Feeling that he was at a disadvantage again, Bell secretly communicated with Nangong Qi, and publicly quarreled with several people present.

"Why do you want to protect the Igarashi family?"

"There is only one person who can kill Igarashi's family, and that's me!"

Mirage did not hide his malice towards his brothers, sisters, and parents, and the short gun weapon in his hand was pointed directly in Bell's direction.

"And don't forget, the body you are using is also from the Igarashi family. In other words, you are also among my must-kill targets!"


Ikki felt mixed emotions for a moment.

In front of him was his biological brother, but it was this biological brother who destroyed his most cherished bathhouse and his most cherished home, and even caused the bad debts between Bell and Yuanta until today. But today, this brother who destroyed everything appeared again on his own initiative. Come to save him, the reason for saving him is still because you want to kill him.

Such a naughty brother, such a naughty situation, is comparable to the brotherly relationship between men and women in Mingui's works, and he doesn't know how to deal with it.

What should I do?

At this moment, Ikki completely gave up thinking and chose to stand side by side with Mirage.

"Father, I will definitely save you!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Mirage couldn't help but nodded, and added: "After I'm rescued, I'll kill the Igarashi family in one fell swoop!"


Suddenly, Bell took the initiative to take a step back, and a colorful light fell on him.

The next moment, Bell disappeared directly into the light of this rainbow, just like the dewdrops in the morning being illuminated by the rising sun, disappearing without a trace.

Bell, retreated.

Then, Ikki and Mirage looked at each other and without hesitation, they swung their fists at the opposite head.



But the difference this time is that Ikki no longer has any hesitation. He goes all out with every punch and kick. He will never betray his teammates casually like he did when he was side by side with Nangong Qi before.

Not only that, Ikki even obtained the wind and thunder form, which completely surpassed the mirage in its basic form, both in terms of strength and speed.

As long as Ikki transforms into real wind and thunder as if he were an element, Mirage will only be passively beaten.

"Ikki, it's time to end this!"

"Okay Weiss, let's get excited!"

"Baku Baku! ReviceStrike!"

As the energy was filled, Ikki exploded with a speed that the mirage could not see clearly. He knocked the mirage into the air with a punch filled with lightning energy, then jumped up and performed a knight kick.

Seeing this, the ghosts of the mirage emerged and immediately released their transformation in mid-air, shouting: "Brother Ikki, save me!"

"Sophomore year? (No concern)"

If it had happened before, Ikki would probably have been deceived to the point of not being able to do anything, but after experiencing so many things, he had fully come to his senses.

"Devil, don't even try to lie to me!"

Shouting words of disbelief, Ikki changed his flying kick into a downward slash in the air, and hit Mirage's shoulder with his heel like a heavy hammer, slamming him to the ground.


In the smoke and dust, Mirage spurted out blood, lay on the ground, and passed out.

Of course, Ikki wasn't much better.

He himself was beaten crazily by Bell along with Ju Ying. Ju Ying was exhausted. He could use the wind and thunder form to perform the final killing blow and completely squeeze out the last bit of strength from him.

Therefore, exhausted, he disintegrated in mid-air and fell awkwardly.

Fortunately, Ushijima had quick eyesight and quick hands to catch him.

But even though he fainted, he still had a satisfied smile on his face.

Finally, he rescued his brother.

This is a small step for him, but it is also a big step for the reunion of the Igarashi family.

Ushijima Hikaru looked around. Igarashi Ikki, Mirage, and Giant Sakura were all lying on the floor. He was left standing alone. He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

"Dad, I've finished it here. Call more people to help clean up the mess!"

At the same time, at the [Desperados] base, Bell was not seriously injured.

But when I boarded the ship, after sniffing it, my whole face jumped up.

"I smell Diavolo!"

Then, after seeing Diavolo or Tamaki Go who had been cut into pieces and whose bodies were placed in different rooms, he showed an extremely satisfied expression.

Especially when he saw only the upper body and head of Tamaki Hao, he couldn't help but rush over.

"I just want to see this expression on your face! This expression where you want to kill me but can't! Hahahahahahahahaha!"

This was probably the happiest time Bell had ever laughed apart from watching the mirage burning the bathhouse.

It is worth mentioning that, in order to avoid

This powerful Diavolo was playing tricks on his life, or maybe a part of his body was comparable to a nuclear bomb. Karisaki simply soaked every part of Diavolo's body in the demon inhibitor.

But even so, every part of Tamaki Go's body maintained a considerable degree of activity, and Karisaki couldn't help but want to use all these parts to make a belt.

Of course, there is no way Karisaki would do something so stupid as to waste out-of-print precious materials.

Diavolo was probably on the same level as Keefe. In the eyes of this scientist, every cell in his body was worth as much as Halley's Comet.

Waste is a crime!

After Bell finished laughing, Nangong Qi told Bell the whole process of Diavolo's Trojan horse trick.

"Is it very possible that that old immortal thing Keefe is alive?"

It should be bad news, but Bell's voice was filled with joy. "Does this mean that I can finally kill my father?"

Well, the devil's thinking really cannot be thought with human logic.

"That's what I say, but you can't even defeat Diavolo, how can you defeat Keef? Maybe Keef is stronger than Diavolo!"

"It doesn't matter, it was because I didn't bring the best equipment last time. As long as I bring out the best equipment, even if Diavolo and Keef join forces to kill them, they will definitely not be my opponent!"

Seeing Bell so confident, Nangong Qi couldn't help but be curious.

What does Bell mean by the best equipment?

Also, you devil family really [love each other].

The biological father ate his uncle and his son;

The son wants to kill himself and the whole family, which is even more chaotic than the various fathers and sons in Greek mythology.

Suppressing the urge to complain in his heart, Nangong Qi set his sights on Yu Zhihao.

The treatment and outcome of the person in front of you depends on his attitude and the value he can provide.

After pressing the electric shock button, high-voltage electricity was passed directly to Yu Zhihao's head, waking him up from his coma.

Even though only this part of his body was left and still soaked in water, this guy actually still spoke:

"Ahem, cough, cough, did the plan succeed? Was Akilela rescued?"

As soon as he spoke, Nangong Qi sentenced him to half the death penalty in his heart.

It would be understandable if this guy became a Trojan without knowing it, but now it seems that this guy is clearly a pure bad guy who voluntarily became a Trojan, so he should be treated as a devil.

"You failed! Not only you, Diavolo was also torn into pieces by us! Also, Diavolo never thought about saving Aguilera, he just wanted to save Keefe, and the rest... Including you, we are all just abandoned!"

"How could this be?"

Yu Zhihao's eyes were full of despair, like a fool who was deceived and cheated into selling money.

But the silly persona cannot save him, just like the law will still punish those poor eggs who have no knowledge but actually transport white powder.

"Yu Zhihao, have you forgotten us?"


It wasn't until this moment that Tamaki Go realized that only part of his body was left and was still soaked in water. The people in front of him were Phoenix's Hiromi Kadoda and George Karizaki, Bell, and someone he didn't recognize. man.

"It's actually you? Why am I like this? And why am I here?"

"You are not qualified to ask us questions, so don't question us!"

Nangong Qi shook his head and said to Karisaki: "This guy has this little IQ. It is estimated that Orutega and Diavolo will not let him know any important information. You can do whatever you want!"


Karisaki smiled crookedly, pressed a button, and a black curtain slowly covered Tamakihao's head, causing him to panic.

"Hey? Hey hey hey hey? What happened? Wait a minute, can't you let me see Akileira first? Please! Please..."

The black curtain was completely covered, as if entering silent mode, Tamaki Hao was completely silent.

For this guy who killed an unknown number of people, volunteered to become a Trojan horse carrier, and almost killed Karisaki, Nangong Qi had completely regarded him as a dead person and didn't even bother to say a word.

Tamaki Go has completely lost its use value. His only value is to become Karisaki's experiment, providing them with more powerful weapons and equipment, and at the same time becoming a container and prison to continue to restrain Diavolo.

This seems to be inhumane, entirely because in Nangong Qi's heart at this moment, Yu Zhihao has completely separated from the ranks of human beings and has become a complete, one thousand percent pure, peerless traitor.

Nangong Qi would not regard such a thing as a human being or the same kind.

Just like the previous lawyer, he could clearly see the difference in strength and knew how to give Nangong Qi information about the "Desperate Crowd".

As long as jade is useful, it will not be useless at all.

Let him go, give it to Karisaki, let him continue to restrain Diavolo, and shine for the cause of mankind's fight against demons is his best atonement.


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By the way, no one sympathizes with Yu Zhihao, right?

This guy volunteered to be a Trojan horse, allowing Diavolo to escape with Keefe. Is he already derelict?




PS again:

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Chapter 232: Entropy weapon, the key to time

In a base of [Desperadoes] that cannot be detected by any detector, Squid has been waiting here for a long time, waiting for Diavolo, his current boss, but he will definitely be stabbed by him in the future.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

Suddenly, the space vibrated and shattered like glass.

Immediately afterwards, Keefe emerged from the space crack while maintaining the posture of a stone pillar.

"Lord Diavolo, we succeeded and successfully rescued Lord Keefe! Great!"

The squid cheered from the bottom of his heart, his eyes constantly patrolling Keefe's body, confirming that it was Keefe's true body.

"Lord Diablo! Lord Diavolo?"

Gradually, the squid discovered its blind spots.

Keefe was rescued, but Diavolo was gone.

"What the hell happened?"

Just when doubts filled his mind, a purple light flashed across Keefe's body, followed by a hand that was very, very inconsistent with the laws of physics, enough to make Newton float in mid-air from the point of anger.

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