The most eye-catching thing is that he wears silver bracelets on his hands and an iron breathing mask on his face.

Like an extremely dangerous and unpardonable bastard criminal.

Due to the deaths of Masumi Karizaki and Dad Ushijima one after another, the person who now shoulders the leadership responsibility of [Sabbath] is Ushijima Mom.

It was Hikaru Ushijima who suggested putting Karisaki in handcuffs and an iron breathing mask because he couldn't forgive the bastard who caused his adoptive father's death.

Ushijima’s mother originally wanted to persuade her son, but Karisaki said:

"Let me put on handcuffs, so that I can feel better.

Knowing full well the consequences of his actions, Karisaki's heart was filled with the desire to atone for his sins.

In addition, many people inside [Sabbath] also despised Karisaki for jumping around repeatedly, so Karisaki became what he is now.

After separating from Karisaki, Genta felt only sorrow, sorrow, sorrow, extremely sorrow.

"Sophomore year, how is the situation at Ikki?"

"Wes took his eldest brother shopping, just like a couple." The sophomore's face looked a little awkward.

As the saying goes: people should be compared with others, but goods should be thrown away.

Why is it that his eldest brother's demon is Jiao Didi's lovely girlfriend, while his demon is that cynical bastard who wants to be thrown into the street and shoveled by the Yan family?

Sophomore year: Who caused you to have a mental breakdown when you were exposed online?Blame me?

But now is not the time to worry about such unimportant things.

"It's true that misfortunes never come singly!"

Due to losing the memory of all his family members and being extremely afraid of the role of family members, Ikki has almost completely cut himself off from the Igarashi family and will never come back.

Defeating the enemy is obviously something worthy of joy and even celebration, but the result is so sad and painful.

Almost everyone's heart is filled with sorrow, sorrow, sorrow, sorrow, sorrow.

His eyes came to the scientific research room of [Sabbath].

Karisaki was handcuffed and typing hard on the keyboard with his hands.

Although the freedom of his hands was restricted, it only slightly reduced his work efficiency.

Sooner or later he will get used to this kind of thing.

Seeing Karisaki's crazy self-torture, Kadoda also had mixed feelings and asked:

"What happened with tracking down Keefe?"

"I have no clue at all! This ability is similar to Nangong's [Aurora Curtain]. They are both space transfers, but the two are completely different. If Nangong is here, or he can return to the alien spacecraft , I might actually be able to think of a countermeasure."

"It's a pity that you can't find Nangong Qi or return to the spaceship, right?"


Karisaki took out his cell phone with awkward hands and dialed Nangong Qi and Poppy's numbers.

The final result is an empty number.

"It seems like he is completely disheartened and doesn't want to have any contact with us anymore." Karisaki laughed at himself. "Or maybe I did too well, which led to him completely severing ties with [Sabbath]. However, this is all my fault. I took the initiative to delete my permissions, and naturally I can't go back."

"Maybe, maybe I can go back!"

Kadoda thought.

"Then please!"

As a result, Kadoda arrived at the location of the former spaceship, which was also the entrance to the base where the fugitives once stood.

"Bell, I love you."

Although the password to open the door was very embarrassing, Kadoda still read it out.

Because now [Sabbath] needs Nangong Qi's help and more Kamen Rider power.

To open the door and enter the interior of the spacecraft, you need not only the correct password, but also permission.

I just don’t know if Nangong Qi deleted Kadota’s permissions after deleting Karisaki’s permissions?

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

Along with the sound of space transmission, Kadota disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, Kadoda was already inside the spacecraft.

"Nangong, Nangong, are you there? Are you there?"


Without receiving a reply, Kadota could only walk along the long corridor, looking for Nangong Qi's figure.

It's just that it's eerily quiet here, with no sign of human activity at all.

Gradually, a terrible thought appeared in Kadota's mind


"Could Nangong Qi be completely disheartened because of his terrifying appearance, and finally choose to retreat into the mountains and forests, or even commit suicide?"

It’s not surprising that Kadota has this idea.

As far as he knew, Nangong Qi had few things left in the world worthy of his care.

Especially after Bell died, his mentality collapsed to the point of collapse, full of self-destructive tendencies, and he devoted himself to the most dangerous tasks and battles all day long.

Now, Nangong Qi's appearance has become such that a veteran warrior like Igarashi Ikki would want to punch him when he sees it.

If you put yourself in Kadota's shoes for a moment, if Kadota had become inhuman and ghostly, and was even attacked by his comrades, he would probably just want to die.

Go die on the battlefield, fight for humanity, die for humanity.


Thousands of words came to my lips, but they all turned into a sigh.


Suddenly, Kadoda felt someone tapping his shoulder from behind.

Turning around, Kadota was shocked.

It was a terrifying monster with a head shining with metallic luster, a skinny body, and numerous spikes.

The dark golden vertical pupils are particularly obvious, like an ultimate predator from ancient times.

The fear gene engraved in human DNA was activated almost instantly. Kadoda's hair stood on end as he drew his pistol and pointed it at this ancient monster.

As long as this monster continues to approach him, Kadota will pull the trigger without hesitation.

But the monster seemed to be thinking about something and took a few steps back.


Kadota certainly recognized the very familiar voice.

"Are you Nangong? You scared me!"

Considering that Nangong Qi was beaten to death by Ikki, Kadoda quickly threw away the gun in his hand.

In response to this, Nangong Qi helped Kadota pick up the gun and put it into Kadota's hand again.

"I understand your gratitude. Now I am a monster that is neither human nor ghost. There is no place for me in this world."


Originally, Kadoda wanted to persuade Nangong Qi to say a few words, but considering what he had just done, he just couldn't say a word.

"By the way, I don't know what exactly you want to do when you come to me this time?"

"...That's it, Keefe is awake!"

Soon, Kadota told him everything that happened after Nangong Qi left.

"Is that so?"

After Nangong Qi scratched his chin with his sharp claws, he whispered: "So how is Ikki's condition? He should be able to continue fighting, right?"

"With Weiss here, Ikki should have no problem. However, I'm afraid he will never be able to return to Igarashi's home."


"Is this good?"

"No matter how you say it, at least it's much better than what I am now, so much!"


Facing Nangong Qi's self-deprecation, Kadoda had nothing to say and could only talk about other topics.

"Nangong, I hope you can return to [Sabbath] and continue to cooperate with us to fight against the deserters."

"I miss you too! But look at your behavior just now and Ikki's attack before. I guess when I return to [Sabbath], I will inevitably be talked about behind my back by others, which will make me upset. .”

Nangong Qi took out a bottle of wine from the [Aurora Curtain] on the side, bit the glass bottle mouth, and poured the wine into his mouth.

But the wine was not poured into the throat, but seeped out from the gaps between the teeth that were filled with countless spikes like table knives.

"So for your own good, and for my own good, I think it's better to keep a distance from you."

"...Well, Karisaki hopes to return to the spacecraft and borrow the equipment here, is that okay?"

After holding it in for a long time, Kadoda finally said this.

"Him? Forget it!"

Although there was no skin on Nangong Qi's face, Kadoda could clearly feel a trace of self-deprecation.

"Last time he took the [Toka Drive] from me, so what will he take from me this time? Karisaki is the culprit for why I am like this. I wonder, I If I didn’t chop him into pieces, I already have a good temper!”

"Nangong, I hope you can think about the overall situation. Keefu has woken up, and the outlaws may come back at any time. We must cooperate!"

"Think about the overall situation, so who can think about me? You all like to be petty and act arbitrarily according to your own thoughts. In the end, the person who will be hurt the most will always be me!"

Nangong Qi raised his head, raised his chin, and looked at the ceiling.

"Since I came to this world, I have been experiencing the process of being stabbed in the back repeatedly. First it was the Igarashi family, then it was Karisaki, and then it was the Igarashi family again. Now I just feel that there is someone behind me. My back was riddled with stabs. I’m tired, Kadota, please don’t come to me again!”


"That's enough, don't force me to do it!"

Now that Nangong Qi has given the order to expel the guests, Kadoda can only turn around and leave, with a sad look on his face.

"Then farewell, Nangong, you are a qualified

Kamen Rider, I will always remember you! "


The next moment, Kadoda left the spacecraft through the teleportation device.

Nangong Qi poured the remaining wine into his mouth.

"Well, let's go ahead and start the experiment!"

Through the teleportation device, Nangong Qi disappeared and appeared at the bottom of the spacecraft.

Poppy asked: "Qi, where were you just now?"

"Nothing, just looking for a bottle of wine to drink."

"You're lying again. It's obvious that you can't eat and drink like a normal person now."

For some reason, Poppy remembered a unit he had seen in a war board game.

In "Warhammer 40", the branch of the Necron race called the "Flayed Ones".

When she thought of this, Poppy felt her heart aching, and a sad expression appeared on her face.

Then, she hugged Nangong Qi's head.

"Qi, no matter what the final result is, I will never leave you!"

"Poppy, what are you talking about?"

Nangong Qi teased, and controlled the sharp claws in his hands to gently scratch Poppy's nose without hurting her.

"How can I keep this monster look forever? I want to give birth to our child with you, and I have even thought about the name of the child. Just call it Nangong Yuya, how about it?"

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