Isn't this an escape ship?

Are there entropic weapons on the escape ship?

You demon race is too full of martial virtue, isn't it?

However, considering Bell and Diavolo, it is not incomprehensible that each one is better than the other.

Also, didn’t you come to earth during the age of dinosaurs?

With a being as awesome as entropy weapons, shouldn't it have ruled over all living things long ago?

I almost forgot that the power system of this spacecraft still uses human nuclear fission generators.

It is estimated that all the power of the escape ship has been consumed when it lands on the earth. No matter how powerful the entropic weapons are, they cannot be activated without sufficient energy.

At last!

"So, what's the price?"

"The soul of a powerful demon!"

"I see, you are planning to use Diavolo as a shell to activate the entropy weapon, no, as fuel, right?"

Facing Nangong Qi's question, Bell responded with a crooked smile.

No wonder Bell feels contempt for Diavolo today. The co-author finally found the consumables to promote the entropy weapon, so he is so confident.

"But driving a battleship to deal with two lonely old men always feels a bit bullying, like bullying the devil."

As if mocking himself, Nangong Qi imitated Bell's behavior and gently stroked this machine that seemed full of religious atmosphere, but at the same time full of technological atmosphere.

"There is and can only be one outcome between us and those two bastards, either they die or we die. In short, we can only live on one side in this world!"

"Then I'll choose to continue bullying them!"

Suddenly, Nangong Qi had an idea.

"Right. Should I tell Karisaki and the others about this?"

"Them? Let's forget it! The science here

The technology has been completed beyond the scope of human understanding. Among other things, there are very few scientists in the field of entropy change in this world. Are you sure that his arrival will not cause chaos? "

"Let's talk to them anyway!"

"Well, it's up to you, partner!"



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Chapter 233: The Igarashi family, the Ushijima family, and the Karisaki family who love each other.

When I opened my eyes, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling, followed by a headache.

Mirage tried to struggle, but found that his hands were tied tightly to the restraint chair, unable to move.

"Do you humans like to restrain demons that much? So does JUDO, and so does Ikki." He sneered, and Mirage accumulated strength, preparing to violently free himself.

"Do you really think that you are JUDO and can restrain the devil at will? Stop laughing at the devil!"



Suddenly, Mirage seemed to be electrocuted, struggling on the restraint chair like a leech thrown into a pile of salt.

But after a while, he breathed out black smoke and passed out again.

In the side room, Ushijima's father focused his attention on Ushijima Hikaru beside him. He just seemed to have heard some extraordinary information from Mirage's mouth.

"Nangong once caught Mirage? Aguang, why didn't you report this matter to the organization?"

"Because, because after Nangong caught the mirage, he quickly let it go!"

Seeing that he could no longer hide it, Ushijima Hikaru could only reveal the truth.


As soon as he said this, Ushijima felt his glasses shatter.

"Isn't Nangong a Kamen Rider? He even almost killed Mirage once. How could he let Mirage go so easily?"

"this one?"

After hesitating for a while, Ushijima Hikaru finally told the truth.

"Because Mirage made a deal with Mr. Nangong. Mirage told Mr. Nangong all the information about the [Desperados], and Mr. Nangong will never interfere with the Igarashi family. Even if Mirage burns down the Happy Bathhouse , he will only sit on the sidelines."

"Why didn't you say something so important earlier? And where did your [Beyond Timmons Drive] come from?"

"I also got this from Mr. Nangong."

Hearing this, Ushijima's father's eyes almost popped out of his head. He raised his hand in the air and slapped Ushijima Hikaru in the face.

Ushijima Hikaru even closed his eyes.

But the slap did not fall on the face, and Ushijima Hikaru felt his neck tighten.

It turned out that when Ushijima's father was halfway through the slap, he changed his palms to grasping, and chose to grab Ushijima Hikaru's collar, and asked:

"Why didn't you tell me? Aren't we family?"

"No, that's not the case. You are not my father, I was adopted by you!"

Although he was raised by Ushijima's father since childhood, there was always a thorn in Ushijima's heart.

He is not Ushijima's biological son, but adopted.

This is a problem that many adoptive families encounter because there is no blood relationship. If it is not handled properly, the adopted children will feel separated from their parents.

The older the adopted child is, the greater the feeling of separation will naturally be.

Seeing that the child who should be the closest to him was so separated from him, Ushijima felt bursts of heartache, but all he could do was sigh slightly.

Maybe this problem arose when he adopted Ushijima Hikari, but because Ushijima himself was raising a child for the first time and was focused on working for [Sabbath], he naturally didn't notice this problem, which is why the problem continues until now. , and even intensified.

Finally, Ushijima's father let go of his hand, patted Ushijima Hikari's shoulder, and said softly: "I don't blame you, because I also have my own problems."


Ushijima's father left the room, leaving Ushijima Hikaru alone in this room.

Soon, Ushijima’s father informed Karizaki Masumi about the information about Nangong Qi.

And when he heard that [Beyond Timmons Drive] was handed over to Ushijima Hikaru by Nangong Qi, Masumi was even so excited that he stood up from his chair.

"Can it be said that George is still alive?"

[Beyond Timmons Drive], Karisaki once used it, beating up Ikki and


Nangong Qi did not suppress this information, but directly informed [Sabbath].

But after the Phoenix air base crashed, Nangong Qi actually got the [Beyond Timmons Drive].

The entire [Sabbath] believed in Nangong Qi's character. A true Kamen Rider would never do anything treacherous or plundering.

Then there are only two answers left. One is that Karisaki entrusted the drive to Nangong Qi before he died, and the other is that Nangong Qi saved Karisaki. In return for saving his life, Karisaki dedicated the drive with both hands.

After realizing that the child whom he had previously thought died like a white-haired man sending a black-haired man to death, might actually survive, how could this not make Masumi, a lonely old man, excited?

"Mr. Masumi, please calm down!"

"Hu, hu, hu!"

Under the tug of a group of people around him, Masumi was pushed back to the chair.

"Can you inform Mr. Nangong and ask him to bring Karisaki? Even if it's a relic, that's fine!"

When Masumi said this, she burst into tears.

"It should be okay. Just tell him about the relationship between you and George, sir, and he will understand, right?"

"Then go tell him!"

After the call came to Nangong Qi, he also learned Masumi's true identity.

"I can't make the decision on this, because George himself actually doesn't have a good relationship with his father at all. However, I can ask for you."

"Then thank you very much!"

After hanging up the phone, Nangong Qi suddenly felt a headache.

It's all about nothing.

But after thinking about it, Nangong Qi also remembered Masumi's previous physical condition.

It looked like a candle in the wind, and he might die suddenly at any time.

Such a lonely old man, even if he has killed countless lives;

Even if it indirectly leads to Bell and Genta's mess;

Even if you put a demon into your own son's body and want to dominate him

Even if...

Labor and management can no longer talk about TM stuff!

Looking back at what Karizaki Masumi did, Nangong Qiya just wanted to scold him for what he deserved.

This person is completely the same, a scientist who cares about human life as much as [Overhaul Card]. He will be alone for the rest of his life because he committed too many sins in the first half of his life and he deserves it.

Even if you uphold the attitude of atonement, establish the [Sabbath], fight against the devil, and protect mankind, so what?

Because he has lost countless lives, can he wash away his sins just by making atonement?

"Let's talk to Karizaki!"

After thinking about it, Nangong Qi decided to tell Karisaki about this.

After all, this is Karisaki's family matter, and Nangong Qi has no reason to prevent him from knowing this. The most he can do is to tell him Masumi's current physical condition.


"So he's still alive, but now that bastard is finally going to die? He still wants to see me one last time before he dies? Haha, I won't go!"

As expected.

After learning that his long-dead biological father was still alive, but still dying, and even wanted to see him before his death, Karizaki laughed a few times and decided not to go.


Nangong Qi had no intention of persuading him, so he immediately took out his phone and prepared to make a call to tell Masumi about Karisaki's decision.

However, the phone number was only half pressed.

"Aren't you going to persuade me?"

From this sentence, Nangong Qi concluded that Karisaki had reserved feelings for his biological father.

But as the saying goes: with deep love comes deep responsibility.

Regarding his father's behavior of putting the devil into his body, Karizaki once loved his father so much, but now he hates him so much.

But it's still a little bit possible.

It’s just that you can’t persuade from the front, you have to persuade from the opposite.

"Persuade? What is there to persuade? He is your father. He announced his death on his own initiative and failed you throughout your childhood. It was also he who took the initiative to come and see you. Anyway, the decision-making power is in your hands, so what good can I do? Who persuaded you?"

"I thought you would use righteous principles such as filial piety to force me to submit like those bastard relatives in the bloody eight o'clock show."

"Haha, do you think I look like that kind of person? We are not the kind of people who talk about grandma all day long. Filial piety? Smile!"

With a faint sneer on his face, Nangong Qi continued to press the phone number. When the input was completed and he was just short of the last step of connecting, he asked Karisaki again:

"Would you like to celebrate?"

"Qing, celebrate?"

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