Are you worthy?

How many keys are there?

Although he was laughing at the squid in his heart, Karizaki still kept his face paralyzed.

"So what benefits can I get? Why should I help you?"

"When the time comes, you will become the supreme being beneath one person and above ten thousand people, and I will also cripple your unknown father's hands and feet and pack him up before you. How about that?"

He's quite good at spending money, so he's a waste of money!

The merciless ridicule continued in his heart, and Karisaki continued to lower his head in thought, seemingly weighing the pros and cons.

The squid was also waiting very patiently, waiting for Karisaki to give him a satisfactory answer.

Finally, after what seemed like an extremely fierce ideological struggle, Karisaki spoke:

"Okay, Orutega, you are my half-brother in this life! You are right. A man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time!?"

"Yes, we are all born to do great things! I can see your domination and ambition!"

Extremely excited, Orutega put his arm around Karisaki's shoulders, like a true brother.

"How? What do I need to do?"

"I need you to do some tricks on the sin seal, such as this, this, and that..."

"But we are weak, there are only two of us, and Diavolo and Akaashi are both super old foxes who have lived for more than a thousand years. Is it enough?"

"Don't worry about this! Because now the personnel development work of the Outlaws is all done by me myself!"

Talking about people is just to swindle consumables.

But think about it, a big guy like Akaashi would definitely not go out and swindle consumables himself.

However, the current vitality of the refugees is severely damaged, and they have to need more consumables.

Ever since, the job of recruiting consumables fell into the hands of the squid.

Half an hour later, Squidward and Karisaki pulled up their pants, and both of them walked out of the deep mountains and forests with contented expressions.



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Chapter 259 Final form research from scratch

In the consumables base of the Desperadoes, the Squid is undergoing daily consumable conversion work.

The principle of this work is very simple, that is, use Diavolo's Seal of Sin to transform all the consumables that were deceived into more powerful Kief followers.

In fact, this transformation method is completely simplistic.

After all, the number of consumables is limited. Once converted into a Kief believer, one will die and one will be missing.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. Facing the powerful Kamen Riders, the desperate people can only drink in such a desperate way.

Poison quenches thirst.

The low-level demons can't even stop Kamen Rider's fist, especially when facing the enhanced form of Giant Sakura, Da Er and others.

However, not all of these consumables are loyal believers of the Outlaws. Most of them were deceived, coerced and forced to come over by the Squid.


A male consumable was kneeling on the ground and shivering, waiting for his next tragic fate.

He was originally a freelancer who had just been laid off. He took the initiative to come here after hearing that there were high-paying jobs here among the fugitives.

Who knew that this place of exiles would be even darker than Myanmar.

"It's so dark, it's really damn dark!"

At this time, the squid has converted all the other consumables in front of the male consumable into kief followers, and it is his turn next.

"No, no!"

Terrified to the extreme, the male consumables climbed up from the ground in panic, and rushed towards the door of the room using both hands and feet.

"I don't want to become a devil, no! NO——"

NO is useless.

The secret base of the Outlaws is in the deep mountains and old forests, and it is heavily guarded by countless Kief believers. It is impossible for ordinary people to escape.

After a while, this male consumable was captured by a few loyal believers.

Of course, there is also a sequence for converting squid into Kief believers.

Those idiots who do not have firm beliefs and have been deceived into using supplies are in the first place.

Other capable and extremely loyal losers are ranked in varying degrees according to the strength of their abilities and the degree of their loyalty.

"Don't worry, the pain is only for a moment!"

The Squid showed an evil smile, holding Diablo's Seal of Sin in his hand, and walked towards the supplies step by step.


Akileira suddenly shouted and stood in front of the squid.

After being severely scolded by Poppy and reflecting on her actions, Akilela has deeply realized that the Outlaws are an anti-human organization and everything they do is destroying humanity.

She is a sinner, so she hopes to atone for her sins.

Perhaps her sins could never be washed away forever, but she would do her best to prevent more people from losing their precious lives.


Looking at Akilela, Squid couldn't help but laugh.

"In order to deal with the Kamen Riders, we need more combat power and more Kief followers. This is Lord Diavolo's order and goal. Can you afford to delay him?"

"I am Keefe's bride. As for Lord Diavolo, I will negotiate with him personally!"


The squid was almost laughing maniacally in his heart.

You, Aguilera, are just the selected high-end Keefe feed. Your biggest role is to serve as living feed to wake up Keefe who has been sleeping. Do you really think you are the queen of the outlaws?

What's more, Keefe only has a week left to wake up, and Aguilera's role is almost zero.

Do you dare to show off to him now?

However, considering that he is planning big things recently, it is not impossible to use her a little bit.


The squid looked very embarrassed.

"But we still need more combat power, why not..."

Handing the Queen Bee Sin Seal in front of Akilela, Squidward winked at her.

"You know!"

"......I see!"

Even though there are 1000 million reluctances in her heart, in order to hold on to the consumable in front of her and the life of more consumables in the future, Aguilera can only choose to become a devil again.

Also as the demonic power embraced her body, the huge scar on her face that was originally cut by Nangong Qi completely disappeared and turned into smooth skin.

"That's right for you!"

Seeing Aguilera transform into a demon again, Squidward made a gesture to his men.

"Send him to me as a coolie!"


The faithful then pressed the male consumable down again.

Although the consumables do not need to be converted into Keefu followers, leaving them is a waste of food. It is better to let him continue to shine for the desperate people.

After all, the current desperate people are in desperate need of help, and there is a shortage of manpower everywhere.


Aguilera's eyes widened, with an incredible look on her face.

"What are you looking at? Didn't I harm his life as promised?"


Being scolded to the point of being unable to utter a word, Aguilera could only grit her teeth and say: "Orutega, I have never found you to be such a bastard! Torturing an innocent person is your hobby. ?"

"I don't care enough, everything I do is to fulfill Lord Diavolo's orders. If you have any objections, feel free to report it to Lord Diavolo!"

Akileira almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Under the reflection of the squid, the JUDO who had imprisoned himself before seemed to be more pleasing to the eye.

"Remember me!"

————————————————New equipment is being manufactured



In the secret base of [Sabbath], Nangong Qi had just revealed that Karisaki might have rebelled, causing people around him to exclaim in surprise.


Masumi let out a long sigh.

Probably in his opinion, Karisaki's rebellion was completely within his expectation.

"But, there is no clear evidence to prove it, right?"

Ikki showed an incredulous expression.

"Now, sophomore, you said that Dr. Karisaki is a person who worships Kamen Rider, right? Now facing the attack of the Desperados, especially when he has the advantage over me, how could he rebel?"

Isn't joining the exiles now the same as joining the royal family of Louis before the French Revolution?

"Also, all this is just your speculation, without any substantive evidence at all, right?"

Seeing that Ikki was just like his previous self, refusing to believe the fact of Karisaki's rebellion, Nangong Qi couldn't help but sigh.

"Karisaki took the Toka Drive and disappeared without telling anyone. Tell me, other than the possibility of rebellion, what other possibilities are there?"

"Maybe there's something going on at home?"

Everyone present looked at Masumi, and only then did Ikki realize how stupid his excuse was.

"No matter what, it can't be an outrageous thing like rebelling here, right?"

"He took my drive."

Facing Yihui who was asking for help everywhere, Nangong Qi still mercilessly exposed his illusions.

"This is a critical moment in our war with the Desperadoes. Any combat effectiveness is crucial! Please tell me, other than the possibility of betrayal, how else can we explain it?"

"...Anyway, in short, we can't conclude that he is a traitor so easily!"

Being almost speechless by Nangong Qi's retort, Ikki could only struggle feebly.

"Brother, that's enough."

The sophomore quickly came out to smooth things over.

"Whether Dr. Karisaki rebelled or not? What's more important is that Nangong Qi has lost the tools to transform. If Diavolo comes back again, then I'm afraid our father will be the only one to deal with him!"

As soon as Ikki heard that his father was going to deal with the most powerful demon, his whole face fell instantly.

At least it was the cooperation of Nangong Qi and Yuantai that was able to repel Diavolo before.

But now that Nangong Qi has lost his ability to transform, Yuantai has to face the powerful Diavolo alone. Not only does his winning rate drop significantly, he may even die.

"So what to do?"

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