Grand caster, golden.

Grand assassin, King Hassan.

Grand Rider...a completely unknown heroic spirit, wearing a set of Taoist attire, and looks like he should be from the Celestial Dynasty.



Grand Berserker... is also an unknown heroic spirit. He just wears a pair of glasses and has no appearance of an ancient servant at all.

"Then there's no need to say more, come and fight, Badanlong!"

In the ocean of imaginary numbers, countless badan dragons circled and roared behind Nangong Qi.


Half an hour later, Nangong Qi had completely killed the seven knights in the championship.

King Da Mao was chased into Avalon by Nangong Qi and hacked to death. If Merlin hadn't been present, he probably would have killed Avalon as well;

Romulus and Orion were hacked to death by Nangong Qi using the [Satan Saber]. The world's spear and the strongest body still couldn't resist the creation king's sharp sword that hit the entire universe;

The huge body that the smoke mirror transformed into was torn into pieces by countless badan dragons;

Wang Hassan was completely killed by Nangong Qi's [Creation Thunder]. It seemed that the immortality given to him by the earth could not resist the power of aliens;

At the cost of almost self-destruction, Jin Shining released the full strength of the EA sword, turning the entire ocean of imaginary numbers upside down.

As for the last Jiang Ziya, Nangong Qi saw no trace of his attack at all.

When he finally got rid of the huge whirlpool, Jiang Ziya had completely disappeared, as if he was just here to make soy sauce.

But for some reason, Nangong Qi felt that he had lost his sense of direction.

It felt like all the astropaths and navigators were killed during the voyage through subspace.

"Bell, check if there's anything wrong with my head and my soul!"

"Odd, your soul has been manipulated, and the memory of that world coordinate has been completely blocked. It must be the one who did it!"

"Phew, they still succeeded!"

If you want to prevent Nangong Qi from reaching that world, in addition to killing Nangong Qi, another way is to directly erase Nangong Qi's memory of the coordinates of the destination.

Nangong Qiguang went to kill and kill, but when his blood boiled over, he was actually hit by a spell without knowing it.

Of course, it's just that Jiang Ziya's magic is too evil.

There is no direct harm, it just simply disturbs memory and cognition. It is only possible to detect signs of being attacked during a tense battle.

"Brother, searching aimlessly in the ocean of imaginary numbers is not an option. Let's get to the real world first!"

"Well, let's start floating!"

Nangong Qi immediately ran towards the nearest world he could observe.


Accompanied by non-existent liquid fluctuations, Nangong Qi finally arrived in the real world...?

As soon as he came to this world, Nangong Qihe Ce clearly felt that something was wrong.

He and Ce actually turned into data bodies!

It is precisely because he once turned into a living body composed entirely of data like Bugster that Nangong Qihe Ce understands this feeling.

"Is this a world made of data?"

What caught Nangong Qi's eyes was a campus world, but in his eyes, this world was completely composed of codes composed of countless 0s and 1s.

Not only that, Nangong Qi's body actually changed from the transformation state back to an ordinary person, wearing a school doctor's uniform.

"Is there any mistake? It's the school doctor again!"

Throwing the white coat on his body, he saw a puppet-like being walking towards Nangong Qi, with extremely sharp hands, like two sharp blades.

"Is it the enemy?"

The battle doll didn't answer, but waved its sharp hands at Nangong Qi mercilessly.

"Broken Shinto!"

The next second, Nangong Qi appeared behind the battle doll, and the battle doll was even chopped into pieces.

The chopped up combat doll parts fell to the ground, decomposed into various data, and disappeared.

"Brother, it seems we can absorb this data!"

"Then absorb it!"

Nangong Qi raised his hand and absorbed all the remaining data into his body.

At this moment, more battle dolls came towards him, exactly like the ones just now.

"Really, since they are a group of dolls, there is no need for me to be polite. I will accept your data!"

Soon, all the battle dolls were made into sashimi by Nangong Qi and dissipated into data, which were all absorbed by Nangong Qi.

After the battle, Ce Cai told Nangong Qi the results of his body scan.

"Brother, I have good news and bad news now. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"bad news!"

"Well, the bad news is that this world is completely dominated by a supercomputer, and its computing power is stronger than ours. While converting our bodies and souls into data, it also packages us into compressed files, resulting in us only Can exert one percent of the power

, transformation is an almost impossible thing! "



Guess which timeline of Xingyue we have traveled to again?

How mysterious! (big boo)

After all, there are so many hints given, so everyone should be able to guess it!




PS again:

Then there is the bugster virus, which is really unsolvable in the Xingyue world.

The protagonist is equivalent to a super pathogen. Only if Alaya can put the protagonist in will there be a ghost.

Protagonist: I'm coming in

Alaya: Don’t come near me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh




Final PS:

Please vote for me, please vote for me, please vote for me, please ask for tips.

Please vote for anything. Votes and rewards from book friends are the biggest motivation for Gentleman to update.

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Chapter 2 The most powerful and stunning woman in history who deeply loves mankind

He was actually packaged into a compressed file, which was beyond Nangong Qi's expectation, but he still maintained a relatively optimistic attitude.

"Is there only one percent of the power left? I think even if there is only one percent left, it is enough for me to defeat 90.00% of my enemies!"

Nangong Qi clenched his fists and continued to be wary of possible enemies around him, while continuing the conversation with Ce.

"By the way, you haven't answered me yet, why didn't we discover that our power had been taken away immediately!"

"Because the computing power of this computer far exceeds ours, when we entered this world, the data on us was immediately made into a compressed package."

"So what's the good news?"

"The good news is that in this world made of data, Alaya can't do anything here. And considering that the computing power of this computer far exceeds ours, as a bugster, I should be able to try to control this machine. Then use it for me, and by the way, lock the coordinates of the world location you want to reach, brother!"

"Are you sure?" Although he was absolutely confident about the countermeasures, Nangong Qi still retained his doubts. "Didn't you say that this computer's computing power is stronger than yours? Faced with a computer whose computing power is stronger than yours, how can you invade it like this?"

"Brother, have you ever seen a Trojan horse virus with more computing power than the computer itself?" In his mind, Ce gave Nangong Qi a thumbs up. "So don't worry, I'm absolutely fine!"

"and many more!"

Bell, who had always remained silent, rarely took the initiative to speak. "This computer uses a lot of codes that belong to alien planets, and in terms of hacking ability, I am not weak at all. So please bring me with you!"

"You actually recognize the codes of alien planets? Isn't this computer your demon's technology?"

"No!" In consciousness, Bell crossed his arms and looked gloomy. "My race can swim freely in the star sea, and it is not uncommon to deal with other aliens in daily life. Therefore, my tribe and I have mastered a set of specialized deciphering methods."

"I see."

"So considering there's quite a bit of alien code in this computer, you'd better take me with you!"

"In this virtual world, there is a one-on-one Holy Grail War between 128 people. It is very dangerous. The rewards are also very generous. The final winner will be the user of this computer. Then brother, you are alone No problem?"

Compared with whether the invasion went smoothly, Ce was more concerned about whether Nangong Qi could hold on without the help of Bell and himself.

"Are we going to fight the Holy Grail War again? But I will definitely not lose, just in order to be able to see them again. At the same time, I also want to let Illya cut off her hatred as soon as possible!"

There is no need to say much between brothers, a simple sentence is enough.

"By the way, I have one last question left, what is the name of this computer?"

"What's the name? It seems to be Mooncell, and this virtual world also has a name. It's SE.RA.PH, and it's called the Spirit Son Virtual World."

"Can you just write the word "fictitious" on your name? Yes."

Nangong Qi roughly remembered what kind of world this was. It should be the little butter about the Xingyue world, "Fate/Extra" before he traveled through his previous life.

It is a pity that the period before time travel was not Chineseized, so Nangong Qi naturally did not get involved.

However, he had heard a little bit about the protagonist of this game.

What about the body of a girl, the heart of an uncle, the saltiest protagonist in history, the King of the Moon, etc., etc.

(Note: In the original work, in order to attack Passionate Lips, Zabizi directly went to Chihan, and in this way discovered the last weakness of Passionate Lips called [Sensitive Constitution].

His name seems to be, yes, yes...

"Ce, help me find out if there is a person named Kishinami Hakuno among those who participated in the Holy Grail War."


"What about Kishinami Hakuno?"


"Francis Zabi?"

"still none."

"A person with a white character in his name?"

"Still nothing."

Ce seemed to be transformed into a repeater, repeating the same words over and over again.

Nangong Qi also fell into deep thought, and then suddenly became enlightened.

He has never been a person who would stand still because of the current situation. Since the protagonist of the original timeline is no longer there, let him write a new timeline!

"Brother, I am also very worried about something."


"In the Holy Grail War, everyone will do anything to become the final winner. I'm afraid, brother, your hands will be stained red by the blood of innocent people."

"If necessary." Bell suddenly jumped out. "Since Qi, you don't like killing your own kind, why don't you let me do it for you?"

"No need!"

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