No.40 Seven Moments: If I were the king

In a heterogeneous space intertwined with infinite dimensions, it is the location of the Space-Time Management Bureau.

After collecting the tragic situation of the little devil at this moment, the trio from the Space-Time Management Bureau couldn't help but applaud.

"Kakogawa Hiryu, you did well, well done!"

For them, everything is not easy.

In the previous Time King timeline, they either faced the King of Time who had awakened the power of the King of Monsters, or they faced Gates, the savior who accepted the gift of his best friend.

How can this be fought?

I can't beat it at all!

As a result, the Space-Time Management Bureau could only choose to incite a race called the Time Robbers who also had the power to control time to assist them. At the same time, they also issued a blank check to become king, providing an unlimited amount of the dial power of the alien knights.

Just like this, the Time Tribbers immediately went to different Time King timelines to kill people.

Of course, it can't be called giving away people's heads, it can be called a necessary sacrifice.

Just today, the Time Tribbers finally achieved a major result.

A strange King of Time named Kakogawa Hiryu who was selected by Swaruz successfully deprived King of Time of part of his power, completely weakening his power against demons.

Leaving aside the issue of picking up holes, after all, as long as the final victory can be obtained, no matter how despicable means are used, it is completely acceptable.

"Great, our great cause can finally succeed!"

"Eliminate the demon king and

Gates, the savior, and all the Heisei Knights! "

The trio from the Space-Time Management Bureau were already in tears.

At the same time, they immediately mobilized their men and ordered them all to be ready to complete the battle.

This situation can no longer be described as an advantage for me. It is completely impossible to overturn, and even poisonous milk cannot survive.

Not at this time, when will it be?

At the same time, in the common chat group where the Demon King and the Savior Gates met, the Demon Kings and Saviors on various timelines also noticed the changes in the Space-Time Management Bureau.

The leader of the group, the old devil: To each of myself and all the Gates, the Space and Time Administration is finally going to be dispatched, everyone, please prepare!

Demon King No. [-]: Oh, great!I have been waiting for today for too long!

Savior No. [-]: Honore's Space-Time Management Bureau actually played with my and Zhuanggo's lives like this, and even made Zhuanggo die for me, in front of me!Unforgivable, unforgivable!

Demon King No. [-]: Am I dead?

Savior No. [-]: He is talking about Zhuango in his timeline, not you, the poor devil who is doomed to be alone all his life and has no friends!

Demon kings: lying on the gun, vomiting blood!

Savior No. [-]: Okay, okay, not all Zhuang Wu in the savior timeline will die, I will survive here!I rule the whole world together with him, I give the ideas and he acts as the thug.

Group leader Old Devil: Now we are not talking about the things that are and are not. What we should be discussing is how to clean up the Space-Time Management Bureau.

Demon King No. [-]: How else can we deal with it?Wouldn't it be enough to just go over there?

Demon King No. 10: But the total number of demon kings and saviors in our group is tens of millions. There are more wolves than meat, and a mere Space-Time Management Bureau is simply not enough!

Savior No. [-]: How about this, let’s have a chicken-eating contest ourselves!

All the devils, all the saviors: a chicken game?What's the meaning?

Savior No. [-]: We each separate a clone of equal energy, open up a separate small world, and have a big fight in it. Whoever can survive to the last batch will be qualified to clean up the Space-Time Administration. How about it?

Demon King No. [-]: That’s really great. Ever since I became the King of Demonic Time, I have never had an opponent who is as good as me. It’s just a good time to stretch your muscles!

Savior No. [-]: Let’s add another rule. Only the last group of people can be qualified to clean up the Space-Time Administration.The higher the ranking, the first step to choose your favorite form to join the battle.

Demon Kings: I think it will work!

Saviors: If that's the case, then let's fight!

In the small world that was opened up, hundreds of thousands of demon kings and savior Gates rushed in and carried out unbridled and crazy fighting.

————————————————The Demon King and the Savior is eating chicken————————————————

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so to so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so...

At this moment, Ur was completely restrained on the chair. After learning what the little devil had experienced, he couldn't help laughing wildly.

After all, the Little Demon King was first beaten up by the Old Demon King, and the old driver's power was taken away. As a result, the final form of Chonghuang Tokio, the theoretically strongest Heisei, completely disintegrated, including its form and dial.

As the saying goes: There is no worst, only worse.

Although he narrowly escaped death from the hands of the old demon king, as soon as he traveled back to modern times, he immediately encountered Haidong, a criminal thief, and the acid king who had regained the dial of the alien king of time.

Not only did the Little Demon King lose the second level of King of Time, King Acid even used the dial of the Alien King of Time to extract his power and successfully promoted to the second level of King of Alien Time.

Losing his final form, losing his second-level dial, and even his enemies absorbing his own power to be promoted, the Little Devil is probably the worst Kamen Rider since Kamen Rider, after gaining his final form.

Even the tool man Rabbit next door may not be able to compare.

"Keep laughing, I have nothing to say now anyway."

After experiencing continuous blows, the little devil's will was low and he didn't even have the thought to argue.

But now that he was smiling, Ur felt bored again.

What he wanted to see was the little devil who was so excited by his smile that he became angry and angry, instead of being like a scarecrow like this, who would not react no matter how much he was disturbed.

Although the little devil is depressed, this does not mean that the enemy will not add insult to injury.

I saw a huge castle rising from the ground in this city. All the alien knights transformed into their final forms and guarded various intersections of the castle.

Among them, especially the alien ultimate sublimated Kuuga, whose body is as huge as the monster in "Ultraman" next door. Just standing there is enough to make everyone panic.

"I am the king!"

The Acid King announced his declaration of kingship to the entire city, and used the power of his second-level Acid King to start revising history.

The history of all Kamen Riders has been completely distorted, weirdos and alien knights have become heroes, and Kamen Riders have become the object of everyone's reviling.

Not only that, the Acid King also modifies everyone around the Little Devil.

He wants to make all the little devils betray their relatives and live in a life worse than death.

"This sour lemon is a bit too much."

Nangong Qi clearly felt that the King of Sour

With the powerful power of time and space modification, I couldn't help but frown.

Logically speaking, this kind of extreme pain is the best opportunity to inspire people to fight, but the price is that the little devil may be just like him, like a bastard.

This can't be done!

"Shadow Moon RX!"

The dark green energy was extracted from the [Emperor Stone] and turned into a shield to resist the time wave from the alien Time King who modified history.

If this were the case, it would be nothing more than a temporary measure.

“From today on, all of you, don’t leave your [-]-to-[-] job!”

"Ah? Why?"

Tsukuyomi was puzzled, while Gates and Black and White Woz looked serious.

Because Nangong Qi will never let go of random targets and must have his own purpose.

"That lemon spirit called Fei Liu has completely modified the past history. If you leave the [-]-to-[-] class now, your memory and personality will be completely modified, and you will hate Shougo and even kill each other!"

"That's too much!"

It was indeed too much, taking away the little devil's power, even his comrades, and everything he had.

Gates turned and walked outside the [-]-to-[-] Hall, but was stopped by White Watts.

"My savior, didn't you hear? Once you leave the nine-to-five job, you will lose all your memories and become no longer yourself! Do you really want to do this kind of thing that will make you regret it for the rest of your life because of a momentary impulse? Something?"


Gates could only snort and sit back at the table glumly.

Black Woz couldn't help but look at White Woz in a different light. Before, he was a crazy person who only wanted the little devil's life.

"Then what should we do? Sit here and wait to die?"

"You can't say that. After all, protecting the entire [-]-to-[-] office depends on my own strength. As long as you can stay by my side, you shouldn't be affected by the revised history!"

"So why the hell are we still waiting here?"

"Of course I'm waiting for Shougo."

Nangong Qi turned to look at the little devil's room.

"A week has passed since you guys came back. During this period, Zhuango has always stayed in his room except for necessary activities such as eating. If he doesn't cross this hurdle himself, he will I will always be enveloped by a shadow in my heart!”

"Okay, I'm going to admonish him now!"

Without any explanation, Gates rushed directly into the little devil's room and pulled him out of bed.

"Gates, what are you going to do?"

"Stop talking nonsense, JUDO open the door for us!"

Upon seeing this, Nangong Qi summoned the [Aurora Curtain] and transferred all the people present from the [-] to [-] day job to another timeline.

That way, they don't have to be affected by revisions to history.

"Huh? Where are people?"

The uncle looked confused. He didn't expect that there was a large group of people at home just now, but they were all gone in a flash.

"They went out for team building and will be back soon!"

Nangong Qi opened his eyes and told lies.

In order to prevent my uncle from being affected by the revised history, he still had to stay in the house from nine to five, and prevent King Suan from going crazy and stealing the house.

At the same time, in another timeline, in the back of Aunt Dong's ancestral home, Gates was beating up the little devil without any reason.

"Gates, what are you crazy about? Transform."

Although his morale has been low for a week, even the little devil would be angry if he was beaten for no reason by his friend.

"Then you still need to ask? Of course I want you to get back on your feet!"

"Me, get back on your feet?"

The little devil looked confused. He read novels and TV shows that the way to get Jean back on his feet shouldn't be a warm hug and love?

Why did it turn into a beating when he got to Gates?

"Zhuangwu, let me ask you, if you were the king, would you be unable to rise again because of a failure?"

"Me, what if I were a king?"

As soon as he mentioned the dream in his heart, the little devil felt his heart rippling.

But the next moment, he sank into the abyss again.

"But now I have nothing. I have lost my strength, I have lost my dial, and I have not realized my dream at all. In the end, if I were the king, it would be nothing more than a dream! If I were the king, if I were the king, in the final analysis, I would have to have something. That’s the kind of strength you need!”


Gates immediately slapped him, then grabbed the little devil by the collar and roared: "You bastard, didn't you say you want to be the most benevolent and benevolent king? Why have you given up on your dream just because you have lost your power? You deserve it. Are we worthy of all the Kamen Rider seniors who believe in you?"



Before the little devil could finish speaking, Gates slapped him with his right hand and continued to pull his collar.

"It's nothing about me. There are only two roads before you now, so choose quickly. Should you continue to chase your dreams, or should you die here and die in my hands?"



Without giving the little devil any time to speak, Gates transformed directly.

The text that materialized during the transformation special effects directly hit the little devil and fell back onto Gates' visor.

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