"Damn human being, I will cut you into pieces today and execute your death sentence in the most painful way!"

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—”

In an instant, a huge kiva crest appeared on the ground, followed by a huge explosion.


The white Kamen Rider screamed and fell to the ground, howling in pain.

He is the red daddy.

"It looks like I'm really going to fall into trouble today. It's a pity that I haven't had the chance to kiss that woman yet!"

Hearing this, the alien kiva's face turned green.

No, he felt like he was all green.

If he hadn't specially set up a lot of obstacles to prevent his queen from leaving the city, it is estimated that the woman he loves most would still run towards the human in front of him just like the plot before his rebirth.

"Human, I sentence you to death!"

Holding back the rage that almost swallowed up all his calmness, the alien kiva pulled out the Demon Emperor Sword and turned it on to its maximum power, intending to strike down with one sword to make this human being never reincarnate.


The Little Devil and Gates drove their super-accelerated cars to Daddy Hong quickly, using their bodies as shields.

"King of Time? Don't come in my way!"

After noticing the little devil, the alien kiva quickly added an extra layer of enchantment to the devil's sword and continued to charge.


With the loud noise, the Little Devil, Gates and Red Dad flew out together. The first two people immediately canceled their transformations and lay down on the ground with their mouths and eyes closed.

"Okay, so strong!"

"Is it strong? This is not the strongest yet, the stronger ones are yet to come!"

The alien kiva's whole body erupted with powerful energy, and the chains originally used to limit its power were instantly broken free, revealing golden armor.

The alien demon king Kiva appears.

And he is the painful cuckold who was originally an illegitimate son and his biological son, who united to be a loving father and a filial son, the 86 King.

After returning from rebirth, he had completely learned all the lessons he had committed, and temporarily huddled his queen in the castle Land Dragon, and came to hunt down the red father himself.

Of course, the current red dad is using the most original version of [Kamen Rider Ixa]. Just using a special kill seems to cost half of a person's life. How can he be the opponent of the alien kiva.

But after noticing the arrival of the Little Devil and Gates, the alien kiva decisively used his strongest form, vowing to take down the red daddy in the shortest possible time.

As for the Little Devil and Gates, let’s wait until later.

"Go to hell!"

Wielding the Demon Emperor Sword again, the alien kiva's sword pointed directly at the red father behind him.

"Whoa whoa whoa-"

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and a red sword struck.

The alien kiva immediately waved his sword to block.

But as soon as the sword came into contact, he realized that the quality of this sword was probably not inferior to that of the Demon Emperor Sword.

"Who is coming?"

"[Kamen Rider JUDO]!"

Nangong Qi was wearing a dark robe. After glancing at the little devil and Gates who were lying down quickly, he turned his attention to

On the heterogeneous kiva.

"To deal with you, this form is more suitable!"

"Shadow Moon RX!"

The silver-white locust-style armor replaced the golden-yellow armor, and a kingly demeanor was released from him.



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No.30 Five Moment Kiva Come on!

The enemy is strong!

As a king who has fought countless battles and destroyed several demonic races with his own hands, King 86 can be directly predicted based on his natural talent and combat skills trained on the battlefield.

The [Satan Saber], which is no less powerful than the Demon Emperor Sword, and the kingly black cloak, all prove the strength of the enemy.


"This man deserves all my efforts!"

King 86 did not hesitate to take out all the whistle forms and sounded them in quick succession.

"Garulu Saber! Basshaa Magnum! Dogga Hammer! Transformation!"

The perfect whistle warrior appears! (cross out)

The theoretically strongest form of [Kamen Rider Kiva], the Togabaki Demon King form, is just the alien knight version, and it appears.

Of course, considering the characteristics of the alien knight and the power of King 86 himself, it is not a big deal for Nangong Qi to wonder when King 86 will take out a demon king bat in the alien flying state.


King 86 took the lead, and a bat emblem composed of energy struck head-on.

It is the strongest control skill in the Kiva series, [Sealing Barrier].


Nangong Qi waved the [Satan Saber] and directly cut the [Sealing Barrier] in the middle. The two separated halves flew to the left and right sides, and then exploded.

Before the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, the two of them burst out with incomparable speed and disappeared directly, turning into two meteors that collided crazily in the air.

For a while, the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-ping-pong-ping-pong-ping-pong-ping-pong-ping-pong-ping-pong-ping-pong-ping-pong-ping-pong-ping-pong-ping-pong-pong-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong sound was heard.


Seeing that he could not intervene in this battle, the little devil was very unwilling.

"King of Time, continue!"

It was Kivat Bat III. He quickly flew towards the little devil, and after a burst of transformation, he turned directly into a dial.

It's very much like the tape troops on the "Transformers" set next door.

The little devil reached out and took it, it was the control dial of [Kamen Rider Kiva].

"In order to help Xiaodu, I reluctantly let you use the power that belongs to the king!"

Although he has turned into a dial, Kivat III is still magically carrying on conversations.

"The power of the king?"

In an instant, the little devil became energetic.

But considering how tricky the 86 King is, simply using the kiva dial might not be able to keep up with the speed of two people.

"In that case, use this!"


It is the dial of decade.


"KamenRide! Wow! Decade! Decade! Decade~!"

"Final Form Time! KKKiva!"

It's the armor in the form of the Demon King!

There is no way, who makes the Kamen Rider of the old decade not have so many fancy transitional forms. Basically, the basic form is followed by the final form, or it is second only to the final form.


Blackwoods didn't know when he would appear again to celebrate in a normal way.

"He is the Kamen Rider King of Time who combines the power of all knights, transcends time and space, and knows the past and the future. At this moment, he has inherited the power of another knight and transformed into the Kamen Rider King of Time kiva armor form."

"you also have

What a good subordinate!Next, let’s get on with kiva! "

"It feels like I can get on kiva!"

Little Devil's unique mispronunciation of his senior's lines.

"Well, although the lines are wrong, for Xiaodu's sake, now is not the time to care about these things!"

"Yo hoo!"

The little devil joins the fight.

"I'll lend you this sword!"

Nangong Qi threw the [Satan Saber] to the little devil.

Maybe in the eyes of others, this sword of the Creation King is a magic weapon, but in Nangong Qi's eyes, it is a symbol that symbolizes the beginning of his pain.

"Thank you!"

The little devil stretched out his hand to get the sword.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

Red energy was released from the blade, as if [Satan's Saber] was resisting beings other than the Emperor Stone's descendants from using him.

However, the dark golden energy was released from the little devil's hands, suppressing the crimson energy, causing it to eventually fall into the hands of the little devil.

"Eat my sword!"

After getting the new equipment, the little devil immediately performed a jump chop.

King 86 instinctively raised the Demon Emperor Sword to block, but the next moment he realized that it was the [Satan Saber].

To suffer!


I saw that the Demon Emperor Sword was cut off in the middle, and the 86 kings were divided into two.

Even the theoretically strongest form, Degabaki's Demon King form, is still vulnerable to the Creation King's sword.


After falling to the ground, King 86 was actually still alive. His body that was divided into two pieces was squirming and was forcibly put together with the powerful vitality of the vampire ghost.


Seeing how powerful the enemy was, the little devil's eyes widened.

"Demon Emperor Sword, come here!"

"It's useless!" King 86 mocked the little devil, and after getting up from the ground, he was wary of the sword opposite. "Only the blood of the royal family can use that sword. It's just a human. Why don't you be so arrogant!"

However, in the sight of King 86 being NTR, the Demon Emperor Sword, which was lying on the ground and was divided into two halves, actually returned to the hands of the little Demon King.

Since the Little Demon King is currently using the Demon Emperor form, he can also use the Demon Emperor Sword.

"Onorei! Onorei's humans! Onorei's King of Time!"

86 The king was already extremely angry.

The scene just now reminded her of how she had been abandoned and betrayed by Clown Bat.

Now that something similar happened to him again, how could this keep him from getting furious?

Completely losing his mind, King 86 rushed towards the little devil like crazy.

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