At this moment, Poppy's hair color became normal, no longer pink, and she was wearing a white wedding dress.

Suddenly, Poppy's face turned red with embarrassment, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Qi, don't call me by my online name anymore! Call me tomorrow, that's enough!"

Tan, tomorrow’s day, Tan tomorrow’s day?

"Great, I'm starting to understand everything!"

Seeing his fiancée, Nangong Qi walked forward, gently held the fingers of Poppy's right hand, and kissed the back of her hand.

After swiping, Poppy's face turned even redder.

It looks even cuter.

Nangong Qi was about to lead Poppy towards the church when something unexpected happened.


Suddenly, the sound of violent friction between tires and the ground was heard, successfully attracting the attention of everyone present.

I saw a dozen high-speed black limousines making a gorgeous drift and stopping right near the church.

And as if planned, the stopped black limousines surrounded the church.


Am I the iron-blooded orphan who went to the next door?

Don't do that kind of thing!

Although a strong sense of foreboding surged into Nangong Qi's heart, making him extremely resistant, as the protagonist of this wedding and Poppy's groom, Nangong Qi absolutely could not retreat.

Resisting the pressure, Nangong Qi bit the bullet and walked towards the black limousine.

Suddenly, all the doors of the black limousines opened, and a large number of people came out with a roar, surrounding the entire church.

Those who didn't know might have thought that Nangong Qi and the Tan family had provoked some gangster organization and specially chose this festive day to settle accounts with them.

Taking a closer look, Nangong Qi couldn't help but call him a good guy.

Those who came were all his old acquaintances.

What about Minami Kotaro, Akizuki Nobuhiko, Hell Ambassador, Dark Ambassador, Black General, Colonel Zolu, Baron Fang, and a large group of weird people that Nangong Qi knows and doesn't know.

But these people did not attack in the form of monsters, but in the form of ordinary people, neatly wearing black suits and sunglasses.

After the traces of co-writing [Shu Ka] were erased, did they directly change jobs and become gangsters?

Looking at their menacing appearance, I'm afraid they are coming with bad intentions!

Despite this, Nangong Qi still did not stop and walked straight to these old acquaintances.


Nangong Qi did not show hostility first, but unexpectedly showed kindness to the unkind visitor.

[Card Repair] The gangsters looked at each other one after another, then loudly cleared a road, and stood neatly on both sides of the road, like professional guards.

At the end of the road was a man in a magenta suit who looked extremely arrogant.


With such a coquettish color, how could Nangong Qi not recognize it?

"And I!"

Beside Kadayaji was a man wearing a navy blue suit.

It is probably the Haidong tree.

Just like this, Men Yashi and Haidong Dashu walked along the road towards Nangong Qi proudly.

It seems that without becoming Kamen Riders, these two guys directly changed their careers to become Yangko STARs!

Moreover, the people under him are still the original team of [Card Repair].


"Shi, Haidong, are you two coming today to ruin my wedding?"


Kado Yaji's first words gave Nangong Qi an opening lightning strike. "Qi, do you know? Xiaoye has taken a liking to you since the last time we saw each other. So you just follow us and leave, so as not to suffer any physical pain!"

Kadashi's voice was very loud.

Everyone present could hear it clearly.

Everyone turned their attention to Nangong Qi, as if they wanted to see what choice Nangong Qi would make in the face of the evil forces.

Especially Poppy, her heart seemed to be in her throat.

"That sounds nice, but I refuse!"

Although he didn't know what in himself deserved Kadoya Saya's attention, Nangong Qi still firmly refused, which made Poppy sigh in relief.

"Then no wonder we're rough!"

"excuse me!"

Kado Yaji and Kaito Daiki also had expected it. One of them was holding a linen bag and the other was carrying a wooden stick.

With just one swipe, Nangong Qi was completely covered by the sack.

Immediately afterwards, Haidong Dashu swung a wooden stick at Nangong Qi's head and knocked him unconscious with several sticks.

Then Kado Yashi carried the knocked unconscious Nangong Qi on his shoulders and walked away with Haidong Dashu.

The whole process was so smooth that one had to wonder why they were so skilled, or how much preparation they had made for this.

Everyone present was in a state of confusion, as if they could not imagine why a dignified gangster lady would actually fall in love with Nangong Qi, an innocent doctor.

"It's not good!" Ce was the first to react and shouted.

"The eldest brother was knocked unconscious. That bitch, Kadoya Saya, must have taken a liking to the eldest brother and wanted to take him back to be a slave!"

"Ce, why do you have such a good imagination!? Shouldn't you be shouting about robbery at this time?"

Not to mention Tan Lidou's complaints, Ce's shouts alone successfully woke up everyone present.

"Someone is here to steal the marriage!"

"Go and get the eldest brother back!"

Baosheng Yongmeng, who had always been soft and soft, picked up a stool, randomly selected a gangster and hit his head hard.

Suddenly, there was chaos on the scene.

The doctor united with the former bugsters and fought with the yangkos.



On the original timeline:

Lao Tan was deceived by the shrimp dumplings, and Fantasy Group almost went bankrupt. Thanks to Nangong Qi, he spent money to save the company.

Timeline without Kamen Rider:

Lao Tan was still fooled by shrimp dumplings, Fantasy Group was still almost bankrupt, and Nangong Qi still saved the company by spending money.

This is the end of the timeline (doge)




PS again:

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Extra Chapter 13 The name of Kamen Rider is not what we need, the name of hero only needs a clear conscience!

Doctors, bugsters and the gangsters brought by Kadoyaji fight together.

As the saying goes: 360 lines, every line will lead to the number one scholar.

Without the elements of Kamen Rider, doctors and bugsters are not professional thugs. In terms of combat effectiveness, the gangsters are naturally superior.

Not to mention that today, in order to ensure the success of the marriage robbery, Kadayaji specially selected high-ranking thugs.

This made it even more impossible for them to break through the encirclement and snatch Nangong Qi back.

Seeing all this, Ce was so anxious that he wished he could transform back into a bugster and fight Kado Yaji for [-] rounds.

"How can humans be such an inconvenience!"

Seeing her groom being snatched away so grandly, Poppy couldn't help but scream.


NO is useless.

Kadashi came today with enough people. Even the police would not dare to provoke gangsters casually. He was still a gangster who liked to run rampant.

His eyes came to Nangong Qi.

In the car driven by Kado Yashi himself, Nangong Qi woke up leisurely, and then...


Even though Kado Yashi was his acquaintance who wasn't even a friend, Nangong Qi just couldn't help but curse.

What about the friend who snatched himself away at the wedding?

Soon, Nangong Qi's angry mood calmed down.

Probably because Nangong Qi had such characteristics after being transformed by [Overhaul Card]

, no matter how intense the emotions are, Nangong Qi can quickly calm down his emotions.

And Nangong Qi didn't want to change his characteristics and habits. After all, habits and personality were not things that could be changed easily.

What's more, in many cases, maintaining strong emotions for a long time is not a good thing.

"Kado Yaji, you guys, Xiaoye, and Kaito, you all retain your previous memories, right?"

Nangong Qi was even more rude when he spoke.

Since his friend is so good at what he does, he doesn't bother to be polite anymore.


Kado Yaji, who was driving, didn't look back, but snapped his fingers, his attitude was very arrogant, and he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong at all.

"So you became a Yangko STAR? And you brought a bunch of [card repairers] with you to crash my wedding?"

"As expected of JUDO, his powers of observation are so amazing!" After praising Nangong Qi, Kado Yashi continued to drive.

"It seems that in the timeline without Kamen Rider, Kadiya Saya and I were adopted as sons and daughters by the Commander-in-Chief since we were young, and I myself became the next heir to the Commander-in-Chief!"

"So what happened to Xiaoye? I remember I only met her once, and the meeting lasted for less than an hour. How did she fall in love with me at first sight? How did you become a brother?"

After all, Nangong Qi never expected that he would fall in love at first sight with the daughter of a gang boss and be targeted. This kind of TN thing would only happen in novels.

"I'm not particularly clear about my sister's situation. Maybe your boy is handsome and Xiao Ye will fall in love with you!"

It should be said that he is worthy of Kado Yashi. Even if Nangong Qi is an old comrade for many years, his words are still full of guns and sticks.


Nangong Qi kicked Kado Yaji who was sitting in the front seat hard.

"This is the plot of some third-rate romance novel! And it was written by Toshiki Inoue, right?"

"Toshiki Inoue? Who is that?"

"An author whose writing is first-rate, but full of bad taste. His actions to disgust readers include but are not limited to making two men who have a very good relationship stir up trouble with each other! For example, you and Haidong!"

Nangong Qi's words were full of malice towards the two of them.

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