But as Keefe's biological son, Bell was extremely familiar with him. At the same time, black gas was visibly leaking from his body, and his malice was almost overflowing.

"do not go!"

Juying didn't even have the strength to give herself a shot, and she was stammering when she spoke, but she still crawled towards Bell with difficulty.

"Give my father back to me! Give him back to us!"

There was a cry in his voice, and his body moved like a worm on the ground.

"Dad, can you hear me? Your family is bleeding. Are you really just watching?"

"Sorry, he can't hear you at all!"

Bell mocked, he had put in countless efforts to keep Junpei Shiraha by his side forever.

"What's more, Junpei belongs to me, so you'd better get as far away as you can!"


It was probably the final outburst. Giant Sakura rushed forward, hugged Bell, and called Genta.

"Dad, you can hear me, right? So please don't give up and don't lose to the devil!"

"It's useless!"

Bell did not push Ju Ying away, but continued to admire Ju Ying's desperate expression.

I just want to see this expression on your face, this expression full of hope but gradually turning into despair.

Not only Giant Sakura, but Ikki also rushed forward, hugged Bell, and shouted loudly:

"Father, please, wake up! Let us go home together, not just us, but also mom, sophomore! Let us go back to the past!"


Suddenly, Bell felt his heart twitching violently, and his body uncontrollably raised his hand and touched Ju Ying's head.

"Ikki, Sakura?"

"Dad?" ×2

Genta's sudden awakening surprised and delighted Ikki and Jusakura, and made Bell full of jealousy.


With a flying kick, Ikki and Jusakura were kicked away, and Bell cursed loudly.

"Junpei, you bastard! We have been partners together for so long, but you just ignore me and refuse to say a word to me! These bastards can wake you up with just a few words! Damn it!"

Bell breaks the defense.

As the saying goes: Anger arises from the heart, evil arises from the courage.

In his rage, Bell immediately made a decision, that is, not to abide by the agreement with Nangong Qi about "spare the Igarashi family" and directly kill these guys to avoid future troubles.

"Vail Up!"

"Vailing Stamping Finish!"

Dark red energy gathered on his legs, and Bell jumped up. He was bound to kick the two Igarashi brothers to pieces while they were weak.

But there are people present who will never allow this to happen, especially when Ikki and Jusakura are indeed about to awaken Yuantai's consciousness.

"Your opponent is me, devil!"

Ushijima Hikaru, he took action.

"Demons Finish!"

With the activation of the fatal kill, the mechanical claw forcibly pulled Bell down from mid-air and quickly approached Ushijima Hikari.

At the moment when he got close, Ushijima Hikaru flew up and hit Bell's chest, knocking him away.

The energy that separated humans and demons surged in his body. Bell felt that he was constantly losing control of his body, and even the transformation state was released, revealing the body under the armor.

It's not Bell's demon body that is mainly black and has dark red in the gaps, but the human body that belongs to Genta Igarashi.

Yuantai, after he woke up, he successfully snatched control of most of Hui's body.

"Fuck! Junpei, you plotted against me!"

With no other choice, Bell could only take out the crimson Bell Seal of Sin and prepare to stamp it on Junpei's body again to suppress Junpei's resistance.

But something even more unexpected happened. Yuantai turned the wheel on the sin seal, and dark red energy spurted out from it.

"Devil, I will never allow you to continue hurting my family. Go to hell!"

"Okay, okay!"

Unexpectedly, Bell didn't have any fear, and instead laughed.

"In this case, Junpei, you only belong to me! Only to me!"

"Then you will die with me!"

"stop it now!"

Just when Genta was about to die together with Bell, Hikaru Ushijima waved his wings and quickly grabbed Genta's arms, never allowing him to die so easily.

But even without the transformation, the strength of Genta possessed by Bell was far beyond that of ordinary people, and he had a vague feeling of breaking free from Ushijima Hikaru's control.

"There is no other way, Ikki, continue this!"

Seeing that his own power could not suppress Genta, Ushijima Hikaru could only throw a sin seal towards Ikki.

It's the wind and thunder sin seal!

In fact, Masumi is also hesitant to give Ikki and Giant Sakura more powerful power, fearing that the tragedy of Bell and Genta will happen to them again.

So he chose to hand over the Wind and Thunder Sinful Seal to Ushijima Hikaru, and let him, a frontline combatant, decide whether to give them more powerful power.

And in Ushijima Hikaru's opinion, now is the time!

"I, I understand!"

After receiving the Wind and Thunder Sin Seal, Ikki gasped.

Ju Ying on the side has exhausted all his energy. His eldest brother has also received a lot of beatings and is not much better. His body is also on the verge of reaching its limit.

Even so, he will continue to fight for his father, to protect his family, and to avenge their bathhouse.

"Wes, it's up to you this time!"

In battle after battle, especially after the battle in which the bathhouse was set on fire, Ikki completely let go of his ill will toward Weiss and regarded her as his girlfriend (crossed out) female friend.

It was precisely because of Weiss that the Igarashi family was able to persist under Bell's attack until Ushijima Hikari's arrival.

"Leave it to me! But, Ikki, can you lend me your body to eat popsicles after today?"

"As long as I can save my father today, there is no problem in eating hot pot, let alone eating popsicles!"

"Okay! Let's go together and crush that guy with our fists!"

"Transformation!" ×2

Ikki made two different sounds at the same time, and with the activation of the sin seal, a dark cloud enveloped him, accompanied by the special effects of strong wind and thunder, as if he was in a real dark cloud.

"Thunder Gale!"

"Come on! Thunder Gale GO! Come on! Thunder Gale

GO! "

"Revice Up! One mind! How does it feel? Super awesome! Haolei and Storm's New Style Kamen Rider! REVICE!"

With the roar of the wind and thunder, Ikki, as one united, tore apart the dark appearance of the hijacker Levis, revealing the shiny armor under the black liquid, which looked like a real thunder and lightning.

[Kamen Rider Levis], in the form of wind and thunder, appears.

"Father, we are here to save you now!"



The protagonist's situation is similar to that of Kui Ye who kills the boss in God of War. When he finally calmed down and thought about whether he should regain his kindness, he was suddenly hit by the Trojan horse move of the squid and his mentality exploded, and he almost turned black again.

Finally, he was pulled back by Karisaki.

The character of Karisaki should be good, right?




PS again:

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Chapter 231: A family of demons who love each other (forced to be true)

With the appearance of the wind and thunder form, thick dark clouds shrouded everything around, and the strong wind and thunder alternately howled and roared.

Just looking at these transformation special effects, Bell felt something was very bad. He struggled desperately to control Yuantai's body and escape directly.

But after Genta's consciousness was awakened by Ushijima Hikaru, he resisted fiercely, and even almost expelled Bell from this body several times. There was also a full Ushijima Hikari outside, and Bell was in the state of detransformation. The state of his body and the three factors combined together made Bell unable to struggle or resist.

Bell wanted to call for reinforcements, but he couldn't.

Nangong Qi is not only the benefactor who rescued him from the darkness, but also his partner who shares life and death with him. The Igarashi family is only about him and Genta.

After losing all his family members and all his fellow demons, Bell only had his partner to rely on, so he cherished Nangong Qi as both his benefactor and his companion.

How could he drag his other partner into the water and let him get involved in something that had nothing to do with him?

Despite this, he still has to continue to struggle until the last moment between himself and Junpei!

"This is my struggle! Hohohohoho!"

Suddenly, Bell let out a deafening roar, and dark red energy spurted out from his body, blowing Ushijima Hikaru away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bell quickly took out the crimson Bell Seal of Sin and stamped it on his body instead of swinging his gloves to stabilize his control over Junpei's body.

The body even changed from Genta's human body back to Bell's demonic body.

At this moment, Ikki, who was using the form of wind and thunder, had transformed into a real wind and thunder, and was attacking Bell as if the acceleration of [Timeout] was turned on.

Bell looked at the crimson Bell's Guilty Seal in his hand that had been charged with death, and then at Igarashi Ikki, his head making a decision in a thousandth of a second.


Hitting Bell at super high speed, Ikki was stunned on the spot because Bell clamped his right leg tightly under his arm, making him unable to move. At the same time, cold murderous intent spurted out from Bell's body, making Ikki feel depressed. Into the ice cave.

"Useless boy, since you can't kill me, you might as well die in my hands!"

"Crimson Impact!"

Dark red energy surged in his fist and hit Ikki directly on the head, trying to smash his head into shit.

The situation was completely reversed in an instant, from Bell's original desperate situation to Ikki's desperate situation. Bell should be worthy of being Bell, the strongest demon after Keef and Diavolo, and the awareness to seize opportunities in battle. That's how powerful it is.

"Stop! Bell, don't hurt my son!"

"Hehe, it's too late, Junpei, you once left me alone in the darkness, spending decades alone, and now it's me who gives it all back to you!"

If nothing else happens, Ikki is probably dead.

However, at this moment, an unexpected helper appeared.

"Bat Darkness Finish!"

The bat's wings spread out at the calf, and the knight's kick wrapped in dark energy directly hit Bell's arm, forcefully knocking him away.

"Second brother?"


To the surprise of Ju Sakura and Ikki, the person who came to help them at this moment turned out to be the long-missing sophomore who burned the bathhouse with his own hands.

To be precise, it should be a mirage.

"Hey, you guy, don't you also want to kill the Igarashi family?"

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