"Okay, don't wait around to celebrate, come over quickly and help fight!"

Gates urged impatiently.

Now, he, the Little Devil, and Nangong Qi were beating 345 together, but they actually failed to capture her in a short period of time.

After all, the current 345 has absorbed the power of all undead beasts, including Kenzaki, the joker who did not exist in the first place. In terms of strength, it is equivalent to opening four emperor forms at once. It is not in vain to face the attack of three people.

"Time stops!"

The little devil used the time-stop ability on 345 without believing in evil.

To be honest, the little devil felt that it was outrageous.

It is obvious that his second-level Time King has the ability to control time, but since he obtained this form and power, except for the first battle, his time-stopping ability has almost never been effective.

The enemies you encounter are either immune to time-stopping, or they have similar abilities and cannot be stopped at all.

The alien knights are like the version update in "One Piece". Once the version is updated, no matter whether they are villains or decent guys, they will be able to get corresponding enhancements without exception.

There are still the dials of the last few knights left to collect, and he doesn't believe that it is such a coincidence that every time he encounters an enemy who cannot stop.

The wave of time hits 345.

345 only stagnated in place for a short while, and his body was able to move again. At the same time, an undead card on his body shone brightly.

It's the Ten of Spades, the scarab undead beast whose ability is to control time.


Seeing this, the little devil was discouraged.

"My Demon King, you don't have to be so decadent. The so-called abilities are just foreign objects after all. I believe that with your power, you can definitely defeat the alien knights!"

After Blackworth gave him chicken soup, the little devil regained his strength.

Next, there will be a gang fight between four people...probably!

After breaking free from the shackles of Time Stop, the Alien Sword seemed to have found a new way to play. It was as if she had just downloaded a modifier, and after a random operation, she discovered that there was an instruction manual, and she actually started to use the Undead Beast card.



sea ​​snake!




Caucasian giant beetle of South Asia!

Giraffe saw spade!

Ghost mantis!


With the activation of the four fusion queen cards and the four most powerful evolutionary emperor cards, a total of 52 undead beast cards were released from 345's body, and eventually turned into golden reliefs, imprinted on 345's body.

There is no doubt that this is the theoretically strongest form in the entire "Kamen Rider Sword".

Even Kenzaki's imperial sword form or Hajime's wild Kallis form are absolutely impossible to be 345's opponent at this moment.

Absolutely impossible!

When 345 transformed, he released terrifying dark golden energy, almost blowing everyone present away again.

Horror, Horror, Horror!

The awesome undead card warrior!

"my God!"

Seeing this situation, Nangong Qi couldn't help but

Cover your face.

What kind of dogecoin copy is this?

Forgetting the final forms of various alien knights, now here comes the most powerful emperor form of all undead beasts.

Also hit a hammer?

"Sure enough, I can only use the form with the strongest strength in a duel!"

"Black RX!"

"Shadow moon RX!"

I saw two belts composed of emperor stones of different colors merging with each other, and finally formed a new belt similar to Bagua, with two emperor stones embedded at the same time.

Nangong Qi's form also changed from the green locust before to a locust covered in blood-red armor, and the [Satan Saber] also appeared in his hand.

The momentum exuded is on par with 345.

Still locusts.

The reason why [Kamen Rider JUDO] is not used is mainly because the battlefield is located in the city.

Before things become irreversible, Nangong Qi will never use a super-large-scale AOE like Badanlong that can turn the entire city upside down.

"Then let's keep fighting!"


The momentum of the two people's fight could almost knock down an entire building, and the scattered energy burned the surrounding ground black.

"We can't lose either!"

The Little Demon King and others also swarmed up and assisted Nangong Qi in beating 345.

"Creation Thunderbolt!"

Seeing the right moment, Nangong Qi used his strongest killing move.

By gathering the energy of the two Imperial Stones on the blade at the same time, and combining it with the power of the [Satan Saber] itself, killing the enemy will not be a problem.

With one swing of the knife, 345 Lazy's waist was almost cut off.

“Restore the Camel!”

Under the influence of the Undead Beast Card, 345 recovered from his injuries instantly, making Nangong Qi's facial muscles twitch uncontrollably.

Is it possible that I have to take out the black hole form to deal with this guy?

"Enough is enough!"

Senior Tachibana suddenly jumped out at this time, and both sides stopped at the same time.

"345, I am very, very sorry for you. It was only me who caused your death. I have been feeling guilty all these years! I'm sorry!"


345 slapped Senior Tachibana away with a merciless slap.

Um?This time, Senior Tachibana was not directly beaten to death?

Nangong Qi felt as if he had discovered a blind spot.

Senior Tachibana flew out and rolled on the ground, looking extremely embarrassed.

Just as he was rolling, some letters fell from his body, and a few even fell in front of 345.

345 casually grabbed one, looked at the words on it, and fell into a strange silence.

"What are these?"

The little devil picked up a piece of paper from the ground and looked at it.

The papers were wrinkled and looked as if they were wet with tears. The little devil also fell into silence because of the words on the letters, and even had the urge to cry.

"Sayoko, how much I hope you can come back! It would be great if you could come back after all the undead beasts are sealed!"

"If something like this can come true, even if I am stabbed to death by a passing robber when I go out, I will do it!"

(Vulture Black expressed his praise)

"So, a miracle will happen soon!"

"A miracle will happen soon!"

"A miracle will happen soon!"

"A miracle will happen soon!!!"

"A miracle soon..."

Incomparably sincere emotions, even a bystander like Little Devil can feel Tachibana-senpai's longing for his girlfriend and his self-blame.

Just ask, what would happen if the person involved experiences this kind of longing?

345 immediately canceled the transformation, and she was already in tears at this moment.


The miracle really happened!




A little exaggeration of Tachibana-senpai’s longing for 345

After all, the brothers from Hell next door missed their younger brother and actively chose to become alien knights and cooperate with the zerg.

For someone like Tachibana-senpai who relied on the death of his girlfriend to overcome his fear and defeat the cadre-level undead beast, his feelings for 345 will only become stronger.




PS again:

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Chapter 39 Whiteworth: If I die, none of you will be able to live!

Shi Wang's second stage of effeminate transformation.jpg

The miracle really happened!


Moved by Senior Tachibana's deep affection, 345 actually took the initiative to cancel the transformation state, and looked at Senior Tachibana who was lying on the ground in a very embarrassed state with tearful eyes.

"This is love!"

The little devil was also moved by this love.

Probably the next step will be for the heroine to be attacked by her boyfriend

Try your best to influence, finally abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and join the protagonist group!

However, the next moment...

One hand penetrated 345's chest directly from the back and took out the dial of the alien sword.

"3! 4! 5!"

Tachibana-senpai burst into tears again.

Once again, he witnessed his girlfriend die in front of him, but he could not stop it from happening, he could only watch.

Of course, due to the disappearance of joker, the sealing slate in the sky immediately disappeared, and the sky that was originally shrouded in dark clouds suddenly became cloudless.

The person who stabbed 345 in the back was White Watts.

"White Watts, why, why do you do this?"

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