Ran and egg.

In the face of the absolute strength gap, the Little Demon King also has the blessing of the [Satan Saber] and the Demon Emperor Sword. How could King 86 be his opponent?

After only a few rounds, King 86 was already scarred and crumbling.

"KKKKiva! Final Attack Time Break!"

Throwing away the [Satan Saber] like a big orange pill, the crimson energy gathered on the Demon Emperor Sword, and the dial of the alien kiva was exploded with one blow.


Winning another victory, the little devil showed a satisfied smile.

"It's not over yet!"

But even if history was corrected, King 86 still did not give up.

Even if he is dead, he will have to pull a back.

And the lucky person chosen by him is naturally Hong Daddy.

"Only you, only you, I can't forgive ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

Already trying to squeeze out the last bit of life force from himself, the terrifying red wave rushed towards Hong Daddy crazily.

The little devil was celebrating at the moment and was completely unaware of it.

Gates had just been beaten and disintegrated, and he didn't even react.

The only person who reacted was Nangong Qi.


Nangong Qi, who had just pushed Hong Daddy away and had no time to dodge, was immediately struck by the blow.

The energy of the [Emperor of the Moon Stone] overflowed crazily. While protecting its holder, it was also constantly repairing his body, allowing him to block King 86's final blow that almost burned his life.

"Damn it! I managed to come back to life with great difficulty, but actually, I can't even take revenge on this adulterer."

King 86, who was so miserable that he was almost boundless, smiled miserably, his hair turned gray, his body shriveled up like a wrung towel, and his head sank forever.

86King, you are really miserable!

————————————————The time robber is eating ice cream————————————————

"Failed again!"

Ur couldn't remember how many times he had failed this time, and he seemed to have become accustomed to it.

"There is no hope of victory at all!"

Aura is equally decadent.

"It doesn't matter. As long as we, the Time Robbers, are still there, no matter how many times we fail, brand new alien knights will still appear and be born! It will only be a matter of time before we overthrow the King of Time!"

Swaruz continued to paint the pie for his two men, but they were still decadent.

"But sir, look at it, the alien knights we created have obviously reached the strongest level of real Kamen Riders in history, and even

Even if we surpass them, what will be the result?Still a failure! "

"That's because I haven't used my real trump card yet!"

In order to encourage his men to continue working, Swaruz made an exception and brought out a brand new dial.

He is the second level of the heterogeneous King of Time.

"Is it useful? The previous alien king failed. Is this second level really useful?"

"Of course it will be useful, because I plan to use this dial to absorb the power of the Demonic King of Time. Using the power of the King of Time to defeat the King of Time is my real law of victory! By then, we Time Robbers will steal the throne , and become the true Lord of Time!”

"Huh?" Ur was a little surprised. "Aren't we going to destroy the King of Time? It's okay to create a different King of Time. Why create a brand new King?"

"That's just a lie I told to deceive the Space-Time Management Bureau. My real purpose is to control the past, the future, and everything else! Hahahahahahahahaha!"

Swaruz laughed ferociously, and his appearance was comparable to that of the Yu-Gi-Oh!


Aura clapped, her eyes filled with desire for power and dominance.

Only Ur's face was full of melancholy.

A few days later, Ur, who was supposed to be preparing the dial for the next alien knight, was uncharacteristically sitting on the steps and looking up at the sky, as if suffering from Jade Syndrome.

"Hey, isn't this Ur?"

"You, are you the white Woz?"

Because of the time robber's absolute confidence in his own time ability, Ur did not take Whiteworth seriously, but instead chatted with him like an old friend.

"What do you want from me?"

"I have the same goal as you, which is to eliminate the King of Time! After all, I am a servant of Gates, the savior. How can it be inappropriate to see my master playing friendly with the little devil now!? So, let's join forces!"

It is clear that the future of the savior is to defeat the devil. How can you behave with the little devil all day long?

He BaiWoz shuddered at the thought of having to serve two masters at the same time.

Ur's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed again.

"It's easy to say, but it's easier said than done? Not to mention anything else, just the Infinite Soul Cavalry, the Infinite Demonic Dragon Master, the General Kaiwu, the Demon Emperor Kiva, all of them were defeated at the hands of the King of Time. So. How can we defeat such a powerful enemy by working together?"

"I have a good idea!"

"Oh? Come and listen!"

"That's the Black God!"

"Black God!?"

Kurokami, the final boss in "Kamen Rider Akita", is one of the best among all the Kamen Rider films in history.

"If we make good use of it, the Black God will become a sharp sword in our hands, and the King of Time will only be destroyed in his hands!"

"Good! It's a great move to drive away tigers and swallow wolves, and to kill people with a borrowed knife. It's really great!"

Following Ur and Whiteworth, there was an intense plan to put the little devil to death.

A week later, TV began to report on the incident of the alien Yajituo.

It was as if a biological crisis had erupted in the originally peaceful city. A large number of out-of-control alien Yajituo swarmed into the streets, biting every living person they could see with their long mouths.

And those living people who have been bitten will be infected by the out-of-control power of light, and then turn into alien Yajituo, thereby attacking more people.

"I never thought that I would see such a similar scene for the second time in my life!"

Obviously, the scene of a large number of Yajituo attacking humans clearly brought back some bad memories to Nangong Qi.

At the end of the set of "Kamen Rider Revice", [Desperados] used highly infectious demon cells to transform almost all humans in the city into Kief followers.

If Nangong Qi had not finally succeeded in using entropy weapons to reverse the time of these Kief believers and restore them all to human beings, it is estimated that this tragedy of tens of millions of people would have shocked the entire world.

"So many strange knights!"

Seeing the alien Yajituo all over the street, the little devil was also dumbfounded.

There are so many different knights, and they have to be defeated one by one, and it will take them until the end of the year?

"My devil, these are all caused by the out-of-control power of light!" Black Watts appeared at the right time and temporarily replaced Nangong Qi to explain.

"Now, these alien Yajituo can no longer be easily solved by mere manpower. I am afraid we need to find the only Alien Yajituo who transformed through the alien knight dial to solve all these problems!"

Nangong Qi didn't listen carefully at all.

Because he cared more about another thing than Black Watts' explanation.

"The Black God has awakened. Due to the loss of control of the power of light, the Black God finally woke up from his deep sleep!"

If his guess is correct, he should be preparing for a big flood now.

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No.30 Please watch my transformation at the sixth hour

black god.

Once upon a time, when Nangong Qi was transformed by [Overhaul Card] into a human and a ghost, and could only rely on killing to release the pressure in his heart, he regarded it as a means to save himself.

It's just that Nangong Qi was born unwilling to ask for help from others, let alone owe others favors, so he chose to give up saying a few words, kneel down and pray to God honestly, which can be said to be a shortcut to a soft meal, and instead went to talk to Tan Li. Cooperate and fight to transform yourself from a modified person to a human being.

Because of this, Nangong Qi has almost no interaction with the Black God, but it does not mean that he will despise the creator.

After all, he is one of the few people in the history of Kamen Rider who can be as famous as the King of Demons. It is difficult not to pay attention to him.

the most important is......


Nangong Qi squinted his eyes and looked up at the sky. He felt a biological instinct to fear falling. The fear of noise and darkness always lingered in his heart and could not be dissipated for a long time.

It can be inferred from this that the Black God at this moment is hesitating whether to launch a great flood that will wash away the world and send all the alien Yajidas in the city to heaven.

"Zhuang Wu, this time we may encounter an unprecedented crisis!"

"Is it serious?"

"It's very serious, so serious that even I am not completely sure to solve this crisis!"

Seeing Nangong Qi's rare appearance of facing a formidable enemy, the little devil couldn't help but feel nervous.

You must know that he had never been so nervous before, even when he was faced with the powerful alien infinite soul knight, the alien infinite magic dragon Master, and the alien general Kaiwu.

"What exactly is the enemy?"

"No, he is not an enemy, but the creator of all mankind, and in a sense the father of all mankind!"

"The Creator!"

The little devil, Gates and Tsukuyomi were collectively stunned.

Even though Gates and Tsukuyomi themselves are warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles, when they learned that human beings were not born according to Darwin's theory of evolution, but a species created by a creator, their outlook on life was impacted as never before.

"Is there any good way?"

"I can't beat him, that's all I can say!"

If he could beat him, Nangong Qi would have given up thinking long ago and just waaaaaagh up.

It's a pity that unlike Tan Li Dou, a human who calls himself a god, Black God is a real god.

"So we can only negotiate!"


This was the first time the little devil heard such words from Nangong Qi's mouth.

"So you want to follow?"

"Come on, I just want to see what God looks like!"

"I don't believe in any God of Laoshizi!"

Gates is a firm supporter of the theory of evolution and does not believe in God.

On the rooftop of Dongda Ma's ancestral home, Nangong Qi followed his own intuition and successfully found the Black God.

At this moment, the Black God was looking down at the street, which had become a mess due to the appearance of a large number of Yajituos.

He didn't speak or even make any unnecessary movements. He seemed to be thinking about whether to launch a world-destroying flood to purify this human city that had been polluted by the power of light.

"You are God, right?"

Before Nangong Qi could say anything, the little devil took the first step to greet the Black God.

"You look no different from ordinary people!"


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