
, Gates continued to beat the little devil violently, kicking the little devil around like a football.

"Zhuanggo, think about it for a moment. Why did you choose to become the king? Is it to deny the future, to deny fate, or simply for your own fun?"

"If things get to this point and you don't even understand what you are going to do and what you are going to do, you might as well just die here!"

Gates's words were so inspiring that the little devil remembered many things in a daze.


"I believe you!"

(silent thumbs up)


Scenes from his adventures flashed before his eyes. They were scenes when he got along with the senior knights.

Until finally, Uncle Ren, whose pupils turned white, came into his eyes deeply.






"I remember!"

After receiving countless beatings, the little devil looked extremely determined, and even any storm could no longer shake his heart at this moment.

"The core of Kamen Rider is tragedy. If I were the king, then let me erase these tragedies and bear them alone! Transform!"



The exam is about to take place. I need two days off.




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No.40 Eight Hours Acid King: Shut up, don’t disturb me playing with this clown

Fuck it.jpg

After the little devil regained his strength, Gates and the little devil fought each other for dozens of rounds, as if they were having a deep communication between their hearts with their fists.

Just after they were separated by one punch, the two of them launched the knight kick at the same time with a tacit understanding.

"Finish Time! Time Break!"

"Finish Time! Time Burst!"


An explosion occurred in the sky, and the Little Devil and Gates released their transformations and lay down on the ground.

Despite this, there was still a smile on their faces.

Black and White Woz hurriedly came over to help them up from the ground. An [Aurora Curtain] also unfolded in time, guiding them to the path to their original world.

Day two.

Nangong Qi still had some doubts when he looked at the little devil who was now ready to go and have a fight with the King of Sour today.

"You have no chance of defeating Fei Liu now. Your second-level King of Time can only barely equal his first-level alien. Not to mention that you don't even have a second-level alien now. He himself has even obtained a stronger alien." Second level.”

"But we haven't even had a formal battle with Feiliu now, and we don't know anything about his abilities. If we don't even have the courage to test the battle, what qualifications do I have to become the king of guardian knight history? Woolen cloth?"

"That's what I said. But..."

Nangong Qi blinked, his expression extremely complicated.

"But that Lemon King changed history. The reason why you can stay the same is because of my protection. But if you want to go to war with the Lemon King, I will either stay here or leave with you."

"If I leave, your uncle and the entire [-]-to-[-] family will be modified by the distorted history and eventually become your enemy. In other words, once you leave here, you will embark on a path of no return. You , are you really ready?"

"It's already ready!"

The little devil took a deep breath with determination on his face.

"Fei Liu took away my history and power. If I don't face him now, I'm afraid I will never be able to muster the courage again. Just let me take back my power, my history, and everything I have!"

"it is good!"

Now that the little devil had made his decision, Nangong Qi did not stop him and waved away the energy of the imperial stone that protected the nine-to-five-day affair.

Following the historical torrent of changing timelines, the entire room, including my uncle, began to change.

"Let's go!"

The little devil didn't want to stay any longer.

He knew that Fei Liu would definitely change his uncle's character to be like his enemy. If he continued to stay here, it would only add to his heart. He might as well go find King Suan quickly.

The [Aurora Curtain] opened, teleporting everyone present to the front of the Acid King's castle.

Of course, Nangong Qi did not forget the prisoner of war Ur.

His hands and feet were tied tightly, and Nangong Qi carried him on his shoulders.

at this time

At this moment, King Sour and all the strange knights under him have been waiting for a long time.

"The King of Time?"

The Sour King looked down at everyone present with disdain and said disdainfully: "Obviously I have been extra merciful to let you live, but I didn't expect you to be so blind and take the initiative to die!"

"You won't understand!"

The Little Demon King shook his head, as if he didn't even pay attention to what the Sour King just said.

"What do you mean?"

"As the king of all knights, I must not only have strong power, but also have a protective heart and the awareness to protect the history of all knights! Because of this, I will not die, let alone lose!"

"Transformation!" ×3

With that said, Little Devil, Gates and Black Watts began to transform.

Accompanied by transformation special effects and loud concert-like sound effects, they completed their transformation.

There was Nangong Qi on the side. He took out the dial and performed his most primitive transformation with the least special effects.

Compared with the Shi Wang trio, they are so out of place.

As for Ur, just throw it aside and don't bother to care about him.



With dark golden armor and black undershirt, Nangong Qi's transformed posture looks more like a villain than the alien knights opposite him.

When everyone was about to step forward to fight, Black Watts stepped forward first.

Whiteworth saw this and quickly followed.


"He is the savior who drove away the monstrous evil and led us to a new future. At this moment, the real savior comes to this land."

"His Majesty the Demon King will defeat the impostor and prove that he is the true King of Time."

The two of them, Woz, said something to each other and weaved together two unrelated celebrations without any sense of inconsistency.

"There's really nothing we can do against him!"

Nangong Qi could only shrug, took a few steps back, and waited for the two Woz to celebrate.

On the contrary, the little devil felt like he was laughing in his heart after being congratulated.

"It feels like it can work!"

"Give it to me!"

King Sour gave an order, and many heterogeneous knights were already ready to attack and rushed towards the crowd.

"Use this!"

The little devil took out the Imperial Cavalry dial and switched to the Imperial Cavalry armor.

After losing Chonghuang and the second-order dial, this is already his strongest form.

But during the battle, Nangong Qi vaguely felt a hint of danger.

"Ce, Bell, do you feel it?"

"Brother, of course I can feel it!"

"We are of one mind, and your feelings are our feelings!"


[Satan's Saber] was pulled out and pointed at the grove on the side.

"Kadoya Shi, are you hiding here?"

"As expected of you, you can't hide anything!"

Sure enough, Kadoya Shi appeared from the grove.

"How many times do you want me to emphasize that I will never become your son-in-law?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether I have a son-in-law or not, because Xiaoyezi really misses you very much! So Nangong, you'd better follow me obediently to avoid suffering any physical pain!"

"It's as if there is any hardship in this world that can make me surrender!"

For Nangong Qi, he has already experienced torture and suffering more painful than hell.

He didn't pay any attention to the mere pain of flesh and blood.

"If that's the case, then we have nothing to talk about!"

Kado Yaji habitually wiped the card box sword in his hand with one hand and was about to assume a fighting posture.

But after seeing the scarlet [Satan Saber] in Nangong Qi's hand, he decisively took back the card box to control the sword and drew a card from it.

"AttackRideKing Rouzer!"

Attack the control!The emperor awakens his sword!

A golden giant sword appeared in the hands of Kado Yashi.

There was no way, Kado Yaji's first defeat since his debut was due to the [Satan Saber].

And during the days when the body was controlled by Kagami Yashi, one thing was proved. The [Satan Saber] is the most powerful weapon in the history of Kamen Rider, bar none.

"Nangong, you must come with me today. Xiaoyezi has given me a death order!"

"Then go to die!"

Nangong Qi didn't give him a good look, and for those who didn't know, he thought the two of them were sworn enemies.

"We agreed at the beginning that I would deceive your sister's feelings and appease her, and you would be responsible for dealing with the sister whose feelings were deceived. But today you have to go back on your word. I have never seen such a shameless person!"

Driven by anger, Nangong Qi took the lead in attacking, waving the magic sword in his hand to form a criss-crossing red web of death in the air.

When he mentioned this, Kado Yashi also felt burning pain on his face. While avoiding Nangong Qi's attack, he explained:

"I admit that I have my share of responsibilities in this. But the more important responsibility clearly lies with you!"

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