
Haidong Dashu made an exaggerated appearance of vomiting.

Are you getting involved with Kadoya Shi?

It would be better to kill him!

"Ha ha!"

Kadoya Shi smiles but doesn't smile.

At this time, the whole world became quiet.

Whether it was Kadoya Shi or Kaito Daiki, their expressions were frozen at that moment.

At the same time, the birds that were flying in the air stopped in mid-air as if they were frozen.

Time has stopped! ?

Having encountered Pause many times, Nangong Qi's first reaction was that time had stopped.

The second reaction is, who paused time?

Also, why was he not affected by Time Stop?

Could it be that......

With questions and conjectures, Nangong Qi took the initiative to get out of the black limousine.

A dark golden space-time tunnel also appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"It's really you!"

With a smile on his face, Nangong Qi walked straight into it.

As soon as he walked out of the space-time tunnel, what came into view was the old devil's big gold watch.

What attracted Nangong Qi's attention even more was that behind him, there were countless statues of Kamen Riders.

From No. [-] to the latest build, all main knights, and even various auxiliary knights and villain knights, it can be said that they are all available.

In the center, and the most conspicuous one, is the statue of the old devil when he was young.

The ones closest to this statue are JUDO and decade, even standing side by side, which respectively represent the status of Nangong Qi and Kado Yashi in the heart of the old devil.

These statues not only carry the old devil's memories, dreams, history, friendships, and everything in the past.

Although he has become what people call the devil, is spurned by countless people, cursed by countless people, and hated by countless people, he doesn't care.

He doesn't care.

After all, he didn't want others to recognize him, so he wanted to become the king.

He wants to be the king from the bottom of his heart and become the king of all Kamen Riders.

Because he not only wants to protect the smiles of humans, but also the smiles of all Kamen Riders and carry their history.

The history of Kamen Rider is destined to be full of misfortune, bad luck, sadness and pain.

Therefore, Tokiwa Shogo has the opportunity to erase and carry this history.

Unknowingly, he has saved the world more than 20 times, but that period of history was erased by his own hands and no one will remember it.

He still doesn't care.

The name of Kamen Rider is not what we need, the name of hero only needs a clear conscience!

The principles taught by Nangong Qi and other Showa knights to Tokiwa Shougo were firmly remembered by him.

He alone needs to carry that history;

One person comes to remember;

One person to protect it is enough.

"My best friend, my mentor, you are here indeed! And beyond my expectation, you actually remember me!"

"Your voice sounds old

A lot.Zhuangwu, what happened to you after we parted? "

"It's a long story! After all, it's been 50 years since we last met!"

"50 years? Then I should be all ears!"

"Oh? Hahaha!"

The old devil laughed, and with a wave of his hand, he created two chairs, one for himself and one for Nangong Qi.

This is probably the first time in the old devil's history that he can shed all his burdens and recall his past.

The whole process is neither long nor short.

From the death of his uncle, the invasion of the [Space-Time Management Bureau], the divided timeline, the united [Demon Lords of Time], etc., etc., the old demon king spoke them all without reservation.

Since Aunt Azuma left a deep pit in "Kamen Rider King" that was several times thicker than that in "Dragon", Nangong Qi listened very carefully, for fear that he would miss some settings again.

I don't know how much time passed before the old devil finished speaking and let out a long breath, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

Nangong Qi stood up and gently put his arm on the old devil's shoulders.

"It's been so hard for you all these years!"

The old devil was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Thank you!"

"I probably understand the affairs of the [Space-Time Management Bureau], so what are your plans next? Or, in other words, how do you plan to deal with those guys?"

"Those dogs and donkeys are too slippery. They have only been sending more time robbers to die in other timelines, and will not show up on their own initiative. If you want to catch them, I'm afraid you need to lure the snake out of the hole!"

"Let the snake out of the hole?"

"That's right! I plan to let you cultivate a timeline of me. You only need to slightly weaken his strength so that the people in the [Space-Time Administration] think there is a chance of success. Of course, strength is not a problem. The most important thing is, You must have enough willpower to bear this burden!”

"I understand!"

How powerful!The road is at your feet! (cross out)

"You mean, Showa trains a dragon!?"

"No! What I need is someone who is not strong enough, so that I can seduce the [Space-Time Management Bureau]! But it cannot be too weak. After all, the people in the [Space-Time Management Bureau] are not blind. If it is too weak, If it’s an exaggeration, I guess they won’t take the bait easily.”

The old devil looked very sincere.

According to Nangong Qi's method, the person trained must be a strong man from Showa, not the sweet bait that he expected to seduce the [Space-Time Management Bureau].

"Ah? This..."

Now Nangong Qi was in a bit of a dilemma.

He suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his thinking.

Seemingly sensing Nangong Qi's thoughts, the old devil said:

"That's it, I gradually understand everything!"

"Why so?"

"Qi, haven't you noticed? When you changed from a cybernetic to a bugster, and finally back to a human, did your thinking deviate from that of ordinary people?"

"How can I be more specific?"

Nangong Qi did feel that something was wrong with him, but he had never pointed it out until now.

"For example, if the enemy villain BOSS is severely injured by you, and his kind-hearted daughter who has never committed any crime blocks in front of you before the fatal blow, what will you do?"

"I'm a kind person and couldn't bear to see his daughter sad, so naturally I beat his daughter unconscious. If she didn't know that she wanted to seek revenge from me, I would still choose to continue beating her."

"If she threatens the people around me, then I will send her and her father to go happy together... Huh?"

Speaking of the latter, Nangong Qi also felt something was wrong.

"Well, that's your problem!"

The old devil looked like he had expected it. "Probably because the [Overhaul Card]'s transformation has had such a profound impact on you that no matter what problem you are solving, you will use absolute violence as the first method of execution!"

"...That seems to be the case!"

After hesitating for a moment, Nangong Qi couldn't help but nodded.

If you follow normal people's thinking, you must talk a lot, convince people with reason, let the daughter understand the sins of the father, or even completely separate the father and daughter.

Just like when faced with the situation between Dr. Death and Guang Xiahai, Nangong Qi said nothing and gave Guang Xiahai a "Gender Equality Punch" instead of using the persuasion that normal people would use.

Nangong Qi's thinking is indeed too radical, or he has gone completely crazy, just like a man with a magnetic field.

Just like battlefield veterans who have been involved in wars all year round and remain highly vigilant all the time, they cannot integrate into society.

Even if he is forcibly pushed back into society, his highly tense nerves will still make him highly alert for revenge, and may even harm the people closest to him.

To put it simply, Nangong Qi has been going crazy since he was transformed. Now he needs some time and space to calm down and eliminate his madness.

"It seems that I have to adjust myself first and adapt to the original society!"

"If you don't mind, let me help you.

! ”

The old devil took out a book with "Kamen Rider Revice" written on it out of thin air and opened it.

A large number of book page special effects appeared out of thin air, forming a space door in front of the two people.


A work I haven’t seen before!

Although the stories belonging to "Kamen Rider ZI-O" continue on various timelines, there are still some people whose stories are extremely normal.

After all, Aunt Dong herself filmed Shi Wang and produced several timelines.

An ordinary ending is that after Tokiwa Shogo gains the power to meet demons, he punches a child, and then returns the power and history belonging to the Kamen Riders.

The other is a perfect ending.

Tokiwa Shougo seduced the [Space-Time Management Bureau] and together with many knights crushed the mastermind behind the scenes.

"And there's your power!"

Immediately afterwards, the old devil took out three more dials and threw them to Nangong Qi.

They are [Kamen Rider JUDO] and [Kamen Rider genm] from Showa and Heisei.

With these, Nangong Qi can return to the complete [Black Hole Creator Player].

As long as it's not a star-level enemy like Ultraman next door, he's basically invincible in the world.

After catching the dial that belonged to him, Nangong Qi could feel that Ce actually became active before his power and history were released.

"It seems a little too much!"

Nangong Qi frowned.

What he wants is to adapt to modern society, not to blow up fish ponds.

Too much power will prevent him from exercising his mind.

"That's why I prepared this for you!"

The old devil threw another piece of [Gaia Memory] and [Lost Drive].

"Thank you!"

With absolute trust in the old devil, Nangong Qi walked into the book door without even checking what model the [Gaia Memory] was.

"Wait for my good news! CIAO~"

"Go ahead and have a go, JUDO!"



To put it simply, the protagonist has PTSD

Go to Thursday to calm down your nerves first, and then come back to train the little devil.

Finally, let’s deal with Kado Yaji’s marriage-robbing battle.

Guess what kind of memory the old devil gave to the protagonist!

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