
Hearing this, Nangong Qi was stunned for a moment, and his ears were filled with smoke.

"Is it a matter of labor and management?"

"Isn't it because you are so flirtatious? You just stole Sayoko's heart by force, you

Don't you think you should take the main responsibility? "

"It's your sister's responsibility!"

"That's right, you are responsible for my sister, and it's a big one!"


Nangong Qi's movement of swinging his sword froze in place, followed by more violent attacks.

The energy of the Emperor Stone was extracted and enchanted with the [Satan Saber], and the released blade completely shattered everything it touched.

"You damn boy are slandering people! My employer and I remember very clearly that I didn't say any flirtatious words to my girl at all. I was forcibly kissed by her once at most!"

"Yes, yes, that's the kiss. A kiss will make you fall in love, don't you know?"

"Okay, I'll beat you right now until your transformation is released, and then forcefully kiss you five hundred times to see if you can still say such a thing!"

Nangong Qi, who was so angry that he almost lost his mind completely, almost made all kinds of speeches come out, which really made Ce and Beier in his mind really confused for a while.

"I can't believe that Qi Qi actually has such a crazy side. Even the most violent war race I have ever seen in the universe may not be able to compare with him!"

"It would be better to say that the old brother now is the real him. He is fierce, evil, domineering, cruel, etc. at the same time, which is almost a collection of all the words that humans have to describe bloody butchers and murderers."

"Shut up for me!"

Nangong Qi yelled at the two tenants in his mind.

First, he had to be dissed by Kado Yaji, and he also had to endure the whispers from the two brothers in his head.

The mood can be described as terrible.

When the eyes came to the little devil, the rest of the alien knights were handed over to Gates and Black and White Watts.

Um, wait, White Watts?

"Bai Woz, are you really okay without a belt?"

"Are you kidding me? I am an absolutely loyal retainer of Lord Savior. It's nothing to do with me being a monster!"

"Duang" "Duang" "Duang" "Duang" "Duang"


Loud noises also sounded in the background.

That's Tsukuyomi.

As the only weak woman in the team, she also made her own contribution, driving a huge space-time demon machine to fight one-on-one with the equally huge alien Kuuga.

Huge vs. huge, the two behemoths deliberately avoided the original battlefield and engaged in a one-on-one battle in the distance.

Next, only the Little Demon King and the Acid King were left, facing each other and confronting each other.

"King of Time, you shouldn't have come here! Instead, you should leave with gratitude, grateful that I gave you a chance to live instead of dying immediately!"

"As I said, if you don't have my experience, you won't understand that the king needs not only strength, but also the responsibility that he needs to bear."

"I don't need that kind of thing!"

The King of Sour looked confident. Since possessing the Second Order of the Alien King of Time, his self-confidence has obviously swelled.

"Now I have the power to modify the past. All responsibilities and companions will be trampled under my feet and transformed!"

Accompanied by the special effects of the alien knight's transformation, thick pale white armor appeared on the Acid King.


"I'll let you understand!"

The next moment, the two disappeared from the same place at the same time. In a brief moment, they rushed in front of each other and waved their swords.


After the sound of gold and iron clashing, the little devil's body flew backward crazily.

This is not surprising, the little devil only uses the decade armor, while the acid king uses the second level form.

"Hey! Dragon Rider!"

"Dragon Rider! Dual Time Break!"

The flames rolled on the Heisei sword, and a sharp blade made of fire was drawn in the air, flying quickly towards the Sour King.

"Zhuanggo, how many times do you want me to tell you before you understand the gap between us and the cruelty of reality!"

The Acid King did not arrive, and the hour and minute hands on the visor rotated rapidly.

He is revising past history.

The flame blade still flying in the air disappeared in front of the Acid King, as if it had never appeared.

"How could this be?"

"This is my power, the power to control the past and modify the past!"

King Sour proudly introduced his abilities.

"Just now, I changed the past to say that you didn't swing that sword at all, so your attacks would be unlimited. In fact, what I can do is not only what I did just now, but even this!"

The next moment, the Acid King teleported in front of the Little Demon King.

Obviously, he modified his past and allowed himself to teleport in front of the little devil.

He then waved the two swords in his hands and kept falling on the little devil, beating him until sparks flew out.

"It's time to end!"

Dark purple energy formed on the two swords, turned into a huge clock shape, and attacked the little devil.


After the explosion, the little devil released his transformation and was covered in injuries.

But even so, his eyes were still full of unyieldingness, and he climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

At this time, Ur and Aura suddenly jumped out, with sharp blades made of energy in their hands, as if they wanted to kill the little devil, the great enemy of the Time Robbers.


, but there is one person who will not allow this to happen.

"Stop me all!"

After activating the modified power, Ur and Aura teleported to the side of the Acid King. They were still confused and didn't know why the Acid King would do such a thing.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't the Demon King be killed immediately?"

"Yes, kill, kill, kill!"

"Stand back, everyone, I will get my own points!"

The Acid King forced Aura and Ur down, his words filled with infinite confidence.

"Shut up and don't disturb me from playing with this clown!"



Feel free to change the character of the Acid King. Anyway, after obtaining the second level of the Acid King, he became so big.

A little bit of wanderlust shouldn’t be a big deal, right?




PS again:

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No.40 The Nine Hours of Glory Time King Reappears


It didn't matter to Ur, but Aura was about to be pissed off by the King of Acid and laughed.

She was obviously a wretch who was taken advantage of by Swaruz and a part-time thug, so why should he boss her around?


"Let you taste the pain!"

Aura raised her hand and it was a burst of time-stopping energy, trying to stop the time of the Acid King.

But is it useful?

Of course it's no use, absolutely no use!

The stagnant wave passed by the King of Sour, and the King of Sour rushed in front of Aura the next moment and grabbed the neck of this hateful woman who always liked to show her face to him.

"You guy, did you just attack me? As the king, I sentence you to death, so just die for me!"

The sharp sword in his hand was raised high, the tip of the sword pointed directly at Aura's face, and stabbed down hard.

Ur was dumbfounded.

How come two of my perfectly fine teammates suddenly had sex?

"stop it now!"

He subconsciously used the time-stop power to stop the time of the Acid King.

But just like Aura just now, she was completely stupid.

"Mu Da!"

"Hurry up and stop me!"

Under Ur's surprised gaze, the Little Demon King transformed again, facing the Sour King from behind like a strong man with a lock.

"The King of Time?"

King Sour himself was a little surprised.

"How dare you come to stop me, you loser?"

"Fei Liu, you've become a complete loser now, stop now and don't do anything that will make you regret!"

"Shut up, you useless clown with no power! Now that I have such great power, there is nothing in this world that I can't do!"


The deep purple energy exploded again, blowing away the little devil, Ur and Aura.

After landing, the little devil shouted to Ur and Aura: "Why don't you leave quickly?"

"Ah? You saved us?"

They were supposed to be enemies of life and death, but were saved by their enemies. Ur and Aura had extremely complicated expressions, but considering that they were no match for the Sour King, they could only retreat first.

"King of Time, you shouldn't stop me, and you are enemies to begin with. Why would you do such a boring and ridiculous thing?"

“Because ever since I chose my path I finally started to fully understand!”

The little devil is holding the [Strongest Time Limit Sword] in his hand, and his arms are shaking slightly, which seems to be caused by the previous injury. "The so-called power does not exist to satisfy one's own selfish desires, but exists to protect!"

"Don't insult my intelligence by saying such ignorant words. King Shi, you should know that you are no match for me, right?"

The Acid King sneered, all the previous negative emotions towards Aura were transferred to the little devil, and his murderous intention reached its peak.

"You tell me, when my power can trample everything in this world, there is something I can't do? Who can stop me? Who else? Who else!"


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