The Anku next door has only one hand left of the same style!

It's like a scene in a Japanese horror movie where a ghost threatens to kill you.


Rao Shichensquid prides himself on being a world-shattering intellect, and for a while he couldn’t figure out why the special photography studio was developing into a horror film.

After all, this is Toei, not Tsuburaya next door. I will always have the desire to make ghost movies.

Although it looked like something out of a horror movie, the squid still stepped forward in a desperate attempt to kill himself.

Because he looked at this hand that looked inexplicably familiar, like...

"Lord Diablo?"

Chip Squid asked tentatively.

"Oh, it's Orutega!"

"It is indeed you, my lord!" After confirming that it was Diavolo, the Squid couldn't help but take a breath.

The scene where Diavolo as an adult took care of Bell like a playful child left a deep impression on him to this day. But who would have thought that a Trojan horse plan that was supposed to be a sure thing actually caused Diavolo to overturn and only one was left. hand.

JUDO is indeed something not to be underestimated!

Diavolo did not hide the fact that he overturned the car, but spoke openly.

Anyway, in his eyes, as long as he can fish out Keefe, it will be a bloody profit.

"Then Lord Diavolo, what should we do next?"

Although the squid has a lot of thoughts, considering that the [Desperate Crowd] has just lost the Keef Seal and Diavolo has only one arm left, it is completely a mess that he does not want to take over and can only turn to Diablo. Polo saluted with one hand.

"Of course wait!"


"Although the Keef Seal is lost and I only have one arm left, it doesn't matter at all, because I still have my own Seal of Sin. As long as the Seal of Sin is still there, I am immortal!"

"Oh, I get it!"

Only then did the squid suddenly realize.

It turns out that the true nature of the devil is not in the human body, but in the sin seal.

As long as the Seal of Sin still retains the devil's soul, the devil can be resurrected through the Seal of Sin even if he dies thousands of times.

Just like the phylactery of the Necromancer.

But on the other hand, if you get the evil seal corresponding to the devil, does it count as holding the devil's fate?

Just as the squid was thinking about how to launch a gorgeous back stab, Diavolo continued:

"After JUDO and the others completely kill Tamaki Hao, I can pass the Seal of Sin.

Reorganize your body.By then, everything will be under my control! "

"Congratulations, Lord Diavolo!"

The squid smiled flatteringly.

He didn't stupidly ask Diavolo where his sinful seal was, as that would only make Diavolo more wary of him.

Of course, Squid also believed that Diavolo could see his ambition, but because he was still valuable, he did not abandon himself like Yu Zhihao.

"I just don't know when Master Keefe will wake up?"

"This is not something you have to worry about! Because even if there is no Keef Seal, those damn Kamen Riders will help us wake up Keef!"

Diavolo's voice was full of laughter. "As long as there are enough dead demons, Keefe will naturally be awakened!"

"Really? That's really the best! It's like seeing the expressions of those Kamen Riders who learned that they were trapped in a cocoon, but in the end they helped us awaken Lord Keefu! Hahahahahahahahahaha!"


For a time, the secret base was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

At the same time, in the former [Desperados] base, Nangong Qi had just gotten away from Kadota and kept an eye on Karizaki, so as to prevent the scientist in the Kamen Rider world from doing something comparable to a Shuka scientist.

It would be a disaster if a father who was more terrifying than Diavolo, Keefe, and the Black Hole Snakeskin were tied together.

After that, Nangong Qi pulled Bell to a secret room.

"Bell, what is that secret weapon you mentioned?"

"That's it?"

Bell controlled Yuantai's body and showed a playful expression.

"I thought it was some big deal, but this is it? I didn't expect you, my partner, to be so impatient!"

"This is a natural thing. Compared to you, my impulse and desire to destroy Keef, destroy Diavolo, and destroy [the Desperate People] are a thousand times, ten thousand times stronger!"

The cold murderous intent overflowed from Nangong Qi's body unreservedly, making Bell couldn't help but shudder.

"I will drive out all those inhuman monsters that endanger humanity from this world, not a single one of them!"

"Well! Obviously I am the devil, but I always feel that compared to us devils, you humans are more in line with the definition of devil!"

"If the price of protection is to become a demon, then I won't hesitate to transform into a real demon!"

"Haha, so speaking of partners, you are indeed the best!"

A smile also appeared on Bell's face, he took Nangong Qi's hand and walked out of the room.

"In that case, let us transform into real demons together and destroy all our enemies!"

This is a long road. Along the way, Bell passed his demon identity test and opened many technological doors that had been sealed for a long time.

These rooms were blocked by numerous doors, and the security level was so tight that even Nangong Qi's keen intuition could not detect what existed in the deepest room.

There is not much light in these rooms, and some are just little bits of fluorescence emitted by some radioactive materials.

It can be seen that even though the [Desperados] have been operating in this base for decades, they have never reached this location, and even the wires and lights have not been connected here.

And as the road progressed, Nangong Qi also felt difficulty breathing, and even felt the faint smell of rust on the tip of his tongue.

There must be a problem with the oxygen content in the air. Whether the oxygen content is too high or the oxygen content is too low, it will cause harm to the human body that has long been accustomed to the existing oxygen content on the earth.

Pure Oxygen, Father, the best combination.



"There's something wrong with the oxygen content here, so let's transform first!"

"Of course the oxygen here is not suitable for the human body. The last time I opened this place was the age of the dinosaurs! Oh, ho, ho, ho!"

Bell looked triumphant and had no intention of transforming as Nangong Qi requested.

Era of dinosaurs?

If it were the air of that era, the oxygen content would definitely not be suitable for today's humans.

"So I suggest you transform like me. Don't forget, you are still using Junpei's body!"

"Huh? Sorry, I forgot!"


"[Kamen Rider Chimera]!"

"[Kamen Rider Crimson Bell]!"

After finishing dressing and breathing normal air through the equipped respiratory system, Nangong Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because I breathed high-purity oxygen, and then died here of suffocation...

Don't want that kind of thing!

Through the helmet full of technology, Nangong Qi's eyes were able to see more details on the basement walls of this suspected base.

There are energy transmission pipes everywhere on the wall. It must have been the main weapon system of the spacecraft before it was abandoned, or even the most powerful weapon system.

So, is it a spear of light?

If it was that thing, even if Keefe and Diavolo were tied up, they would still be no match.

After all, no matter what a person says, it is impossible to compete with a battleship, even if this is just a lifeboat.


Suddenly, Bell stopped

Stepping down, Nangong Qi, who was thinking about running the train, also noticed something unusual about this deepest room.

I saw that the walls and ceiling of this room were densely packed with fluorescent energy transmission pipes. Even by looking at them, Nangong Qi could feel that if these energies burst out, it would definitely be no less than a nuclear explosion.

I don’t know what the secret behind [The Desperate Crowd] is, but it can actually install a nuclear fission generator on this alien spacecraft. Otherwise, it would not be possible to generate enough energy to drive this ship without being connected to the power grid. Everything in the ship.

Wait, [Desperadoes] have been dancing in the nuclear power plant all this time?

Most striking are these tubes of fluorescent energy leading to a giant machine in the room.

It was a twisted, double-helix structure, shaped like a gene, as if it were a stone sculpture made of layers of marble stacked up.

But this stone sculpture is full of energy and exudes a weird sense of technology.

In Nangong Qi's eyes, the existence in front of him was extremely twisted and awkward, with both technological and religious styles. They were obviously conflicting elements, but they were perfectly integrated.

"This, this is?"


Bell raised his head intoxicated and hugged a corner of this existence, as if hugging his favorite existence.

"This is the crystallization of the highest technology of our race, the entropic weapon!"

"Entropy, entropic weapon?"

Nangong Qi felt his breathing freeze.

In many science fiction novels, he has also seen the definition of entropic weapons, which are weapons that can freely control the increase and decrease of entropy, or even stop the change of entropy.

It seems to be a simple setting, but the destructive power may be endless.

It can range from breaking atomic bonds to achieving an effect similar to a Gaussian weapon;

(Note: This is an entropic weapon)

The most important thing is to control the flow rate of time, or even reverse the flow of time.

(Note: This is the entropic weapon that controls the change of entropic energy)

"What's the use of this thing?"

Suppressing his excitement, Nangong Qi cautiously asked Bell.

"Well, maybe I should use a more popular and simple voice to describe this kind of technology that is completely beyond human cognition!"

Bell stroked his chin and fell into thought.

Probably in his eyes, explaining the ability of entropic weapons to Nangong Qi is like explaining the working principle of explosives to primitive people. The most important thing is that he has to use the vocabulary that primitive people know.

Ever since, Bell, who was deep in thought, took out a superpower comic book and read through it.


"It's just that I can explain it this way!"

After flipping through the book for a while, Bell thought of an explanation.

"The entropy weapon can accelerate the flow rate of an object's entropy change, making its time span tens of millions of years, and destroying it. At the same time, it can also reverse the flow rate of entropy change and restore a broken vase. As long as the energy is enough, it can even be suspended. The whole earth!"

"I understand!"

Nangong Qi understood instantly.

Simply put, it is an enhanced combination of abilities such as [Heavy Acceleration], [Timeout], [Manly World], [World], and [Crimson King]...

Wait, isn't that King of Time?

Unlike Tokiwa Shogo's innate ability to control time, entropic weapons are pure technological power.

Indeed, as long as he has the power to control time, even if Diavolo and Keefe are tied together, they will not be Bell's opponent.

That’s not right. There are too many flaws in this?

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