"Gates, let him go."

The little devil released his transformation, with a look of relief on his face.

"Since I chose to embark on the path of being a king, I have gradually begun to understand my mission and the huge responsibility I have always shouldered. I have already been mentally prepared to bear the infamy of the world."


Gates opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he had nothing to say.

The current little demon king has clearly taken the path of a benevolent king, not a demon king like Tokioh.

He should be happy, he should be happy.

But he didn't know why, but he still felt aggrieved and pained by the little devil's current situation.


Suddenly, a muffled sound broke the original silence.

Nangong Qi's eyes were like mosquito coils, and he fell down swaying. Behind him was Kadoyaji holding an M.4.

The ultimate attack control, M.4 control.

After handing over the dial, Nangong Qi had lost all extraordinary powers and inhuman beings, including Bugster Ce and Demon Bell, not to mention the powerful human-demon hybrid physique.

As a result, he was knocked unconscious by Kado Yashi's confused blow.

"Let him go!"

Black and white Watts, like black and white impermanence, surrounded him from the left and right.

But Kado Yashi didn't bother to pay attention to them at all, and directly summoned [Aurora Curtain] to send him away.

The reason why he cooperated with Swaruz was to find an opportunity to abduct Nangong Qi.

Now that you have achieved your goal, is it still necessary to stay here?

"Never again, CIAO~!"

"Wait for me!"

Unable to catch up at all, the Little Demon King and others could only stare at the [Aurora Curtain] disappearing in front of their eyes.







Next time notice:

In a small dark room that cannot be detected by any detector, it is Nangong Qi’s location.




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Chapter 50 Possessiveness and peace of mind

In a small dark room that cannot be detected by any detector, it is Nangong Qi's location.

"Yeah, the dark ceiling."

Nangong Qi woke up from his coma and checked his clothes immediately.

Fortunately, it was exactly the way he was wearing it when he was knocked unconscious by Kadoya Shi's sap, and it was not damaged.

Only then did he realize that his hands and feet were wrapped with ropes.

Unexpectedly, these ropes seemed to be just symbolically wrapped around the hands and feet, and they could be easily broken free by just fiddling with them.

After untying the rope, Nangong Qi looked up and looked around, only to see that the walls of the room were covered with densely packed photos.

Everything is my own, including my appearance on Levi's timeline.

There was no emotion at all in my heart, and I even felt like laughing.

After Nangong Qi took a calm look at the photos, he had no intention of continuing to look at them. Instead, he tried to open the door and leave the dimly lit small room.

But in the end it failed and the door could not be opened at all.

If it was me before handing in the form, I would probably be able to physically open the door with my inhuman physique. Unfortunately, now that I am an ordinary person, I can only be blocked by a door.

"you're awake!"

A female voice suddenly sounded.

In this dimly lit little dark room, Nangong Qi thought he had run into the horror film set in Yuangu next door.

I saw Sayoko emerging from under the bed, her hair still a little disheveled.

"Have you always slept under the bed?"

"That's not so."

Sayoko rubbed her eyes and stretched.

"I have been staying by your bed, but I got sleepy and fell asleep on the floor!"

Nangong Qi reluctantly believed this explanation.

In his impression, Sayoko shouldn't be that kind of nymphomaniac under the bed, and her fatigue didn't look like she was faking it.

"So can you let me out of here?"

"I'm afraid I can't!"

After arranging her hair, Xiao Yezi stepped forward and hugged Nangong Qi's right arm, holding her close to it.

"It's this feeling that makes me feel absolutely at ease!"


"Didn't I just say it? It's because of peace of mind, and only by your side can I feel peace of mind!"


Nangong Qi became even more confused.

"You don't feel safe? But in the new timeline, aren't you a gangster's daughter, protected by countless people and stars? How could you feel uneasy?"

In the timeline without Kamen Rider, Kadoya Shi and Kadoya Saya became the heirs of a certain gang, which is not a bad situation.

And the members of the gang are all members of the [Overhaul Card].

In history without extraordinary powers, they were all Kado Yashi's most loyal subordinates.

With many elite gangsters guarding her, and the protection of Kado Yaji, a big brother who can do everything except giving birth and taking photos, Sayoko's safety level is definitely higher than that of Neon's Prime Minister.

So why are you still uneasy?

Hearing this, Xiao Yezi just smiled sadly and hugged Nangong Qi's arm tighter.

"JUDO, have you forgotten? I also have a unique physique. I remember all the memories before history completely changed!"

"so what?"

"You still remember the first time we met, right?"

"of course I remember."

After all, Sayoko at that time was directly transformed into human body parts by the [Overhaul Card], just like the Thinker computer in "Warhammer 40k" next door. It was simply miserable.

If Nangong Qi hadn't helped save her, she would have either died directly or died after falling into complete madness.

"Me too. And what I remember is not just that, there are more things. For example, the memory of me being put on the operating table to be transformed by those guys!"

"...So, you can't trust them?"

Only at this moment did Nangong Qi understand why Xiaoyezi was so crazy about him.

In the past, he was also sent to the operating table by [Major Repair Card] to undergo reconstruction surgery without any anesthesia.

That feeling was truly unforgettable, so much so that when he faced Dr. Death, Guang Natsumi's grandfather, even though he had lost his memory and no longer looked like him, he still couldn't help but want to kill that old guy.

In terms of pain level, Xiao Yezi is definitely on the same level as Nangong Qi. They are both victims and have very similar experiences.

This is something that Kado Yashi cannot understand and empathize with.

Put yourself in the shoes of a group of remnants of the [Overhaul Card] who put themselves on the operating table in other timelines, even if they become different people because of the change in timelines.

But when facing them, Nangong Qi may still want to kill them.

As for Kado Yaji's so-called blood-related brother, Sayoko is probably even more indifferent towards him.

While Sayoko was lying on the operating table undergoing transformation, Kadoyaji was probably still passing through some unknown world of knights, taking risks and making friends.

Only if you can trust him will he be a ghost!

Unable to trust her biological brother, unable to trust the members of the [Overhaul Card] who are closest to her in physical distance, there is only one person that Sayoko can trust, and that is someone who has been through a similar experience to her and will save her at the same time. Nangong Qi was surprised when he came out.

However, the reason why these things happened was ultimately because Nangong Qi led a large group of Kamen Riders to kick Kado Yashi to death.

As a result, Kadayaji had to resurrect a corpse for the first time, and even lost his memory, losing the effect of the [Overhaul Card], and Sayoko suffered as well.

After figuring out the context, Nangong Qi couldn't help feeling his scalp numb and pinched his eyebrows.

In other words, in the end, it is still Nangong Qi's own responsibility.

What kind of evil fate is this!

Even so, but ah......

Nangong Qi almost gritted his teeth and forcibly separated Xiaoyezi's arm from his own.

"Aren't you going to lock me up here for the rest of your life? Let me tell you first, I'm a married person!"

"It doesn't matter if you have a wife, I don't mind being the younger one!"

"Cough, cough, cough—"

Sure enough, Sayoko was already mentally disturbed, and it was still too difficult to communicate with her with normal people's thinking.

"You don't mind, but I do, and my wife does too!"

"...But, but..."

As she spoke, Xiao Yezi's eyes turned red, tears flowed down unconsciously, and then she hugged Nangong Qi again.

"But I can only truly feel at ease when I'm by your side!"

After all, Nangong Qi also has a responsibility for Sayoko to become what she is now, a responsibility that cannot be shied away from.

Just like in the moon world, he can kill Emiya Kiritsugu with peace of mind, but he will also go to the rescue to rescue Illya who suffered bad luck because of Emiya Kiritsugu's death.

Suddenly, Nangong Qi remembered something.

It seems that Poppy is a bit too kind, even retaining kindness when facing a former terrorist like Akileira, so why not...

"How about this! Sayoko, just move into my house and live with me and Poppy for a while. Then you can think about whether it's suitable or not?"


Seeing that her hard work finally had an effect, Xiaoyezi couldn't help but burst into tears and almost threw Nangong Qi to the ground.

"Whether you can stay or not depends entirely on you, I won't care!"


Xiaoyezi nodded fiercely and quickly turned back to pack her luggage, especially the photos of Nangong Qi.


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