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Volume: Tools and thugs have no sense of existence, doting on family members and spreading negative energy

Chapter 183 My friend, it’s delicious!Family, it tastes better!

In the age of the dinosaurs, an alien scientific research ship crashed on the earth, full of alien scientists and scholars.

The purpose of their trip is to go to a vibrant planet and collect various biological samples.

However, this time their outing encountered an accident.

"Keef, something bad happened! During the time travel process, the engine system failed, causing the spacecraft to be severely damaged and seriously deviating from the established route. Now, our spacecraft's communication system has completely failed, and it is completely disconnected from the home planet!"

"Not only the communication system, but also the food production system and the energy system are either completely malfunctioning or need to be repaired before they can continue to operate! The worst thing is that we may have arrived on a completely unknown planet!"

"Diablo, do you have any spare parts?"

"No more! During the process of traveling through space, all our repair parts were lost! Now, the 3D printer can barely handle it!"

"It's okay, we can still rely on the remaining food reserves for a while."

The alien known as Keefe, who is also the captain of this spaceship, faced his deputy Diavolo with an extremely optimistic look.

"Aside from these bad news, we should feel lucky. Because what we have arrived is a vibrant garden world with plenty of oxygen and organisms for us to eat!"

"As long as we can find a suitable energy source and corresponding materials, we can use 3D printing technology to repair our spacecraft. By then, we can go home safely!"

this one

came out, the aliens suddenly cheered.


"You can go home!"

"Keef bless us!"


The aliens cheered.

However, what no one knew was that the conversation between Keefe and Diavolo just now was just a show.

In fact, the 3D printing system has long been damaged.

There was no hope of returning home.

Just to stabilize people's hearts, Keefe and Diavolo told that kind lie.

In fact, the only thing left intact is the Sin Seal Manufacturing System.

As the characteristic technology of this group of aliens, the Seal of Sin is like Pandora's Box. While the evolutionary drive is extremely important to the Blood Star people, it also has unexpected functions for future generations of humans.

For example, the souls of aliens can be stored to achieve a state similar to dormancy.

As long as you find a suitable body and put the seal of sin on it, you can inject the souls of the aliens into it, thereby reviving the body and completing the resurrection.

Long before setting off, all the aliens had already used the Seal of Sin to leave a backup for their resurrection.

In addition, the Sin Seal is also an important scientific research device, which can absorb the genes of animals on various planets and store them.

After returning to the home planet, the biological genes in the sin seal can be extracted for further research.

It can even be pressed directly on the bodies of aliens to allow them to obtain part of the biological genes to enhance their combat effectiveness.

Now, when the spacecraft has seriously deviated from the original course and the spacecraft has been seriously damaged, they should not conduct unspecified scientific research work.

Unfortunately, in order to stabilize people's hearts and prove that what he said was not a lie, Keefe still insisted on carrying out scientific research operations to collect dinosaur genes.

As Keefe's brother, Diavolo had no choice but to agree, and hoped to find suitable materials and even food on the earth that was still in the age of dinosaurs.

If there is civilization here, maybe they can form an alien friendship, combine local technology, and repair the spacecraft.

However, fantasy is beautiful, reality is cruel.

This is a primitive world that has not yet developed any civilization.

At this time, the largest biological group on the earth, the dinosaurs, did not even have a language of their own, let alone form an entire civilization.

There is another saying that goes well in the future Earth:

Blessings are unparalleled, and misfortunes do not come singly.

For this group of alien refugees, more difficult days are yet to come.

It can be said that Keefe and Diavolo have exhausted their efforts and personally tried almost every plant and every animal on this planet. They found that they cannot be used as food. Once they are forcibly eaten, it will be very harmful to aliens like them. Just like a human swallowing gold, it is completely indigestible and will only be strangled to death in the end.

Note: After all, demons are soul creatures similar to ghosts, and are neither carbon-based nor silicon-based.

Now, even if Keefe and Diavolo didn't want to say it, they had to say it.

Because if you don't save money on food reserves, sooner or later you will be left with nothing.

Once the news was announced, it immediately caused an uproar among the refugee community.

For a time, people's hearts were agitated, and everyone took their own actions.

In order to compete for the few remaining food reserves, the refugees began to fight each other in groups.

Former blood relatives and former friends, in order to fight for the last food reserves, turned into the most primitive beasts and fought fiercely.

Just to gain the possibility of living, or even to survive for one more minute in this world.

Order has been severely damaged as never before, and everything that was once good, including virtue, has been forgotten.

In the midst of the fierce internal fighting, something even more terrifying happened:



Since you can’t find food on this planet, which is mainly populated by carbon-based life forms, why not find it from your own side?

Look around you, there is [food], living [food].

When one of them starts cannibalism, like a broken window effect, the bottom line of the alien refugees who has already fallen below the bottom line drops further.

If you don’t want to become [food] and be eaten, then take the initiative to eat the [food] around you first.

In the desperate cannibalism and cannibalism, only two survived to the end.

That's Keefe and Diavolo.

Diavolo still did not choose cannibalism, and it was Keefe who transformed into a beast.


Keefe greedily devoured the body of his own son, Bell, while Diavolo looked at him with a complicated expression.

He withstood the temptation and wiped out all the beasts that devoured his own kind.

Except Keefe.

Because Keefe is his brother, his last remaining family member.

"Keef, that's enough! Belle is your child!"

Diavolo kicked Kif away like a football, looking as if he hated iron.

"Friends, it's delicious! Family, it's even better!"

However, at this moment, Keefe has completely lost his mind. In his eyes, all his kind are his food.

After becoming aware of Diavolo's presence, Keefe

He unabashedly focused his greedy eyes on his brother, Diavolo.

"Diablo, my dearest brother, will definitely taste better!"


A final battle breaks out between Keefe and Diavolo.

The result is naturally that Keefe wins and completely devours Diavolo.

Although Keefe became the final winner, the key issue still has not been completely solved, and that is the source of food.

Limited food will sooner or later go to waste.

If Keefe was still sane, he would definitely find a way to solve this kind of problem.

Unfortunately, Keefe has completely lost his temper.

Gradually, as time goes by, the last food is consumed.

All Keefe could do was walk aimlessly on the vibrant earth, holding the seals that preserved the souls of Bell, Diavolo and other people who were extremely important to him.

Until he was completely devoured by hunger, he ate dirt, stones, and even poisonous meat.

Then Keefe died...?

Do not!

After collecting the genes of earth creatures, especially the genes of dinosaurs, the most common creatures on earth at that time, and injecting them into his own body, Keefe also successfully obtained some reptile characteristics:


However, after combining the hibernation gene, the already extremely powerful Keefe may be able to hibernate for much longer than imagined, and even he himself may not be aware of all this.

All of this was eventually buried in the ground.

No one knows that a tragedy that was horrifying even in the human world once happened here.

As time passed, all the aliens except Keefe turned into fly ash, and all that remained was their unique technology-the Seal of Sin.

Of course, the Seal of Sin is what humans call it.

On the surface, these aliens were indeed completely extinct in human prehistory, but these soul-like creatures still had a profound impact on the prehistoric earth.

Their body fragments, similar to demon fragments, are deeply imprinted in the bodies and even the DNA of many creatures on the earth. As these creatures multiply, and even in the food chain, they continue to spread to everyone on the earth. A corner, inside every living thing.

The higher you stand at the top of the food chain, the higher the purity of the demonic genes contained in your body.

And human beings act

Once a human with demonic genes in his body comes into contact with a sin seal that stores a demonic soul, the soul in the sinful seal will resonate with the demonic genes in the human body and materialize the demon.

To round things off, humans have become consumables for the devil.

The Black God was furious.

Time flies, and the overlord of the earth's era has also changed from dinosaurs to mammals.

Humans stand out among mammals and have become the most active race on the planet.

In 1971, at the time when [Kamen Rider One] was born, in a mysterious ruins in South America, people discovered something similar to a seal that could summon demons.

A government agency named Phoenix immediately intervened and began research on the evil seal, and found Keefe sleeping in the neon ruins.

Phoenix calls it [Demon Ancestor] because it is their first research result.

In order to speed up the progress, Phoenix even conducted inhumane human experiments.

Shiranami Junpei is one of the [lucky ones].

He was lucky not only here, he even survived the cruel experiment, transplanted Keefe's cells, and through the Seal of Sin, summoned the demon Bell who had been sleeping since the dinosaur age and signed a contract with him.

Logically speaking, as the evil seal is a demonic thing, there should be no such thing as a contract.

It's a pity that Phoenix is ​​not a vegetarian either.

Desperate to be exposed and determined to be executed, they forced themselves to create a contract system to restrict the demons summoned by the evil seal.

Under the arrangement of the military organization [Noah], Bell killed Shiraha Junpei's parents, which caused Shiraha Junpei to have a huge hatred for demons. He agreed to the military to become the strongest demon knight and hunt all the demons in the world. .

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