"Is there a difference?"

"Of course. If you choose the latter, I will hand you over to Phoenix. On the contrary, if you cooperate well, I will definitely leave pretending not to know anything! So choose quickly!"

"...Okay, okay!"

After hesitating for a while, the lawyer nodded with difficulty, turned around and started to open the safe, and then...


The lawyer pressed the sin seal directly, stamped it on himself, and directly summoned a kangaroo demon.





"Tell me, why do you do this?"

Nangong Qi dodged left and right, easily avoiding the Kangaroo Demon's series of punches.

Who knows, the lawyer has a new job.

This guy actually picked up the phone and dialed Phoenix's number.

"Hey, hey, is this Phoenix? I found out that JUDO was holding the seal of sin, pressing it on my body, and summoning the devil! Help, help!"

"This is indeed a lawyer who uses despicable means. Your behavior and your character are like rat droppings in the sewer!"

Although it felt funny, Nangong Qi did not stop him. Instead, he leisurely led the kangaroo demon around the lawyer's home.

The Kangaroo Demon was also unequivocal, swinging his two hammer-like fists vigorously, destroying almost wherever he went.

The lawyer looked cheerful at first, but soon he realized something was wrong.

The noise of Nangong Qi's battle with the Kangaroo Demon was not small at all, and the place of the battle happened to be his home.

After a while, most of the lawyer's house was demolished into ruins by the kangaroo demon.

TVs, computers, refrigerators, bookshelves and other furniture were smashed and scattered all over the floor.

"Don't fight me anymore! If you want to fight me, don't fight me at home!"

The lawyer was a little devastated.

"You called the devil out. You go and restrain your devil. Tell him to be gentle, or your home will be destroyed!"

Nangong Qi was still avoiding the kangaroo demon's punches, and even lifted a bed and threw it towards the kangaroo demon.


As expected, the wooden bed was directly punched by the kangaroo demon.

"Don't fight!"

Now the lawyer is really going to collapse.

But the kangaroo demon would not obey his orders at all. He just knew that the enemy was right around him, and his animal instinct drove him to fight. He had to fight.

Soon, the lawyer's entire home was in ruins.

Facing such a masterpiece, the lawyer could only kneel on the ground helplessly, his eyes losing their luster.


As he said himself, the furniture in this room was acquired by him after saving for most of his life.

Now that everything was destroyed in the battle, it meant that most of his life's efforts were in vain.

And who is the culprit of all this?

"It's all your fault!"

The lawyer pointed at Nangong Qi and yelled at Nangong Qi.

"Blame me? Why blame me?"

"Without you, nothing would have happened. It's all because of you that the war broke out in my family and everything in my family was destroyed! It's all your fault! It's all your fault. Ahhh!”

"Blame me? Hahahaha!"

Because this guy's responsible attitude was so confident, Nangong Qi even laughed so hard that he was almost hit by the kangaroo's fist.

"Why don't you say, what if it wasn't your greed for the power of the evil seal that caused these things to happen? You are clearly the source of all this. Do you really think you are innocent? You idiot!"



Karisaki: Attacking lawyers late at night and cutting open people's doors with a chain saw, is this Kamen Rider?Love it, love it! (doge)




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Chapter 192 evil and demons (double update)

To be honest, Nangong Qi has never felt that he is a kind person.

Even so, it was still difficult for him to understand the brain circuits of most villains.

For example, take the lawyer in front of you. He is the one who uses the evil seal, he is the one who summons the devil, and he is the one who lets the devil attack him.

But this guy still chose to put all the blame for the destruction of his home on Nangong Qi.

Maybe this is the so-called born evil person!

After feeling like he was done laughing, Nangong Qi began to detail this guy’s sins.


"Lawyer Kudo, do you know? Your biggest crime is that you never think that you are the sinner, and this is the most heinous thing!"

"Shut up for me!"

The lawyer's voice was hoarse, but he still roared.

"Everything was fine. I could have become the best lawyer in the country. Without you, I would have been able to realize my dream! All because of you, my dream is completely ruined!"

"It's as if I'm not a good person, even though I'm not a righteous partner."

An iron bridge, after dodging the kangaroo demon's sweeping punch, Nangong Qi continued to joke leisurely. "It would be better to say that after you choose to use extraordinary power, your mentality has broken away from the category of human beings and you think you are superior to others, right?"


At this moment, the lawyer really couldn't say a word, because every word Nangong Qi said hit his heart, as if Nangong Qi had the ability to read minds.

"Don't answer? Then I'll take it as your acquiescence! Next, it's almost the end!"

It really should end, because the lawyer's home has been pretty much destroyed by the kangaroo demon.

I saw several long fang whips extending from the tips of Nangong Qi's fingers, and attacking the kangaroo demon from different angles like poisonous snakes.

The kangaroo demon had never seen such an attack before, and his brain only had the instinct of a beast, so he subconsciously punched the nearest incoming whip.

However, under Nangong Qi's control, the long whip directly pierced the kangaroo demon's fist and penetrated deep into his body.

More other long whips pierced the demon's body from other directions, and tied its hands and feet into a big ball.

The next moment, Nangong Qi exerted force with both hands, and the kangaroo demon was directly pulled into Nangong Qi's arms, and he was hugged in a bear hug.

Fang meat grinder!

Countless tiny fang spikes sprouted from Nangong Qi's body and moved at high speed, cutting the kangaroo demon's body.


The kangaroo demon screamed in pain.

It is foreseeable that if this continues, the Kangaroo Devil will definitely be doomed.

But there was one person at the scene who would not allow the Kangaroo Demon to die like this.

That's a lawyer.

For him, his ability to achieve what he has achieved today from a lowly lawyer is inseparable from the help of the Seal of Sin and the Kangaroo Demon.

He would never allow his helper to disappear like this.

Absolutely not!


NO is useless.

Because once Nangong Qi makes up his mind to kill a being, he will definitely do it, let alone the enemy he is fighting is a demon.

What should I do?

To think, to respond, to reflect.

Countless thoughts flowed through the lawyer's mind, and the words that the Squid once said rang in his ears: "If you do this, you can gain more powerful power. But I'm afraid you will also become a demon, and you will never be able to do it again." You can’t change it back!”

If there were no demons, I would be a pure loser in this life.

Rather than watch himself lose the devil completely, he would rather turn into a devil.

"Do you have the courage to become us?"

Squidward's words rang in his ears, making the lawyer completely determined.


Gritting his teeth, the lawyer charged towards Nangong Qi with the seal in his hand, and the criminal seal in his hand.

It's not covering Nangong Qi, but covering the Kangaroo Demon.


Suddenly, Nangong Qi felt that his arms were empty. The kangaroo demon that had been slaughtered in his arms turned into a large number of pages and dispersed like Megiddo.

Nangong Qi:? ? ?

Isn’t this the studio of the Holy Blade next door?

Before Nangong Qi could think about it, he saw the pages coming together again and turning into a kangaroo demon again in front of the lawyer.

At the same time, something similar to a contract appeared in front of the lawyer.

"I press!"

Breathing heavy air, the lawyer gritted his teeth and pressed the sin seal in his hand towards the contract in front of him.

The next moment, the kangaroo demon once again turned into countless pages and dispersed.

Only this time, these pages took the initiative to fly to the lawyer's body, combined with each other, and hardened into a brand new set of armor.

Fusion Advent (doge)

Kangaroo Demon·Phase [-], completed.

At this moment, both the shell armor and fists of the Kangaroo Demon were stronger and stronger than before, and his powerful momentum was even stronger.

"It turns out that you only need to put the evil seal on the devil's body and sign a contract to complete the fusion with the devil. Your strength will be at least three times what it was before! I just don't know what the side effects are."

In this regard, Nangong Qi had a thoughtful expression.


the lawyer hissed.

In order to embrace the devil, he voluntarily gave up being a human being, and now he and Nangong Qi are fighting to the death.

"go to hell!"

The kangaroo demon that was promoted to the second stage burst out five times faster than before, hugged Nangong Qi, smashed the wall with his head, and jumped down from the building.

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