After all, no matter how you say it, Kado Yashi is the only person the two time robbers have met and helped him.

In this unfamiliar place where they work from nine to five, the only person they know can give them a sense of security.

"Don't worry, it was just a joke. I just sent him to the guest room to lie on the bed and rest!"

Although he and Sayoko were not married for the time being, considering that Kadayaji always wanted to be his uncle, he still had to give him the respect he deserved.

With that said, Nangong Qi walked outside the door, jumped up, and jumped up to a height of several meters.

Although he has lost the inhuman strength of Kamen Rider, some simple force-generating techniques are still firmly engraved in Nangong Qi's muscle memory, allowing him to still do some things that ordinary humans cannot do.

In this way, Ur, Aura and Kadashi settled into a nine-to-five day job.

The next step is to collect the dials of veteran riders, the history and power of the last Heisei knight.

Regarding the alien old driver, the little devil also approached Ur and Aura to try to obtain information. It would be best to find a transformer corresponding to the alien old driver.

But in the end, they found nothing, because Swaruz did not give them any information about the strange old driver.

Fortunately, Nangong Qi still remembered the city where the old driver was, so he only needed to go to the old

You can get information nearby in Tokyo, a city where the driver was active.

In this way, everyone, including Ur and Aura, took the Space-Time Demon Machine to Tokyo.

The Little Devil and Gates drove the Devil's Machine respectively, and took a ride on their respective Woz.

It is worth mentioning that the two time robbers also have their own demon machine. Aura took Yueyue with him, while Nangong Qi and Ur rode in a demon machine together.

During this process, Nangong Qi couldn't help but miss his own [Fighting Locusts].

After handing over his knight history to the little devil, his [Battle Locust] was also modified and disappeared along with the timeline.

Soon, the four demon machines rushed out of the time and space tunnel and arrived in Tokyo.

Coming to Tokyo, my family is so beautiful.

However, at this moment, a terrifying wave of heavy acceleration struck, stopping the four Demon God Machines in place.

Everyone maintained a normal thinking speed, but their body movements were extremely slow, as if the body's speed had been forcibly slowed down ten thousand times.

What the hell is going on?

This is a question in almost everyone's mind, but due to the impact of heavy acceleration, no one can say a word. Even the Time Tribbers can't do it even if they want to raise their hands to release their Time Stop ability.

Nangong Qi was the only one who realized what had just happened, and he couldn't help but cursed himself for being careless.

This is no longer ordinary heavy acceleration, it is super heavy acceleration. Even [Kamen Rider Drive]'s wild form cannot move after being affected.

He originally thought that the little demon king who had obtained the Glory Time King was already invincible in this world, but he never expected that the strange veteran driver actually also played the law of victory.

As long as the little devil can't transform, he can't be invincible.


Soon, a strange old driver who looked like he had walked out of the wasteland, looking up and laughing, walked toward the crowd to admire his masterpiece.

"I'm so powerful, I can kill you all so easily! Hahahahahahahahahaha!"

The harsh laughter kept ringing in the ears, torturing the auditory nerves of almost everyone present.

Being trapped in heavy acceleration is already at a point where there is nothing you can do, unless someone can forcefully break this deadlock from the outside.

"Well, I still have to take action!"

I don't know when, Haipa Jiadou appeared on the roof of a nearby building, successfully breaking the wild laughter of the strange old driver.

"You are not affected by my super acceleration? You, who are you?"

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider, remember it for me!"

The next moment, Haipa Jiadou disappeared from the spot and quickly attached drives to Little Devil and Gates to help them transform, causing them to also enter a state of super acceleration, which offset the impact of super acceleration.

"Kamen Rider passing by? Could it be that you are a decade?"

Hearing the familiar mantra, the little devil couldn't help but think of Kadashi who was drained of his strength and almost became a useless person in the [-] to [-] day job.

"That's right, it's me!"

In a flurry, Kadoyaji's belt transformed from the previous Hypak equipment into a magenta [neo·decade driver].

"But how exactly did you regain your ability to transform?"

"Have you forgotten, I gave you half of the power!"

Kado Yaji took out the dial he had given to the Little Demon King before and showed it off, then put it back into his body, and then took out another card after him.

"To deal with you, it is more appropriate to use this card!"

“Final FormRide drive!”

As the card to control the final form was swiped, Kadoyaji immediately transformed into the veteran driver's final form, Soymilk Telong.

"Follow me for a wild ride!"

“It always feels like it can work!”


After Gates glanced at the two of them, he gave up thinking and rushed over.

"Wait for me!"

"The current junior knight!"

The three of them rushed forward and beat the strange old driver immediately, and the little devil even summoned all the Showa Knights to help out.

Unfortunately, affected by the overweight acceleration, only the Sky Knight, a few Imperial Stone Knights, and [Kamen Rider JUDO] could move freely and join the siege.

But even if not all the Showa Knights, the current few knights who can resist over-heavy acceleration are enough to deal with the strange veteran drivers.

"Duang" "Duang" "Duang" "Duang" "Duang"


Just like a group of gangsters rushing to the battlefield, nearly ten Kamen Riders walked side by side towards the alien veteran driver.

Seeing that the visitor was unkind, the strange old driver immediately summoned his tattered car, which looked like it was assembled from garbage dumps in the wasteland world, to help him escape directly.

However, Kado Yaji and the Little Demon King raised their hands and saw the super-light speed chariot Ledoron and the veteran driver's propelled Cetron, as well as many motorcycles of the Showa Knights appearing out of thin air, and the wasteland chariots came. A bumper car competition.

Following the ping-ping-pong-pong and jingling-dang clang sounds, the wasteland chariot soon turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Seeing that his last trump card was shattered, the alien veteran driver couldn't help but scream in despair as he looked at the knight gangster walking towards him step by step.

"Don't come here!"

"Final AttackRide DDD-Drive!"

The ultimate attack control!Ride!

"Finish Time!"×2

"All Twenty! Time Break!"

"Bailie Time Burst!"

Many knights jumped up and kicked the strange old driver to pieces.


In the smoke of the explosive head, two 108 numbers slowly rose up, and then completely exploded.

It turns out to be the double 108 that appeared in the old driver movie version. It’s no wonder that he has such a high intelligence and is able to kill with open doors.

If Kado Yaji hadn't come out to help, everyone would have overturned in his hands at once.

"Then let's collect the drive's dial next."

Defeating the stumbling block of the alien veteran driver means that the originally distorted history of knights has been completely corrected.

So now go to the old driver's transformed brother-in-law and Zhizhi Gang to ask for the knight dial, and they will surely hand it over.

"Haha, don't think you really won!"

Suddenly, a burst of sinister laughter sounded, attracting the attention of everyone present.

It was Swaruz, and he was accompanied by two brand-new Time Tribbers, as well as countless golden-armored retainers.

As soon as they saw the coming person, Ur and Aura couldn't help but gnashed their teeth.

"It's Tidd and Finnis!"

It is a brand new time robber that was originally supposed to appear in the King of Time movie version.


When they saw the arrival, not only Ur and Aura, everyone present felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"What do you want to do?"

"Then you still need to ask? Of course it is the end of your history. This is your grave, and today next year will be your death anniversary!"

The three time robbers took out the brand new alien knight dial, turned it, and stuffed it into their bodies.

"Ultimate Kuuga!"

"Number one!"


Accompanied by the special effects of the alien knight's transformation, Tidus and Phoenix each transformed into giant bodies comparable to those on the Ultraman set next door.

Although Swaruz's figure did not change that drastically, the malicious aura he released was far superior to the two behind him.

After completing the transformation, Swaruz snapped his fingers, and the special effects of [Aurora Curtain] appeared, teleporting out monsters and villainous knights.

There are almost all the monsters and evil knights corresponding to the knights of the past generations, such as Daguaba, water angels, numerous mirror beasts, vampires, basilisks, poor knights, etc.

It can be said that if Swaruz does not chirp, it will be over, but once it chimes, it will be the time to kill.

At this moment, it can be said that he has used all his trump cards and must complete his victory in one battle.

"The end of Kamen Rider is here!"



It’s finally coming to an end, it’s really not easy

I have written the original Kamen Rider plot to the point where I feel like vomiting, all the inspiration in my head has been drained, and my brain is trembling.




PS again:

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Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

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Two-moment Space-Time Management Bureau: The advantage is mine!





Although he faced numerous golden-armored retainers and two powerful alien knights who were big enough to be monsters at the Ultra Studio next door, Gates was not afraid at all.

No matter how powerful he is, is it possible that he can be more powerful and terrifying than the King of Demons?

"Stop joking, today is the end of you!"

"Not just them, but us too!"

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