
Just like chewing a meatball, the planarian demon was immediately torn into pieces and completely wiped out in the explosion, leaving only Nangong Qi's eyes with golden beast eyes.

The chain sword in his hand was still buzzing, and dark blood was dripping from it.

At this moment, Hui Gu, who summoned the planarian demon, was on the balcony of the psychological consultation room, watching all this and trembling.

Although Hui Gu is a villain, he does not have a strong sense of fighting. Otherwise, he would not PUA the Holy Son and use her as his tool and thug.

"Orutega, you bastard, why don't you hurry up and save me!"

Seeing Nangong Qi approaching him step by step, Hui Gu only felt an unprecedented despair.

He knew Nangong Qi's cruel methods, and he would definitely be tortured crazily and die miserably in endless pain.

But his greatest savior, Orutega, couldn't come to save him immediately.

what can we do about it?

In despair, Huigu glanced at the window behind him, and below was the endless flow of the road.

A bold idea appeared in Hui Gu's mind.

This is a three-story building, if you are lucky...


With a scream, Huigu jumped directly from the window sill in Nangong Qi's somewhat surprised eyes.

Nangong Qi hurriedly rushed to the window sill, and when he was wondering whether he should jump down too, he discovered that Hui Gu actually started operating at the speed of light in the air.


The sin seal was placed on the body again, and the planarian demon with a deformed body was summoned again, and it was just under Hui Gu's body, acting as a flesh pad.

Planarian Demon:? ? ?

At the same time, Nangong Qi noticed that after summoning the planarian demon for the second time, Hui Gu looked significantly haggard.


With a crisp crashing sound, Ash Valley landed safely, while the planarian demon was thrown to pieces. At the same time, Squid and others arrived just in time.

At this moment, the Squid was looking at the extremely embarrassed Gray Valley with an interesting expression on his face.

He probably arrived here a long time ago and never showed up just to see his companion's miserable state.

How could someone as smart as Huigu not understand what Squid was thinking?

But he did not have an attack, but frowned, pretending to have discovered nothing.

After all, he is still being hunted by Nangong Qi and needs the help of Squid and even the "Desperate Crowd".

Maybe, he has to thank the squid!

"You are finally here!"

"Don't worry, as long as we are here, nothing will happen to you!"

Squid also pretended that nothing happened, and stood in front of Hui Gu with several companions around him.

We are all smart people. If it is not convenient to point out something, then just pretend that nothing happened.


Suddenly, Nangong Qi jumped down from the third floor of the hospital and made no sound when he landed on the ground, just like a cat landing.

"Hey, they're all here. Just in time, watch me catch you all today!"

Facing a large number of enemies, Nangong Qi, instead of being timid, was eager to try.

Come on, he is so brave!

Before Nangong Qi could take the initiative to attack, a man next to Cuttlefish suddenly walked to the front row, looking murderous and glaring at Nangong Qi with his eyes like sharp swords.

This guy, Chip Squid, actually took the initiative to give way to the C position. It seemed that he wanted to cause trouble.

"[Kamen Rider JUDO], I'm back from hell! Feel the new power I gained after my rebirth!"

This person was the unscrupulous lawyer who was attacked by Nangong Qi at night and had his house demolished.

Although he was still almost beaten to death by Nangong Qi after being promoted to the second stage, Squid still saw the unlimited potential in him and made an exception to allow him to sign a further contract with Keefe to gain stronger power.

Now, the lawyer's demonization has reached the third stage, and his power has increased countless times compared to before.

He was confident that he could kill Nangong Qi.

"You, who are you?"

I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, Nangong Qi actually touched his head, looking confused.

Look like.

"Sorry. I have killed not a hundred demons, but at least dozens. So who are you?"

As soon as these words came out, the lawyer's entire face twisted.

He never imagined that he would torture himself crazily and even advance to the third stage of the devil without being a human being, just so that he could one day complete hearty revenge. As a result, the enemy in front of him didn't even remember who he was.

What an insult!

Behind him, Squid's whole face was smiling, trying not to laugh out loud.

"My name is Yasushi Kudo, and I am the one who is about to kill you. Remember this, you are the most selfish person in the world! Hohohohoho——"

Let out a loud beast roar.

A powerful energy burst out from the lawyer, and a beast roar sounded.

I saw this human being transformed directly into a ferocious saber-toothed tiger demon, with a big eyeball in his mouth, which looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but this saber-toothed tiger actually has a pair of sharp blades on its arms.

"Are you imitating me, cosplaying me? I didn't expect you to be my admirer. I really can't tell! Do you need me to give you an autograph?"

Nangong Qi continued to tease.

The facial expression of the saber-toothed tiger demon suddenly became so distorted that Nangong Qi felt that he needed to do some SAN value evaluation.


The squid in the back laughed unscrupulously.

"Ahhh! I'm going to kill you!"

The lawyer was completely angry, howling like crazy and rushing toward Nangong Qi.

He could not forgive the man before him who had insulted his sacred vengeance.


"Good come!"

Nangong Qi immediately made a sliding shovel, his back almost touching the ground, and he swung the chain sword in his hand.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

There was a harsh saw-tooth cutting sound, and a large incision was made on the lawyer's abdomen, and the black blood of the demon spilled all over Nangong Qi's face.

It seems that even if the lawyer gains more powerful power, he is still far inferior to Nangong Qi in terms of combat awareness.

"Bang!" ×3

The wild wolf demon on the side was like a sniper. The gun in his hand was aimed at Nangong Qi and fired three times, exploding a large number of sparks on his armor.

[The Desperados] came here to get people, not to give them away. How could they just watch Nangong Qi kill the lawyer?

Look at the lineup of [Desperate Crowd] dispatched this time. Squid, Yuzhihao, lawyers, all cadre-level beings are dispatched.

Such a luxurious lineup must not only save people, but also eliminate [Kamen Rider JUDO], a major enemy that threatens the organization, in one fell swoop.

"[Kamen Rider JUDO], today next year will be your death anniversary!"

Seeing Yu Zhihao take action, Squid stopped pretending and directly took out [Timmons Drive] and Spider Sin Seal.


"[Kamen Rider Timmons]!"

The spider demon sprays venomous spider webs around the body of the squid, turning it into a strong armor.

The plurality of eyes further highlights a strange and ferocious beauty.

"The end of Kamen Rider is here!"

Tamaki Hao exploded with astonishing climbing power. Using the hooks on his hands, he climbed to the top of a tall building and chose a perfect sniping position for himself.

As for Hui Gu, he is a psychiatrist, and he uses the extremely weak planarian sin seal. He made a very wise choice to run away.

So what about Nangong Qi?

Facing three powerful enemies, what choice should he make?


He was laughing wildly.

"I'm on fire!"

"Rumble rumble—"

[Battle Locust] quickly drove towards Nangong Qi.

Nangong Qi had already expected that Ash Valley would call for reinforcements, so [Battle Locust] was always on standby.


Yu Zhihao was shocked. He immediately pointed the gun at the [Combat Locust] and pulled the trigger frantically.

A large number of energy bombs were sprayed out like machine guns, attacking the motorcycle.

It's just that the [Battle Locust] is a vehicle prepared for the Creator King, and the built-in AI may not be able to match even the Feidian intelligence next door.

Under Tamaki Hao's unbelievable gaze, [Battle Locust] completely predicted the trajectory of the ballistic path, swaying left and right, but did not let an energy bomb land on it.

Nangong Qi wiped his nose and jumped up immediately.


It happened to land on the seat of [Battle Locust].

Holding a chainsword and riding a high-tech motorcycle, for the Emperor and the Khan! (cross out)

"Follow me for a wild ride!"

Wielding the chain sword, Nangong Qi seemed to be transformed into a heavy cavalry in the Middle Ages, crashing straight into the squid.

In this regard, the squid is not at all


"Gene injection!"


"Domination! Vulture! Genetic hybrid!"

"Gene injection!"


"Domination! Scorpion! Genetic hybrid!"


"Gene injection!"

"Strange shrimp!"

"Domination! Anomalocaris! Gene mixing!"


After operating together, the squid directly transformed into a monster with wings on its back, steel claws on its hands, and a scorpion tail growing out of its tail vertebrae.

I have to say that Squid has the best fighting spirit among all the humans Nangong Qi has encountered.

It was the second time they faced Nangong Qi's motorcycle to fight together, and they found the most suitable form to deal with Nangong Qi.

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