After a long breath, Nangong Qi felt relieved. Finally, he didn't have to care about this woman's affairs.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and tried to call [Aurora Curtain] to teleport himself back.

But nothing happened.

After all, [Aurora Curtain] was Nangong Qi's ability that was forced onto him after he was transformed by [Overhaul Card].

When he loses the history of the knight, he will naturally lose this power.

"Little Yezi."

"JUDO, what's wrong?"

"You will still call me Qi from now on, the miracle of Qi."

"Okay, Brother Qi!"

"...Please help me open the door. I'm afraid my friends are impatient to wait!"


During the nine-to-five day meal, the little devil looked at the food in front of him with a gloomy look.

Nangong Qi was kidnapped by Ou Nolei's Decade, and he was kidnapped in front of him. Even though he had just gained a new power, he still suffered defeat and blow.

The most important thing is that the reason why this happened was because Nangong Qi handed over his dial and lost the history and power of the Kamen Rider, which caused him to lose the power to resist.

Let me ask, how can he be happy when such a senior who cares about him, enlightens him, takes care of himself, and even gives him strength along the way, is finally taken away because of himself.

What's even worse is that none of them have the ability to track across dimensions, and even if they want to catch up with the decade, they can't.

Suddenly, [Aurora Curtain]

Opening it, Nangong Qi was teleported out of it.

"Senior Nangong!"

The little devil burst into tears with joy and gave him a hug.

"Senior, are you alright?"

"Of course it's fine!"

Nangong Qi pushed the little devil away and looked at everyone present with a smile.

"Is there any food for me? I'm so hungry now!"

"Okay, okay, my uncle has already prepared it for you!"

————————————————The Space-Time Administration is preparing——————————————

The sight came to Swaruz, where Aura, Ur, and Haidong gathered together.

Among everyone, especially Aura and Ur, they were almost killed by the Acid King's attack on friendly forces, and now they wanted to ask Swaruz for an explanation.

Haidong played with the second-order Shi Wang dial in his hand, seeming to consider whether to find an opportunity to throw it away.

"Si! Wo! Lu! Zi!"

Aura gritted her teeth and squeezed out these words. There were still bruises on her neck from being pinched, and her eyes seemed to be eating people.

"Why do you want that blind thing like Fei Liu to have power beyond our Time Tribulator?"

"Did you say this?"

Swaruz took out the alien second-order Time King dial and raised his head with a proud look.

"That's the power he personally absorbed from Feng Mo. Being able to use it is his own creation and his own reward. Can't we reward those who have made meritorious deeds?"

"But why don't you tell us?"

"Do I need to say this? Can't I see it with my eyes?"

"What did you say!"

Aura was extremely angry.

He almost died, but Swaruz was still sarcastic to him. Are you really not afraid that he will quit?

"I said, you are useless now!"

"Second level King of Time."

The alien knight's dial was activated, and the strongest time-stopping ability that could surpass all time robbers was released, instantly freezing Aura and Ur in place.

Haidong was so frightened that he pressed the genuine Shi Wang Level [-] dial in his hand and released an energy shield to protect himself.

"Don't worry, our cooperation is not over yet!"


Haidong sneered, clutching the dial tightly in his hand.

"Then, both of you will be useless. Now, just go to hell!"

Swaruz did not hesitate to release a terrifying energy wave at Ur and Aura, which was bound to kill them on the spot.


Kadashi jumped out to block the move, and waved his hand to summon the [Aurora Curtain] to move the two of them out.

"Decade, you finally showed up!"

"Are you fishing for me?"

Although he knew this was a trap, Kado Yashi still looked confident.

He had already made preparations for the time-stop abilities of the Time Tribber and the Alien Time King, and swiped a time-stop card for himself.


"Final AttackRide! Di-Di-Di-Diend!"

The ultimate attack control!The final ride!

Kaidong shot from behind without hesitation, hitting Kadayaji with one shot until he released his transformation and lay on the ground with his mouth and eyes closed.

"Decade, the power of world destroyer, I accept it!"

Swaruz thrust the dial of the alien second-order King of Time onto Kado Yaji's chest. The magenta energy was extracted from his body, and the magenta New Decade Belt also disappeared like fly ash. .

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Kadoya felt his body being hollowed out, and quickly summoned [Aurora Curtain] to send him away from here.

In this regard, Swaruz did not stop, but looked at the dial in his hand with joy, which combined the power of the two powerful Kamen Riders, King of Time and Decade.

Alien decade.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha, with this dial, I will be promoted to the strongest king! There is no doubt about it! Hahahahahahahahaha!"



There is no YMCA plot. After all, the last time I wrote a little bit of brushing, I just finished a chapter.

So are you disappointed?





PS again:

Please vote for me, please vote for me, please vote for me, please ask for tips.

Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

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One final battle, drive





In the [-] to [-] morning meeting, Aura and Ur were sitting at the table, facing the Little Devil, Gates, Tsukuyomi, Black and White Woz and others.

If it weren't for being captured once and knowing that the little devil had not tortured him, or that he had a strange habit of killing captives, Ur probably wouldn't have brought Aura and Kadashi here...


Yes, the two time robbers came to the little devil to surrender with Kado Yashi, who had had his decade power taken away, in order to seek refuge.

After all, he was targeted by Swaruz, the strongest time robber, and he even captured part of the Time King and half of the decade's power.

If you want to survive, you can only ask the little devil for help.

Then there was Kado Yaji. Because all his power had been violently taken away, he was lying on the ground at the moment with a look of kidney deficiency.

Originally, he thought that only Swaruz would take action, so he used a time-stop control card in advance to make himself immune to the time-stop ability.

But who would have thought that Haidong would stab him in the back, causing him to be completely defeated and half of his remaining strength drained away.

After learning about Swaruz's behavior of backstabbing his own people, Black and White Woz and Tsukuyomi looked at the Little Devil and Gates inquiringly.

Deciding whether the three people in front of them are enemies or friends, life or death, all depends on these two Kamen Riders, their masters.

"They can't be trusted!"

Gates glared at the people in front of him. Putting aside the discussion about Men Yashi, Ur and Aura were absolutely guilty.

These two time robbers created a large number of alien knights and wantonly distorted the past and future history. If he and the little devil hadn't corrected and revised history, countless innocent people would probably have died as a result.

Not only that, Gates took out the resurrector and planned to transform and kill the two of them directly, but was stopped by the little devil.

"Zhuang Wu, why are you stopping me?"

"I think they should be able to trust one or two."

"But don't forget, they are the Time Tribbers. They have created more than a dozen alien knights to fight against us, dangerous enemies who have put us in danger many times!"

"Of course I haven't forgotten it, but Gates, if I just talk about evil and the crimes I may commit in the future, I may become the most vicious and evil king of the devil, shouldn't I be even less trustworthy?"


Gates had nothing to say, nothing to refute.

To be precise, in terms of interfering with the past and the future, he, a time traveler who came back from the future and wanted to kill the little devil before he grew up, committed more crimes than the time robbers combined. big.

In this regard, Gates could only respond to the little devil with silence.

After persuading his companions, the little devil stood up from his seat and reached out to Ur.

"I don't want to treat you as prisoners, why don't we hand it over to our friends!"


To be honest, Wu Er was actually mentally prepared to be tied tightly to the chair with a rope as before, but the abrupt friend invitation proposed by the little devil was really beyond his expectation.

"Yes, that kind of friend who trusts each other, we trust you, and you also trust us, how about this?"


After hesitating for a moment, Ur also stood up and shook hands with the little devil, showing that he recognized the identity of his friend.

In addition, there is another person, and that is Kadoya Shi.

The little devil looked at Nangong Qi and asked his opinion with his eyes.

After all, in some ways, the friendship between Nangong Qi and Kado Yashi is very deep (big boo).

"He has lost his power and is completely useless. Throw it into the trash!"

Nangong Qi put Kado Yashi on his shoulders and walked towards the door, as if he really wanted to do that.

"and many more!"

Aura was anxious and grabbed the hem of Nangong Qi's clothes.

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