"And I!"

"It's us!"

I don't know when Gates and Black and White Woz came to the little devil, and Tsukuyomi also came back in the Space-Time Demon Machine, surrounding him like stars holding the moon.

Those other weirdos

All the soldiers have been dealt with, and now King Suan is alone.

"Weak people are weak. No matter how many of you get together, it still can't change the reality that you are weak! Go to hell!"

Huge dark purple energy was released, almost cutting the air, and attacked everyone.

This time the King of Sour is attacking with all his strength, and if nothing else happens, everyone present will be filled with hatred.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

The sound of sharper cutting sounded, and deep purple energy was cut. Behind it was Nangong Qi, who was wearing dark gold armor.

He was originally frantically chasing Kado Yashi, but after noticing the high-energy fluctuations, he decisively gave up the target and quickly came back to block the little devil's gun.

"Senior Nangong?"

"Onole's JUDO!"

The Acid King uses the power of time to change history again.


The power of the Imperial Stone was extracted and turned into a strong shield, covering the little devil and others to prevent them from being affected by the revised history.

"King of Time, you coward!"

Seeing that his ability was not working, King Sour immediately swung his sword and slashed at the shield, but nothing happened and he could only continue his arrogant taunting.

"You will only hide behind others, because you are a powerless and useless thing!"

Nangong Qi sighed slightly in his heart. He didn't expect to come to this time today. Now is the time for him, the senior knight, to open up a path for the younger generations.

"Ce, Bell, we have to separate for now!"

"It's okay, brother, our brothers will eventually be reunited. It's not only the guidance of fate, but also the closure of the timeline!"

"Qi, I have always believed in you, and from now on, I will always believe in you!"

"Thank you!"

After bidding farewell to the two partners in his mind, Nangong Qi released his transformation and took out a dial as large as Chonghuang.

"Who said Zhuang Wu has no power?"


King Suan didn't expect Nangong Qi to have such a big dial on his body.

But because Nangong Qi canceled his transformation and stopped supplying energy to the shield,

"The King of Glory!"

Turning around, Nangong Qi inserted his dial into the little devil's drive.

"Senior, are you?"

"I am Shougo's companion and his friend. My power is his power! So now, use this power to protect everything you want to protect!"

All the Showa knights were seen rising from the ground in the form of statues.

At the same time, the hurricane special effects unique to Showa appeared, covering the little devil and everyone.

Different from the golden eagle-like splendor of King Chonghuang, the Showa knights turned into knight emblems and fell on the little devil, turning into solid armor.


"Moment of glory!"

"Number one!"

"Number two!"






"Sky Knight!"

"Super One!"



"Shadow Moon!"

"Black RX!"

"Mechanical Knight!"

"Biochemical Knight!"

"Shadow Moon RX!"





"Protect everything! Kamen Rider Glory King!"


At this moment, the Acid King finally shattered the shield. Seeing the Little Demon King's new form, he couldn't help but feel sour again.

"That is the power that should belong to me, mine!"

"Yours? Stop joking! Nothing here belongs to you, including that alien King of Time dial!"

"Give it back, give it back to me!"

The Acid King rushed towards the Little Demon King, swinging his sword with both hands.


The little devil pressed JUOD's knight crest and finally got the most powerful weapon he had always dreamed of [Satan's Saber]. He turned around and slashed with an iron bridge, and [Satan's Saber] struck hard on the Acid King's armor, cutting out a crack.


Seeing this, King Acid couldn't help being shocked, and quickly activated his ability to modify the past time, trying to bring back all the alien knights who had just been defeated.

"Mu Da!"

The energy of the two emperor stones was extracted and flowed on the blade of [Satan Saber] at the same time.

swing down.

The energy originally released by the Acid King and used to modify the past was chopped into pieces with a single blow.

"This is impossible, impossible!"

"Why not?"

You must know that the little devil has long begun to understand the ability of time, and the dial of King of Glory Time also comes with various experiences of Nangong Qi's use of time ability.

Faced with King Sour's ability to pirate time, which was full of loopholes, he could see the flaws at a glance.

"Fei Liu, now your heart has been completely polluted by power. It is absolutely incorrect to think that you can do everything simply by having power!"

"Nonsense! If I had the same power as you, you wouldn't talk nonsense in front of me!"

"It's not my power

Quantity is the power of seniors, the power of companions, and a power you cannot understand now!So, Fei Liu, I will release you now! "

"Finish Time!"

"All Twenty Time Break!"

With the activation of the Ending Moment, all the Showa Knights appeared behind the Little Demon King in the form of energy bodies, and then all launched Knight Kicks towards the Acid King.

The Little Devil also joined in and hit the Acid King with his last kick.


After withstanding twenty knight kicks, the Acid King's armor completely exploded.

What's surprising is that the dial of the alien second-order King of Time just rolled off his body and didn't break into pieces.

At the same time, the entire world is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The citizens who had fled the city one after another due to the proliferation of alien knights also returned to the city as if nothing had happened.

The history that had been arbitrarily modified by the Acid King was back on track after his defeat.

"My power, my everything!"

King Sour lay on the ground and struggled to reach out his hand to the dial, but his other hand picked up the dial first.


After seeing clearly who was coming, everyone present felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, except King Suan who still looked confused.

"What are you doing?"

“Recycle the dial, that’s all!”

"What are you doing? Give it back to me, give it back to me, that thing is mine, mine!"

"Yours? Hahaha!"

Swaruz put the dial away and kicked away the Acid King who had completely lost his use.

"Just like what the King of Time said, nothing here belongs to you, including this dial!"

"How could this be?"

"You should thank me, because I guided you to this path, and even allowed you to enjoy the treatment of being a king for a while, right?"

"You, you, you'd better kill me!"

Compared with never getting it, it hurts King Sour more after getting it and then losing it.

"How could I kill you? You are my good collaborator!"

"Hurry up and let him go!"

The little devil is ready for battle.

Now he is using the glory form that is no less powerful than Sogou, and possesses the power of all the Showa Knights. He believes that even if he cannot defeat Swaruz, he can at least beat him to a four or six.

"Good good!"

Unexpectedly, Swaruz actually raised his hands and stepped back.

"Fengma Shiwang, don't think you won today. Of course, the moment for our real decisive battle has not yet come. I only hope that when despair comes, you can still be like this today. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

With deep laughter, Swaruz disappeared, leaving only the Acid King looking at the Little Devil with a gloomy look on his face.

The pain, depression, depression and jealousy in my heart have no place to vent except the person in front of me.

"It's all your fault!"

The King of Sour cursed and pinched, then turned and left.

"It's all you who took away everything from me and ended up in this situation! It's all your fault!"

"You bastard!"

Gates released his transformation and rolled up his sleeves, intending to have a physical duel with the Acid King, but was stopped by the Little Devil.

"Zhuang Wu?"

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