Immediately afterwards, a huge clock made of energy appeared on the floor behind him. The terrifying energy actually melted the floor directly, like magma.

"Impossible! How can you still have the power to resist!? This is unscientific!"



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Extra Chapter 11 Blessing Moment!The most benevolent, most kind, most high and most powerful king!Encounter the Demonic King of Time!

"Duang" "Duang"

Listen, the evening bell has revealed your name! ! ! (Crossed out, I went to the wrong set)

As if the death knell was ringing, on the ground behind Shogo Tokiwa, the hour and minute hands of the dark golden clock made of energy suddenly opened, pointing to ten past ten.

In the center of the big clock, there is also the word knight engraved on it.


Pushing both sides of the dark golden belt, dark golden energy overflowed from Tokiwa Shogo's body and from the ground, turning around him like a clock wheel.

"Blessing the moment!


"The most benevolent, most kind, most high and most powerful king! The King of Demonic Time!"

The red font was engraved on the mask, as if written in blood.

The armor on his body is mainly black, with dark gold embellishments in some places. A huge watch strap spans the left shoulder and is diagonal on the body.

The most benevolent and kind, but also the most vicious and evil king!

The King of Demonic Time has arrived!

Just the wave of air that escaped from the transformation was extremely terrifying, blowing the director and his left and right hands, twenty alien knights, backwards.

"Transformation!" ×3

The director and others did not dare to neglect, and quickly took out their drives and transformation dials, and began to transform.

"Rider Time!! Kamen Rider Barlckxs!!"

"Rider Time!! Kamen Rider Zonjis!!"

"Rider Time!! Kamen Rider Zamonas!!"

"King of Time, don't think you have won!"

The director continued to try to use words to attack Tokiwa Shougo.

Perhaps in his eyes, a passionate young man like Tokiwa Shogo who can be tricked into saving the world with just a few words can also be hit by a few words from him.

"You have nothing now! People all over the world will be afraid of you, fear you, and want to kill you! You can no longer become a king! Even if you have the strongest power, you are just a demon king! "

"Ha ha!"

Tokiwa Shougo sneered.

"After going through so much, I have understood everything a long time ago. I have a most benevolent and good side, and at the same time, I also have a most vicious and evil side. No matter whether it is the devil king or the holy king! I! No! No! Huh! "

not give a damn about! ?

As soon as he said this, the director finally realized how troublesome the person in front of him was, and quickly shouted to the person behind him:

"Don't be afraid, we have the characteristic of invalidating the power of the Heisei Kamen Riders! It's absolutely impossible for Tokio to defeat us without the help of the power of other Kamen Riders!"

"Alien knights, GO!"


Just like a group of beasts coming out of their cages, the alien knights transformed into their final forms and swarmed towards Tokiwa Shougo.

It is worth noting that the alien king uses the second-order form as his ultimate form.

But so what?

Even with absolute numerical suppression, he is still not in the eyes of Shogo Tokiwa.

Facing the alien Ultimate Kuuga who was so huge that he could be placed next to Ultraman as a monster, Tokiwa Shogo just jumped up and used his own energy to condense an even bigger Kuuga mark and attached it to his fist. , shattered the huge body of the alien Ultimate Kuuga with one punch.

"This is impossible! We are obviously immune to the power of the Heisei Knights! Why was I defeated by Kuuga's power? This is impossible!"

The Transformer of the Alien Ultimate Kuuga yelled after releasing his transformation.

Tokiwa Shougo stepped on his chest mercilessly.

"My power is the power of all Kamen Riders!"

Then, Tokiwa Shogo exerted force on his feet, completely crushing the person under his feet, just like crushing a mirror.

The next moment, he burst out with a speed that was hard to see clearly.

Immediately after...



With explosions and screams, all the alien knights were killed in an instant.

The director was stunned when he saw all this.

"What kind of power is this!"

"Don't underestimate the history of Kamen Rider!"

A low voice sounded, and Tokiwa Shougo turned into a dark golden meteor again, and a fist exceeding a hundred tons hit the director like a violent storm.

Not only the director, but also the upper and lower strings were subjected to such a horrific attack.

Miracle, will you really show up?

Tokiwa Shougo roared in his heart, and at the same time, he used his hands and feet to beat the three people from the [Space-Time Management Bureau] to the sky, unable to get down at all.

What a miracle, if I defeat these evil people, my uncle will come back to life, right?

He knew clearly that there were no miracles in this world, but Tokiwa Shougo still prayed for a miracle to appear in his heart. He had never hoped for a miracle to appear like he did today.

So please let a miracle happen!

Please let a miracle happen!

Miracle, please appear soon!

When Tokiwa Shougo finally regained his ability to think, the trio of [Space-Time Management Bureau] were almost unable to stand up.

No matter how numbly he waved his whole body, no miracle occurred.

"Go to hell!"

His voice was extremely cold, and Tokiwa Shougo violently pushed both sides of the dark-gold [Enchan Tokio Driver].

"The final hour!"

"The king will kill when encountering demons!"

Dark golden energy spurted out from Tokiwa Shougo's body again, entangling

All around him.

He jumped up and kicked towards the director.

The hour and minute hands on the back rotate to an angle of ten past ten and open like wings.

A large number of dark golden fonts surrounded the director, making it impossible for him to avoid them and had no choice but to block them.

"Dangerous!" ×2

The director's left and right hands, that is, the upper string and the lower string, used their last strength to block the director's front, and active defense came.

The next moment, Tokiwa Shogo's flying kick hit the lower string at the front.

But his flying kick did not stop, but continued to push the lower string, and hit the upper string with an overwhelming force, as well as the director who was lying on the ground, unable to get up.


Suddenly, a light comparable to the sun shone.

It was also thanks to Tokiwa Shougo that he controlled his power properly and did not let the energy escape and create an explosion like a nuclear explosion.

The three of them were directly swallowed by the energy under Tokiwa Shogo's full blow, and died on the spot... Did they?

"Not dead yet?"

Tokiwa Shougo was extremely cold. Through the long river of time, he saw the director fleeing the world with his left and right hands at the last moment.

Without hesitation, Tokiwa Shougo tore open the barriers of space and planned to continue hunting down these bastards who killed his uncle.

At this moment, the director's panicked voice suddenly sounded.

"King of Demonic Time, I advise you to take care of yourself and don't come after us! If you want your world to be completely destroyed!"


Tokiwa Shougo was slightly startled, and retracted half of his foot that had stepped into the door of space.

"Hehehe, you feel it too, right? We have used timeline manipulation technology to divide your timeline and the original timeline into two parallel worlds! As long as you leave here, we will destroy this world immediately! "

"Now, we have released countless demon machines to attack all humans in this world. Even if you don't leave this world, everyone in this world will die!"

"I almost forgot to tell you, even if you want to turn back time, it is impossible! Because the timeline has become as fragile as glass, once you modify the established facts that have already happened, the resulting time and space storm will inevitably It will completely tear this world into pieces!”

"King of Demonic Time, make your choice! Hahahahahahahahahaha!"


Is this still a choice?

Tokiwa Shougo immediately transformed into a dark golden meteor, traveling around the world to destroy the raging Demon Machine.

Although he had tried his best to help, the entire earth was still turned into a wasteland by countless demonic machines that were killing them crazily.

Maybe it's because there is no Kamen Rider that this happened?

After destroying all the rampaging demon machines, Tokiwa Shougo returned to the ruins of [[-] to [-] Hall], searching among the ruins for the last remaining things of his uncle that he could keep as a souvenir for himself.

However nothing was found.

After the transformation was released, Tokiwa Shougo fell helplessly among the ruins, and tears finally burst out uncontrollably.

After taking off the mask, he is the real him.

"Uncle, now I can realize my dream of becoming a king, but you are no longer here!"

"Ooohhhhhh! Uncle, uncle!"

Even if you become the strongest Kamen Rider in the world, no matter what you want to do, you can do it, so what?

His closest relatives have died, and his Kamen Rider friends who fought side by side with him to save the world have their history erased by his own hands.

He could no longer feel content, instead he felt lonely.

It took Shogo Tokiwa more than a month to get over the grief of losing his uncle.

During this process, he remained in a state of confusion and distraught, unable to do almost anything.

After hiding the sadness in his heart, Tokiwa Shougo joined the ranks of rebuilding his home.

After all, the [Space-Time Management Bureau] released a large number of berserk demon machines, almost turning the world into a wasteland.

Human beings call this sudden catastrophe "The Day of the Demon".

Despite this, human beings still have to continue to live tenaciously and rebuild their homes. .

However, in the process of rebuilding his home, Tokiwa Shougo was suddenly surrounded by a group of people again.

A group of enemies full of malice and murderous intent.

It turns out that during the month when Tokiwa Shogo was confused, the [Space-Time Management Bureau] took the opportunity to spread a lot of rumors about Tokiwa Shogo in the world.

Tokiwa Shogo, the [Demon King], is considered to be the culprit of [Demon Day].

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