"Because she has lost her use value and shows signs of rebound, she should be out of print!"

Whiteworth had a cold look on his face, and in his hands were not only the alien knight dials for alien swords, but also four knight transformation dials belonging to the four sword heads.

"And I'm going to die too. Now that I'm dead, none of you can live! Because you took away my future!"

It turns out that Whiteworth believed that he should guide Gates to the savior's future line. But when the historical timeline undergoes major changes, then according to the grandmother paradox, Whiteworth, the character on the savior's timeline, has no place to survive at all.

Just because he felt that he had lost his future, Whiteworth planned to use the characteristics of joker to make the whole world go to hell together.

"It's all your fault! If it weren't for you, the devil, nothing would be like this!"

Whiteworth pointed at the little devil, with a look of hatred and bitterness, and threw the pot out openly.


"No!" Nangong Qi grabbed the little devil to prevent him from being brainwashed by Bai Woz's words. "This is all your fault."

"My fault?"

"Yes! Your biggest sin is that you don't think you are a villain at all. This is the most heinous thing. You think you are the messenger of the savior, but everything you do is to discredit the savior himself!"

"If Mr. Gates wants to embark on the future of being a savior, he must kill the Demon King. But look at what he has done. If it weren't for the gender difference, he would have had a child with the Demon King long ago!"


When the little devil heard this, he felt his face turn red and turned to look at Gates.

Gates was also too embarrassed to look directly at the little devil.

Tsukuyomi widened his eyes, looked at the little devil, and then at Gates, feeling as if he had discovered a new world.

Nangong Qi was too lazy to deal with the homosexuality issue between Little Devil and Gates, and continued to talk to White Woz:

"So what? It's never the future that determines the future, but the present!"


"That's right! No matter whether it is the Demonic Time King or the savior Gates in the future, there has never been an existence like Woz on their timeline. Therefore, when you and Black Woz appear on this timeline, For a moment, the future cannot be the savior route!”

"Even so, even so, even so!"

Suddenly, Whiteworth's face showed a fierce look, he directly picked up the dial of the alien sword and stuffed it into his mouth.

"If that's the case, then I'm going to open up a new future! Transform!"


Accompanied by the special effects of the alien knight's transformation, Whiteworth transformed into an alien sword.

At the same time, the sealing slate that had just disappeared a minute ago reappeared in the sky, as if the thick dark clouds that would be released only when Gatanjie appeared appeared, completely covering the entire sky.

Sealing Slate: Let me come and leave in a while. Are you sick?

"In this case, then the future outcome is up to us!"

The Little Devil, Gates, Nangong Qi and Black Watts swarmed up and beat up White Watts.

It's just that White Woz is not as powerful as the one used by 345 before. He can kill four people by himself.

Soon, he realized the crux of the problem.

345 absorbed the power of four Kamen Riders and 52 undead beasts.

"In that case!"

Whiteworth jumped back to distance himself, took out the knight dial, and prepared to absorb the power of the undead beast contained in it to strengthen himself.

"Haha, we won't make the same mistake twice, let's stop time!"

The wave of time appeared again, directly stopping Whiteworth, who had no resistance to time ability, in place.


His time-stopping ability finally succeeded, and the little devil felt inexplicably excited.

This is like a dragon-slaying warrior who has practiced the art of dragon-slaying for many years. After he came out of the mountain, he could not find the dragon. After many years of depression, he finally found the corresponding dragon and was able to show off his skills.

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Before the Little Demon King and the others could take action, Senior Tachibana rushed toward White Woz like crazy, took all the dials from his hands, and then threw them to Kenzaki and the others.

"Transformation!" ×2

Of course Tachibana-senpai and Mutsuki transformed without hesitation.

On the contrary, Kenzaki and Hajime, after finally turning into humans, now have to take back the identity of jokers to fight, and they are somewhat resistant to this.

But after seeing Tachibana-senpai and Mutsuki transform, they no longer hesitated, decisively gave up thinking and transformed directly.

Also in them

When the joker's physique was retrieved, the sealing slate in the sky disappeared again.

Sealing Slate: Is it over yet?

"Time, resume its flow!"

Whiteworth just felt his eyes dazzled. The four knight dials in his hands disappeared, and the four sword heads appeared in front of him.

With their hateful eyes, surging murderous intent, and countless skilled combat moves, they are known to be the best among Kamen Riders.

"Maybe it should be like this!"

Nangong Qi took the initiative to cancel the transformation, took out a stereo, and started playing the execution song "Awakening" from "Kamen Rider Sword".

"For the words you tell yourself to become reality!"

"Mu Kou Shredded Pork!"

The four swordsmen didn't want to listen carefully to what song Nangong Qi was playing. Among them, especially Senior Orange, once again witnessed his girlfriend die in front of him, which made him full of endless murderous intentions towards Bai Woz.

There is no need to describe too much next. Whiteworth did not have the blessing of any undead beasts, and was completely beaten by the sword head four. The sword head four did not even use the guard form.

The Little Demon King and the others did not intervene, but just watched the sword-headed four ruthlessly beating White Watts.

After all, this is Whiteworth's own choice.

Let go of helping others and respect the fate of others.

However, after a short while, Whiteworth was beaten until his whole body was covered with scars, and his body could not stand still, looking like it was on the verge of collapse.

Now is the time for execution.

Kenzaki, Mutsuki and Hajime also took the initiative to give up their positions, leaving the opportunity for the final blow to Tachibana-senpai.

"Drop!" Drop the whale!

"Fire!" Firefly!

"Gemini!" Zebra clone!

15 years ago, Tachibana-senpai also used the same card because of his girlfriend, and launched a decisive blow against an extremely powerful enemy.

At this moment, just as at that moment.

Bow your head and make a fist.

"Burning Divide!"

"3! 4! 5!"

Tachibana-senpai jumped up and split into five bodies in the air.

The legs of the real body and the four clones were wrapped in flames, falling like heavy hammers.


At the same time, it hit Whiteworth's body, kicking him until his armor was shattered, and the alien knight's dial was also completely destroyed.


He let out a long breath, and when Senior Tachibana was considering whether to give Bai Woz a touch-up, the little devil had already helped the intact 345 over.

Possessing the power to control time, the little devil successfully turned back 345 years of time back to before he was injured.

The reason why I delayed telling Senior Tachibana until now was because I simply wanted to make Whiteworth suffer more.


Seeing his girlfriend come back to life, Senior Tachibana was immediately overjoyed and hugged her.

The two finally hugged each other and cried, telling each other how much they missed each other.

"Kensaki, Haji, Mutsuki, do you understand?"

Nangong Qi hinted at his old acquaintances, and they immediately understood.

"What a big deal, I'll give it to you!"

"Go away!"

It can be said that Kenzaki and Hajime suffered a lot because of this undying joker physique, and had to stay away from home with their friends and family for a long time.

Now that we can get rid of this heavy shackles of fate, why not do it?

Take this dial and roll as far as we want.

When Mutsuki saw the two handing over the dial, she also handed it over together.

After everything is over, I have to go to Senior Tachibana to get the dial.

"Today is really a double blessing!"

For Jian Tou Si, today is indeed a double blessing.

Kenzaki and Hajime both successfully got rid of the joker's physique, and Tachibana-senpai's girlfriend 345 also returned.

Except that Whiteworth was still lying on the ground unable to get up again, everyone was completely happy.

"That Nangong, although we know you don't like to attend banquets, we still want to invite you to join us. After all, today is a rare good day!"

"A good day indeed."

Nangong Qi felt a little speechless.

The reason why he didn't like attending banquets in the past was entirely because [Overhaul Card] punched something similar to the Butcher's Nail in his brain.

If he joined the party, he would probably go crazy due to the noisy environment.

As a result, almost everyone left the impression that he didn't like to attend the banquet, although he still didn't want to participate.

Turning around, Nangong Qi saw the expectant face of the little devil, which was written all over: I want to attend the banquet, and you can come too, okay?

"Okay, I will make an exception today and attend the banquet!"

"Oh yeah! Ma Zili, Ma Zili!"

The little devil was as excited as Bakutaro next door.

At the same time, on the tall building in the distance, Ur had a panoramic view of everything that had just happened.

This includes 345 being reformed and White Wards being innocent.

"Failed again."

Seeing that Whites was defeated and captured, Ur didn't have much psychological fluctuations.

It would be better to say that he has long been accustomed to failure.

"Hey, isn't this Ur?"

Aura emerged from nowhere with a mocking look on her face.

"How was it? How was it working with White Watts?"

Ur was not particularly angry about this. After all, failure is failure, and you will get used to it if you lose too much.

"What about you? If you can't think of any good ideas, I suggest you just watch the demon king ascend to his throne!"

"Haha, I'm not like someone who never disappoints people!" Al puffed out his chest, showing off his proud curves as a woman.

"I have already chosen a true king. He will completely defeat the false emperor, trample him under his feet, and become a new king to replace the Demon King!"

"Who is he?"

"Come with me and you'll know!"

Aura brought Ur to Fengdu. When he saw the extremely solemn Kamen Rider who was all white and wearing black robes, he couldn't help but froze.

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