Nangong Qi shook his hand and thanked the two people who were of the same mind as him for their kindness. "I have already thought of a way to deal with it. I just need to package and absorb other people's data as before. After the Holy Grail War is over, I will release them immediately!"

"As expected of you, brother, now we can leave with peace of mind!"

"You go invade Mooncell's core, and I'll fight the Holy Grail War on the outside. With a two-pronged approach, the final victory must belong to us!"

"Goodbye then, bro!"

"Qi, let's meet at the core of Mooncell!"


The next second, Nangong Qi felt that the two voices in his head disappeared completely, and an inexplicable feeling of loneliness surged into his heart.

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!"

Suddenly, a burst of applause sounded, and Nangong Qi subconsciously wanted to punch it, but he suppressed it forcefully to avoid actually killing someone.

It was an existence with the appearance of a priest, an existence that was extremely strange to Nangong Qi, but also extremely familiar to him.

"Are you Kotomine Kirei?"

"My name is indeed Kotomine Kirei, and I am an advanced AI given authority by Mooncell as the supervisor of this Holy Grail War. At the same time, congratulations to you, young man, you have passed the final test."

"A test? It turns out that those fighting dolls just now were a test."

"Yes. The final test is over. What appears in front of you is the Heroic Spirit Summoning Array. You can now begin to summon the Heroic Spirit of your choice."

While saying compliments, Kotomine Kirei secretly cursed.

Those battle dolls were originally intended to use force to force you to reach the Heroic Spirit Summoning Array, forcing you to summon Heroic Spirits to fight.

Who would have thought that you would destroy all the battle dolls directly, so I had to go out and make such a trip.

It's a pity that I can't feel happy seeing you being chased all over the place by the battle doll.

"Although I recommend that you use holy relics for precise summons... but looking at you, it doesn't look like you have prepared holy relics, so just do random summons."

If you are unlucky and summon a heroic spirit with extremely bad characteristics, it will be a pleasure.

Nangong Qi touched his chin.

If he is extremely resisted by Alaya, it may be almost impossible to summon the real heroes in history.

The only ones willing to respond to him are probably a group of anti-heroic and anti-social lunatics.

Thinking of this, Nangong Qi raised his hand and injected magic power into the heroic spirit summoning array.

"Summoning... forget it, the summoning words don't matter, come or not if you like, anyway, I can kill this fucking broken cup war by myself!"

The very distinctive summoning words made Kotomine Kirei's facial muscles twitch.

After the light of the heroic spirit summoning array dissipated, a woman wearing a nun's costume appeared in the summoning array.

"Seshoin Kiara, it should be caster. I just didn't expect the master to summon me. You are really an amazing person!"

With a delicate voice, she was clearly only twenty years old, but her figure was mature as if she had given birth to a child.

After seeing the visitor, Kotomine Kirei showed an extremely happy expression.

Here's a good show!


Nangong Qi's eyes did not waver, and he even wanted to laugh.

Sesshōin Kiara, who doesn’t know the famous beast in this fate world.

The most powerful and shocking bitch in the history who deeply loves all mankind, the first woman in the history of the Moon who massaged herself on the earth, fucked women all over the world, fucked in every sense of the word, the ultimate S and the ultimate M of

The ultimate polymer.

He thought that he would summon an anti-heroic spirit, but he never thought that he would directly summon a beast.

Could it be that according to his nature, he is more suitable for dealing with beasts?

"As a caster, tell me what you can do and what your Noble Phantasm is!"


Sesshōin was a little surprised.

Why wasn't the master in front of me so fascinated by her?

"Master, don't you have any feelings for me?"

"Not at all. I'm married and I won't easily have feelings for other people of the opposite sex."

Are you already married?

But there are not a few of her former followers, even old people in their twilight years will be so fascinated that they are willing to do anything for her, just to attract a moment of her attention, but why...

"You guys don't have princess disease. Do you think everyone should love you?"

"Mr., is the princess sick?"

As soon as these words came out, Sesshōin was immediately hit hard.

"Forget it, instead of asking you, I'll just look at your panel!"

The master can directly see the slave panel, and in Mooncell, this panel is extremely clear.

As a caster's exclusive panel, Sesshōin is even worse, especially since the caster's two professional abilities are [position construction] and [prop production].

【position construction】?

Sorry, Sesshōin is a good girl who has grown up in a esoteric sect. She has no exposure to this knowledge at all and can only fill in the ranks to correct the scene.

Final rating: E!

[Prop making]?

She is good at making small desserts such as peony cakes, but the esoteric cult taught her some secret knowledge at most. Sesshōin mostly explored and developed it on its own, and still had no knowledge in this area.

Final rating: E!

"What a loser, Caster. All the job abilities on the panel are E-level!"

In terms of thugs, Nangong Qi is not lacking. Even if he only has [-]% of his strength left, it is enough for him to fight through this broken cup war.

What he lacks is an assistant who can help him remove various debuffs, but for a caster like Sesshōin, he might as well throw her aside and go ahead and do it himself.


Being so crazily belittled by Nangong Qi, Sesshōin, who used to rely on his super charm to be invincible, could not help but start to lower his head and doubt his life.

Kotomine Kirei on the side also showed a happy expression, his mouth almost grinned to the back of his head.

"Congratulations again, young man, you have become the official master of this Holy Grail War with 128 people participating in the battle. After the qualifiers are over, it will be your time to show off your skills. I wish you a smooth journey to win. "

Suppressing a smile, Kotomine Kirei disappeared from the spot, leaving only Nangong Qi and Sesshōin alone.

Nangong Qi walked to Sesshōin and patted her on the shoulder.

"But it doesn't matter. After all, the master and the heroic spirit both prosper and suffer. In order to survive, let's work hard together!"

"That, that, that..."

"What is that? Tell me quickly!"

"Master, I am actually a psychiatrist with abilities called [Wan Colors Relaxation] and [Five Stops of Mind]. The former can see clearly the trauma in your heart, and the latter can remove the troubles and trauma in your heart. "

Sesshōin forced a smile, stretched out his hands and tried to give Nangong Qi a hug, but was dodged dexterously.

The smile on her face solidified instantly.

"and then?"

"Then, then, I feel that Master, you actually have a very serious psychological trauma, why not let me help you heal the trauma!"

Saying that, Sesshōin still reached out towards Nangong Qi without giving up.

Wow, don't weigh him down! (cross out)

Nangong Qi was shocked and flashed again.

"No need, trauma has made me who I am, and I don't intend to forget these traumas!"

Although Nangong Qi does not like trauma to the soul and body, he has to admit that without these traumas, he would not be what he is today.

The most important thing is that Sesshōin almost has the words "bad intentions" written on his face.

Only Nangong Qihui agrees.



I recently took stock of the capabilities of the Sesshōin.

A boxer, a qigong master, a beast-level charmer, a mind-reader, one who removes the troubles in people's hearts, leaving only happiness


then no then

When the protagonist is able to completely ignore her charm and is stronger than Sesshōin, it seems that Sesshōin has really become a big punching bag.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Who told Sesshōin to focus all its skill trees on special attacks against humans?

After the protagonist has completely transcended mortals, the skills of Sesshōin are almost the same as those of white dots.

Anyway, who said that all the third beasts are embarrassing goods (laughing)




PS again:

Hakuno disappeared directly because he was originally a bug program in the original work. After the protagonist entered the world and became the absent master, he naturally had no chance to participate in the Holy Grail War.




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Chapter 3 As we all know, fate series started from Little Butter

After getting along for the first time, Sesshōin was almost worthless by Nangong Qi. He seemed to be depressed and remained in spirit form, unwilling to appear for a long time.

There are still a few days before the Holy Grail War officially begins.

Ce and Bell went to try to hack the core area of ​​​​Mooncell. Nangong Qi even felt bored for a while. After hesitating for a moment, he chose to put on the white coat that had been thrown away before.

"Well, since this world has arranged for me to be a school doctor, then I have to shoulder the responsibility of being a school doctor!"

With this thought, Nangong Qi walked towards the health room, and then saw a girl with long purple hair lying on the ground, also wearing a white coat.

His eyes were closed tightly and he fainted on the ground.

"Matou Sakura?"

Nangong Qi recognized her identity at a glance. She had the same appearance as Sakura, whom he had once rescued, but her true identity was a low-level AI and a school doctor in the health room.

There were all people walking around, but all of them walked as if they hadn't seen Matou Sakura.

This has to mention the AI ​​in Mooncell. Although they have the same appearance as humans, and some are even created based on several special humans existing on the earth, they always follow their own programming. They won't do it.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible for Matou Sakura to be in an isolated and helpless situation.

"I really don't understand why there are two school doctors in one school. Is it because there are too few positions?"

Despite what he said, Nangong Qi still stretched out his hand to help Matou Sakura up from the ground.

After all, Matou Sakura in this world is his colleague in the same position no matter what, and Matou Sakura has the same appearance as Sakura who was rescued by him.

The most important thing is that Nangong Qi has also dealt with data life forms such as bugsters for a long time. He may not regard all bugsters as beings with a status equal to human beings, but at least he will regard them as living beings.

But after helping Matou Sakura up, Nangong Qi suddenly stood there stunned again.

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