"You, what else do you want?"

"Are you deaf or mentally retarded? Didn't I just say that I need the Seal of Sin and information. Now I have the Seal of Sin, but you haven't told me the information I need!"

"Hey!" Ju Ying, who was lying on the ground, began to show his presence again.

"You guy, don't go too far!"


Nangong Qi:? ? ?

Originally, Nangong Qi made a deal with the Holy Son smoothly, and the Holy Son could get the money, and Nangong Qi could also get the information and criminal seal of the "Desperate Crowd".

This should be something that everyone is happy with.

As a result, this giant Sakura stirred things up like crazy, almost causing Seiko Omori to use the Seal of Sin in advance, disrupting Nangong Qi's deal.

Suddenly, a sense of irritability emerged in Nangong Qi's heart.

The next moment, Nangong Qi burst out with astonishing speed, grabbed Ju Ying's collar, lifted her off the ground, and slapped her face more than a dozen times with his other hand.

"Clap clap-"

The slaps were endless, and Juying's face was swollen like a fat man weighing two hundred pounds.

"Speak, sir, you ignorant thing, don't interfere with my good deeds!"


A dull voice sounded.

A heavy fist hit Juying's abdomen, causing her mouth and eyes to twist and she fainted.

Shengzi just looked at it. Although there was a tangled look on her face, she did not dare to act rashly, for fear that Nangong Qi would suddenly regret it and take the money box back.

Nangong Qi threw Ju Ying on the ground casually like throwing away garbage. He still felt upset in his heart, but to be honest, he thought that his temper was restrained enough compared to before.

If it had been before, he would have just struck her with the [Gender Equality Fist] with all his strength, sending her whole body flying.

"Now that the troublemaker has shut up, let's continue trading!"

"Okay, okay!"

Soon, Nangong Qi learned from Shengzi that the evil seal she possessed was obtained from a psychiatrist named Huigu Tianyan.

Nangong Qi was very satisfied with this result.

"In the Holy City next door, there is a pediatrician named Homu Nagamu. You can go to him and just say that [Kamen Rider JUDO] asked you to come. Then, he will help you!"

"Thank you, thank you very much!"

The Holy Son was so grateful for the information Nangong Qi gave him that he knelt and sat down in front of Nangong Qi.

Although [Kamen Rider JUDO] was promoted by Phoenix as more terrifying than a demon, in the eyes of the Holy Son at this moment, that figure was so beautiful and holy.


"Don't kneel! Stand up!"

With a jerk, Nangong Qi directly lifted the Holy Son up from the ground.

"What I did was just an equal deal with you. It's no big deal at all! Also, your child is waiting for you, take him to the Holy City quickly!"

"Okay, thank you so much, benefactor! I really don't know how to thank you!"

"If you really want to thank me, just tell me whenever you see news about the Seal of Sin. This is the best way to thank me!"

With that said, Nangong Qi kicked the unconscious Ju Ying a few more times, still feeling inexplicably unhappy in his heart.

"That's all, I'll still be a good person and do my best to send Buddha to the West!"


"Your son's condition is urgent. I will send you and your son there now!"

I have to say that [Aurora Curtain] is a very useful ability.

In a matter of seconds, it can span thousands of miles or even distances in time and space.

After personally handing the mother and son of Omori Holy Son to Baosheng Yongmeng and giving some good instructions, Nangong Qi returned to his original city.

The giant cherry tree was still lying in place, like a hibernating reptile.

"Hey, hey, Ushijima Hikari. I need you to help me check out a psychiatrist named Haitani Tenhiko. Where is he now?"

"Okay, wrap it up on me and wait for me!"

On the other end of the phone, there was a burst of intense keyboard tapping.

Soon, Ushijima Hikaru's voice sounded again.

"Found it! According to surveillance, this guy is still in the hospital!"

"Hoho, are you so arrogant? Look how I deal with him today!"

Nangong Qi looked like he was gearing up, and glanced at the still unconscious Ju Sakura. An idea appeared in his mind, and then he asked Ushijima Hikaru on the other end of the phone:

"Oh, by the way, do you like that Ying Ying Ying from the Igarashi family?"

"What? It's Igarashi Sakura, right? Why can't you always remember other people's names?"

"Never mind him. Now that Ying Ying Ying has been beaten unconscious by me, I'll give you a chance to pick up the body.

Opportunity, will you take it? "


At the same time, Haitani Tianyan was sipping coffee in his psychological consultation room, thinking about how he could PUA Omori Seiko and let him sign a contract on his behalf and become his thug and tool man. (X slave)

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

Suddenly, there was a harsh metal friction sound.

I saw a chain sword cutting a huge X shape on the metal door of the psychological consultation room, and then...


The door failed to withstand the damage and broke into four pieces.

Huigu couldn't help but subconsciously hold on to his sinful seal, ready to summon demons to help him fight at any time.

What kind of master is this person?

Yes, it is [Kamen Rider JUDO]!

Seeing that ferocious figure, Hui Gu was shocked, but as a senior psychological counselor, he did not show it. Instead, he calmly put the sin seal back into the mechanism and continued to drink coffee calmly.


Nangong Qi was too lazy to talk nonsense and rushed forward, slashing the wooden table in front of Hui Gu with the chain sword in his hand.

Hui Gu thought no one noticed his little move?


Nangong Qi, who has experienced hundreds of battles, is so rich in combat experience that even if his vision is blocked, he can still feel Hui Gu's small movements.

It was probably the Seal of Sin, but he had hidden it.

"You, what are you doing?"

Hui Gu looked confused.

Normally, shouldn't he first accuse him of having an affair with the [Desperadoes], and then be blasted out by him with a verbal attack?

Why is the person in front of me so unreasonable?

Nangong Qi didn't bother to explain this. He immediately pulled the chain sword and slashed at the split wooden table again, violently tearing the wooden table into eight pieces.

He didn't believe it, so he cut the wooden table into fine pieces and couldn't find the sin seal.

Seeing that Nangong Qi was about to cut the wooden table into pieces along with the evil seal, Huigu hurriedly found the secret table cabinet with the seal hidden in a pile of wood blocks and took out the evil seal from it.


"what why?"

"Why don't you act according to common sense?"

"Is that even a question?"

Nangong Qi only thought it was funny.

"I heard that the reason why psychopaths have impeccable logic is because they are good at pulling others into the areas they are best at. You are a psychiatrist, and your speaking ability is even better than that of psychopaths. I am stupid. If I will argue with you, just do it!"

"You are a, a, a bastard!"

Huigu became angry with shame and immediately pressed the sin seal and stamped it on himself.


I saw the sickly and deformed planarian demon that had been killed by Nangong Qi several times before appearing next to Hui Gu.

After finishing all this, Hui Gu turned around and ran away without saying a word.

It's not like he doesn't know Nangong Qi's strength. Even the planarian demon can't stop him for long.

So now there is only one way left for him to survive, and that is...

"Orutega (squid), save me!"



Don’t worry, there will be plenty of opportunities for Juying to get beaten in the future.

Wait until she transforms and beat her into a reptile. Don't even think about getting up for me anyway.

Since her brother doesn’t want to be disciplined, the protagonist will discipline him for him




PS again:

Please vote for me, please vote for me, please vote for me, please ask for tips.

Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

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Chapter 2 The most selfish person in the world

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

The saw teeth of the chain sword moved at high speed, cutting into the planarian demon's body and flesh.

Large chunks of demon flesh and dark demon blood made the originally clean and tidy psychological consultation room a mess.


The planarian demon screamed like a slaughtered pig, seemingly unable to understand why it was in such a situation.

What's even worse is that the planarian demon itself has a very strong recovery ability. As long as it is not killed instantly, it is difficult to die.

It is precisely because of this that it will suffer more and more crazy tortures and


Nangong Qi repeatedly inserted and pulled out the chain sword in his hand, seeming to be practicing his proficiency with the weapon.

"It seems that we still have to use the Seal of Sin to end the demon."

Nangong Qi was not only indifferent to this scene, but even felt that his killing efficiency was too low.

Take out the Carcharodon Sin Seal and fill it with the seal injector on the chain sword.

"Must kill to admit!"

"The End of the Carcharodontosaurus Seal!"

I saw a dinosaur head made entirely of energy, with a mouth full of sharp shark teeth, released from the chain sword.

As Nangong Qi waved the chain sword in his hand, the Carcharodontosaurus opened its bloody mouth and bit down hard on the planarian demon.

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