It seems that he has directly lost his history as a Kamen Rider and returned to his original daily life.

Nangong Qi and Ce are still confronting each other.

"Brother, over the years, I have almost understood my own nature." Nangong Qi couldn't see Ce's expression clearly through a layer of mask.

"I am a bugster and should not have been born in this world. According to human standards, maybe I should be called a parasite! After all, if a bugster wants to become a truly complete body, it must take the life of its host!"

"No! You are not a parasite, you are my brother, my only family, Ce!"

"Have you lied ten thousand times to the point where you even believe it? But yes, I am your only family member in this world. But now is the time to wake up from the dream. Brother, don't continue to deceive yourself!"


Nangong Qi couldn’t say a word.

How could he not know that he was deceiving himself by considering Ce his younger brother?

But this is also the reason why he lives in this world instead of taking the initiative to commit suicide when he suddenly gets a sudden thought one day.

When Ce is not on his side, it is impossible for Nangong Qi to defeat Tokiwa Shougo.

The final result is just to obediently hand over one's own history.

No matter how hard Nangong Qi struggled, he was unable to resist.

Even so......

"I'm not reconciled!"

Reluctant tears flowed down his face, and all Nangong Qi could do was hug his brother tightly.

Although he knew that in the plot of the Little Devil, all the powers of the Kamen Riders were finally returned, Nangong Qi was unwilling to separate from Ce.

Not even 1 minute!

"Brother, please promise me that even if I am gone, you will live well! Ciao~"

With that said, Ce began to change towards the dial, preparing to hand over the history of Nangong Qi as [Kamen Rider JUDO] into Tokiwa Shougo's hands.

"Wait for me!"

After wiping away his tears, Nangong Qi's eyes showed determination. "You are my brother, so let me do it myself!"


Ce was immediately digitized and floated into Nangong Qi's body.


After taking a long breath, energy began to condense in Nangong Qi's right hand, turning into two dials...

No, it’s three dials!

They are the JUDO dial and the genm dial of Showa Knights and Heisei Knights respectively.

He is also infected with Tan Li Dou's virus?

However, Nangong Qi was too lazy to think so much.

"Ce, goodbye! I will always remember you!"

The three dials were handed over to Tokiwa Shogo.

The next moment, Nangong Qi disappeared and returned to the timeline where he did not become [Kamen Rider JUDO].


Kado Yashi followed Nangong Qi's example and divided his power into two halves. He actually separated two dials and gave them to Tokiwa Shougo.

Soon, Kado Yashi also disappeared.

At the same time, a strong space-time storm swept across the entire world, from the past to the future, and all timelines.

All traces of the [Card Repair] organization, all scars, all pain, everything, were completely erased, as if this organization had never existed.

【Card Repair】It’s over!

Whether it's its past, its future, or even its present, it's all finished.

No one will remember them, no one will miss them, and no one will fear them.

And this time and space storm also affected the location of the [Space-Time Management Bureau] on the surface, which is actually the location of the new [Overhaul Card].

The intense space-time storm swept away everything related to [Shuka], erasing everything that this organization had ever had.

The symbol of the Shouka Eagle was erased, even from the memory of everyone present.

When the new [Overhaul Card] leader Tokiwa SOUGO came back to his senses, he couldn't help but ask the upper and lower strings of his left and right hands:

"what happened?"

"do not know."

(shakes head)

After thinking for a while, SOUGO asked:

"Who are we?"

"Of course it's the [Space-Time Management Bureau]! Boss, we specially arranged for a young man with the same name as you to collect the history of all Kamen Riders. Who made the history of the Heisei Knights ugly and messy!"

"Is that so?"

SOUGO touched his chin, feeling like he had forgotten something.

"How is that boy's progress recently?"

"It seems that he has collected a lot of Kamen Rider history that even we don't know about, and now he is going to collect all the Heisei Rider history!"

Is there a Kamen Rider that we don’t even know about?

"It's time to prepare the alien knights and let them replace the history of the corresponding Kamen Riders!"

Suddenly, SOUGO felt as if he had discovered some blind spots.

"If that boy collects the history of the Heisei Knights, will we forget the history of the Heisei Knights and the alien knights?"

"Will not!"

Shangxian patted his chest and assured SOUGO. "As long as there is a heterogeneous knight dial, we will never forget the history of the Heisei knight!"

"In this case, I will feel at ease!"




It's three o'clock

Burned out today

The whole person has turned into ashes




PS again:

Okay, the gentleman has filled in the pitfalls of the [Space-Time Management Bureau].

It’s a [card repair] organization that has forgotten its last name. It’s just because the history of the Showa Knights was erased, so they forgot about it.

The reason why the Heisei Knights are not forgotten is because a different kind of knight corresponding to the Heisei Knights was created.

But I forgot about the strange knights who made the Showa Knights!




Final PS:

Please vote for me, please vote for me, please vote for me, please ask for tips.

Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

Please allow me to shamelessly request an automatic subscription!

Extra Chapter 10 Guarding peace, we are Showa!

Seeing Kado Yashi and Nangong Qi disappear in front of him, Tokiwa Shougo sighed slightly.

Since their Kamen Rider history has been collected, they will naturally not appear here.

The only one who can appear here is Kamen Rider, not Kamen Rider, and will not follow him.

Although he had expected this, a feeling called loneliness still filled his heart at this moment.

I am the only one left, and I am the only one who still remembers the history of Kamen Riders, the experience of going on adventures with them, fighting evil together, and fighting to protect the world.

It was obvious that he chose this path just to skip classes at the beginning.

I didn't expect that I would feel like this just halfway through this journey.

But ah...

"I am a man destined to be the king! I will continue to fight to protect the smiles of all Kamen Riders!"

After cheering himself up, Tokiwa Shogo continued his task of collecting the history of Kamen Rider alone.

A man goes to collect alone.

During the fight against the Chrysis Empire, Shogo Tokiwa successfully convinced Minami Kotaro to hand over his power.

Minami Kotaro did not want to become a Kamen Rider, but the most important thing is that after handing over his power, his best friend, Nobuhiko Akizuki, can return.


The world of [Kamen Rider Shin].

Shougo Tokiwa punched Dr. Blackheart's head and got the dial from Kaze Matsuma (Ultraman Hikari).


Facing the towering, extremely huge space mechanical beast that can be used as a monster in the Ultraman studio next door, Tokiwa Shogo got the last two Showa dials from Segawa Koji (Tyrannosaurus Rex Linker) and Aso Masaru respectively.

At this moment, all the Showa Knight dials resonated with each other and merged into a huge dial of [Glory King].

Accompanied by various Showa hurricanes and other sound effects, all the Showa Knights appeared behind Shogo Tokiwa one by one like statues.

"Number one!"

"Number two!"






"Sky Knight!"

"Super One!"



"Black RX!"

"Shadow Moon!"



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