"No, we are not defeated yet!"

SUOGA's eyes were red under the mask, and he took out the dial of [Bio Knight] and turned it.

He immediately liquefied and gradually grew into a hundred-meter-tall giant.

"Kamen Rider, you should not appear in this world! Your existence is a sin and a mistake!"

"No, the emergence of Kamen Rider is inevitable! The reason why Gates and I appeared and were born is entirely because you created us!" The little devil loudly refuted SUOGA's point of view.

"Kamen Rider was born to resist the existence of evil. As long as there is evil in this world and there is someone calling Kamen Rider, we will appear and we will exist!"

"King Finish Time!"

With the activation of the final moment, SUOGA was also sentenced to death by the little devil.

"King Time Break!"

Hundreds of Kamen Riders jumped up, collectively emitting their own light, and kicked towards Suoga.

SUOGA quickly separated a part of his liquefied body to form a shield in front of him.

But such an attack cannot be reached by a shield at all.

Hundreds of Kamen Riders flew through SUOGA's body with flying kicks, forming the words "Heisei" and "Showa" on his shield.


As his last words fell, SUOGA's huge body also collapsed.

The director of the Time and Space Administration, Tsukiwa Suoga, is confirmed to have died.

As for the two remnants behind the Space-Time Management Bureau, no one will pay attention to them anymore.

Because all the demon kings and saviors have seen the future, the two remnants will eventually die in the hands of Reiwa's first knight [Kamen Rider 01].

Seeing the outcome of all this, the old devil smiled happily.

With the conspiracy of the culprit Space-Time Management Bureau destroyed, he can finally let go and release the restrictions on all future Kamen Riders, allowing them to emerge again.


The old devil and the little devil gave orders to the whole world at the same time.


src = "



The King of Time Scroll, completed

Next up is the Katatsuki Scroll. Anyway, Gentleman-kun will not be writing original Kamen Rider content for a long time.

I originally wanted to write about 01, but the inspiration was drained out for the content and settings of the original King of Time and Levis.

Maybe I will write about Jihu in the future, but I have to write it after the TV show is over.




PS again:

Please vote for me, please vote for me, please vote for me, please ask for tips.

Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

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Volume: Deeply in love with mankind, crowned as a beast

Chapter 1: Kill the first seven knights in the championship at the beginning to sacrifice to the sky

With the efforts of the Little Demon King and the Old Demon King, as well as all the Demonic Time Kings and Savior Gates from various timelines, the originally destroyed world has been completely repaired, and everything seems to have never happened.

The history of the Heisei Knights was also erased, mostly like this.

Although the vast majority of Kamen Riders choose to erase this tragic history, there are still some Kamen Riders who choose to retain this part of their power and memory to fight for all existences worth protecting in the future.

Of course, there are also people who want to atone for their sins, such as Kadoya Shi.

Kadashi will continue to pass through more worlds, save more people, and atone for the sins he committed when he was young.

The timeline ends, and the story of the next Reiwa Rider, [Kamen Rider 01] begins.

In fact, Gates and Tsukuyomi, as well as Aura, Ur, and even Swaruz and other time robbers, they did not belong to this era. When the history of Kamen Rider was erased, they should have returned to In their own timelines and worlds.

Just out of some selfish motives, the little devil decided to erase their history and forcefully keep them by his side.

Even if they think of this memory, they won't resist it!

After all, Gates said that he would supervise the little devil for the rest of his life, so the little devil has kept his promise.

In this way, Little Devil, Gates, Tsukuyomi, Ur, and Ola became classmates in the same high school, and Swaruz became the school teacher.

"So is that why you made me the school nurse?"

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Facing the little devil who was apologizing frantically like Hao Kuaiyin next door, Nangong Qi showed a very helpless expression.

The identity assigned to him in this world is that of a doctor, and being recruited by the Little Devil to be the school doctor can be regarded as his professional counterpart.

With Sayoko and Poppy at home, life is considered a happy one.

To be honest, Nangong Qi was very surprised that Poppy actually agreed to this matter.

It was probably because Sayoko complained to Poppy that she won her sympathy.

Since Poppy doesn't mind, Nangong Qi won't object even more.

But this is nothing. Nangong Qi is more concerned about another thing than trivial matters at home.

"Zhuanggo, when do you plan to seal your demonic power and memory?"

Just like Belt-san chose to sleep in the end, and War Rabbit chose the Seal Knight system, the power of Kamen Rider should never have appeared in a world full of ordinary people.

Extraordinary existence will trigger human greed, so it must be sealed.

The same is true with the power of encountering demons.

When the little devil completely controlled the power of encountering demons and could resurrect the lives of dead people at will and solve all problems, he also felt a sense of boredom.

The best way to deal with this situation is to seal both the power of encountering demons and the memory of the knight.

"Well, that will happen sooner or later!"

"Sooner or later? About when?"

"At least you have to wait until I get into college to make my uncle happy, please!"

The last words were spoken by the little devil with his hands clasped together.

"Okay, anyway, this is your own power, and it's up to you to decide how to deal with it."

Nangong Qi took off his white coat, hung it on a hanger nearby, and was changing into a simple outfit.

"What's wrong? Are you planning to take a long trip?"

"Ah, yes. Everyone has to take responsibility for everything they have done, including me. In addition to going back to check on Shirou, Shinji and Sakura, I also have to deal with Illya's situation. "


Are you feeling guilty for killing Emiya Kiritsugu? "

"Guilt? Haha. No one will regret killing an international-level terrorist. If my guess is correct, Illya will also learn about that hatred, so I will also face Illya when I go back, and She has completely settled this grudge. Only after this is over, I will come back, cleanse all memories about Kamen Rider, and become an ordinary person again!"

"Okay, I will protect this world, senior, just go ahead! I wish you good luck in martial arts!"

"See you later!"

After the preparations were completed, Nangong Qi walked into the [Aurora Curtain], left the world of Kamen Rider, and entered the long-lost world of Xingyue.

————————————————The seven knights in the crown are sharpening their swords————————————————

In the ocean of imaginary numbers, Nangong Qi is swimming freely, heading towards his destination.

Originally, Nangong Qi should use [Aurora Curtain] to directly reach the timeline where he once had traces.

But for some unknown reason, the other side of the [Aurora Curtain] is actually a sea of ​​imaginary numbers.

Fortunately, Nangong Qi himself was a mixture of demons and humans, so he didn't die suddenly and lose his way in the sea of ​​imaginary numbers.

Subsequently, Nangong Qi tried many times, but no matter how he traveled through time and space, he could never reach his destination, and the [Aurora Curtain] completely lost its effect.

"Brother, I feel something's not right!"

As a professional game enthusiast, Ce first felt something was wrong, and an unknown premonition also appeared in his heart.

"This situation reminds me of decade. We seem to be being rejected by the whole world!"

"Are Alaya and Gaia causing trouble?" Nangong Qi fell into deep thought, transformed in advance, and swam towards his destination in the most primitive way.

"But the last time I came to this world, there was no rejection. I was even transported as a heroic spirit. I shouldn't be rejected by the world like Kadoya Shi!"


Bell's instinct as a demon was the first to sense the crisis.

Time is slow!

In an instant, the time of everything around Nangong Qi was slowed down, and his own time was accelerated at the same time, avoiding the attack of the sneak attacker, and at the same time seeing the true face of the sneak attacker clearly.

It was an assassin who was more than two meters tall, wearing a black robe and a skull mask, with eyes burning with netherworld blue fire, and holding a decapitating sword.

"Grand assassin?"

Crowned Hassan, also known as King Hassan.

"Hahahahahahaha! Kamen Rider, we haven't seen you for a long time!"

The familiar laughter sounded, arousing Nangong Qi's long-lost memories, and also stopped his original action of killing Wang Hassan with his backhand.

"Gilgamesh? I really didn't expect that you and others would come to attack me. Your dignity as a king is crying!"

"The dignity of a king. Uruk was destroyed long ago. Now I am not a king, but the purest Gilgamesh!"

The arrogance of the past has dissipated, and now Gilgamesh is more inclined to the wise king who looks away from everything.

"Before the war begins, I still have a question to ask. Why is the whole world rejecting me? I have obviously been in this world before!"

"Then you have to ask yourself!"

Jin Shining was lying on the seat and explained unhurriedly: "You call that thing the Bugster virus yourself, and you can think about the rest by yourself!"

bugster virus?

Indeed, if there were no Kamen Riders of Tan Lito's series, once the bugster virus spreads in the Xingyue world, it is estimated that [-]% of the people will die on the spot due to excessive stress.

In addition, Ce has absorbed the data of almost all other bugsters. In theory, he is the strongest bugster, and it is not impossible for him to be rejected by Alaya.

"But I won't take the initiative to spread the bugster virus!"

"Then it has nothing to do with me!"

Jin Shining stood up, golden ripples spread out behind him, and countless weapons poked out from them.

"Now I just want to fight you with all my strength and avenge my shame!"

A short answer, but it makes sense.

"But your lineup is really luxurious!"

Nangong Qi turned his gaze and saw the other seven knights around him. In addition to Jin Shining and Wang Hassan just now, there were more enemies.

There are also many familiar faces.

Grand saber, the stupid king holding a staff.

Grand lancer, Romulus.

Grand archer, Orion.

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