo handed more [Doctor Players] cassettes to the [Player Knights], the original one-sided situation of [Zombie Players] was completely reversed.

Now it is the [Player Knights] who start to hunt down the [Zombie Players].

As for the original [Zombie Collapsing Body], their own strength is very weak, and at most they can only bully ordinary people.

Under the leadership of Poppy and Parade, and with the participation of many [Player Knights], these very weak [Zombie Collapse Body] were quickly rushed to the ancestral square of Dong Dama like sheep.

"In this case, it's over!"

Seeing that the aftermath caused by Tan Li Dou was finally calmed down and countless people were resurrected, Poppy jumped up excitedly.

At the same time, on the Babel Tower, Ce and Tan Li Dou had everything in view.

"Clap clap clap!"

"As expected of Seisaku-chan, he actually developed a cassette specifically designed to suppress [Zombie Players]. It's really amazing! It should be said that Seisaku-chan is also fighting for the legacy of Castle Kamuo!"

Ce couldn't help but excitedly applauded Xiao Xingzuo and the mortals for their courage.

Tan Lidou sat on a comfortable chair, frowning slightly.

In his original plan, these [zombie players] needed Baosheng Yongmeng to use [Reprogramming] to restore the knight slots one by one and then defeat them.

In other words, these [zombie players] are cannon fodder to contain Baosheng’s eternal dream.

But what he didn't expect was that Xiao Xingzuo actually created a cassette that could kill [zombie players] with one hit, which made all his arrangements useless.

If it had been before, Tan Lidou would have become anxious, even furious, and would have tried to silence him.

But now...

"He is indeed a very interesting person, and he successfully disrupted my plan!"

Tan Li Dou smiled.

His plan did go awry, but it was still within the scope of revision.

The most important thing is that after considering Ce as his true friend, he no longer needs to go out of his way to prove himself.

Now, he just wants to accompany Ce and play a world-class game happily.

"Ce, let's have a big fight!"


Tan Lidou took out the cassette of [Black Hole Creator Player].

"Grand Billion, transform!"

"God Maximum Black Hole Creator!"

After the cassette clicked, Ce was immediately digitized and entered into the cassette of [Black Hole Creation Player].

The drive is inserted and the handle is pulled open.

"Wadasia, Freezda!"

"The highest level of divine talent! Tan Li Dou!"

As the black hole swallowed up Tan Lidou, and then the black hole exploded, Tan Lidou appeared on the ground and transformed into the [Black Hole Creator Player].

"The final outcome of the game is up to us!"

At the same time, on the ground, countless Tanli Dou once again appeared in every corner of the city.

"Congratulations to everyone, you successfully passed [Zombie Chronicles] and saved the lives of all the people who died due to the game disease. Today, each of you is a well-deserved hero!"


As soon as this statement came out, countless people at the scene cheered.

But among the crowd, Parade and Poppy still felt something was wrong.

Because according to what Baosheng Yongmeng relayed, if Tanli Dou was really defeated, not only would he have to resurrect all the people who died from the game disease, but he would also have to hand over the technology for reversely transforming bugsters into humans.

For now, Tan Li Dou's promise is only half fulfilled.

The first half of the game seemed to be completed very easily, but they all knew that without the help of Xiaoxing Zuo, everyone would probably have to hide and wait to die.

The second half of the game will probably be even scarier and countless times more tragic than the current one.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

Suddenly, the originally huge Tower of Babel, which was completely covered by clouds and sun, suddenly underwent a sudden change.

The huge top of the tower turned into a huge black hole, swallowing up all the light, so that the original day suddenly turned into night.

To be precise, it was the kind of night where there was a blackout in the whole city, and at the same time, the clouds were so thick that you couldn't even see anything.

In an instant, the deepest fear of darkness and the unknown that is engraved in human DNA was aroused.


The sudden drastic change made the people who were still cheering suddenly fall from the peak to the bottom of the valley, and everyone screamed in terror.


Despite this, countless Tanli Dou still performed their duties as game navigators.

"This game is actually divided into two parts. The first part will resurrect all the people who died due to the game disease. Unfortunately, these people are resurrected in the form of bugsters, and it may be difficult to return to normal life!"

"I am a kind-hearted god, and I can't see so many people being at a loss for life. Because of this, Benkami has prepared a second game for everyone!"

"As long as you can clear the last game

If there is a drama, Ben Kami will hand over the technology for reversely transforming bugsters back into humans, and let everyone return to normal life! "

This should be good news, but Parade and Poppy still feel extremely stressed.

With such generous rewards, the game must be extremely difficult, right?

"This game is very simple. Ben Khami will be sitting in the Tower of Babel, waiting for the challenger to arrive! The challenge has no rules. As long as he can defeat Ben Khami, it will be the challenger's victory!"

"There is no need to say more about the arrival of the winner. But if you fail, you will have to pay the price with your life!"

"Whether you are content with the status quo or bravely raise the sword of resistance to the gods, the decision lies entirely in your hands!"

After saying this, the originally dark sky changed back to normal.

But the Tower of Babel still stands there, and the top of the tower is still so obscured by clouds and sun, like a huge mushroom hat.

If they hadn't experienced all this personally, everyone would probably think that everything that just happened was an illusion, right?

Poppy and Parade roughly understood the current situation.

Tan Lidou: It's a brother, come and chop me down!I'm waiting for you in the Tower of Babel!


"How is this possible?"


Even the invincible [Invincible Player] suffered at the hands of the [Black Hole Creation Player]. How could the [Player Riders] who only relied on the [Kamen Rider Chronicle] cassette be their opponents?

Isn't this sending people to death?

Poppy and Parade immediately looked at each other and reached a consensus.

Innocent people must be stopped from seeking Tan Li Dou to die.

The two bugsters were immediately digitized and disappeared.

They must rush to the Tower of Babel immediately and block the door directly to prevent people from making unnecessary sacrifices.

However, when they reached the bottom of the Tower of Babel, they couldn't help but be stunned.

"M (Yong Meng), why do you stand with Tan Zhengzong?"


Baosheng Yongmeng and Tan Zhengzong have been waiting at the bottom of the Tower of Babel.

To be precise, the four of them, Hosei Eumu, Tan Masamune, Kujo Kiriya and Hana Clan Taiga, are all here.

Originally, due to the fear of unknown existence, there were still a large number of [zombie players] raging in the city. The bottom of the Tower of Babel was a place where no one dared to come.

Therefore, Baosheng Yongmeng and others are particularly conspicuous.

Seeing that Parade finally appeared, Baosheng Yongmeng smiled slightly.

"Although we don't know why Tan Zhengzong wants to help us, facing the powerful Tan Li Dou, we have to cooperate! The most important thing is that we have found the law of victory!"

"The law of victory?"

Parade's eyes suddenly lit up.

He does not believe in Tan Zhengzong, but he believes in the eternal dream of Baosheng.

"That's right! Parade, let us wash away our defeat this time!"

"it is good!"

Parade immediately turned into data and merged with Baosheng Eternal Dream.

Since Baosheng Yongmeng was also transformed into a bugster, the synchronization rate between the two people increased dramatically.

Baosheng Yongmeng, who had completed the fusion and advent, showed a confident smile to the Tower of Babel.

"Look at how we work together and pass the level in one life!"

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