Black God did not speak, but turned to look at Nangong Qi, his eyes filled with infinite love, pity and sympathy.

Nangong Qi felt hairy all over.

"My child, you have suffered all these years!"


Should I say he is worthy of being a black god?

One glance reveals his tragic past.

"Those are things in the past. Whatever happened in my past has nothing to do with the current situation!"

"Very strong. But that's not surprising. After all, you have to endure those tragedies and not easily reveal your heart to others. How can you do it if you don't have a strong enough heart?"

Black God showed a relieved expression, and then looked at the little devil.

"You are Kamen Rider Tokio, right?"


"bless you!"

After drawing a cross in the air with his fingers, Heishen continued to look at Nangong Qi.

"Tell me why you're here, [Kamen Rider JUDO]!"

"My purpose here is very simple, I just hope you won't lose control of yourself because of

Destroy this city with the power of light! "

"Can't do it!"

As if he had anticipated Nangong Qi's request, Heishen answered.

"I love every human being deeply, but I cannot tolerate the power of light spreading wantonly among the human race and polluting them! If humans themselves cannot stop the spread of the power of light, then I will help them!"

Help, to put it lightly, but the meaning behind it is chilling.

The so-called help probably meant that the entire city was destroyed as Nangong Qi said.


"Gates, that's enough!"

Stopping Gates, who had a strong sense of justice, to prevent him from saying something that would make people's blood pressure soar, Nangong Qi continued to patiently communicate with the Black God.

"In other words, you won't destroy this city until it's absolutely necessary, or if we can deal with the alien Yajituos, right?"


Kurokami smiled and nodded. "As I said, I love every human being deeply. They are all my children. How can I, a father, hurt them so easily?"

"That's good!"

Nangong Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Next, we will do our best to prevent the spread of the power of light. Even if we cannot stop it, we will delay the result as much as possible. Shogo, Gates, Tsukuyomi, let's go!"

"bless all of you!"

——————————————————The Black God is praying——————————————————

"What should I do?"

Looking at the vast and ever-increasing number of heterogeneous Yajituo, the little devil felt as if he was facing a lot of unfinished summer homework before the end of each summer vacation.

"Of course it's salad!"

Nangong Qi had a sullen face and said a very golden method seriously.

"If that doesn't work, we can only drag out all the alien Yajituos and beat them up!"

Jotaro and Okuyasu expressed their appreciation.

"Then we have to fight until the end of the year? We can't release the Badanlong and destroy the entire city, right?"

"If I really do that, I estimate that more humans will die in my hands than the alien Yajituo will infect. There is a high probability that the Black God will slap us all into Two-dimensional!"

"Anyway, let's stop the further spread of the alien Yajituo first! Transform!"

As a reckless character, Gates naturally chooses to cut his head and rush forward when the team does not have any good methods.

Mang is over!

"Transformation!" ×2

Nangong Qi and the Little Devil followed Gates and transformed.

This time Nangong Qi chose the form [Kamen Rider Shin].

Although Nangong Qi himself looks more like a heterogeneous knight than these alien Yajituos, considering that most of these alien Yajituos are miscellaneous soldiers, Nangong Qi is naturally too lazy to come up with a stronger form.

Of course, in the face of this sudden Alien Yajitu riot, the government departments were not without action. The G3 team immediately put on armor and transformed into [Kamen Rider G3] to join the battle against the Alien Yajitu. By the way, Evacuate innocent people.

Naturally, the Little Demon King and his group fought side by side with them.

Among the fighting crowd, Nangong Qi also noticed a few familiar figures.

"Yusuke Godai, and Shoichi Tsugami? Are you two there too?"

"This familiar voice, are you Nangong Qi?"

After recognizing Nangong Qi, Xiongjie immediately rushed over and wanted to give Nangong Qi a hug.

"Now is not the time to celebrate, let's deal with these alien Yajituo first!"

Nangong Qi also kicked Yusuke away without mercy.

He is used to keeping a certain distance from many people, and cannot cope with Yusuke's overly enthusiastic existence.

"Qi, you are still the same as before!" Xiang Yi also knew Nangong Qi's habits, and he was not surprised at all. "But it seems that you know the reason behind this incident. Can you tell us about it?"

"no problem!"

Nangong Qi did not hide anything from his trustworthy comrades who had fought side by side countless times, and told them everything about the alien Yajituo.

"In other words, as long as we can find the alien Yajituo as quickly as possible, we can end a catastrophe, and all those who died will be restored because of the correction of the timeline, right?"


"Also, as long as we hand over the Knight Dial, all the people who died at the hands of the weirdos will be resurrected, right?"


"That's really great!"

Yusuke cheered excitedly.

When Daguaba massacred 3 people in one night, and the wild boar that made him so angry that he almost went to the extreme darkness, the countless Gurungi were a complete nightmare for Yusuke, and they could never dissipate in his heart.

Since all you have to do is hand over the dial

, can eliminate those things, why wouldn't he do it?

Anyway, he didn't want to become a Kamen Rider, he just had to fight to protect the smiles of others.

"Then please watch my transformation! Super transformation!"

With the dark golden energy shining, Yusuke immediately evolved from the almighty sublimated form to the super sublimated form.

His whole body was covered in dark golden armor, and the two horns on his head became unprecedentedly huge.

The ultimate sublimated empty self appears.

"For Kino, for my sister, and for all the people who died because of the power of light, I will do my best! Transform!"

Under the sunlight, Xiang Yi first transformed into a burning form, and then the thick red armor on his body fell off, revealing the silver-white armor underneath.

Shining Yajita, appears.

Fire Palm Waves!

Ultra-high-temperature fire that surpassed supernatural fire was released from Yusuke's palms, vaporizing all the alien Yajida wherever it went.

"I can't lose!"

Sparkle cut!

Two [Shining Sabers] appeared in Xiang Yi's hands, releasing the blades that concentrated a huge amount of light power, clearing away all the alien Yajituo that could be seen.

"So strong!"

The worried little devil couldn't help but be stunned when he saw how powerful the two seniors were.

Just when he was in a daze, a sharp blade struck him.


The little devil was caught off guard and was knocked out.

The attacker was still unforgiving and continued to swing his sharp blade, slashing at the little devil.

In response, the little devil could only keep rolling on the ground to avoid the attack.

With great difficulty, he rolled out of his attack range, climbed up from the ground, and took a closer look.

"White Watts? Why is it you?"

"That's right, it's me!"

As soon as Whiteworth noticed the two super bosses Yusuke and Xiangyi joining the battlefield, he knew something was wrong. He could only seize the opportunity and quickly kill the little devil while everyone was busy cleaning up the alien Yajituo. Kill.

"Aren't we companions?"

"Who is your companion?"

"Have you forgotten that when we faced the Demonic Snake, the two of us fought side by side!"

"To shut up!"

Whiteworth has made up his mind to kill the little devil without any hesitation or mercy.

"I am the savior's minion, the savior's eagle dog, and the savior's messenger, and you, the devil, should go to hell!"



By the way, can this alien knight turn the original Kamen Rider back into an ordinary person? What is the mechanism?

I watched the entire Shiwang dozens of times from beginning to end, but I couldn't find any patterns.

All I can say is that whether or not to turn the original main rider back into an ordinary person depends entirely on the screenwriter’s own ideas!

Therefore, there is no other way. The gentleman can only figure it out by himself.

The following is the gentleman's own settings

The alien knights only replace the main knights in the official history, but under the control of the time robbers, they often affect the main knights, causing them to be unable to transform into the Kamen Riders they should transform like in the official history.

for example

Baosheng Yongmeng is imprisoned in the game by Tan Li Dou, so naturally he will not become exaid.

There is only one transformer for Otzi. Even after Tanlito takes it away, Eiji Hino will not be able to transform into Otzi.

555 and Si Zai each have only one transformer. After Xiao Ma takes it away, Qiao Ye and Xentaro will naturally be affected and transform back into ordinary people.

Hibiki's influence began during the Warring States Period and affected the inheritance of Hibiki

Lingqi is Xiaozun, and his body and soul were snatched away by the eldest prince.

Armor is because there is only one golden fruit. After the devil snake becomes the overlord, it is impossible for Sha Cheng to become a god.

The reason why he is a master is because if his father-in-law did not use Haruto, he would never be able to become a master.

As for Ryuki, as long as Odin doesn't give him the card box, Shinji Kido won't become Ryuki.

Yueqi is even simpler. King 86 reopens his life and plans to directly destroy Hong Daddy and cut off the possibility of the birth of Hongdu from the root.

So in Yajita

In the chapter, Tsugami Shoichi's transformation was not affected, because the birth of the alien Yajituo did not affect his growth path at all.

Well, it’s all a gentleman’s private property anyway.

One of the outstanding features in "Kamen Rider King" is that the screenwriters backstab each other crazily, and then eat up the settings and all kinds of unclear meanings. The Riddler


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