Not through sound in the form of sonic waves, but through telepathic communication.

"It's delicious! Family, it's delicious! Sure enough, family is the best!"


Although it is only a short sentence, the meaning contained in it is extremely huge.

None of the people present were mentally retarded. Except for Aguilera, they immediately understood what Keefe had done. He actually ate his own brother Keefe who woke up and loved him deeply.

Instantly, a cold feeling rushed over Ikki's Tianling Gai.

Just like Diavolo said, Ikki is also a person who can give everything for his family.

But my grandfather's relative used his actions to prove that people like him would end up like Diavolo, being eaten by his own family.

Such a fact made his determination to protect his family waver as never before.


Keefe glanced at the situation in the room, but didn't say a word. He didn't know if he was reminiscing about the taste of his brother who he had just eaten.

"Lord Keefe!"

Akileira walked up to Keefe almost bravely.

She is Keefe's bride, and this is her only remaining identity and the last meaning of her life.

She clearly knows that the end of this identity is death and destruction, but in order to make her life meaningful, she can only continue to walk on this level of identity.

"Master Keefe, I am your bride. No matter what you do, even if you eat me, I won't mind."

As if accepting her fate, Aguilera closed her eyes.

She has decided to go all the way to the dark side.

Keefe's response was to raise his right hand close to Aguilera's face, and then...


The slap came.

A crisp slap sounded, and Aguilera was sent flying directly. Everyone present was stunned.

Aguilera also had a look of astonishment on her face, she just couldn't understand it.

Obviously she has sacrificed so much for Keef, even to the point of completely giving up her human identity, why does Mr. Keef still treat him like this?

She asked herself in her heart, why is she like this?

Why did it end up like this?

Why did I look up and see absolutely nothing?





The same doubts kept repeating in her mind, causing her to almost collapse mentally.

In the past, she was undoubtedly a fanatical believer in Keefe, but today, her faith was completely shattered, making her want to die and completely crazy.

Keefe: Are you stupid for being a laborer?You are a carbon-based animal, let me, a soul creature, eat it. Do you want to choke me to death?

"I don't care whether you are gay or not! Go to hell!"

Karisaki had just lost his biological father and was in a very bad mood. He just wanted to find a strong enemy and have a good fight so that he could completely give up thinking and forget his sorrow and pain.

At the same time, he is also extremely eager to undo the consequences of the mistakes he made.

"Juuga Amazing Finish!"

Tenga's surprise ends!

With extremely strong energy, Karisaki kicked towards Keefu.

In response, Keefe just raised his right hand, and dark red energy was released from it.

I saw a space gate opening in front of Karisaki, swallowing him.

Immediately afterwards, another space door opened, and Karisaki flew out of it again.

It's just that the direction of his flying kick is the direction he came from, which means that he kicks towards the Kamen Rider.


Weiss and Ikki stood in front of everyone very consciously, and at the same time released powerful magnetic field energy into a solid shield, neutralizing the power of Knight Karizaki's kick.

Also taking advantage of this moment, Keefe once again opened a space door and walked directly in.

"Master Keefe, wait for us!"

Holding Keefu's Seal of Sin in his hand, Akaishi did not dare to stay where he was and rushed into the space door before it closed.

After all, here is

It can be said that all the current Kamen Riders have been gathered together, and if he stays, he will definitely die.

It wasn't just him, the smart as a squid also understood this and hurriedly followed.

And Aguilera.

Although her front foot was slapped by Keefe, she still staggered towards the space door.

Not because of any noble reason, but because Keefe is almost the driving force for her to survive.

However, before she could enter the door, the door to space had been closed, and she was thrown into the air, falling face-on to the ground, unconscious.

The Kamen Riders were left looking at each other, not knowing how to respond.

Keefe ran away!

After eating its own brother, it ran away with Diavolo's two capable subordinates.

What is this?

Want to chase?

But it left through the door of space. Without Nangong Qi's [Aurora Curtain] to open the door, how could they pursue it?

Release the transformation!

After reaching a consensus, the Kamen Riders canceled their transformations one after another, and all of them looked solemn, except for Ikki.

"You, who are you?"

Looking at the comrades he should be most familiar with, Ikki just felt extremely strange.

Especially for Da Er and Ju Ying, he felt an inexplicable fear.

"It's broken, Brother Ikki has lost his memory again!"

Of course Juying and Dai Er knew the contract signed by their elder brother and Weiss.

Exchange strength for the most precious thing you have, which is the wonderful memories you spend with your family.

"Brother Ikki, I am a sophomore! We are the best brothers, we are family!"

"Family? Family!"

Ikki's facial expression suddenly became extremely frightened.

"Don't come over here ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"


Da Er and Ju Ying were a little stunned.

Logically speaking, even if Ikki loses his memory, his feelings for his family will never change.

But why is it like this now?

"Hey, hey, Ikki!"

Weiss hugged him quickly to prevent him from running away. "I'm Weiss, do you remember?"

"Remember, of course I remember! You are the carnivorous beautiful girl!"

"Then can you please explain why you are so afraid of your family now? Didn't you find it difficult to fight back even if your family wanted to chop you up?"

"Because, because, because..."

Ikki raised a trembling finger and pointed at Dai Er and Ju Sakura.

"Because they'll eat me!"

"What!?" ×2

"I see!"

Karisaki looked thoughtful.



Here’s an explanation of Ikki’s changes

First of all, due to the use of Keef Tyrannosaurus, Ikki completely forgot all memories about his family

Secondly, the fact that Diavolo was eaten by his own brother shocked him greatly and left a psychological shadow in his heart.

Originally, Ikki could erase this psychological shadow through the beautiful memories with his family.

But when the two factors were superimposed, Ikki lost the memory of his family, and the psychological shadow area left by Keefe was infinitely magnified.

Ever since, the family hero has become like this




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Chapter 266: Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad

[Sabbath] After returning to the base, it was really a mess.

First of all, the leader Masumi Karizaki died on the operating table that he used to prove his genius because of overwork and favoritism.

Secondly, due to various reasons, the most trustworthy [Kamen Rider JUDO] Nangong Qi transformed into a complete alien monster and completely severed all ties with [Sabbath].

Finally, there is Ikki.

"According to the principles of psychology, because Ikki lost the good memories of his family, only the related emotions were left. But because the scene of Keefu and Diablo's brotherhood was too shocking, so It was infinitely magnified in the mind of the amnesiac Ikki, until the image of his family completely turned into a symbol of fear in his heart!"


well! "

Yuantai let out a long sigh.

It was obviously a joyful thing to have defeated the enemy, but for some reason, he always felt depressed.

In this battle, he not only lost a reliable good brother, but Ikki also became a stranger.

Totally lost.

"Dr. Karisaki, thank you for your hard work!"

"It's okay, this is all I can do now."

At this moment, Karisaki looked extremely embarrassed.

Ever since his father Masumi Karizaki died in front of him, he seemed to be a different person.

The originally confident eyes lost their highlights and were surrounded by dark circles, and the once sultry curly hair became disheveled.

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