It was the only thought on his mind at the moment.

Countless teleportation magic circles opened around him, and he only needed to enter them to escape the black hole.

However, no matter how the Grand Commander JUDO creates magic arrays, these magic arrays will be forcibly pulled by gravity, one of the four basic forces of the universe, into countless magic fragments and sucked into the black hole.

Since the most useful magic was ineffective, the commander-in-chief JUDO turned around and flew away without hesitation.

He wants to use his own speed to escape from the gravitational range of the black hole.

However, within the gravitational range near a black hole, the speed needs to be close to the speed of light to escape.

In the history of Kamen Rider, only the speed of [Hippa Timeout] that can travel through different timelines can be achieved.

If Commander JUDO could do this, he would probably have chosen to travel back in time and change his sealed destiny.

Powerless to stop!

The commander-in-chief JUDO could only watch his body being stretched bit by bit like a noodle, and flew towards the black hole.

This is extremely painful for the person being absorbed.

In such pain, the commander-in-chief JUDO also understood his fate of death.

"I'm not reconciled!"

Although his screams could not even be heard.

"I'm not willing to accept it! For today, I have worked hard for tens of millions of years and been sealed for thousands of years! Today, my success has failed because of a group of traitors. I'm not willing to accept it. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah--"

It's no use not being reconciled.

Because the great commander JUDO, his screams, his ambition, and everything about him were ruthlessly sucked into the black hole and disappeared.

Grand Commander JUDO, died.

After confirming the death of the enemy, Nangong Qi also quickly released the black hole and released the materials that had just been sucked in.

A white dwarf star floated at his fingertips, and this white dwarf star contained everything that Nangong Qi had just breathed in.

[Creation Thunder]!

Black light flashed at the fingertips, and the extremely dense white dwarf star immediately shattered into countless fragments and flew towards the deepest part of the universe.

At this moment, the Kamen Riders have fled to an unknown distance from Nangong Qi.

So Nangong Qi conveyed his voice through his thoughts.

"Everyone, celebrate! JUDO is dead, we have won!"



Didn't expect it!More updates today!

Guess there is a third update today!




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Extra Chapter 9 Xiuka: I have an announcement!You are cheating yourself

A must-try to repair the stuck card

The Grand Commander of JUDO is undoubtedly the strongest enemy that all Kamen Riders have faced so far.

It's a pity that this ambitious commander died due to Nangong Qi's unreasonable cheating ability.

As for Tokiwa Shogo, the junior Kamen Rider, the man who aspires to be the king of kings and bear all the history of Kamen Rider, the Showa seniors also saw his consciousness, his kindness, and his will in the battle. .

Therefore, the Showa predecessors were also very happy to hand over their history to Tokiwa Shogo.

You must know that almost every one of them has lost his or her family because of [Shuka] and [Shuka]'s affiliated organizations, and the power of Kamen Rider is not what they want from the bottom of their hearts.

If just giving up the power of Kamen Rider could bring back all the lost relatives, then the Showa Knights would do it without hesitation.

"The name of Kamen Rider is not what we need, only a clear conscience is enough for the honor of a hero!"

"ZI-O, we leave our history and strength to you, I hope you won't back down!"


Soon, from No. [-], No. [-], to the latest ZX, the dials of ten Showa Knights were handed over to Tokiwa Shogo.

Immediately afterwards, the entire world was turned upside down.

Hongo was promoted from a student to a professor at Seonan University, married Midorikawa Ruriko, and had a son. His hobby is to go to the Tachibana Motorcycle Club and race as a racing driver;

Ichimonji Hayato has carried out his career as a freelance photographer, traveling to every dangerous place in the world, reporting on the darkness that no one knows;

Kazami Shiro also became a professor at Seongnan University, but he specialized in biology and was a junior from Hongo;

Yuuki Joji became a prosthetic limb inventor, and the prosthetic limbs he invented made it easier for countless disabled people;

Kami Keisuke and his father Kami Keitaro spent their lives studying management and deep-sea mining;

When Daisuke Yamamoto was young, he came to the Amazon rainforest accompanied by his parents. He was eventually adopted as an adopted son by the elder Bage, and inherited the [Chiji Wrist Wheel] from the elder. In time, he defeated the conspiracy of the traitorous Ten-faced Ghost and became The guardian of the two major arms of the Inca civilization;

Shigeru became a policeman with a strong sense of justice and married Yuriko Misaki;

Hiroshi Tsukuba loves paragliding. He graduated from Johoku University and founded a paragliding club;

Okiichi also became a pioneer in exploring the universe;

After studying in Brazil, Murasame continued to explore places and legends that are extremely secretive to human beings.

Every Showa Knight has forgotten their history as Kamen Riders, and not many people will even remember these heroes who once fought for the world.

But even if they knew it, I'm afraid they wouldn't care about these false names and these so-called powers.

Because if you can live as a human being, how many people will choose to give up their life as a human being, and even give up their family members around them, or even everything?

"That's enough!"

"Sure enough, I still want to be the king!"

Just after visiting Murura, Shogo Tokiwa finally showed a smile. Now he finally found the reason why he had to fight as a Kamen Rider.

If Kamen Riders fight to protect people's smiles, then he [Kamen Rider ZI-O] fights to protect the smiles of all Kamen Riders.

Then, he turned his attention to Kadoya Shi, Haidong Dashu and Nangong Qi beside him, his eyes were a little complicated.

Currently, the only Kamen Riders that can still be associated with [Shuka] are [Kamen Rider Diend], [Kamen Rider Decade] and [Kamen Rider JUDO].

This also means that if the histories of the three of them were collected, [Xuka] would probably completely disappear from history.

Although the ten seniors have returned to normal lives, this does not mean that [Shuka] has completely disappeared.

On the contrary, as long as [Shuka] still exists in this world, there is still the possibility of tragedy.

If you want to completely cut off these tragedies, then you must reclaim the history of the three people and completely erase the [Repair Card].

However, whether it was Kaito Daiki, Kadoya Shi, or Nangong Qi, they all helped Tokiwa Shogo a lot, and they were not as tragic as the Showa Knights, and they did not seem to take the initiative to hand over their history.

So what should I do now?

In an instant, Haidong Dashu understood the atmosphere at the scene, and immediately summoned the [Aurora Curtain], planning to run away first.

He Haidong Dashu travels across the rivers and lakes and smuggles the way of heaven, relying on his own [diend drive].

If you want him to hand over his power, you might as well kill him.

So he chose to do what he did best, which was run away.



Kado Yashi shattered the [Aurora Curtain] with one fist without hesitation.

Want to escape?no way!

It's obvious that Kadayashi is on Tokiwa Shogo's side.

White teeth——

Haidong Dashu cast a look for help at Nangong Qi.


Nangong Qi said nothing, and just when he took a step forward, a hand grabbed his right arm.

It is a plan to transform into [Kamen Rider blackRX] form.

"Brother, I understand that you are unwilling to hand over your power because you don't want to lose me, right?"

"...If you know, are you going to stop me too? Do you know that once my history is taken away, you will disappear!"

"I know!" Ce nodded. "But I don't want my brother to do stupid things just for my existence!"

"Stupid? Maybe I am just a stupid and selfish guy, but if you want me to give up on my brother, I still have 2 years to go!"

"What a great ceremony for the Six Kingdoms!"

Kadashi didn't expect that Nangong Qi could be so schizophrenic that he would fight against himself.

Haidong Dashu took out the card, inserted it into the driver, and pulled the trigger.

"AttackRide! Invisible!"

Attack the control!Invisible!

The big tree in Haidong disappeared immediately.

"Don't try to run!"

Tokiwa Shogo immediately turned the dial of [Kamen Rider Amazon], inserted it into the other end of the driver, and then turned it 360 degrees.


"Rider Time! Kamen RiderZi-O!"

"Armor Time! A~ma~zon~! Amazon!!"

Dark green, piranha-like armor was installed on Tokiwa Shougo, with a wrist wheel on the left shoulder and right shoulder.

"found it!"

Relying on the extremely sensitive characteristics of [Kamen Rider Amazon], Tokiwa Shogo easily found Kaito Daiki's escape route.

Without hesitation, he immediately launched his special move, pressing the button on the dial to rotate the driver 360 degrees.

"Finish Time! Cut off time smash!"

(Break time!)

Without the option of [Super Severe], which is almost certain to die after a hit, Tokiwa Shougo would not kill someone just for a dial.

But even if it was just an ordinary [big cut], it would be enough for Haidong Dashu to suffer.

Tokiwa Shougo jumped up, and a large number of pink fonts surrounded the invisible Kaito tree, making him unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, Tokiwa Shougo swung his sword fiercely.


Haidong Dashu flew out directly, canceled the transformation, and lay on the ground, opening his mouth and closing his eyes.

And the dial of [Kamen Rider Diend] also fell out.

This is also because Haidong Dashu escaped in vain and was so confident in his escape skills that he did not expect that his [invisibility] would be broken so easily.

No matter why in TV, Haidong Dashu targets the little devil to death.

Tokiwa Shogo picked up the dial that fell on the ground.

At this moment, the Haidong tree disappeared.

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