"Oh?" Yuantai's eyes seemed to be filled with money symbols, and his hands rubbed together excitedly. "tell me the story!"

"I heard that your family has been hit with a lot of blades recently, right?"

"Yeah, hey-"

Yuantai actually let out a rare sigh. "I guess it was sent by a fan of Ikki, Sophomore, right? Really, our family can hardly put it down."

"That's right!"

Nangong Qi looked excited and clapped his hands. "It just so happens that I have a channel here that can repackage these blades and sell them. Uncle Igarashi, this is a business with no capital and huge profits!"

It is indeed worthless, but for a sophomore, it is probably a punishment of death by a thousand cuts.

Because these blades were sent here to curse him with misfortune.

If Yuantai does this, the sophomore who is already mentally fragile will definitely explode with all his heart.



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Chapter 191 Midnight Chainsaw




"Uncle, when this is done, the money from selling the blades will be divided between you and the people above me [-]/[-]!"

"Why only seventy percent?"

Yuantai couldn't help but frown.

Nangong Qi couldn't help but frown.

Why is this man so greedy?

This is a business without capital, why are you greedy?

Since you are the father of Kamen Rider, it is no wonder that you asked Phoenix for five hundred times his salary before.

The truth is: the human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant.

"Seventy percent belong to someone else!" Nangong Qi couldn't help but look serious. Only in this way can he enhance his persuasiveness. "Uncle, my channel is involved in the underworld. The remaining [-]% depends on other people's opinions!"

"Then I'll have to kneel down and beg for food?"

"If you follow what you said, uncle, when doing business with gangsters, you really have to kneel down and beg for food. How many people want to kneel down, but they don't have this way yet!"


In the past, Genta, who had always been careless, actually narrowed his eyes with a dangerous expression.

"Then let me tell you that my legs and feet are weak and I can't kneel down!"

"Making money, doing business, even if you're kneeling, it's not shabby at all."

"Shame!" Gentai's voice rose several times, attracting the attention of Ikki and even a few regular customers. "It's so damn shabby!"

"Oh, I understand! After a long time of quarrel, it turns out that you want to keep my kickback for yourself?"

"Huh? Are the kickbacks coming out?"

At this time, Nangong Qi was really dumbfounded.

Why is this guy Yuantai thinking so out of the box?

No wonder sophomores all have split personalities.

If it were me who had this kind of father, I would go crazy too, maybe even more crazy than my sophomore year.

"Okay, let's do it this way. Let's split it [-]-[-]. Is that okay with the head office?"

Although Nangong Qi is not short of money at all, the so-called sharing of money is just to enhance his persuasiveness.

"It's almost there!"

Yuantai was as proud as a general who had won a great battle, which made Nangong Qi's eyes twitch.

"Then I'll pick up the goods tomorrow. Here's the deposit!"

Nangong Qi let his whole face be covered by shadows, took out a wad of cash from the inside of his clothes, and pushed it in front of Mrs. Yuan.

"We're rich! Hahaha, Ikki, our family is rich! Let's go out for barbecue tonight!"

Extremely excited, Yuantai grabbed the money and scattered it like a goddess scattering flowers, causing chaos in the entire Happy Bathhouse.

"Is this Kamen Rider's father? What a trouble! Fortunately he's not my father, otherwise he would have declined like this!"

Taking advantage of the chaos in the Happy Bathhouse, Nangong Qi quickly exited.

He didn't want to deal with Igarashi's family for the rest of his life.

In the next few days, Nangong Qi also went to Igarashi's house to pick up the goods as agreed.

But what he didn't expect was that the sophomore didn't find an opportunity to attack him.

Could it be that the split personality of the sophomore year doesn't care about the blade, a symbol of social death?

Maybe I misjudged the sophomore and needed to find another way to force him out.

If the plan fails, Nangong Qi can only find another way to attack, for example, let [Kamen Rider JUDO] dispatch.

Soon, he found his target.

He is an unscrupulous lawyer.

According to Nangong Qi's investigation, he was originally a low-ranking lawyer.

It was only recently that the defense rate had skyrocketed so much that Nangong Qi noticed him.

Through the monitoring network he had set up long ago, Nangong Qi discovered that this guy was suspected of using the sin seal. The time of use was not 01:30, but for a very long time.

Maybe through this guy, we can fish out the long-lost sophomore, or even dig out [Desperadoes] and the like.

Nangong Qi is a very active activist, so he immediately chose to take action on a sunny night.

"Duang" "Duang" "Duang"

"Open the door, Phoenix will check the [Desperadoes]!"

Make no secret of your intentions.

Nangong Qi wanted to see if this lawyer could be saved.

If he confesses and is lenient, then after he takes away the seal of guilt, he will act as if nothing happened.

On the contrary, if this guy resists to the end and runs away directly, or refuses to plead guilty, Nangong Qi will not only beat him, but even call people from Phoenix to collect this piece of garbage.

"Who is it? It's obviously so late!"

The unscrupulous lawyer who just put the criminal seal back in the safe is now a question mark.

You must know that even Phoenix strictly abides by the commuting time, unless someone is really willing to spare their own off-duty time to seek justice.

Soon, the lawyer saw everything behind the door through the peephole. What caught the eye of the unscrupulous lawyer was a strange man with a white body, covered with ferocious spikes, and eyes like commanding light bulbs.


The lawyer was shocked and angry, with cold sweat covering his forehead, and his legs were trembling.

did not do

Fa, Nangong Qi's previous fighting style, which can be called violent aesthetics, was broadcast live on the entire network, and the level of violence was simply more exciting than any overseas plasma film.

Therefore, [Kamen Rider JUDO] is like Zhang Babai to Sun Shiwan for some people who have evil intentions.

"Mr. Kudo Yasushi, there is no need to panic. If you have no connection with the devil, the Seal of Sin, or the [Fugitives], you can speak out loudly, there is no need to be secretive at all!"

Even through the door, Nangong Qi could smell the smell of fear, and...

"I smell it, it's the smell of the devil. So Lawyer Kudo, just open the door. As long as I can't find what I want, I'll leave immediately!"

"I'm not here! I'm not here! I'm not here! I'm not here! I'm not here!"

The lawyer immediately moved away from the door, clasped his hands, and prayed wildly, as if he wanted to repeat the lie a thousand or ten thousand times to turn the lie into truth.

"You're making it very difficult for me! Let me tell you first, if I don't find the sinful seal, I will definitely compensate for the cost, so there is no need to be so panicked!"

Saying the not-so-funny joke, Nangong Qi took a step back, and two fanged chain saws sprouted from his arms.


A harsh metal friction sounded.

I saw two chain saw swords inserted directly into the steel security door, sawing out a lot of sparks, and the door lock was soon sawed open.


In the end, Nangong Qi kicked the metal door away.

In the eyes of the lawyer, he only saw two chain saws cutting open the steel security door of his house, and then kicked it away.

Behind the door is a pair of golden eyes like a beast, a humanoid monster.

"2,3,5,7,11, 13..."

After reciting the prime numbers silently in his mind, the lawyer finally forced himself to calm down and faced the terrifying monster that had just sawed open the door of his house.

Nangong Qi let go of his senses and after confirming that Lawyer Kudo was the only one in the house, he took the initiative to take a few steps forward.

"Lawyer Kudo, is that you?"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, I just, no, no, I don't know, what are you looking for me for?"

The lawyer stammered and even took a few steps back.

When Nangong Qi takes a step forward, he takes a step back.

"I came here for no other reason than to smell the devil's scent here, so I came here at night to disturb people's dreams!"

"Evil, devil? You, don't make such silly jokes! I am a decent citizen, how could I be related to the devil?" The lawyer still stammered, but firmly denied it.

"I knew it was like this!"

Moving his neck like an uncle snake, Nangong Qi continued to walk deeper into the room, and soon found his target.

a safe.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

The fang chain saw blade grew again, and Nangong Qi planned to obtain it directly and violently.

"You, you, you can't do this! You can't!"

Sensing Nangong Qi's intention, the lawyer rolled and crawled between Nangong Qi and the safe.

"Okay, then open it for me and let me check it!"

"No, it's still not possible! These are things that cannot be disclosed. I have the right to refuse your invasion of my privacy!"

"Refuse? You seem to have made a mistake, Mr. Lawyer!"

Seeing the lawyer's performance, Nangong Qi can probably determine his goal. "I'm here to inform you, and you don't have the power to refuse me!"

"Power?" The lawyer felt a little confused. "Aren't we people from modern society? Why do we use the rules of primitive society?"

"The rules of primitive society? Mr. Lawyer, you really have double standards! Do you really think I don't know that you used the seal of sin to coerce witnesses into not being able to testify in court?"

Nangong Qi has long investigated everything this lawyer has done.

Things he has done include using the Seal of Sin to summon demons, intimidating witnesses who testified in court, and forcibly distorting the facts.

"When you meet a weak person, you choose to use violence to coerce the weak person. But when you meet someone who cannot be coerced by violence, you start to demand to abide by the rules of modern society. No matter what you do, you can be invincible. However, How can there be such a good thing in this world?"

Taking steps, Nangong Qi walked towards the lawyer step by step.

In the eyes of the lawyer, the ferocious figure became larger and larger, so much so that it completely enveloped his heart, and no light could be seen.

"I'll give you two choices now, either take the initiative to open the safe and let me search for it, or I will tear open your safe and then..."

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