"Evolved again?"

"Is that Ali his daughter? What an admirable father!"

The little devil lost his parents when he was young, so his desire for love is naturally infinite.

It is precisely because of this that he is more able to have some kind of emotional resonance with Di Muzou.

"Hey, Shougo, whose side are you on?"

"I'm just thinking, maybe we don't need to fight to the death like we are now!"

"Maybe you do have the idea of ​​reconciliation, but look at the other side. Does he look like he is reconciling?"

Having just been promoted to the Infinite Demon Dragon form, Fueki Kanade's obsession with her daughter has further strengthened, and even the little devil can feel numbness in her claws.

"Try it!"

"You have to try it yourself!"

Although he said this, Gates focused on looking at Dimu Kanade's hands, so that when he activated the magic to hurt people, he could protect the little devil immediately.

"Well, can we reconcile?"

The little devil really walked towards Dimu Kanade, and even took the initiative to cancel the transformation.

"Are you kidding me at this moment?"

Dimu Zuo smiled ferociously, thinking about how to cut the little devil into dozens of pieces.

You must know that the [Kamen Rider Wizard] series is very idealistic. After being promoted to the infinite dragon form, Fueki Kanade's obsession with protecting her daughter has further deepened, and it cannot be shaken by words.

"No, I'm serious!"

"Then I have only one condition, and that is your life! Die for me!"

He pulled out the diamond sword and ax he had taken out from nowhere. Under the influence of amplification magic, it became extremely huge. Like a collapsed pillar, it hit the little devil with an unstoppable force.


"Powered Time! RE·V·I·VE is strong! Strong!"

Gates quickly switched to a stronger and more defensive form to help the little devil block the blow.

He could have saved the little devil with the speed of the gale form, but the reason why he chose to resist with the strong form was just to test how strong the attack power of the alien infinite demon dragon Master was.


The air wave generated by the huge impact blew Gates and the Little Devil away together.

"Zhuanggo, you idiot, big idiot!"

"Sorry, hey hey hey!"

Apart from apologizing, the little devil couldn't say a word.

"Why are you so slow?"

"Ah? Senior, when did you come?"

"He came just after waking up!"

Nangong Qi stretched out and looked like he had a good sleep.

"It's clear that the opposite person is a rookie, why haven't you dealt with him yet?"

"We are only......"

"How dare you look down on me? Are you my enemy too?"

Before Nangong Qi could figure out the situation at the scene, Di Muzhuo charged towards Nangong Qi in a menacing manner.

"Everyone who stops me from protecting Ali must die!"

"Ali? Are you Di Muzou? You actually transformed into a strange master, or are you in the form of an infinite demonic dragon?"

Nangong Qi roughly understood what happened in an instant.

"What a poor guy, so you will receive mercy from me, be relieved!"


The next moment, Nangong Qi transformed into a Kamen Rider with a rhinoceros-like appearance covered in crimson armor.

He has fought many times with alien knights, and he has figured out his own method, which is to bypass the armor defense and directly attack the transformer.

"Electric punch!"

A powerful electric current flowed into Dimuzou's body along his fist.

Even with a strong defense, as long as he is not immune to this attack, Dimu Kanade will still be more or less electrocuted.

"Do you think it's difficult to defeat me at this level?"

"Horizon! Dragon! Now! Dan, Den, Don, ZuDoGon, Dan, DenDoGon!"

Using the Earth Demon Dragon's ring, Dimu Zuo forcibly resisted the damage from the electric current.


However, before he could fight back, a sword pierced his chest.

It's [Satan's Saber]. Even without the power of the corresponding knight, the Creation King's sword that can cut through space still penetrated the armor defense of the alien infinite magic dragon Master.

"I have never underestimated you. Going all out is the greatest respect for the enemy. I have always been like this." Nangong Qi pulled out the sword, turned around and continued to swing the sword.

"So just let me die in peace!"


The little devil quickly transformed and used accelerated time to come to Nangong Qi, using his body as a shield.

"Hey, are you looking for death?"

Even though he said this, the [Satan Saber] still did not swing down and cut the little devil and Dimu Kanade open together.

"Shougo, you don't want to be the King of Kamen Riders, but you want to become the King of Strange Knights instead, right?"

"Of course not. I just, I just think that as a father, he is too pitiful and sad!"

"Yes, he is pitiful and sad, but what does that have to do with me?"

Nangong Qi's words were extremely cold, making the little devil feel like he was standing naked in the snowy winter.

"Don't you know how to empathize?"

"Maybe, maybe not, but no matter what, I will never empathize with an enemy who wants to kill me!"

"But you can definitely use a gentler approach!"

"Gentle? Hahaha!"

Do you really think I don’t know the best daughter in the entire history of Kamen Rider, Crazy Flute Music Kanade?

He is daughter-crazy in every sense of the word. He is crazy for his daughter. The only two ways to stop him are to resurrect his daughter and to kill him.

Compared with this, the most important thing is...

"His daughter has accepted her fate of death. Even if she is resurrected, it will only disturb the rest of the deceased!"

At the end of the TV series, Ali himself chose death.

Even though Master Fa himself was reluctant to part with Ali, he respected Ali's decision and gave her rest.

"Huh? Is that so?"

"This is true, because the day Ali chose to die, I was right there!"

"Liar, liar, liar!"

After receiving news from Nangong Qi that could shatter his outlook on life, Di Muzou just kept repeating "deceptive" words to deceive himself.

"Dad, stop hurting others for me!"

Suddenly, a female voice sounded, attracting the attention of everyone present.

It is Dimu Zuo's daughter, Dimu Li.

"Ali, how did you get here?"

"Of course it's mine!"

A Kamen Rider wearing golden armor and a lion-like helmet appeared.

"Kousuke Nito? It's you, a bastard!"

Beast Master, whose real name is Kousuke Nito, [Kamen Rider Beast], is a senior magician who has lived for who knows how long.

Even if Master Fa's history is erased, his history will never disappear.

"you are?"

"It's Mahou Soju beats!"

"Damn it!"

The beast master was defeated by Nangong Qi with just one sentence.

"Qi, how many times have I told you not to mention that dark history again! I'm obviously here to help you, but you treat the people who help you like this?"


"That's right, I not only brought Ali, but also these two, Qiang Qiang!"

The beast master took out two dials, which made the little devil's eyes widen.

It is the dial of Kaiwu and Faye.

"Thank you senior!"

After taking over the two dials, the Little Demon King expressed his gratitude to Master Beast, while Nangong Qi was confused.

Faye’s dial is understandable, but where did you get Kaiwu’s dial?

As if seeing Nangong Qi's doubts, Beast Master explained:

"In fact, I got help from a god to be able to come to this underworld of Helm!"


"Oh, silly Cheng! It's okay then!"

Unlike Nangong Qi, who has the [Aurora Curtain] BUG, ​​if Beast Master wants to come to the underworld of Heim, he probably still needs the help of Sha Cheng.

His eyes came to Di Muzou and Ali.

"Dad, please don't continue to hurt others for me! Even if I can survive, it will definitely not be comfortable!"

"But Ali, I did all this for you!"

It seems that this father and daughter will never understand each other.

"That's right!" Nangong Qi thought of another one

question. "Zhuang Wu, have you dealt with that alien armor?"

"whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh"


Before the little devil could answer, a sudden change occurred, and a shrill sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

I saw large orange pills, banana spears and many other weapons raining down on everyone.


Beast Master quickly transformed.

"Time stops!"

The little devil stilled the air in front of him, forming a solid shield that was almost indestructible, blocking all incoming attacks.

Even so, it was the first time that the little devil used his time ability to defend himself, so much so that he ignored the two Dimu father and daughter beside him.

Facing the incoming attack, Dimu Kan did not hesitate to use his body as a shield to block his daughter's face until his body was torn apart by countless weapons until it was on the verge of being broken.


Ali cried bitterly.

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