After years of fighting, Junpei Shiranami was like a veteran of the Vietnam War, his mind gradually collapsed until he met Yukihei Igarashi.

Finally, Junpei escaped from "Noah" with the help of Kariki's father and uncle, and learned that it was his own demon Bell who killed his family.

In order to protect Yukimi, Junpei and Bell died together with the consciousness of death.

However, Dr. Sincerity sacrificed himself to seal Bell into the Demons Drive, allowing Junpei to survive, but he lost all memory.

With the help of Yukihira, Junpei changed his name to Genta Igarashi. The two got married, opened a bathhouse, and had three children.

It just didn't last long.

In 2013, Bell awakened again and discovered the current situation of his contractor. He believed that this was a complete betrayal of himself. He immediately burned down the bathhouse and destroyed all the crystallization of his betrayal, that is, Genta's family.

Bell: For that kind of woman!

I don’t know if Keefe’s genes were also passed on to

His own heir, Igarashi Ikki, as the eldest son, actually summoned his own demon, Whis, without the Seal of Sin.

Unexpectedly, Weiss even inherited the contract system in the Seal of Sin.

In order to exert his power, and to protect his host and avoid dying together, Weiss signed a contract with the young Ikki.

In exchange for Ikki's memory, Ikki's soul is actually used as fuel to give Weiss the power to protect Ikki's family.

"Wait, what is family?"

As the first native demon on the planet, Weiss was still a child and didn't even know what family was.

Soon, Weiss gave up thinking.

"Anyway, there's nothing wrong with beating that guy away!"

Bell vs. Weiss.

Weiss wins and Bell is sealed again.

Immediately afterwards, Weiss started to wave blindly, and after he had finished all the memories of Ikki, he stopped and fell into a long sleep.

Ikki, on the other hand, forgot everything after Levis squandered all his memories, even his last name and who his parents were.

Fortunately, Ikki is still young, so even if he does lose his memory, it is only considered by doctors to be a result of huge stimulation.

As for Weiss, no one knows.

Because even his contractor Ikki had completely forgotten about it.



Before I start talking about Thursday, let me say something up front

There are a large number of secondary settings and plots in this book, and the characters will even be significantly modified.

After all, Gentleman-kun still doesn’t know whether Thursday’s transformation is similar to the technological armor in build, the physical mutation in Kuuga and Yajita, or the soul materialization in ghost.

So Gentleman just decided that all demons are alien creatures similar to souls.

As for the Seal of Sin awakening the devil in human hearts?


The demon in the Seal of Sin directly absorbs the demon genes in the human body and materializes

Otherwise, there is no way to explain how Diavolo built it

There is even no way to explain why some people can summon the demon again through the seal for the second or even third time after the demon is eliminated.

It is clear that the devil is in the sin seal, not in the human body

Anyway, this is how I felt after watching it

As for the contract, it was only after humans studied the sin seal that they added restrictions against demons.

After all, Phoenix has been studying sin seals for 50 years, so there is no way there are no restrictions at all.

As for Weiss, the devil, I can only say that he and Ikki are special.

In this way, it is almost in line with the settings in the TV.

Looking back now, Kinoshita’s book eating is really serious

Don't like spray

Also, Ikki’s memory is used in exchange for something. It’s really boring.

If you want to burn, you should burn your soul (bad smile)

It makes more sense to burn the memory part of the soul and use it to provide Weiss with the energy to fight.




PS again:

Please vote for me, please vote for me, please vote for me, please ask for tips.

Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

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Chapter 184 Another Pink Kamen Rider

"Is this the world of "Kamen Rider Levis"?"

As soon as he walked out of the door of space, Nangong Qi's head was full of questions and he came to what should be a city street.

"Kamen Rider Levis"?

Never seen it!

After all, I spent the last few years in Southeast Asia before traveling through time.

I have to live in fear every day, fearing that if I sleep too deeply, I will be stolen by a monkey on the roadside, or even be pulled directly to my waist.

Nangong Qi has never seen the Kamen Rider behind the Holy Blade.

One more thing is...

"Fang! (fangs)"

Nangong Qi looked at the memory in his hand with confusion on his face.

"Why are my [Gaia Memory] fangs?"

I don’t know why, but Nangong Qi can feel

I feel an attraction between the fang memory in my hand and myself.

According to the settings in "Kamen Rider W", Nangong Qi's most suitable memory is fangs.

Although Philip has also used tusk memory, it is a pity that the tusk memory is not the most suitable memory for him. He even needs his mother to give him small dinosaur toys so that he can use them that are different from his own. Matching fang memory.

In other words, if Nangong Qi uses the fang memory, the power and combat effectiveness he can exert will definitely surpass Phillip and Shotaro's fang ace form.

"Forget it, that's it!"

After reluctantly putting away the fang memory, Nangong Qi found a random place to communicate with and released a data stream.

In the data flow, the policy is materialized.

Ever since the old devil returned the history and power of [Kamen Rider JUDO] to Nangong Qi, Ce transformed from a human back into a bugster and has been possessing Nangong Qi.

Of course, Ce is originally a bugster, so maybe he prefers the bugster form rather than the human form.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"Of course I will give you a chance to fight Tan Li, go to the world of Ultraman, and express yourself freely!"

Although more than a year has passed since the plot of "Kamen Rider EX-aid" was physically completed, Nangong Qi still has not forgotten Ce's original thoughts.

The world of Kamen Rider is not suitable for Tanlito to display his divine talents, so throw him into the world of Ultraman.

The expression on Ce's face immediately changed from confusion to joy, and finally to hesitation.

"But, without me, brother, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to transform into the strongest [Black Hole Creator Player] form. In this unknown world, is a mere fang memory really enough?"

"Ultraman's world is much more dangerous than Kamen Rider's world. You are the one who needs powerful power more than me!"

With that said, Nangong Qi summoned an [Aurora Curtain] around him, and threw the cassettes of [Player Driver] and [Black Hole Creation Player] to Ce.

Nangong Qi used active washing points.

"Even if it's not enough, don't I still have you? Besides, if I encounter a situation that I can't handle, can't I just call you from across the world?"

"that's true!"

After all, there is something like [Aurora Curtain], and traveling back and forth between different worlds is just like playing.

"Then, brother, please take care of yourself! I'll take the first step, bye!"

After thinking everything through, Ce immediately took the cassette and drive and entered the [Laser Curtain] and disappeared into this world.

"Okay, the next step is to enjoy the entertainment of modern society! First, I need to confirm my identity."

After Nangong Qi stretched, he started groping around on his body.

He felt that after entering this world, just like Wang Xiaoming, he was automatically given an identity by the world.

"This is a bathhouse member? Happy bathhouse?"

Nangong Qi felt the corners of his eyes twitch.

To be honest, I am not used to this tradition of gathering in groups to bathe.

From now on, just take a bath at home alone!

Although the water bill here in Neon is extremely expensive, Nangong Qi has plenty of money.

Changing to a more luxurious house is not a problem, and having free water every day is not a problem.

Anyway, I have plenty of money.

"This is Phoenix's, military ID? Leave of absence note?"

It turns out that the identity assigned to him in this world is that of an officer in Phoenix, and he is also

"Is it related to the government? Then it's better to retire as soon as possible!"

Based on Nangong Qi's experience of watching so many special photo films, any Kamen Rider with the involvement of government agencies is bound to have a mole or something like that.

Instead of working in a winery, you might as well do something you want to do.

Lift your head to the sky.

Found the moon has risen.

Nangong Qi immediately had no intention of wandering around. He directly summoned the Aurora Curtain and found a luxurious hotel to sleep.

On the second day, Nangong Qi visited the house assigned to him in this world, put on Phoenix's combat uniform, and headed towards Phoenix's location.


"So Phoenix's base is in the sky? If this was placed on a special photography set, this kind of air fortress would definitely crash!"

Looking up at Phoenix's sky fortress, Nangong Qi felt that his choice to retire was even more correct.

Who knows if Auntie Azuma will learn from Tsuburaya next door? [Phoenix will be wiped out! XXXX is a weirdo! 】some type of.

So what should you do next?

Anyway, I am on leave, so I can live a normal life.

Just when Nangong Qi was about to go shopping in the computer city, a beautiful color came into view and attracted his attention.

One red, one green, one purple, three people dressed in extremely weird clothes were walking on the street openly.

Although Nangong Qi didn't know what these three guys wanted to do, it could be seen from their expressions that they were full of enthusiasm.

The face says: Labor and management are going to cause trouble.

It’s hard not to notice them!

"Follow up and have a look!"

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