



"Protect everything! Kamen Rider Glory King!"

All the statues turned into corresponding knight symbols, and the seals were affixed to Tokiwa Shougo's armor.

There are no extravagant decorations, but only the terrifying power that can destroy everything under the simple appearance.

"Guarding peace, this is Showa!"

Tokiwa Shogo jumped up and launched his special move, and then a total of twenty Kamen Riders including him gathered in the air.

"Finish Time!"

"All Twenty Time Break!"

Twenty giant Kamen Riders flew towards the enemy and completely crushed the Space Mechanical Beast to ashes.


On the snowy mountain, Tokiwa Shogo and Godai Yusuke besieged Daguba together.

After learning from Tokiwa Shogo that as long as the history of Kamen Rider is handed over, all the people who died because of Gurungi can be resurrected, Godai Yusuke handed over Kuuga's dial without hesitation.

"I want everyone to laugh!"


In the battle against the Black God, Tokiwa Shogo and Tsugami Shoichi united and challenged the Black God, successfully hurting the god and making him willing to let go of the future of mankind and no longer interfere.

Later, Tsugami Shoichi also handed over his dial.

Tokiwa Shogo collected the dials of several other Kamen Riders by the way.

"Zhuang Wu, for the sake of mankind and Yaji Tuo, please continue your journey!"


Tokiwa Shogo joined the knight war without hesitation.

He will go to all the Kamen Riders one by one and reason with them, in order to stop this completely ignorant Kamen Rider war.

Of course, there are also some people who don't like to reason and join the knight war simply for their own selfish reasons.

For example, the king snake likes to fight;

Black-hearted police knife; (crab)

The armor that kills people with grass; (rhinoceros)

The Antelope King who is obsessed with money;

A green demon with despicable actions; (Chameleon)

The ferocious Yuan Qi. (shark)

For these selfish guys, Tokiwa Shogo, who has received the true inheritance of the Showa Knights, will greet them with his fists without hesitation, and then forcibly snatch the knight dials from their hands, allowing them to return to mortal life.

And he also successfully got the support of Kido Shinji and Tezuka (Haiyao), Professor Kagawa (The Determinator), and Tojo Satoru (Sneak Attack Tiger), and planned to find a way to solve the personal problems of the remaining Kamen Riders. .


Shirou Kanzaki, the organizer of the Knight War, could not tolerate Tokiwa Shogo's behavior. He immediately summoned Kaname Shogo and Country Kakiji from the mirror world to form a confrontational camp with the remaining Kamen Riders.

First of all, the village faker forcibly merged with Shinji Kido, completely turning into a black man.

And Tokiwa Shougo also faced his own mirror body.

It is almost impossible to defeat him.

Because the two sides have the same fighting method and the same dial, whatever Tokiwa Shogo can do, his mirror body can do.

For a while, the battle situation was at a stalemate.

At this time, Kanzaki Shirou took the opportunity to bewitch Tojo Satoru (Sneak Attack Tiger) and asked him to backstab Professor Kagawa and Tezuka.

The battle situation suddenly became more and more unfavorable for Tokiwa Shougo.

Immediately afterwards, Kanzaki Shirou, a bitch, began to encourage all the remaining Kamen Riders to attack Tokiwa Shogo.

However, to everyone's expectation, Tokiwa Shougo's mirror body actually chose to protect his real body and started to confront Kanzaki Shirou.

"I'm sorry for letting you face so much alone. I have a bright side and a dark side. No matter which one it is, it is me, my truest side! You are me, I am you! "

Shogo Tokiwa finally embraces his mirror body.

"Whether it's the past or the future, whether it's light or darkness. I will accept it all!"

"Really! This is the price of becoming a king, just bear it for me!"

The two completed the fusion, and the original dial was upgraded to [King of Time Second Level], allowing him to manipulate time and fight against Kanzaki Shirou.

Yes, it was only now that Tokiwa Shougo discovered that he had the ability to manipulate time.

"Once I accept my dark side, I am invincible!"

With just a snap of your fingers, everyone can return to the state where the knight war has not yet begun.

At the end of the Knights' War, the battle between Shogo Tokiwa and Shirou Kanzaki reached the end of time, and the avenue was wiped out.

Their battlefield traveled from the past to the future.

Basically, Shogo Tokiwa is chasing Shirou Kanzaki.

The main reason is that Tokiwa Shogo is not as skilled in time control as Kanzaki Shirou, and Kanzaki Shirou is really too good at running.

The winner is naturally Shogo Tokiwa. He finally surpassed Kanzaki Shirou in the manipulation of time and completely eliminated him in the past and future, between time.

The returning Shogo Tokiwa showed the power of [Knightman] to Ren Akiyama and Shuichi Kitaoka, curing all the diseases of the former's girlfriend and the latter, and by the way helped Kirishima Miho (Swan) resurrect her sister.

In this way, Tokiwa Shogo collected all the dials from the entire "Kamen Rider Ryuki" set.


After gaining second-level power, especially after exercising his control over time with Kanzaki Shirou, Tokiwa Shogo's strength became even more terrifying.

(Kanzaki Shirou: MMP!)

Sometimes, you can easily defeat your opponent by simply controlling the rapid flow of time for tens of millions of years, or rewinding time for tens of thousands of years.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, it cannot withstand the wear and tear of time.

Because time is such a powerful and ruthless thing.

"I will protect the smiles of all Kamen Riders!"

Tokiwa Shougo's belief became stronger and stronger, and at the same time he ruthlessly crushed all enemies that stood in his way.

There are weirdos, humans, and even Kamen Riders among them.

Soon, Tokiwa Shogo came to the time of exaid.

After showing JUDO's dials to Takaramu Nagamu and others, Tokiwa Shogo easily gained the trust of the protagonist group and collected all the dials.

As for the dial of Cronus, it was collected from the elder of the Hua family.

In this way, Tokiwa Shogo returned to his original timeline and collected the last batch of Heisei Knight dials from Kiryu Sento and other build crew members.

There is also a small interlude.

That is, on the body of Ryuuga, Tokiwa Shogo actually collected three dials: [Kamen Rider Cross-Z], [Kamen Rider EVOL] and [Kamen Rider Blood].

Universal fusion material Wan Zhang Long Wo.

"In this case, we can protect everyone's smile!"

After collecting all the known Kamen Rider dials, an unprecedented sense of satisfaction came to my heart, making Tokiwa Shogo feel extremely happy.

It's time to return!

As for his dream of becoming a king and the mission of Lao Shizi's [Space-Time Management Bureau]...

Who cares?

Time flowed in the hands, and the space began to change. Tokiwa Shougo came to the familiar [nine to five].


The fire is burning!

The entire [[-]-to-[-]] office is burning in flames.

Tokiwa Shogo felt like his heart and lungs were burning.

He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, but for some reason, Tokiwa Shogo couldn't say a word.

The violent emotions impacted his heart, making him even

For a time, I was dazzled and even blinded.


Call it out!

"Uncle, uncle ahhhhhhhhhh--"

With tears in his eyes, Tokiwa Shogo howled and rushed into the [[-] to [-] to [-] Hall] that was in the sea of ​​fire.


A violent explosion sounded, and the air wave blew the untransformed Tokiwa Shogo away, and [[-] to [-] to [-] Hall] was completely turned into ashes.

After his head came into close contact with the ground, Tokiwa Shogo's brain, which had turned into a ball of mush, finally regained consciousness.

"I, I still have a second-order dial, and I can also control the time!"

Taking out the watch face, Tokiwa Shougo pressed the button, wanting to turn back time as before.

But to his surprise, there was no movement on his dial.

"Dial, move it! Dial, why doesn't it move!?"

This is almost the fastest hope Tokiwa Shogo can think of to save his uncle.

But this hope went unanswered when he needed it most.


The classic villain voice sounded.

Looking towards the source of the sound, it turned out to be the director of the [Space-Time Management Bureau] who issued the task of [Collecting the History of Heisei Kamen Rider] to him.

Behind him were his two right-hand men, as well as twenty grinning alien Heisei knights, as well as countless giant Robes, which were the Time Demon God Machines.

"Is it you, did you do all this? Why?"

"It's us! The reason why we did all this is to eliminate the history of all Heisei Knights, including you!" It seemed that he was too lazy to pretend, and the director directly showed his cards.

"As long as I kill you and let the alien knight take the place of the corresponding Kamen Rider, the history of Kamen Rider will end here!"

"Why? Why do you want to attack your uncle?!"

Tokiwa Shogo almost roared.

"When we found this place, you were not there, only him. So we killed him easily!" The director showed an extremely cold expression.

"Also, don't continue to struggle. We have already activated the backdoor program. All your dials and drives will be completely ineffective, and you will lose all power. So you'd better just surrender and be less physical. bitter!"


Tokiwa Shougo didn't say a word, he just tied the [Space-Time Drive] around his waist and made his habitual transformation movements.

"I've said it all, you don't have any power anymore! The only fate waiting for you is destruction, and the history of Kamen Rider will end at this moment!" The director continued to mock Tokiwa Shougo.

In his opinion, the situation in front of him is almost like a flying dragon riding on the face, and he doesn't know how to lose even if he wants to lose!

However, this time, he may have miscalculated.


Tokiwa Shougo roared, and dark golden energy spurted out from his body, dyeing the originally pure white [Time and Space Driver] with his color.

Dark gold.

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