The little devil hugged Gates tightly in his arms and continued to fly away resolutely, waiting for him to wake up.

Gates is the fuse that maintains his last shred of sanity!

"Ahhhh! Gates, wake up! If something happens to Tsukuyomi, I'm going to die too!"


In the fantasy, Gates is drinking happily at the banquet at this moment.

At this moment, his heart skipped a beat and he stood up from his seat, spilling the drink in his hand all over the floor.

"Zhuang Wu, Zhuang Wu is in danger!"

"What danger?" The little devil in the illusion looked confused. "Am I not right here? What danger could there be here?"

"I don't know, but I can feel that Zhuang Wu is in danger now. Why?"

"Maybe it's your imagination!"

"Is it an illusion? If it is really an illusion, why does my heart beat faster?"

Gates was deep in thought, speechless, and the originally joyful organization became silent. Even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be clearly heard.

There is no doubt that Gates is a battle-hardened warrior whose combat experience and battlefield intuition were gained through countless battles.

After all, in the current wasteland world, in addition to the great demon King Feng Moshi, there are also many illegal organizations such as mercenary groups.

As an organization that resists the demon king, it is inevitable to fight with them on weekdays.

Therefore, Gates is more willing to trust his intuition than what he sees in front of him.

"Gates, wake up!"


The little devil's voice echoed in his ears, causing Gates' heart to beat faster.

"Zhuang Wu!"

"I am here!"

"I'm not talking about you!"

He had no idea what was going on. Gates just felt anxious, but he was also like an elderly man with Alzheimer's disease who clearly wanted to get a tub, but ended up forgetting that he wanted one.

"No, you are not Zhuango, you are not him at all!"

"Gates, what are you talking about?"

"Actually, I feel stupid now, but I still want to confirm it!" Gates forced himself to calm down. "Zhuanggo, let me ask you, have you never thought of killing me?"

"Isn't this a natural thing! I have never hated you!"

Thumb thump thump~

Gates nearly suffered cardiopulmonary arrest.

He got it, totally got it.

Now he is in a state of illusion, an illusion that is completely composed of his own illusions and the situations he most hopes to happen.

He hoped that his former comrades-in-arms had not died, so his comrades-in-arms were safe and sound here;

He hoped that the little devil would not remember his behavior of being hostile to him, so the little devil here had never hated him;

He hopes to defeat the Demon King of Time, so...

It's a pity that everything here is just a dream, an extremely beautiful dream, so beautiful that Gates can't bear to leave.

It’s just that Gates has never been a mother-in-law’s person, not before, not now, and never will be.

"So, goodbye, everyone! Transformation!"

In his transformation feature, Gates takes the form of a resurrector and crushes the entire dream with one blow.

Suddenly, the whole world shattered like the glass in Dragon Knight OP.

Gates felt a sense of loss and emptiness, and the scene in front of him dispersed like a mirror, then reorganized.

When he saw everything clearly again, he found that everything around him was moving backwards rapidly, and he himself was tightly held in the arms of the little devil, as if he was about to merge with her.

"Zhougo, let me go! I'm not interested in men!"

"Gates, you fucking bastard finally woke up. Do you fucking know how worried I am about you?"

Realizing that Gates had recovered, the little devil almost burst into tears and even swore.

"Tsukuyomi was hit hard just now, please join me in killing the enemy!"

"What? Something happened to Tsuyomi!"

He never expected that he would receive such news as soon as he woke up. Gates suddenly became furious and set his sights on Dimu, who was chasing after him.

"This is your home

Are you going to hurt Tsukuyomi?kill! "

Switching to the wind form, he spread the wings on his back, like an angel of death, venting his fury on Dimu Kanade.

"Gates? Then use this magic!"

"Yes! Accel! Understand?"

Using acceleration magic, Dimuzou also entered a state of super acceleration, colliding crazily with Gates in the high-speed world.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

The little devil, who had no super acceleration ability at all, was so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

"what happened again?"

Nangong Qi's lazy voice sounded, and he caught him and hit him again.

"Senior? You are actually still alive? And Tsukuyomi, you also survived!"

"What do you mean I'm still alive? Do you sincerely hope that I will die so that you can inherit my dial? As for this little girl, of course she was just saved."

"No, no, I just...wait, senior, why are you standing in the air?"

The little devil was surprised to find that Nangong Qi and Tsukuyomi were standing in the air out of thin air at this moment, as if there was an invisible floor in the sky.

"Isn't this a simple use of time?"

"Time, can we still do this?"

"That's it, directly stopping the air under your feet. And the air that has been stopped for time will turn into the strongest floor and shield."


The little devil suddenly became enlightened, and quickly switched to the second-level form of the King of Time, and tried to still the time of the air according to Nangong Qi's words.

"that's amazing!"

For the little devil who has little imagination and can only be a liberal arts student, this simply opens a new door.

"By the way, can I also accelerate my time and enter the world of super acceleration?"

"That depends on whether you have that awareness!" Nangong Qi yawned and lay down directly. "Don't forget, Gates still needs to survive in his negative form. I guess he won't be able to hold on for long!"

"Gates, wait for me, I'm coming to save you!"

As soon as he heard that Gates was in danger, the little devil no longer hesitated and immediately began to accelerate his time and entered the realm of super acceleration.

At this moment, Gates had already released his transformation and was bleeding from all his orifices.

It was obvious that he had gone too far with his life.

The time on the little devil's mask began to rotate, and Gates was given a setting that once his life was lost, his body's time would begin to flow backwards.



The official operation of King Rabbit flushing the sewer is really difficult.

It's better to choose a few bosses with strong character and strength to be alien knights, and let them use their strength or intelligence to counter the time ability of King Rabbit.




PS again:

Please vote for me, please vote for me, please vote for me, please ask for tips.

Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

Please allow me to shamelessly request an automatic subscription!

No.30 Three moments of selfishness

"Time, go backwards!"

With the activation of the little devil's time ability, Gates, who was bleeding from all his orifices and was on the verge of collapse, was stunned.

The whole person looked like a Snickers commercial on TV. Gates' energy was instantly filled with energy, and the scene of bleeding from all his orifices disappeared.

"Gates, how do you feel now?"

"I feel like Cale Caleda now!"

Gates felt as if he had been reborn. Just now, his lifeline was struggling on the edge of death like a candle in the wind. Now he is back to the top.

"So are you ready?" The little devil looked at Dimu Kanade.

Gates smiled slightly and stood side by side with him. "Isn't this obvious? It's been prepared for a long time! Transformation!"

"Rider Time! Kamen Rider Geiz!! ReviReviRevi! ReviReviRevi! Revive Hayate! Hayate!"

A blue armor appeared on Gates, allowing him to enter the world of super acceleration with the Little Devil.

"Di Muzou, we are here to deal with you!"

It can be said that the little devil and Gates have the same hatred as never before, because they both hate Fueki Kanade, have experienced the illusion that their hopes have just been shattered, have been severely injured by Tsukuyomi, and even suffered from the unknown whereabouts in the end.

They have too many, too many, too many things in common

The words were enough for the two of them to put aside all the unpleasantness they had in the past and work together to fight against a powerful enemy.

"No, no, I can't die here yet!"

Under the siege of the two men, Dimu Zao seemed to be overwhelmed, obviously unable to cope with it.

"For the sake of Li, I must not lose! I must win, Ali ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


After a slash from the little devil, a crack appeared on Fueki Kanade's visor that could see his eyes, and his whole body rolled and flew out.

He is defeated!

Even though he has 1 reluctances in his heart, has unparalleled determination and perseverance, and has the consciousness to risk his life to resurrect his daughter, but in the face of absolute strength, he can't protect anything and can't do anything. .

Fear, helplessness, despair, sadness, pain, and all kinds of negative emotions rushed into his heart, making this veteran magician and sage shed tears.


I don't know if it was a joke of fate or a simple coincidence, but Fueki Kanade's tears filled with endless negative emotions happened to fall on his magician's ring.

Then a powerful energy burst out from the ring, and a giant dragon made of diamonds, but not as shining as the original Infinite Demonic Dragon form, was released from the ring.

"Ali, are you giving me strength?"

Dimuzou could not get any response from his daughter, but he firmly believed that this was his daughter giving him strength.

"Since you gave me the power, let us fight side by side!"

A dull diamond ring is placed on the belt, infusing it with energy from extreme negative emotions such as despair.

As the aura on Di Muzou's body skyrocketed crazily, the surrounding area was like a tornado, rolling up countless flying sand and rocks.


The dim diamond dragon attached itself to Dimu Kanade's body and evolved into a true alien master in the form of an infinite demonic dragon.

The powerful spirit can be clearly felt even by the little devil and Gates through a leather sheath.

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