"There's really no way!"


The Kamen Riders present attacked the commander JUDO one after another, trying to save Nangong Qi and Ce from his hands.

"Haha, a weak attack!"

The commander-in-chief JUDO didn't take these Kamen Riders seriously. He raised his hand and saw a magic circle, with thunder and fire looming in it.

However, no one expected that another being who had been on this battlefield but was ignored by the commander JUDO would actually take action.

It's a dragoon!

After realizing Nangong Qihece's situation, the dragon cavalry immediately ignored the attack from [Badan Dragon], opened its mouth directly, and bit the commander JUDO in his mouth.

Nangong Qihe Ce is still in the hands of the commander-in-chief JUDO, but now they are just like hanging tickets on the lips of the dragoons.

It was probably because Commander JUDO was overconfident in his [Badan Dragon] that he despised or even ignored the existence of the Dragoon, which allowed the Dragoon to succeed easily.

But despite this, the commander-in-chief JUDO still didn't let go, holding on to Nangong Qi and Ce.

After all, in his eyes, Nangong Qi and Ce are the most suitable for him in the eyes of the commander-in-chief JUDO, and he must not let them go easily.

"Whoa whoa whoa-"

The dragoon let out a low roar, and then the corners of his mouth began to sparkle with fire.

Since you don't want to let go, then I will burn you until you let go!

In an instant, blazing dragon flames spurted out from the gaps between the dragoon's teeth.

It is conceivable what kind of fiery hell the commander-in-chief JUDO is going through at this moment.

Of course, Nangong Qihe Ce was inevitably burned.

However, the damage suffered by the two of them was far less than that of the commander JUDO.

At the same time, the huge [Badan Dragon] finally reacted, and immediately bit into the body of the dragoon, biting into large pieces of armor-like dragon armor, and threw it into space.

The dragoon still refused to let go.

For a moment, the situation seemed to be at a stalemate.

Do not!

Nangong Qihe Ce also has companions, those Kamen Riders.

Almost all the Kamen Riders rushed towards the Dragon Knight at extremely fast speeds.

More than a dozen Kamen Riders came to the position where Nangong Qihece was hanging, and tried to break free from the hands of the commander JUDO with the power of their hands.

But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't free the two of them.

"use this!"

At this time, Nangong Qi barely recovered from the severe injury, and quickly summoned the [Satan Saber] and handed it to Tokiwa Shougo.

The moment Tokiwa Shogo was released from [Satan Saber], a strong red energy spurted out from the blade, as if [Satan Saber] was resisting Tokiwa Shogo.

The next moment, a burst of dark golden energy erupted from Tokiwa Shougo's body, and he suppressed the red energy forcefully.

Without any time to think, Tokiwa Shougo immediately raised the [Satan Saber] and swung it down fiercely.


With the sound of cutting off, Commander JUDO's two hands were immediately cut off by the extremely sharp [Satan Saber].

Nangong Qi and Ce are finally free.

Not only that, the Kamen Riders also directly started to dismantle the two hands that were chopped off from the body of the commander JUDO into countless parts.

next moment......


The dragoon's mouth exploded directly, so that the dragoon's head was blown into countless pieces on the spot.

Not only that, the body of the dragoon is even more

They exploded one after another, like a series of firecrackers.

Just like a broken mirror, it turned into countless fragments and became the dust of the universe.

Dragoon, death.

In the light of the explosion, the commander-in-chief JUDO jumped out.

He didn't take action before because he was afraid of hurting the two spare bodies of Nangong Qi and Ce.

It was precisely because of this fear that he had his hands cut off and lost Nangong Qi and Ce.

Now, he has made up his mind!

He wants to eliminate all these Kamen Riders, including Nangong Qiheze, and even the spare bodies of Murasame Ryo, without mercy.

"Die! Bugs!"

Angry roars rang in the ears of every soul in the universe, and terrifying murderous intent surged toward the Kamen Riders like a stormy sea.

Countless, colorful magic circles unfolded behind the great commander JUDO.

Immediately afterwards, a huge [Badan Dragon] made of different elements such as fire, ice, snow, steel, and rock emerged from the magic circle and roared with hostility towards the Kamen Riders and the others.

Facing such a powerful enemy, how could the Kamen Riders resist?

At this moment, Nangong Qi and Ce had already taken out dozens of [Recovery] energy props and forcibly healed the injuries on the two people.

"Brother, it looks like we've been overconfident!"

"However, at least we pushed that guy to the limit! This should probably be his last trump card, right?"

"Let us use the final form to end his life!"

"Let's go together with the gorgeous ones!"×2

The two people pulled out the [Black Hole Creation Player] at the same time and pressed the knob originally used for rotation.

"God Maximum Black Hole Creator!"

Insert the cassette back into the drive and pull it out again.

"Wadasia, Freezda!"

"Black hole! Creator! Fusion of sun and moon! The most powerful king of creation who rules the universe! Black Hole Creator JUDO!"

Ce's body immediately turned into a stream of data and flew towards Nangong Qi's body.

The spirits, bodies and wills of the two people were unified again.

At the same time, with Nangong Qi's body as the center, a black hole appeared out of thin air, sucking his entire body into it.

Immediately afterwards, the black hole exploded, revealing Nangong Qi who had completed his transformation.

[Kamen Rider JUDO], [Black Hole Creator Player], appear again.

“The ending of the game is up to us!”×2

"I will end your fate!"

Following the order from Commander JUDO, countless [Badan Dragons] composed of different elements broke free from the shackles of the magic circle and rushed towards the Kamen Riders.

Now is the time for a decisive battle!

Kado Yaji and Kaito Daiki each took out their own [K Touch Screen];

Tokiwa Shougo took out the killbus dial;

[Kamen Rider Stronger] transformed into super electric mode;

[Kamen Rider Amazon] took out his second wrist wheel that he rarely used;

Every Kamen Rider present was ready for the final battle, except Nangong Qi.

What is Nangong Qi doing now?

Wearing black armor with white trim, he clasped his hands together and the supercomputer in his head began to calculate.

Gradually, the gravity begins to change, and the light is also affected by the fluctuating gravity.

In the eyes of everyone, Nangong Qi's figure began to become erratic.

Not only pure vision, but even intuition can't feel Nangong Qi's current state.

what happened?

Kado Yaji took out a brand new driving card from his [Driving Card Box], felt the powerful power contained in it, and couldn't help but take a breath.

"Everyone retreat first! Nangong Qi already has the power to defeat JUDO!"

Although they didn't know why Kadoyashi would say such words, the Kamen Riders still chose to trust Nangongqi and Kadoyashi, and took the initiative to retreat away from Nangongqi.

"Are you all gone? Then let's go all out and have a big fight, Ce!"

"Okay, brother!"

Due to the influence of gravity, Nangong Qihece's voice cannot be conveyed to the Kamen Riders.

It doesn't matter, because they just need to be connected mentally. That's enough.

"Nangong Qi, isn't your Kamen Rider very confident? Why didn't you attack, but chose to escape?"

"Nangong Qi, what are you waiting for?"

Although the commander-in-chief JUDO vaguely felt something was wrong, at this moment he had also made up his mind to kill Nangong Qihece.

No hesitation, no mercy!


Countless [Badan Dragons] let out dragon roars that shook the soul, and with a momentum that seemed to crush the earth, they attacked Nangong Qi from all directions and from different angles.

All directions that can be avoided are blocked by [Badan Dragon], and Nangong Qi has no way to escape.


Nangong Qi said nothing.

Double under the mask

The eyes passed through the area of ​​light that was distorted by the strong gravity, and everything that happened was clearly seen.

Now is the time!

It's time to completely destroy the great commander JUDO in one fell swoop!

Now Nangong Qi no longer needs to manually activate the [Decisive Skill]. With just a thought, the [Player Driver] closes the handle on its own and then pulls it open.

"Black Hole Critical Strike!"

No one can hear the sound effect of [Decisive Skill], but Nangong Qi already knows it.

"The law of victory has been determined!"

The next moment, a black hole appeared at Nangong Qi's position and swallowed him directly into it.

Not only that, the incoming [Badan Dragon] and the debris from the previous space base were also sucked in by the strong gravity.

Even the commander-in-chief JUDO in the distance and countless modified weirdos who were not far away were also affected, and their bodies were uncontrollably sucked into the black hole.

"Those who pretend to be gods and ghosts, do you think you can scare me like this?"

The commander-in-chief JUDO did not believe that Nangong Qi could create a black hole so easily, and continued to summon more [Badan Dragons] to attack Nangong Qi.

However, facing a powerful black hole, no matter what existence it is, throwing it into it is like putting out firewood. It cannot stop the oncoming attack and will only make the black hole bigger.

In just a moment, all the [Badan Dragons] and many unlucky transformed weirdos were sucked into it.

The black hole continues to swallow, and swallows, as if it wants to swallow the whole world.

Can't communicate!



The emotion called fear appeared in his heart for the first time after Commander JUDO was freed from the seal.


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