Even at this level, Nangong Qi still continued to search, hoping that a miracle would happen.

Karisaki must have encountered some problems that forced him to go out, right?

After the problem is over, Karisaki will come back and enjoy a barbecue dinner with himself, Poppy, and the Igarashi family.

If such a thing can be realized, even if I have to lie on the operating table of [Overhaul Card] again, and I will be given [Butcher's Nails] for the second time in the palace!

So, a miracle will happen soon!

A miracle will happen soon!

A miracle will happen soon! ! !

Miracle soon...



Suddenly, Nangong Qi stopped and was stunned by the sight in front of him.

That was the room where Aguilera was being held, and the door to this room was open.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but when Nangong Qi searched the entire alien spacecraft, the last few rooms that were not searched were the rooms where Aguilera was held.

If Aguilera disappears, it means that the fact of Karisaki's rebellion is completely confirmed.

Facing Karisaki's betrayal and his leaving without saying goodbye, Nangong Qi just felt heartache, as if a boiling pot of boiling hot oil was poured into his chest, burning his and my internal organs to charcoal.

Not only that, Nangong Qi could feel that the wound in his chest was constantly being healed and destroyed, causing him even greater pain.

He didn't have many friends to begin with, but now that he's missing one, he'll probably have to fight with his best friend in the future.

Because on the battlefield, Nangong Qi would not do anything to persuade him to surrender.

A traitor is a traitor. No matter what reasons are used to excuse or explain, it is always betrayal.

What a pain!

It hurts, it hurts too much!

"Whoa whoa whoa-"

After letting out a long breath, Nangong Qi took out a bottle of wine from the [Aurora Curtain] and drank tons of it. His whole body fell to the ground like a pile of mud.

Bitter wine enters the throat and makes the heart ache. This is probably what it feels like, right?

But now Nangong Qi is the ultimate mixture of demons and humans, and his physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary humans. Not to mention alcohol, not even aerospace gasoline can make him drunk in the slightest.

Then, tears flowed down.

Tears flowed uncontrollably, like two kelps on his face.

I don't know how long it took before Nangong Qi stood up again, wiped away his tears, and swallowed all the pain and suffering.

Obsessing over the status quo won't help matters at all, so he must keep going, let alone stop.

Not only because of his identity as a Kamen Rider, but also because there are people in this city that he loves deeply and wants to protect.

Don't stop!

So what should we do next?

"After tonight's barbecue banquet is over, let's tell them the news about Karisaki! After all, the news of Karisaki's rebellion will be exposed sooner or later."

After making up his mind, Nangong Qi walked into Aguilera's room, looked in the mirror, and began to rub his facial muscles to keep the smile on his face as natural and joyful as possible.

That night.

"Let the barbecue begin!"


Amid cheers, the barbecue banquet officially began.

This time, not only the Igarashi family, but also the Ushijima family and Kadoda were invited.

For a time, the entire banquet became in full swing. Everyone gathered in their own small circles, enjoying the barbecue and enhancing their feelings for each other.

"Hey? Where's Karisaki? Didn't you invite him?"

"Karisaki said that instead of spending time in boring social interactions with us, he would rather spend more time on research!"

Nangong Qi explained this.

It's just that Karisaki himself is a workaholic who likes to forget about food and sleep, so the explanation that fits his personality didn't attract too many people's attention.

At the banquet, Nangong Qi kept a smile and barbecued, like a cheerful barbecue uncle.

Just Poppy felt a little abnormal.

"Qi, tell me, did something happen?"

"What happened?"

Nangong Qi kept the natural fake smile he had rubbed and continued to say inappropriate words.

"Poppy, come and try this skewer of meat! It's specially prepared for you!"

"it is good!"

Poppy took the meat skewer, bit it lightly, and frowned slightly.

"Odd, why can I feel the smell of tears?"


In shock, Nangong Qi quickly touched his face.

It was only then that he felt sweat mixed with tears covering his entire face.

For some reason, he actually cried during the barbecue.

So what if he suppresses his sorrow and pain, and what if he is at a festive banquet, he is still crying.

"Ikki, come and replace me!"

"Good good!"

After greeting and handing over the barbecue table to Yihui, Nangong Qi took Poppy and left the rooftop, quietly summoned the [Aurora Curtain] to leave and return to the alien spacecraft.

Finally, Nangong Qi no longer had to deliberately hide his sadness. His original smiling face suddenly turned into a crying face, and he sat down leaning against the wall, scratching his head crazily with both hands.

"Karisaki has rebelled! Oooohhhhhhhhhh-!"

"What? It's impossible!"

Before coming to this world, Poppy learned the general situation from Nangong Qi, and even knew about the close friend relationship between Nangong Qi and Karisaki.

"Doesn't he admire knights and even regard you as an idol? How could he betray you, a close friend and idol?"

"I don't know, ah, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Nangong Qi could not speak clearly and could only express himself word by word.

"Okay, okay, you have me here, you don't have to be so sad!"

"I'm not only sad for him, but also sad for having to fight with him in the future!"

In an instant, poppy understood all this.

As a Kamen Rider, Nangong Qi would never allow himself to show any mercy to his enemies on the battlefield.

But because of this, he had to fight with his own hands, or even kill his best friend, and the situation tortured Nangong Qi's heart like a heart-eating poison.

He was as confused as a confused child.


Thinking of this, Poppy sighed slightly and hugged Nangong Qi into his arms.

"As long as I'm here, it'll be okay, it'll be okay."

Then he took him to the bedroom and undressed him.

At the same time, Karisaki was conducting various measurements and experiments around Keefu.

Compared with the research that he had started almost from scratch and completely crossed the river by feeling the stones, now that he has Diavolo to help explain, he understands the characteristics of this strange race of demons better.

Especially after he brought back Keefe's evil seal, he almost became a great hero to the outlaws.

Of course, Akaashi, who was so old that he was about to become a spirit, had doubts about whether Karisaki's defection to Yu was fraudulent.

But considering that there is no second person on the entire earth who understands the demon race better than Karisaki, even if he has endless doubts, Akaashi can only greet him with a smile and invite him to cooperate.

"According to my research, it is estimated that it will not take long to wake up Lord Keefe!"

"Can you tell me specifically how long it will take, a week? Or a month? Or a year?"

Squidward looked at Karisaki casually.

In this regard, Karisaki maintained a serious expression without any change.

"One week!"

Karisaki answered in the affirmative and pushed up his glasses.

"Of course, if a few more kief believers are sacrificed, it will definitely become shorter!"

"No need!"

As soon as he mentioned this Kief believer, Akaishi's face turned horribly ugly.

It's not because of anything else, but because it consumes too much consumables.

To summon a Keefu follower, you need a human consumable.

If it had been the heyday of the Outlaws, it probably wouldn't have been a big deal. After all, there were countless consumables waiting to be lucky enough to become Kief followers.

However, after many blows from Nangong Qi, the Outlaws were completely bankrupt. Akaishi, the mole who had infiltrated Phoenix, was also successfully uncovered, completely cutting off most of their sources of supplies, leaving only those who had been deceived. Stupid believers.

Just today, Diavolo can be said to have taken the lead in the charge with the last trace of his fortune, hoping to rely on

The advantage of numbers can accomplish the result in one battle.

Then, Diavolo rushed to the street.

The consumables that were brought were all used up, and the fugitives were completely bankrupt, leaving only a few polished commanders guarding this empty secret base.

It is absolutely impossible to plunder the population like a nomad, because it will be too eye-catching and it will easily attract the Kamen Rider. It is absolutely not possible to do that unless it is absolutely necessary.

So sacrificing consumables or anything like that is absolutely not acceptable.

Unless Akaashi and Squid plan to sacrifice themselves.

"Isn't it just a week? I can afford to wait!"

Finally, Diavolo, the boss, spoke, completely establishing the future route of the fugitives.

"Next, stand down!"

"Obey!" ×3

After leaving the room, Squid directly pulled Karisaki and walked towards the deep mountains and old forests.

Karisaki didn't resist, but he wanted to see what the squid's plot was.

"Karisaki, I believe you are a smart man."

"Speak to me!"

"Let's join forces!"

"Join us?"

"That's right! A man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in a state of depression for a long time!?"

The squid showed a satisfied smile.

"I plan to steal all of Keefe's power and become a god!"

At this critical moment, Squid finally stopped hiding his ambition and greed and showed it in front of Karisaki.

From beginning to end, he


Just you?

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